The Shy Girl ✔

By cat_lover_4life

209K 7.6K 1.8K

' "Will you still love me when I'll be broken?" I mumbled as he slowly caressed my face. "Would you stop lov... More

Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Don't judge a movie by its DVD cover.
Chapter 9- About That Night
Chapter 10 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 11 - Books and Coffee
Chapter 12- Bad boys read too.
Chapter 13- Getting punished for someone else's sins.
Chapter 14 - The Hospital
Chapter 15- Ice skating
Chapter 16- Date
Chapter 17- The Betrayal
Chapter 18 - He likes you
New Covers
Chapter 19- Happy Birthday to me
Chapter 20 - Nightmares and Cupcakes
Chapter 21 - The Anonymous
Chapter 22 - Shopping
Chapter 23 - The Winter Formal
Chapter 24- Here we go again
Chapter 25- Two strangers sharing the same memories
Chapter 26 - Confessions
Chapter 27- Messages From A Stranger
Chapter 28- Happy New Year
Chapter 29- Getting Back Home
Chapter 30 - Old Friends And Secrets Revealed
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 31- First Date As A Couple
Chapter 32- Camping
Bonus - Valentine's Day
~ Sequel ~
Chapter 33- One Hell Of A Trip
Chapter 34- Airplane mode
Chapter 35- Hola preciosa
Chapter 36- The Photo Of Truth
Chapter 37-Late Night Betrayal
Chapter 38- Unwanted Disneyland Trip
Chapter 39- Goodbye.
Sneak peak
Book 2: Chapter one- Jealousy.
Chapter 2- Forever Yours
Chapter 3- I Love You Most
Chapter 4- Skylar.


9.2K 310 84
By cat_lover_4life

"I make excuses my friends know the truth is I'm not as alright as I claim"- olivia rodrigo



' Live as if it's your last day'
Another note left on my pillow next to my head.

Name one confusing stalker. I'll go first. Adam Stone. I mean, he is aware I know he broke into my place and he still has the nerve to continue doing it?

It's like a thief coming to steal from a house twice in a row.

You got the reaction you wanted, so why still go on?

As I was walking, I thought of the unknown number from last night. Maybe it wasn't a mistake? Will they call again? How do they have my number? Why did they call? Was it Adam? So many questions yet maybe one possible answer.

I pushed the doors to the bathroom and went through my backpack to look for napkins.

I zoned out while staring into the mirror, washing my hands, when two girls entered the bathroom.

"Aren't you that freak that was all over Sam yesterday? God, you're so desperate for attention. " One of them said as I suddenly turned around and paid attention to what she was saying.

"Aren't you too old to be in highschool? I think the retirement home is next-door. " I spoke without thinking. I think I got a boost of confidence. The kind that's gonna get me in a fight.

"What did you say, skunk?" She said through her teeth, pushing me against the sink as her friend took out the piece of gum she was chewing, handing it to her.


"Goodluck trying to get this out of your nest." She stuck the piece of gum on the back of my head and then slammed me against the sink one more time before taking her friend, heading out of the bathroom leaving me alone, surrounded by my thoughts.

As I started walking down the hallway tears started pouring out of my eyes. I went to my locker and once I got my books I turned around, and there he was, right in front of me. Adam.

''Hey, little thief'' He grinned as I rolled my eyes and walked right past him.

''Hey, are you okay?" He questioned, fake concern lingering in his voice. He walked at my pace trying to keep up with me as I refused to look him in the eye.

''Why would you care? You don't have anyone to hop on your motorcycle that would land straight into your bed?'' I said as he stopped walking.

''Yeah, go! I don't care anyway.'' He yelled as I just sighed while looking down and closed my eyes for a few seconds heading to my next class.


"Yeah, go! I don't care anyway." I yelled as loudly as I could. She just stopped for a second and then just as she stopped she looked down, her face covered by her hair. She continued to walk as I made my way to my locker. I opened it, only to find it almost empty.

