The Shy Girl ✔

De cat_lover_4life

206K 7.5K 1.8K

' "Will you still love me when I'll be broken?" I mumbled as he slowly caressed my face. "Would you stop lov... Mais

Chapter 6
Chapter 8 - Don't judge a movie by its DVD cover.
Chapter 9- About That Night
Chapter 10 - The Halloween Party
Chapter 11 - Books and Coffee
Chapter 12- Bad boys read too.
Chapter 13- Getting punished for someone else's sins.
Chapter 14 - The Hospital
Chapter 15- Ice skating
Chapter 16- Date
Chapter 17- The Betrayal
Chapter 18 - He likes you
New Covers
Chapter 19- Happy Birthday to me
Chapter 20 - Nightmares and Cupcakes
Chapter 21 - The Anonymous
Chapter 22 - Shopping
Chapter 23 - The Winter Formal
Chapter 24- Here we go again
Chapter 25- Two strangers sharing the same memories
Chapter 26 - Confessions
Chapter 27- Messages From A Stranger
Chapter 28- Happy New Year
Chapter 29- Getting Back Home
Chapter 30 - Old Friends And Secrets Revealed
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 31- First Date As A Couple
Chapter 32- Camping
Bonus - Valentine's Day
~ Sequel ~
Chapter 33- One Hell Of A Trip
Chapter 34- Airplane mode
Chapter 35- Hola preciosa
Chapter 36- The Photo Of Truth
Chapter 37-Late Night Betrayal
Chapter 38- Unwanted Disneyland Trip
Chapter 39- Goodbye.
Sneak peak
Book 2: Chapter one- Jealousy.
Chapter 2- Forever Yours
Chapter 3- I Love You Most
Chapter 4- Skylar.


16.5K 522 367
De cat_lover_4life

To myself, for not giving up even after everyone gave up on me and for believing in my dreams that were shattered by the outside world.



There are moments, when you're getting to know someone, when you realize something deep and buried in you is deep and buried in them, too. It feels like meeting a stranger you've known your whole life." ~ Leah Raeder, Unteachable


I feel like the world would burst into flames if I let it breathe in my existence for even one second.

Today, is the first day of junior year, summer break is over but I'm not complaining, I'm an overachiever, so I tend to always be the first in everything. I don't have many friends, just Skylar. More friends means more attention and more attention is something that I don't wish.

Friendships are a mirror in our lives, whoever we're friends with, tells a lot about ourselves. Unfortunately, you can choose who your friends are but can't choose who you want to be no matter how hard you will try.

But, in life, I guess what really matters is, are you going to be the one that makes a difference? Or will you stand quietly on a bench and stare at the whole world with no regrets?

What is written in the stars cannot be undone.

Sometimes getting out of bed feels more like a chore than a relief. Starting a new day, with new responsibilities and more problems to overcome.

Even our neighbor's cat looks better than me... I thought as I tried not to ruin my mood right at the beginning of the day.

"Emma! If you're not coming down in 10 minutes, I will leave without you!" I heard my sister's car and started to panic, knowing that it wouldn't be the first time she's done this. She doesn't care, but, really, who does? Most people are selfish and would help others just to gain something in return.

I stared at my 5'8 figure in the mirror, my brown hair falling down over my shoulders, hiding my eyes. You could see the lack of sleep in my them.

I looked outside my window to see my sister preparing to leave. I closed the window and almost slipped as I made my bed fast, so that she wouldn't leave without me.

I took my backpack and my phone and ran down the stairs, almost tripping. I took the money that my mom left for me on the kitchen counter and ran outside. First day of school and I think I'm going to be late, great...


Is every monday suppose to be so boring and tiring? I despise mornings and I'm sure everyone can agree with me.

Sunday is just a better option for saying ' It's Monday tomorrow'. Why is school supposed to start so early? Aren't students supposed to be well rested and all that shit?

It's like school was especially made for those nerds that are used to waking up early and already having everything in their schedule checked like homework and all that stupid stuff. Me? I don't even have a schedule. I find schedules not being a necessity since I have a brain.

I looked in the mirror and brushed my hair with my hand. As I wanted to get out of my room I tripped over a bardi car or whatever those are called.

"ANNA, WHY IS YOUR STUPID CAR IN MY ROOM?!" I yelled as I pushed the small car with my foot, moving it out of my room.

I took my backpack, well, more like a duffel bag and looked outside my window to see a girl with brown hair running down the street. Huh, girls are so weird sometimes. I rolled my eyes while laughing and closed my curtains. First day and I already wish for it to be the bloody last.


I looked down at my feet and noticed that my socks were a different color, one was black and the other one was white.

I don't have time for this. I thought as my sister started to get annoyed.

