The Black Dragon Emperor of D...

By Fireslash97

371K 4.2K 3.1K

Dragons never involved themselves in the war between angels, devils, fallen angels, and demons. Until the Wel... More

Kyo Najasaki Bio
Date With Death
What Am I Again?!
Asia Argento
Fallen Revenge
Knock Knock, Who's There? DEATH!
Son of a Dragon God
Riser Phoenix
Training and One vs Sixteen
More Power?
Whose Side Are You On?
Friends Help No Matter What!
Freed and Valper
Dragon Opponents Arrive
Pool Day and The Devil King
Open House
Akeno's Lineage
The Leaders Summit
Dragon Battle
Special: Prom
Summer Break
Gremory Family
Family Reunions
Payback Time
Back to School
Saving Asia
Juggernaut Drive
The Dimensional Gap
This Ends Now!
OVA Phoenix Problems
Need MY Help?
Darkness Rising

Esdeath's Return

5.1K 54 17
By Fireslash97

"By the time the sun falls on the next day, you will have no choice but to submit to me. You will forever be mine and mine alone. You will be the very thing my beloved wanted from the beginning. Kyo will be MY Ragnarok! And you will destroy anything and everything that lives, breathes, and speaks. I will make you the perfect weapon of chaos, and once everything in my way is will know peace." 


Kyo stretches and falls next to Rias on the couch. "Man, does it feel good to be home." 

Rias leans next to him. "I told the school we would be spending the next few days at a practice match. So our absence has been excused. I'll just let them know our return flight was delayed due to weather or something." 

Kyo chuckles. "Ever Miss Explanatory, aren't you?" 

"What kind of Occult Club even has practice matches?" Irina asks. "The entire excuse was predicated on a lie." 

"There are other problems besides that." Xenovia looks behind the couch and they all see Rossweisse sitting there, crying. 

"It's no fair." Rossweisse sobs. "How can Lord Odin be so cruel? I stupidly thought he returned to take me back home and instead he sends me into battle. I did it, no complaints! And when it was all over and done with, he's gone back to Valhalla and left boring, old, Rossweisse behind!" 

Irina walks behind the couch and comforts her. "He probably had a load of admin to wade through after such a mega conflict. I'm sure he'll-" 

"You. Don't. Get. It!" Rossweisse drops her head. "I was his bodyguard for this mission and now he's returned to Asgard without me there to escort him! Then I'll be the 'Dizzy Valkyrie' who wasn't up to the task of being the Allfather's bodyguard! They're gonna demote me for sure! This is a court-martial downside!" 

"I felt terrible when I saw Odin leaving Rossweisse behind in the Underworld." Rias states. "I had no choice but to bring her home." 

Kyo hugs her close. "Hey, you did what I would've done. Helped someone in need. It's one of the numerous things I love about you. Speaking of: I forgot to give you something. Meant to give you this before we left to fight Astaroth." 

Kyo then pulls out a small black box and hands it to her. Rias opens it and gasps at what was inside. 

"I know it might not be your thing, but hey...'Ruin Princess' literally hit my mind when I found it." Kyo shrugged. 

Rias feels her eyes become wet and kisses him. She pulls her hair back and lets Kyo put it around her neck and snap the clasp on. 


Kyo hit his radio and 'Superstition' by Stevie Wonder started to play. 

Thirteen month old baby

Broke the lookin' glass

Seven years of bad luck 

The good things in your past

When you believe in things, that you don't understand 

Then you suffer, superstition ain't the way 

As the song continued, Kyo laid his head against the shower wall, while the water ran over him. ~For some weird reason, I can't stop thinking about my Juggernaut Drive transformation. And the fact that my father said that THAT wasn't even my strongest form? God, I really hope that I'll be able to master that form when the time comes.~ 


The next day, Kyo was helping Issei and Asia as they practiced for the three-legged race. "Come on, guys! One! Two! One! Two! There you go!" 

Issei and Asia made it to him, panting. Issei then says, "(Pant) Why don't we take a break?"'

Kyo shrugged. "No argument here." 

"Hey, kid." Kyo turns and sees Azazel waving at him. 

Later, Azazel was laying the grass with Kyo sitting next to him. "It's days like this that really help remind you what's worth fighting for." 

"Uh-huh." Kyo says awkwardly. "Look, I think we both know you've never been the type of guy to stare at the clouds, so how about you explain why you wanted to talk to me?" 

"Straight to the point." Azazel chuckles. "Has Erakhan talked to you about your final form?" 

Kyo's eyes widen slightly. "How do you know about that?" 

"Remember kid, I'm over 10,000 years-old." Azazel points out. "I do my history. That and your father talked to me about it before. He was able to disconnect his link to you managed to talk to me about it a few days after you got back." 

"What's your point?" Kyo inquires. 

"My that some things are better left unanswered." Azazel states. "I know you're curious and anxious to figure out that form is. But you've already seen how powerful your Demonic Slayer Armor and Juggernaut Drive forms are. And I know Erakhan's tried to tell you about that other form in the past only to get interrupted. But I agree with your father in thinking that maybe it'd be best if you don't unleash that power." 

