They Come Back To Find You Gone

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( You arent going to be in this one at all its their point of view( so im going to use I .. it would be like they are talking/thinking) and yes it will probably be short :) )

Jeff The Killer- 
Dragging my feet up to the house only to stop in my tracks. My already huge eyes go fucking more huge as my teeth grind together, " shit... i must have just left the door open... calm down Jeff" talking to myself as i slipped inside the house and closed the door. Turning some lights on seeing as it was dark as balls in this fucking house. Slipping into the kitchen, walking towards the fridge pulling out a beer. Popping off the cap and took a swig from it. I turned towards the living room as i dropped the bottle, hearing it shatter at my feet. I didnt give a flying fuck, especially since my eyes were trained on  the door that was wide opened. Growling out rushing towards that location and punching a wall " that fucking cunt!! Oh when i get my hands on that pretty little neck of yours you best be praying cause im going to strangle the life out of you!" I turned and rushed out of there and out of the house, this bitch is going to fucking pay for escaping me. All of my planning, all of the time and effort. FUCKING GONE!!! Slipping down the road my knife in my pocket its time i fucking taught this bitch who the fucking master is and who the fucking slave is once and for all!

Ben Drowned-
Walking into my room closing the door behind me. God it was a long ass mission. Damn kid wouldnt give into my toying. Oh whatever.. the kids dead its all that matters. Anyways, i walked over to my gaming chair seeing a note. it was from Dark.... what did he want this time... to play some games with me? Goddammit it and i wasnt here. Such a good gamer nice gaming partner and i missed my opportunity to play with him. I shrugged, they're other days. Glancing over at my Tv, i think it is about time i pay my victim a visit... i havent had real fun in some time due to the lame ass gamers who cant game worth shit...i slipped inside and glanced around me, " oh my pretty little victim, its time for a game" using a ghostly like voice, hoping to spook her. Roaming around as my smirk turned into a frown, " where the fuck is she..."  i tightened my fists... growling out. Looking up as my mind wonders, " ... now that i think about it... the tv was fucking on DAMMIT she took her moment and fucking left!! " rushing out of the tv and going on a hunt.

Dark Link-
Slipping out of the shadows and walked into the mansion. i got word that someone left my room a couple days ago. I might just have to kick some ass. Damn bitches know better then to enter my room without permission. i walked down the halls of the mansion, entering my room closing the door behind me. I sighed out to myself, a long mission deserves some gaming time. Turning my attention to the tv about ready to turn it on but froze. It was already on, which meant a portal was made( go with it). my eyes widened at that  as i leaped into the tv glancing around it, " NO GOD DAMMIT!!!" leaping out of it once more and fading into the shadows, "this bitch is going to pay once i find her. Hell even Ben will pay seeing as he left the fucking tv on!! DAMN YOU BEN!" shouting out pissed greatly.

Eyeless Jack-
Rushing back to the building, i didnt want to be gone for to long. But i really needed to feed, i wasnt going to kill her just yet. I wanted to make her suffer for causing me so much hunger. The demon within me deserves this.  I had a feeling she was gone. She probably was, i mean, come on, even shes not that stupid. She took her moment and left. i mean i would if i were her. Approaching the building slipping inside it. I moved down the halls quickly before stopping. I didnt hear her in the room. Dammit.. i was right, she wasnt as dumb as i thought she was...  i guess i have to go track her down and drag her back here.. Great this shall be fun. 

Parting ways with Hoodie, walking down the road. A wicked smirk rests on my lips, i was excited to cause my victim some more pain. Approaching the building i kept her in only to stop in my tracks. My fists tightened, the door was wide opened. "You've got to be kidding me, i made sure there was nothing in that room that could pick locks!" I rushed to that room and entered it. Glancing around the room, my eyes landed on the chair. Broken, and fallen apart... she broke the damn chair just to get a picking lock device... cleaver girl... oh well she will become my play thing again. " you have my word little bitch, you will belong to me once again, mark my words." smirking texting Hoodie, " help me snatch my bitch again.. im not done torturing her.. ill owe you." sending the text as i made my way around, searching for my bitch.

Jason the Toymaker-
Slipping inside my toy shop and down the halls. I was dragging a little girl behind me. My sweet chosen one turned against me and well now i must fix her up. Smirking as i dragged her to the table strapping her down taping her mouth shut. i turned my attention to ___s room. A wild smirk came to my lips. I made my way towards the room. I want her to see what im about to do to this ungrateful bitch. Chuckling darkly to myself before opening  the door and slipping inside. i tightened my fists, my rage took over me as i felt my body change to what i really am. i growled out harshly at this before turning and walking off down the halls. it was time i fixed her up to behave by turning her legs into something that she couldnt move. ( something to heavy for you to move without help.. go with it .. )

Candy Pop-
Yelling and yelling some more at my twin. For the love of Satan she pissed me off greatly. " you stupid son of a bitch... taking my toy away from me because you develop ... develop... oh my SATAN you little shit... you are lucky i dont fucking smash your fucking head in... Telling her our weakness so i cant get to her now!! " slamming my own sister, my own flesh and blood to a wall choking her some before releasing her and vanishing off. I was now stalking her house in the shadows figuring out how to get in. My sister was lucky that i didnt tear her apart right there and then... ill give her a chance to get her fucking act together and help me get this woman back. I bet Night Terrors would love to tear her apart, might just have to release him and allow him to do just that. 

 Tearing apart a henchmen of mine. That little bastard helped my little pet escape and hes paying with his life. Smirking at this, once hes dead, i dropped his corpse and slipped a portal open only to quickly close it. A deep growl leaves me, " that little bastard told her ..... " growling out as i slipped out of my realm and outside of her home, in my human form of course.... i hated this form but the screams of mortals when im in this mood is going to cause fire to rain down from the skies... i stalked this womans home, i knew she knew i was out here. I smirked, reaching into her mind, " ... once i figure my way inside your home mortal ill make you suffer dearly... ill tear your soul apart, melt it, bend it to my will, ill make you suffer forever.. mark my words... you will pay for escaping me.."  watching her face light up with even more fear caused me to chuckle darkly....

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