I sprinted to the car and since I'm always forgetting everything I had to run back and close the door of the house.

"Come on, Emma! I don't have all day!" I heard my sister screaming as I put the keys in my backpack.

I ran to her car while my white sneakers got dirty from all the mud outside. I cringed and opened the door to my sister's car. I stopped for a second, with my hand on the handle having that weird feeling, like someone was watching me.

"Close the door already, the cold is getting inside and I really don't feel like having to put on a hoodie or a jacket!" She yelled as I just looked down and got inside the car.

"You don't have to yell." I mumbled while hugging myself, to catch some warmth because it was a cold morning.

"Sorry, but I'm too excited for this day to start!" She said while looking in a mirror and putting on some lipstick.

I looked at her and then at her outfit, that doesn't look like a school outfit... I don't think school is where she is heading towards. She had a top and a short skirt on with a pair of high heels, matching her outfit.

"You're excited about school? Well, that's a first." I mumbled while rolling my eyes and putting my hands near the heater since my hands were freezing.

"No, me and Melissa are going shopping, why don't you come with us?" She questioned while looking at her phone, typing something.

That explains the outfit... I thought as I sighed and looked at her weirdly.

"You know how I feel about skipping school." I uttered with a sigh.

I know where this conversation is going and I don't exactly like it...

She rolled her eyes and put her hand on my hand then looked into my eyes while smiling. Come on, I don't want to be mean but that smile is faker than her purse...

"Yeah, I know, but I thought that maybe you have changed." She wants to get me mad but if she thinks that she has any effect on me, well, she's wrong.

"Alyson, have you seen my room? It looks almost exactly the same as it did 5 years ago, I never change."

It's true, the only part that has changed is that I don't exactly have my room full of toys and I recently painted it so, yeah, still not that different...I still have one doll hidden in a box in my closet but Alyson doesn't need to know that...

"Why? At least try to make some new friends because you can't keep living in the past!" She snapped at me.

Why does someone need more than a few friends? More friends means more attention, more people to talk to, too much time to waste...that's why I only have Skyler, she is the best and she gets me. She doesn't want to take a selfie every 5 minutes or talk about every magazine that she has read. She doesn't exactly read magazines, more like comic books, which I love too.

"I have a friend, Skylar, and you know why I can barely open up to her, so why bring up this conversation in the first place?" I whispered while closing my eyes for a few seconds.

She didn't say anything, well, I didn't exactly expected her to say something, it's complicated, and she doesn't get it.

"Did you look for a job yet? You know mom is running low on money but she refuses to say it." She mumbled as I looked down and bit my lower lip, worried that I won't get a job by the end of the week.

"I found a job at a Starbucks nearby, I applied there but I don't know if they'll take me." I felt shattered on the inside because I knew mom and dad weren't going to live forever to support me.

The car stopped and I got out without letting her continue or think too much about what I said and headed inside the school.

"EMMA!" I heard someone yell as a smile plastered on my face.

I turned around and saw Skylar running towards me. She hugged me tight. Too tight. I wasn't annoyed anymore, Skylar has that effect on everyone, you can't be sad after one of her hugs. I started laughing but soon air started leaving my lungs.

"S-Skylar I can't b-breath..." I whispered as I fely myself getting lightheaded. I may be too weak sometimes.

"Oh, sorry, you know that sometimes I get too..." She tried thinking of a word but I giggled and finished her sentence.

"Excited?" I confessed while laughing.

We started walking towards the school and it looked exactly the same as it did before summer, I don't exactly think that our school will ever change something. Once a kid punched a wall and instead of fixing it our principle put a picture with himself over it, talk about a big ego.

"Yeah..." She mumbled embarrassed as she took a glance at the photo on the wall.

I started laughing and soon she started laughing with me, getting some weird looks from the other students.

Oh come on, it's not like we're some aliens, we're just two girls laughing. The doors from our high school are really heavy like, really, really, heavy. If our high school would've had a kindergarten then some kids would probably get trapped outside waiting for someone to open the door since it's heavier than them. Some may think I'm exaggerating, but I'm really not.

We got into the school and everyone was whispering and running on the hallways.

Well, first day of school and the drama already started. Welcome to another year of being invisible.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Skylar ad I looked around and saw everyone excited and happy like a miracle was about to happen.

"Let me check." She mumbled as she walked to Amalia, one of the popular girls. Yes, we have groups in our high school, too many groups if you ask me. There are the "nerds", really, who puts these names? I call them the smart and awesome kids but yeah, I'm the only one that does that. There are the popular kids, where my sister is of course, they barely come to school, most of the time they are hanging out at the beach or at the mall, everywhere but not at school.

