They Kill Your Family In Front Of You

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Jeff The Killer-
 Screams of terror and pain echoes throughout the house. Jeff was literally bleeding my family dry of their blood right in front of me. Taking his knife, stabbing them in multiple places and dragging his knife down, splitting it open as blood poured out of the wounds. The screams only got louder, but not from my family. .... they were dead already. Jeff made sure of that. Blood was literally everywhere within this house. Staring at the corpses that were once my family. There was nothing i could have done. He literally has me pinned down in a chair, forcing me to watch him murder my entire family. I forced myself to look away from my family, slowly having my eyes travel up to meet his crazed eyes.  i stared at him intensely with hatred. i wanted to do what he did to them to him. He glanced over at me, his smile grew. Standing up making his way towards my defeated body. " about time you submit to me, give into your fate. " He bent down, licking the blood off of my cheek as he keeps his face close to mine" ... i wouldnt have had to do that if you just stayed put... this was YOUR fault... remember that" tossing my chin which caused my head to slightly turn. He moved away from me, his back facing towards me, " .... try escaping me again... you will see what happens" walking out closing the door behind him, locking it.

~Jeffs POV~
Slipping into the room i kept her in which caused her to turn and face me. " hmm... let the fun begin." slipping over to her as i tangled my hand into her hair yanking it back before dragging her out and into the living room. I watched her eyes widened seeing her family there.. " oh good i got the right people... now let the final punishment begin." tossing her into a chair, stabbing her hands down into the wood of the chair, pinning her in place. I turned and walked towards the boy of the family, her brother. " now now you can scream all you like. NO ONE can hear you all the way out here. Trust me ___ found that out the hard way." looking over at her, " didnt you toots?" seeing that glare as she spoke up, " leave them be, you have what you want, you have me... now just let them go. Dont harm them!" hearing the fear in her voice, it was arousing greatly. " hmm... suffer." turning and slicing her brothers stomach open causing the screams of pain from him as a scream of terror erupted from her. I watched as his intestines poured out of his stomach. Oh what a beautiful sight it was indeed. I kicked back his body as i placed my knee down onto his throat as i slammed the knife repeatedly down into him, slicing him open in all areas of him, watching the blood come pouring out. The cries from her, begging me to stop was so so soooo much of a turn on. I bled this punk dry of his blood. I turned towards the weeping mother my head cocked at this. I laughed hard at this. " your son was a wimp, he didnt last very long!" laughing harder then ever at this, before slamming my foot into her skull sending her to the ground as i drove my knife deep into her throat, yanking it downwards and into her chest cutting her open, watching the blood begin to pour out. Yanking it even further down and into her stomach splitting it open watching her insides pour out of her just like her son. ___'s cries of terror continue to erupt into this house, oh how i enjoyed the sounds of her begging me to stop. " what! I cant hear you bitch! " eyeing her intensely before turning back to her mother seeing as she was already dead, i finished up my job with her before turning to her bastard of a father. " hmm.. dont worry you will be with your family soon enough" slicing his throat as i stared at the blood squirt out of his neck. Taking my knife and shoving it deep into chest, slicing it down and through his heart, before prying open the flesh, the blood pouring out of the wounds once more.  " about time you submit to me, give into your fate" Bending down licking the blood off of her cheek. I kept my face close to hers, speaking, "i wouldnt have had to do that if you just stayed put... this was YOUR fault... remember that" tossing her chin and moving away from her, " .... try escaping me again... you will see what happens" walking out, closing and locking the door behind me.

Ben Drowned-
Ben had me locked up in a room, actually letting me play video games. He wanted me distracted, that was obvious, for what? Don't know. I heard a lot of stuff being moved around in the other place. I couldnt make out what was going on, but then again i was focused on playing the game. I heard a door open from behind me, he must be done with what he was doing. " ... oh ___ its time for our fun to begin" I just beat one of the hardest levels. " oh nice..." hearing him say as he sat down beside me getting zoned into the game. Watching him point out where to go and what to do in the level part. " ah, you had me distracted.... cute." He glanced at me seeing how focused i was it caused him to chuckle out. " ... ____..... come.." he stood up, taking my hands prying them off of the controller then standing me up" ... good girl i think its about time i get you to submit to me... dont you think?" i didnt say anything, how was i suppose to answer something like that without getting hurt in the process, shrugging looking away from him. I looked over at the gaming system, i wanted to beat that level" ... oh i know its a fun game ill let you play again if you be good girl and submit to me.... " dragging me down the halls and entering the room. My eyes widened" .... mom... dad" trying to pry away from him" let me go... this isnt right .. dammit release me!!" Ben smirks at me, his hands wrapped tightly around me," oh... i dont think so.. how about you sit down and enjoy a barbecue." Blocking the door so i couldnt escape, he began chuckling at his wording. I had to watch him wrap wires around my family and started it up... Staring at my family as they are being electrocuted to death. They burst into flames from the gasoline and the intense heat. Ben laughs at this" oh isnt this just so fascinating to watch... beautiful isnt it... " hell the fuck no it wasnt fascinating to watch! I had to watch my family die in front of me...falling to my knees," ... D d.. d damn you... " punching the ground" ... w why!!... " feeling him kneel down beside me, moving the hair away from my ear, whispering out into my ear, " ... you left me and forced me to do this.. remember dear... this is all because of you.... " my eyes go dull, he was right. I indeed left him. I forced his hand. My body slumped over, falling into what he wanted. I submitted. " oh good... you did what i wanted... yay" taking my hand and dragging me down to the game room again " ... now lets play"

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