Fucking great...I forgot my notebook
at home. I thought as my mind was full of thoughts with my mysterious  thief. I punched my locker and then just made my way to next class. I might seem stupid but I'm not. Rude sometimes but not stupid.

I entered the classroom and everyone's eyes landed on me.

"You want a fucking show or something? Mind your own business." I said while looking at everyone with a bored look on my face.

I threw my backpack on one of the few chairs left. Her spot was still empty. How? She left before me so she should've been here. I rolled my eyes as a girl sat next to me. I got my headphones out and put them on. Music saves me from having to listen to boring people everyday.

''Can't you see, that I'm ignoring you?" I asked the girl next to me as she just looked at me confused. "Go and find another boy to have fun with cause you're really annoying and your hair looks musty'' I said with my eyes still closed, enjoying the music.The girl hit me with me purse and 2 things fell on the ground. picked them up and started to laugh.

''Thanks, I really needed gum and...oh, yeah, something to look like a clown.'' I laughed while pointing at the lipstick. She flipped me off and left her away as I smirked. Another day of peace.


I got to my first class in time and rushed to sit down so that no one would notice me.

"Sweets, why is your hair chewing gum?" I wanted to mentally hurt Adam when he whispered that into my ear.

"I don't know Adam. I think it wants to smell better than your breathe.

"Funny." He scoffed and I could feel his eyes on me the whole time.

"I'll -" right as Adam was about to speak the doors opened loudly buy that didn't stop anyone from talking.

Ms. Higgins rolled her eyes when she entered the class noticing no one was paying attention.

"Okay class, today we will study vectors." Said Ms. Higgins while pointing at the blackboard, hitting her ruler to it multiple times to grab our attention.

I heard someone snort and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

''No offence Ms. I don't know who you are;'' He said while getting up from his seat and walking next to her''- I think you'd get paid better at a McDonald's and actually do something more valuable there than here.'' He said to her then got his backpack, looked at me, rolled his eyes and left.

What did I do? I wondered as Ms. Higgins continued with her lesson as if nothing happened. How does he have this effect on everyone?

The bell rang and I started heading towards my next class when someone jumped on me. The person then hit my shoulder and I just groaned.

"I haven't seen you in ages!" I got up from the ground and saw Skylar. She was so happy to see me. She just looked at me while laughing and I just rolled my eyes and smiled at her while trying to see if I broke something.

"You literally saw me today." I said while laughing. She just rolled her eyes and looked into my eyes while groaning.

"Like I said, ages." She said then I just shook my head, and stared making my way to the cafeteria. She caught up with me.

"Now, tell me what happened yesterday." She said excited.


I told her everything that happened after I got out of school yesterday.

When I was done talking, her mouth was almost on the floor.

"Oh my god, he lives next to you." She said with dreamy eyes.

"Did you lose the part where I said that he was stalking us?" I asked and she just nodded.

"It's creepy, how do I know that he's not stalking us right now?" I said and she just grinned. I shook my head knowing what she was going to do next.

"Adam Stone, would you like to be my stalker!" She screamed as I covered her mouth.

"What if he heard you!" I looked around only to notice no one was paying attention to us.

"See, nothing to worry about." She said and I just shook my head while laughing.

"Let's get to class before the bell starts ringing." I said and then I took her arm and started dragging her after me.


It's been 10 minutes and Ms. Smith hasn't entered the class yet. I was so bored so I just looked at Adam that was in his seat with his eyes close, feet on his desk and his arms around his neck with his earphones in. He was tapping the rhythm with his pen.

"Do you think that she died?" I looked at Sabrina, a girl that is sitting behind me, and tried to hold in a laugh.

"Maybe she is sick." Said Tom, one of the popular kids.

"Or maybe she lost the bus?" Another girl said.

'' Maybe she and her husband are having some fun.'' Said Adam and I just gasped as everyone started laughing and whispering.

I started looking around the class curious on what everyone else was doing but as my eyes passed Adam's I noticed he was staring at me. Have I done something wrong? I was starting to feel  uncomfortable so I looked away. I could feel him still staring at me, trying to kill me with just one look. I didn't do anything wrong, he's just being Adam.