There are the clubs, like chess club, math club, dance club, science club, studying club, where there are barely a few members, drama club, great persons, never talked to anyone there but their recitals are wow. And these groups go on and on, I got lost at some point as Skylar explained them to me.

"Ok, so, a new student is coming today." Skylar started screaming and jumping up and down.

New students aren't exactly what people are excited about most of the time so...why is this 'new student' so... special?

"So? New students are always coming here and no one ever talks about them." I shrugged while looking around to see that the hallway is almost empty. Great, I think I'm late.

"He is not any new student, he is Adam Stone, and you really don't remember him? He was in our class for 9 years until he left." Said Skylar with a weird spark in her eyes.

"Am I supposed to know who he is?" I said while opening my locker so that I can get my books for the first period.

"Everyone knows who he is, people say that the reason he left in 9th grade was cause his dad sent him to military school after he started getting into fights."

"And how do they know this?"

"I don't know, I'm just a messager, not a newspaper."

The bell rang and everyone that was left on the hallway started running. Well, I guess we're not going to be late after all. Skylar took my hand and we started running to our first period, math.

We got into the classroom just as the last bell rang.

I was panting but I just looked down as everyone was talking and sat down in my seat. The class is very loud, well, it is usually like this, and you can't ever hear your own thoughts cause of the noise.

We were doing exercises, when suddenly, the door opened and a boy with styled black hair, green eyes, a black T-shirt, blue jeans and a black jacket entered the class.

This seems like some cliché teenagers movie, like Mean Girls. I looked at the boy and I can tell that he wasn't exactly elated to be here...come on I think everyone could tell.

"Hello, and you are...?" Ms. Williams, our math teacher asked him.

"Adam Stone." He said with a cold voice while rolling his eyes.

Kind of rude, not exactly a good first impression you want to give to the person that is going to pass you at this subject at the end of the year.

"Do you have a pass, Adam?" Asked Ms. Williams already irritated that he disturbed her lesson.

He just shook his head slowly and from there I just got lost in my thoughts.

I looked down at my notebook, not interested to hear the rest of the conversation. I looked around the class and saw that every girl was melting in their seats.

Yes, seems like we're in some weird movie right now and he's the new bad boy that came to school while all the girls want him. Hopefully, this isn't the case.

I heard the chair behind me moving and every girl's stare was on that chair, more specifically on the person that was moving the chair.

What were the chances...I thought while sighing.

I started writing again when I felt something hitting my chair, someone's leg. I just ignored it and continued writing.

The person just continued hitting my chair until I got annoyed and turned furiously at him.

"Excuse me, do you have a problem?" I asked as nicely as I could.

"No, do you, darling?" I turned back in my seat as the teacher started looking at me and Adam. I rolled my eyes refusing to comment on his nickname.

Soon, the bell rang. Finally. I gathered my things and ran out of the classroom.


It's her. The girl from the window. What were the chances?

I tried to annoy her during the first class to ask for a pen but her eyes wouldn't dare to look into mine so I let it go. I wasn't gonna write much anyway. I don't need math to prove something that I can prove with valid arguments.

I like science more than math. The world and what's beyond that is more interesting. When I was in military school I used to sneak out and watch the stars thinking about how many people were watching the same sky and star that I was.

"Yo, Adam, good to see you back." One of the guys that passed me on the hallway took me away from my thoughts as I gave him a handshake and left to smoke a cigarette.

The remedy for pain. Distractions.


After 3 more classes we can finally have lunch. Skylar wanted to go to the new Starbucks that was a few blocks away from our school.

It wasn't that far so I said yes even though I don't usually go outside the school while we have classes.

We got there and Skylar ordered a Pumpkin spice latte while I ordered an iced caramel macchiato.


I haven't finished my drink so I took it with me. We got to school and saw that I had exactly 5 minutes till my next class starts. We started running to our lockers and I had to be careful so that I wouldn't spill my drink.

Skylar went to her class and I looked at my phone to check the time, noticing I had exactly one minute till the class was about to start

I panicked so I started running faster and then suddenly I've hit a wall, my coffee spilled all over the place and I started falling. I closed my eyes but I never touched the ground.

I opened my eyes and saw that the thing that I've hit wasn't a wall but Adam Stone. He looked very pissed and coffe was dripping from his jet black hair, his T-shirt was soaked in my drink and if looks could kill I would have been dead by now.

I noticed that his arm was around my waist. He looked into my eyes and took his arm away. I fell down on my back and whimpered in pain. Well, that was rude.

I got up very quickly and I was ready to turn around and leave when...

"Where do you think you're going, darling?" He said with a cold voice, as his arm wrapped around my waist leaving me frozen in place, unable to move.


Hi guys, my name is Jasmine and if you like my story please vote and comment.

I'm a new writer so please excuse my grammar.❤

Xoxo- Cat lover

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