Kyo stands. "Look, I've always been afraid of the power that I possess. I know the people I've killed and HOW I killed them. Mercilessly, painfully, and excruciatingly. But if I continue to be scared of what I am, then my fear is gonna make me no better than what I was back when I was living with...well, you know."  

Azazel stands up. "I'm just saying, don't dig the hole so deep that you won't be able to climb back out." 

Kyo watches Azazel leave, leaving Kyo to ponder. ~Man, he actually sounded afraid. And he NEVER sounds afraid.~ 


Back at the clubhouse, Gasper peeks through the door. 

"I wonder where Koneko is, it's not like her be late." Gasper says. "I hope nothing's wrong." Gasper then sees Rias walk down the hall to where Kyo was. "Hey, Rias!" 

Rias doesn't say anything as she just turns to Gasper with an intimidating glare. 


Kyo was sitting in the club room, doing some push ups while in a tank top and black sweatpants. 

"Hey, sexy." Kyo stops and looks to see Rias standing over him. 

Kyo stands up. "Hey. Sorry, I just wanted to let off some steam. Can't stop thinking about Esdeath, my final form, my father being worried..." 

Rias just hugs him. "It's okay. I know you've had a lot on your plate, lately. You always work so hard to protect us and be there whenever we need you. Why don't you let me be there for you this time around?" 

Kyo sighs as he rest his head on her shoulder. She always felt so warm and smelled so nice. 

Rias puts her hand on the back of his head, rubbing his hair. Kyo didn't think much of it, sighing in bliss, not feeling what came next. 

"That's right." Rias says as a cruel smirk appears on her face. "Just let it all fade away. I'll take care of you." 


Issei and Asia continued to chant in sync as they hopped one leg after the other. Eventually, they both stopped. 

"Well done, you two." Rias says walking up. "You've really got that momentum going for you." 

Issei smiles until he groans. "Crap." 

"Is something wrong?" Asia asks. 

"I left the stupid stopwatch in the club room." Issei states. "Hold still, I'm gonna go grab it." 

Rias then says, "I'll go with you. Kyo is there and I've been meaning to check up on him." The pair then leave and see Koneko heading towards the club house. "Koneko?" 

Koneko turns to them and smiles. "Hi, Issei. Hey, Rias. I came to pick up Gaspy and take him to the bread-eating race." 

Issei laughs as they walk inside. "That little dude's gonna freaking explode." 

Rias then grows a serious and runs forward, seeing Gasper lying on the ground. 

"Gasper!" Rias cries. 

Issei moves her aside and helps him up. "What happened to you?" 

Gasper groans and sees them. "Issei, Rias. Thank goodness. Rias, it's you isn't it? The real one?" 

Rias looks at him confused. "Of course it's me, Gasper. What are you talking about?" 

Koneko sniffs the air. "I can smell her." 

Issei bursts opens the door and they all look in shock to see another Rias hugging Kyo with his back to them. The other Rias smiles evilly as she clings to him. 

"Hey! Get away from him!" Rias snaps. 

Rias runs forward only for her to get blown back and caught by Issei. 

Everyone looks to see Kyo transformed into his Explosion Armor, minus his helmet. The scariest part was that his eyes were completely black and had no sclera-color whatsoever. 

The other Rias giggles as she nods at Kyo. "End them." 

Kyo growls as he summons his helmet. "EXPLOSION!" 


Xenovia, Irina, Kiba, and Asia all look back as Rossweisse reaches the gate. They all then see a humongous explosion emanate from where the club house was. 

"I wasn't fast enough!" Rossweisse says. 

The Student Council had arrived and was taping the area off limits as Sona and Tsubaki were helping the ORC. 

Asia kneeled next to Issei as he, Gasper, and Koneko were sitting against a tree. "Issei, what happened back there?" 

"We're still not clear on any of the details." Akeno says. "But, thank Gasper. He was able to stop time right before the explosion and pulled the two of you and Rias out here to safety." 

Koneko smiles at Gasper. "Thanks a lot, Gaspy." 

Xenovia pats him. "We're proud of you." 

"I'm ashamed that something like this transpired on school property." Sona says. "Wait, where's Kyo?" 

Issei grits his teeth as Koneko and Gasper look down in sadness. 

"It was Esdeath." Rias states firmly. "It had to have been. She took Kyo!" 

"You guessed right." Azazel says walking up with Rossweisse. "Valhalla sent an emergency message to Rossweisse. Esdeath was responsible." 

"That sneaky bitch!" Issei growls. 


"So now we've got a fake Rias in the mix?" Irina questions as they were all back at the house. 

"It's true." Gasper replies. "I saw she was an exact double." 

Koneko then adds, "Her aura and scent were both practically identical to Rias." 

Kiba cocks a brow. "Her scent?" 

"If the real Rias wasn't standing right in front of me when I saw her doppelgänger, I wouldn't have even noticed the difference." Koneko explains. 