The doors of the classroom opened and Ms. Smith entered the class looking like she just woke up.

"I'm sorry class...I had a rough night." She said while brushing her hair. Adam just took his feet off his desk and looked around the classroom.

'' Had a fun night Ms. S?'' He yelled while laughing and Ms. Smith pretended to not hear him as she just sighed.

The classroom is so loud, everyone is laughing and whispering.

''Everyone, if you don't stop talking you can go ahead and make your way to detention.'' Said Ms. Smith and Adam just started laughing. Why is every professor ignoring Adam's behavior?

"Let's see how much has everyone written for the project." I sighed and just hoped I won't be the first one. She got up from her chair and came next to my desk. Great, it's like I have a sign on me that says:'Pick me! Pick me!'. I looked down and she just tapped my shoulder.

"Miss Jefferson and Mr. Willson would you like to be the first to present what you've done for the project so far?" She said while I just nodded and took deep breathes.

"We asked 10 questions about ourselves, we have written some of our good qualities and we also looked on the internet at the place that we will visit and talked about it a little." I mumbled and she smiled. She actually smiled.

'' That's all?" Asked Ms. Smith and I just nodded while looking down. What was she expecting? She gave us this project yesterday.

"We ran out of ideas." I said while clearing my throat.

I heard someone laugh and turned my head to the side, where Adam was sitting.

"Do you have a problem?" Asked Ms. Smith and he got up from his seat. Why is he always trying to create problems? He came next to me and looked at me.

'' Excuse me, you're not allowed to get up in the middle of the class.'' Said Ms. Smith but he just ignored her, still looking at me, more specifically, my eyes.

"You ran out of ideas, just like you ran into me." He mumbled while tilting his head to the side a little. As he said that I noticed that his accent appeared again.

"It was a mistake." I simply stated. He laughed and got closer to me until our faces were inches apart.

"Yeah, sure. You just happened to run into me. Who do you think I am? I'm not stupid, I know when a girl like you is so desperate that she'd do anything to get what she wants. "He said while rolling his eyes then leaned back and scoffed. I gasped and slapped him.

"Why do you make it seem like I am just some girl that wants your attention? For your information I am not that kind of girl. But of course you wouldn't know and I bet you slept with hundreds of girls that now you think you know all of us. "I said louder without thinking twice. After I stopped talking everyone's eyes were on me. Oh God... I did not wanted to say that...well I did but in my head.

"Miss Jefferson, I will not tolerate this behavior in my class!" I looked down at my feet regretting the things that I've said half knowing they're true.

But I was right, why did he make it seem like I'm some girl that just wants to get in his pants? I'm not that kind of girl and I'll never be.

And he's the one obsessed with me. Stalking me and breaking into my home.

He started laughing, he actually started laughing.

'' Look at you and your nerdy cloths. I feel so sorry for you cause you'll have to live for the rest of your life living like-'' He looked at my cloths and then at me.''-this.'' I just looked down and he just went to the door, preparing to leave the classroom.

"Miss Jefferson and Mister Stone, to the Principal's office, now." I've never been to the Principal's office so I was kind of scared. Adam just stopped, turned to Ms. Smith and smirked.

"Hope you used protection Ms. S. wouldn't want a mini version of you when we already have the full size one that is annoying enough. " He stormed out of the classroom as I tried to keep up with him.

"Now, look what you've done." I looked at Adam and started screaming at him. Did he just said that I'm the one that put us in this mess?

"Me?! Me?!you started the fight! "I whispered - shouted at him. He rolled his eye and started walking faster so I followed him.

"You were the one that ran into me. So don't blame me for this."He said while rolling his eyes. I'm so tired of him. He's so annoying, God I feel so sorry for the girl that will marry him.

"Ugh!" I put my hands in my hair and he just sat down in the middle of the hallway.

"You are such a kid!" I whispered- shouted. He took something out of his pocket. A lighter.

