Captured Again

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Jeff The Killer-
Its been a few days now, i was feeling weakened down. Probably from the lack of sleep food and water. Sighing out to myself as i looked down, " nope its my wound, its opened again. Son of a bitch. "  Stumbling up against a tree holding my side .... " Just perfect in the middle of freaking no where it just had to come open... Great, im going to bleed to death.. might as well stayed there at that house at least i wouldnt be freezing alone bleeding to death.... sore..." closing my eyes" well i would always be sore due to that abusive little fuck face. " Pushing myself off of the tree and making my way down the road again. My eyes were on the ground, as my hand was on my wound.  Stopping, i heard a raspy hum. It caused me to look up from my spot. My eyes widened, there stood that son of a bitch. I dont think he saw me yet. I quickly slipped behind a tree, and sunk down to my ass. My hand over my wound tightly, trying to stop the bleeding. I peaked slightly around the tree, eyeing him, he stood there knife out sharpening it leaning against a tree.  I slipped back behind it, sitting there, hoping that he didnt see me, hoping that he would just leave. 

~Jeffs pov~
I only smirk at that.. i knew she thought i didnt see her... oh but i did... i pushed myself off of the tree and made my way towards her" oh girly... hehe come out come out where ever you are..." Standing there behind the tree she was sitting under. Chuckling at her gasp, as i watched her stand up and run off down the road. " fuck fuck fuck fuck " hearing her repeating the same word over and over again cause me to laugh out as i gave chase. i reached out and took a hold of her hair yanking it back hard. Slipping my knife from my pocket and slamming it down into her stomach." oh did i get you hehe oops my bad ..." taking the knife out and bringing it up to her lips" lick it bitch before i slice into you. " feeling her shake against my chest, before seeing her lick the knife gagging some. It earned a chuckle from me" ... oh did i force it into your mouth to far... hehe man you wouldnt want my cock in your mouth then toots" taking a fist full of her hair dragging her down the road back towards that house. " quit squirming before i fuck the shit out of you right here and now." I could use a good fuck, its been awhile. Oh whatever, ill just take her back and give her a good long beating, torture this pretty little woman. Chuckling darkly at this slipping down the road towards that house.

Ben Drowned-
 So heres the thing i broke my fucking system... damn him.. that was my baby.. it was like giving away a child to some crack whore... oh that bitch is forcing me to give up things that are precious to me. Looking around as i left the house now. walking down the street and towards my friends house. I had a feeling things werent going to be as easy as they have been for the last couple of weeks. Life was getting back to normal so i thought that is. Slipping into her home without knocking and closing the door behind me" ... Vera.. you home( if thats your name change it)" I didnt hear her so i thought she was gone, i was about to turn to leave, when the lights went out and a cold hand went to my mouth" hehe smart move to break everything in your home that i can get through.. but ... dumb move to leave your home and go to a place where i can get you.... now my dear... its time to go back home with me for good to this" feeling him pull me towards the tv, slipping into it with me and going back to his home.

~Bens pov~
About fucking time i got this woman back, now its time for the fun to begin. I moved through the tv and plunging out the other side pulling her out with me, " if you think im going to go easy on you, you are sadly mistaken. Im going to make your life a living hell. If you thought you had it bad when you were last here, once again, you are mistaken, thats nothing compared to what i can do..." my eyes watched her eyes as they filled with fear, " thats right suffer... " chuckling darkly as i began dragging her towards the room.

Dark Link-
 Hiding in my room covered up in blankets, its been a week now. Im sure that Dark guy hasnt found me yet if he has hes toying with me or studying me to see if im going to leave or whatever. I shook my head of the thoughts and closed my eyes i needed sleep so badly but i couldnt due to my paranoia. I snapped my eyes open once i heard a sound, i was thinking it was just me hallucinating but then again it hasnt been that long since i didnt sleep. shrugging as i locked the door and slipped back into bed. I should have known that wouldnt have mattered due to his power. He could just fade into a shadow and go underneath the door. i slipped back into the bed and cowered once again." ... hehe hello babe.. im back for you" Hearing his voice once again made me winch. I felt his presence right behind me. I didnt bother to look, i didnt have any energy. The lack of sleep, the pain hes caused me. It tore me apart, unable to fight. I felt him  take a fist full of my hair and yank me back to look up at him" hehe man you look like hell darling.. " he leaned close to my face, " hmm tempting... " he cocked his head before chuckling" lets get going dont make me force you" .. I didnt bother to fight him, i turned around. My eyes going dull almost lifeless.  i didnt want to be hurt anymore then i was going to be. I watched Dark smirk at this at my obedience ' good girl ill reward you later" feeling his arm wrap around me as we fade into the shadows and back into the tv.

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