Road Trip

By hannahelizabeth19XX

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All it takes in a road trip; to find yourself, make the best memories of your life, or simply get away and tr... More



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By hannahelizabeth19XX

Day 6 Since

 Jensen stirred in his sleep, rubbing the back of his right hand across his face and turning to face the wall to the right of him. It was 6:43am as I sat on the bed, a mug of coffee already in my hand. I'd been up for close to half an hour by then and couldn't fall back asleep so I got the coffee ready and sat back in bed next to Jensen, thinking to myself. 

 The events of the previous night played in my head like a short film on repeat. I'd walked to the beach; I'd stripped down to nothing; I'd walked into freezing water; most of which I'd done with Jensen by my side.

 I knew that I didn't regret my actions- I didn't regret basically skinny dipping with Jensen, it just seemed to all happen without much of any thought, who knows what else could've happened if I could've withstood the frigid temperature of the water longer. Maybe we would've had a 'Twilight' honeymoon scene. 

 Jensen began to slowly wake up over the next few minutes. Perhaps it was the stimulating scent of the coffee or maybe the fact he could sense I was awake next to him. Whichever it was, he gradually awoke. The moment he actually woke up, he turned over to check on me before trying to completely wipe the sleep from his eyes. 

 He rolled over from his right onto his back and threw his arms behind his head. His eyes were closed again but I knew he wasn't falling back asleep. I couldn't help but admire him in such a peaceful state. He always seemed like he had something important going on inside that mind of his, somehow always a little hint of stress or concern. 

 My thoughts shifted from the events of the night before to what Jensen could have playing through his mind. I'd zoned out completely, staring directly at his bare chest. 

 "If you concentrate and harder, your head might explode or I might catch fire." He stated. His voice snapped me out of my thoughts. 

 I instantly felt my face flush bright red, "Oops, I'm sorry. I just got lost in thought." 

 He hummed in reply. Jensen placed his left hand on my leg and the right on the bed and pushed himself up into a sitting position. I handed my half full mug of coffee over to him which he accepted wordlessly. 

 After a few small sips of coffee he cleared his throat and spoke again. "So what were you thinkin' about?" 

 I shrugged my shoulders a little, "Nothing really. Last night- you, a few other things. Nothing big." 

 It wasn't a rare occasion the we would spend time slowly sharing thoughts. It was almost like nothing was off-limits. We were both aware that we had our own shit that we kept to ourselves but no question was off the table. 

 "What about me?" He questioned, which was to be expected. 

 I took the mug back for a moment to take a sip before passing it back. "Just thinking about what kinds of thoughts you have running through your mind when you have that concerned or stressed look across your face." I said and leaned back against the wall behind me. 

 He took a minute or so before he even spoke. It sort of began to worry me that it seemed to have taken so long but what worried me more than I'd even thought possible was when he finally had words leave his lips. 

 "Would you be mine?" he paused, "Like, for the rest of our lives?" 

 My stomach dropped and suddenly I began to regret having almost an entire pot of coffee to myself. It felt like everything had sped up and slowed down all at the same time. I don't know how long it took before I could speak. "Like marriage?" I squeaked out. 

 "Yeah, exactly. I know it sounds like a crazy idea and extremely far fetched but I believe with every fibre of my body that you're my endgame." He stated like it was the most concrete fact. 

 I was in a state of shock. The two of us were just barely adults let alone ready to start a married life together but I almost felt as though none of that mattered and without another thought, "Yes." 


 3 Years Later

 It had been a hectic few years and it was only going to get worse within a couple months. 

 None of it had been particularly well thought out by any means but we wouldn't change anything. I'd just quit my job to begin changing our entire apartment. Jensen began taking crazier hours at the shop to keep the same amount of money coming in as he had before but making sure to take enough time off for me which was more than I'd asked. 

 "Another four months and it won't be me waking you up at insane hours of the night," I'd said, tying my hair into a messy bun atop my head. 

 Jensen let out an overly dramatic groan as he slid off the stool at the island counter and crouched down in front of me. "You cannot be waking me up in the middle of the night, you got it?" he rhetorically questioned at my stomach, waving his finger as if scolding someone before kissing it. 

 I giggled and placed a hand on my belly. "Shh, they probably think you're being too loud." He stood up and pulled me into his arms. I wrapped my arms around his body as best I could and rested my head on his chest. 

 "When are we going to know their gender?" He questioned in a whispered voice, being so close to my head. I pulled away but slid my hand in his, "In two days. Our next appointment is in two days." I tippy-toed to kiss him before leading him to the second bedroom. "Which means, we have to get this room done ASAP." 

 He laughed at me, kissing the top of my head before we both started working on different aspects of our soon to be new baby's nursery. 


 After eleven hours of painful labour and birthing pains, a little baby girl was placed on my chest as both Jensen and I couldn't hold back our tears of joy. 

 A nurse came in about fifteen minutes after we'd been left alone with our newborn little girl. "And what's her name going to be?" She asked. Jensen looked down at me before answering with pride and love beaming from his words, "Nicole Jay Davis." 

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