"No, I am not." He said while closing his eyes and turning his back to me.

"What are you doing?'' I asked and he got a cigarette out too. He's not going to start smoking while we're still inside the school...

''What does it look like I'm doing? It's what I call 'stress reliever'.'' I rolled my eyes and stole his cigarette and lighter then put them in my pocket.

''Give them back;'' He said as he got up from the ground and started chasing me. I ran straight to the principal's office and his assistant told me to wait there. Adam got there after a few seconds and demanded for his things. ''You'll get them back once this is over.'' I said and he just punched my shoulder lightly.

''You can enter!'' As Adam heard that he just rolled his eyes and pushed me and I fell right in front of the principal's assistant.

Adam helped me get up, but that was only so that he wouldn't look bad in front of the principal or his assistant. He pushed me into the office and closed the door behind us. I rubbed my elbow with my hand as I sat down on the chair that was in front of the principal's desk. Adam sat down and just rolled his eyes while chewing gum. The principal looked at Adam and sighed.

"Ms. Jefferson...and...Mr. Stone? It says here that you interrupted Ms. Smith's class with your arguments?" He asked while looking at his computer then at us while Adam was playing with his chain; the one he has around his neck.

'' Well, you see, Emma started the argument so I'm supposed to just leave and she's supposed to take the punishment.'' He said while kicking his leg to my chair as I gasped.

"Your actions will have a consequence. I and Ms. Smith will decide what your punishment will be." He said and Adam said something that I didn't exactly catch but I'm pretty sure he cursed.

'' Let's get out of here potato sack.'' As he said that I just puffed and crossed my hands over my chest.

'' Why a potato sack?'' I asked curious and he just laughed while patting my head and I just rolled my eyes angry.

'' Cause you're so small and well, you do look like a potato.'' I gasped and started walking faster until I got to the doors of the school but when I pushed them the door wouldn't budge. Adam chuckled and opened the door with one hand.

''A potato isn't strong either.'' He whispered and I just turned around to see him walk away but I'm not just going to let him walk away like that. I ran after him and after a few seconds I caught up with Adam. He just rolled his eyes and put his hands into his jeans pockets.

''What do you want now sweets? Can't you see I'm busy? I get it, you're attracted to me, if I would've been you I would've been attracted to myself too.'' He said while taking one hand out of his pocket and brushed his hair with it while grinning.

"This is all your fault." I mumbled almost crying. He looked at me with a look that said 'What are you talking about?' but after a few seconds he just rolled his eyes at me and turned his back on me. I walked in front of him and he held my arms with his hands as I whimpered.

"You can't blame all of this on me! A part of this is your fault too! "He said with a cold voice as I tried to free myself. Yesterday he was different, his eyes were sparkling but now his eyes looked colder than an iceberg.

He let go of my hands and just walked away from me with his hands in his pockets and his hood over his head while his backpack was on his back, a little opened. I just sighed and all I wanted to do was scream or hit something or just start crying. I took a deep breath and walked away, making my way to the bus station. I sat down on the bench next to the bus station sign next to a lady that kept on looking at me weirdly. After a few seconds of just sitting there my phone buzzed, telling me that I just received a message.

'Get home safe.' After I read that I looked around to see if someone was following me but the streets were empty and the only sound that you could hear were the cars in the distance.


After I got out of the bus where I barely got in cause it was packed  with people, I went to the front porch of my house, opened the door and dead silence was the only thing that you could notice. Of course, other than the TV being on and my dad sitting in the armchair.

I smiled while putting my shoes at the door and took my backpack up to my room where I changed my clothes, took a shower, brushed my teeth then studied until late at night.

I'm so tired.... I thought as I put my head on my desk and touched the place where Adam's hands were on my arms as my eyes started to close. I fell asleep with a particular pair of green eyes in my mind.



Another sleepless night.
I'm in her room watching her sleep as the music from her earphones plays in the back of my mind.