"How can you be so responsible that Esdeath was responsible for the attack?" Akeno asks. 

"Because she sent Sirzechs and myself this..." Azazel then places a small device on the table that projects a small hologram of Esdeath herself. 

"People of the Underworld, your times of peace and harmony are at an end. I will fulfill my husband's dying wish and bring Ragnarok upon ALL of you! There will be no escape this time for you, Devil King. Every single being in and outside of the Underworld will know death and pain. I will take back what was rightfully stolen from me and use it as the ultimate weapon that will destroy everything! I advise you all enjoy the time you have left, because once I have reclaimed my weapon, he will be the perfect instrument of all your deaths!" 

The device then shuts down as Azazel says, "Not really hard to figure out what she meant by 'he' and used the word 'death' a lot." 

Xenovia stands. "She's a true coward if she wishes to use Kyo as a weapon instead of doing the job herself!" 

"Sometimes the psychological approach can be more effective than defeating an enemy in combat." Kiba states. "I suffered with it for a long time." 

"But I still don't understand why Esdeath would go through all this trouble." Gasper says, throrougly confused. 

"She wants to fulfill Loki's wish. Ragnarok." Azazel explains. "The ultimate end to existence as we know it. And now that Esdeath has Kyo in her possession, I have no doubt she most likely knows about Kyo's hidden form." 

Issei punches the wall. "DAMMIT! I'm gonna kill that psychotic whore!" 

Anaria puts her hand on Issei's shoulder, consolingly. "We will get him back, Issei. I promise." 

"Excuse me, but where's Rias?" Asia asks. 

"Rossweisse is debriefing her upstairs." Azazel answers. 


Rias looks up at the sky as Rossweisse stood behind her. "You're saying that Loki was able to put a curse on Kyo?" 

Rossweisse nods. "Yes. Apparently he was able to place a one on you and Kyo just before he was killed." 

"What kind of curse?" Rias asks. 

"Curses lay siege to a person's heart, gnawing away at it piece by piece." Rossweisse explains. "They cling to doubts lingering in depths of your soul. Doubts you've had before, or worse, doubts you never realized you had in the first place. Loki used those buried feelings aginst the two of you. And Esdeath was able to emphasize them." 

Rias then gasps. 

"Have you remembered something?" Rossweisse asks. 

"Yes." Rias nods. "My fear is that one day, Kyo could possibly leave for good and never come back. Leave because he was probably tired of being around us and the constant battles we'd fight. But what I don't understand is what Kyo would have to be afraid of? I thought he'd overcome his past." 

Rossweisse looks down. "You said before that Kyo was tortured and raped by Esdeath and his adoptive sisters, right?" 

Rias nods. 

"Then maybe he doesn't fear what happened to him in the past, but fears what he'll do in the future." Rossweisse concedes. 

"I'm afraid I don't understand." Rias says confused. 

Rossweisse stands next to her. "Kyo always said that he'd protect all of us with his dying breath. That he keeps every promise he ever makes. Maybe his worst doubts, his worst fears, are breaking those promises. Maybe he was afraid that there would come a day that he failed to do so and broke those promises. Afraid that even with all the power he possessed, he still failed to protect us." 

Rias looks down in realization. "That...makes complete sense." 


Back in the living room, holograms of Sirzechs and Ajuka Beelzebub stood before the group. 

"How are you holding up, Sirzechs?" Azazel asks. 

"I am the Devil King first and a concerned friend second." Sirzechs says. "I will conduct myself according to my station in this matter." 

Azazel nods. "Glad you're keeping a clear head." 

"Per Esdeath's message, it will take time to figure out where she plans to strike first. Which is a luxury we don't have." Sirzechs continues. 

"We just need to figure out what Esdeath has in store for Kyo." Azazel says. "And where she's taken him." 

"My sources says he's been taken to the Dimensional Gap." Sirzechs states. 

"Dimensional Gap?" Issei questions. 

"Isn't that where Kyo was sent by Shalba for Esdeath to snatch him?" Akeno recollects. 

"We've searched the kingdoms of gods and devils alike." Ajuka says. "It is the only remaining possibility." 

"So, if we can get there, we should be able to save Kyo, right?" Xenovia asks. 

"The void of the Dimensional Gap doesn't behave according to our laws of time and space." Azazel states. "If Valia hadn't travelled to that precise moment and found Kyo, Esdeath would've found him sooner and we wouldn't even be here to discuss how to stop her. Simply put, being thrust into the Gap more often than not is a death sentence." 

"Then how were Valia and Kyo's sisters able to do it?" Akeno asks. 

"The Khaos Brigade is diverse assortment with members from all factions." Azazel explains. "They must be using a method still unknown to our coalition." 

"It could be possible." Ajuka says. "We'd have to lock the existence of its plain. We could use this world as a beacon of sorts." 

Issei then steps up. "Koneko. We don't have a choice. I need to contact your sister." 

"Do you need Kuroka for some kind of plan?" Koneko asks. 

Issei nods. "To go see Valia. Now." 


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