"Take me out tonight
Where there's music and there's people
And they're young and alive
Driving in your car
I never, never want to go home
Because I haven't got one

"Do you ever stay up at night just to wonder about the whole world? You probably do. I don't come here to upset you. I hope you know that. It just calms me down. And your room smells nice, maybe that's why too. Oh, and you should probably not leave your window wide open if you don't want any visitors." I mumbled to myself more as I looked outside, the stars greeting my vision.

"I'm sorry if the world doesn't value you enough." With that I left the room and made my way back home or to a bed  that will keep me company while I can't sleep.

. . . . . . . . . . . .

I woke up with a groan and rubbed my eyes. I looked around me and closed my eyes tight as they made contact with the sun that was burning outside. We live in Florida so the sun is pretty much almost always there. I got up from the chair in which I slept last night and went to my window, opened the curtains to let the sun enter my room then went into my bathroom to do my morning routine when I received a text. I groaned and picked up my phone that was on my nightstand.

'Party tomorrow at my place. You're not escaping this time.' I giggled while reading Skylar's text and then went to change my clothes. I looked through my textbooks to make sure I didn't forget anything, then I looked at the clock and saw that I had exactly 30 minutes until my first class for today.

Today, unfortunately, it's Friday. So that means no school for two days. I went downstairs with my backpack in one hand and my phone in the other. I went to the kitchen and looked through the fridge from where I took a carton of milk. Then I went to the cupboard and took a box of cereals out of it. I had to eat fast so that I wouldn't be late.

After I ate I ran outside and started running after the bus that I've lost. I sighed and continued my trip by walking and listening to music on my phone.


Once I got to the gates of the school I sighed in relief. I have ten more minutes until my first class will start. I entered the school and saw Skylar that was handing fliers. I went to where she was and she looked at me then handed me a little flier.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked while smiling. She looked at me for a few seconds as I looked at the little flier that held her address and some other information.

"Haven't I texted you this morning?'' As she said that my memory came back and remembered this morning. I nodded and she just laughed while rolling her eyes. ''Party at my place tonight." I looked at Skylar and then shook my head.

"You know that I never go to parties." I simply stated. She just punched my shoulder lightly then took my hand and started walking to our lockers. Once we got to our lockers she just looked me dead in the eyes and pointed at the flier then at me."Well, there's a first for everything and now that we are in junior year, I will not accept a no for an answer." She said then turned around and left, not even letting me continue on how this is a bad idea.


After 3 hours it was time for Ms. Smith's class to start. I was very nervous because I've never been in trouble and I don't know what's going to happen. Adam was in his seat and when he saw me he just rolled his eyes and turned around in his seat.

Will I get detention? Will I get expelled? Nothing can be worse than getting expelled. I thought while playing with my pen, spinning it on my desk and sighing from time to time, trying to let time fly by. The door to the class opened and Ms. Smith entered the class with a big smile on her face. Well, at least someone is in a good mood. I opened my notebook and my textbook and

"Good morning class, today we will talk more about your projects." She said while looking at me. Well, that's not creepy at all. I just minded my own business and sat there and listened to the person that Ms. Smith picked.

She didn't mention me or Adam at all so I thought that she had forgotten about our punishment. The bell rang and I gathered my stuff. I was almost out of the class when Ms. Smith called after me. I gasped and turned around to see Ms. Smith that was sitting at her desk grinning at me and motioning for me to come to her desk. "I talked with the principal and we decided yours and Adam's punishment." She was smiling the whole time and I was shaking as Adam was just tapping on his desk with a pen. Why is he acting like a child? Can't he take things seriously and just act more mature ? I focused back on Ms. Smith and she looked at me while saying the words that ruined my day.

"You and Adam will have to do the project together and both of you will also have to write an essay about your differences and how this experience helped you stop arguing with each other." She said smiling and then she gathered her stuff and got out of the classroom as I looked at Adam that was listening to music.

I was wrong. There is something worse than getting expelled and that's working with....the boy that I hate and I'm pretty sure that he hates me too.


Long chapter, hope that you are having a great weekend 💜

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Xoxo - Cat lover ❤

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