The Little Merman {A twist of...

By Poison_beri

111K 4.2K 969

Have you ever wondered how the little mermaid would be if Ariel was a male and she fell in love with the vill... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Author's note

Chapter Fifteen

6.6K 231 91
By Poison_beri

This chapter is best to listen to Everything I need as you read Aric's Pov. It fits the mood.
When you get to the part where the battle begins in Aric's Pov please listen Warriors by Imagine Dragons.

I heard my voice then I turned back to look around but I saw no one or heard my name.

Weird. I thought as I continued walking towards the inn I stayed. I had just collected what I needed and sat down to plan how I was to carry out my plan to rescue my mate unharmed. I looked out the window and then stared at the sunset.

Tomorrow is the day.

I got to the beach with the trident on my back wrapped in clothes. I stood out of sight so that I could be sure the human prince would exchange my mate for the trident.

I saw as the prince walked closer and closer to the beach with three men beside him. I stepped out and then looked at the human who gave me a bored look.

"Get out of here! I ordered that no man set foot on the beach today." The human prince talked as I clicked my tongue to his arrogance.

"I won't leave without my mate. Give me my mate and I'll give you the trident." I said they all looked at me in surprise.

"Uriel?" I heard one of the men, the fat one call my name.

I looked at him closely to know who he was. I did a small chant to see he had a curse in him that revealed what he was. A sea serpent I knew too well.

"Ivan." I responded as the prince and the other man looked at both of us.

"Benedict what is all this?" The prince asked as Benedict signaled the men to come closer.

A man brought my mate who had a knife to his throat as he looked at me in surprise.

"Uriel!" He shouted and hit the guard who held him but another held his wrist and pulled him to his body.

I clenched my hand tightly and then brought out the trident from me. The prince also looked surprised that Benedict betrayed him and shouted for the guards who were clearly Benedict's to seize him.

Benedict laughed as two of his guards held the prince. Benedict walked up to Eric and laughed.

"Now whose the scapegoat." He said as he walked towards me.

"The trident Uriel and you can have your mate back. Alive." He stated clearly as I looked at Aric who shook his head.

"No! His going to kill you Uriel! Don't give it to him!" Aric shouted before one of the guards hit him in the guts making me angry.

"Come on Uriel, you don't have a choice. Your mate or the trident?" Benedict said calmly making me to clench the trident tightly.

I handed Benedict the trident and immediately, he started to laugh as the sky got darker. He was still admiring the trident when I took out daggers and threw at his men holding my mates. They fell to the ground as I defended my mate.

I saw my mate run to Benedict as they both struggled over the trident. I couldn't help my mate since there were much humans working for Uriel. I was about to be stabbed when the human Prince Eric defended me.

"Seems you'll need my assistant." He said as he stabbed the man behind me.

I turned to my mate and saw him grab the trident but the Benedict took a sword and started to fight my mate who used the trident to defend himself.

I slashed my opponents throat as I ran quickly to defend my mate. My Aric from the hands of a cruel serpent. I watched as Benedict's sword became more forceful making my mate's defense sloppy. Benedict finally hit the trident away from my tiny mate and before I knew it, I teleported right in front of my mate and was stabbed from the my chest to the back of my body.

"No!!!!!" I heard a dangerously painful scream as everything seemed to freeze before my eyes.

I watched as Uriel was stabbed right in front of me and how he stabbed Benedict in the shoulder blades before he fell to the floor. I touched my face to see the blood of my mate on me. Just when I had accepted Uriel as mine, he was being taken from me.

I got on my knees as I supported his head. The tears flowing violently from my eyes. I saw as his skin became pale and his eyes dull with the flow flowing from his mouth.

"Uriel don't die. You can't die on me." I said as I held him closely to me. Uriel smiled at me as he placed one of his cold hands on my cheeks which I used my warm ones to support.

"Fates may not want us to be together for my sins but I'm happy I met you. My Life may be short but knowing that your living is long enough for me. Live for me mate." Uriel said happily as I cried more violently.

"Don't cry. When I'm gone, look hope in the night sky and tell me goodbye." He added as I sniffed.

"How can you say that when I never got to even mate with you. I never spent enough time appreciating you for showing me the beautiful sides of the sea." I said as he smiled.

"I love you Aric." He said softly as a tear fell from his eye and then slowly he closed his eyes and his hands dropped.

I cried louder because the pain was so unbearable for me. I never got to tell Uriel how much I love him, I never got to see that Corel garden he always loved talking about. Uriel didn't deserve to die, he never deserved what happened to him.

I was still crying when I heard a sinister laugh and then I looked up to see Benedict who was bleeding badly holding the trident.

"Finally! The power of the seven seas belongs to me! I'm a god!" Benedict shouted in victory as he walked up to where Uriel and I were.

"I would kill you but you did me a favor. After all your the reason Uriel is dead. Thank you Aric, I'll let you live." Benedict said as he walked up to the ocean.

I watched as his form changed, he became muscular and then his wound started to heal. I saw as his eyes turned a bright gold color and his hair became longer and his legs changed to a fin. His size became a giant's and then he swam to the centre of the ocean.

"Finally!" Benedict shouted.

I clenched to Uriel's dead body as a great storm came and the wind became powerful as the humans who were alive started to run to safety. I didn't care what happened to me but then I looked to the ocean and then I saw my people.

"Live for me." I heard Uriel's voice clearly in my head and then I kissed Uriel's forehead and then I dropped him gently as I ran towards the ocean. I got on the ship which I saw Eric who gave me a determined look.

"Eric lend me your strength." I said removing all bad blood between us.

"Are you sure?" Eric said but I knew deep in Eric was a goodness he was blinded to hide.

"Yes. I don't hate you so please lend me your strength." I said then Eric nodded and then the four men on the ship helped us to set sail.

I watched as how my father and sisters were joining their powers to see if they could calm the storm and the awful wave. I looked at Eric and then he nodded.

"Wait for my signal!" I shouted and then faced the part where they were making the tip dangerous to pierce anything.

I climbed to the edge of the ship then jumped in but as Eric came to the edge, he saw I was on top of a dolphin.

I was pulled to where my family were and then I joined them to calm the storm a little as the other merfolks who could fight, fought against the creatures that Benedict created that looked like merfolks but were the spirit of the deceased.

"Father!" I shouted as he looked at me.

"Aric what are you doing, you'll drown." My father shouted as he slashed a spirit with a golden sword which screeched.

"These are my people and I am a merfolk and I decide to fight by my family. It's just a tail that makes us different." I said then he smiled.

"Your mother would be so proud." Father said as I smiled and then I looked forward.

"Make a way for the ship!!!" I ordered and then my father shouted it as I saw my sisters fight.

I was taken closer to Benedict by the dolphin but then the storm washed me away from his back. I swam up to the surface as I caught my breath. I saw another on coming closer and then it washed me away.

I held my breath as I saw Flower swimming closer. I caught onto her as I looked at where Benedict was. Flower wasn't big or strong enough to carry us both so I swam closer and then I raised my hands making the water around me to raise me up slightly then where I dropped my legs froze.

I smiled as I ran towards Benedict who was creating a beast that could fly. I prayed to my grandfather Poisedon asking him to lend me his strength to save my people while I kept running to Benedict.

I stopped when I saw one of the spirits attack me. I tried to use my powers to attack when I saw who it was. I froze as tears slipped from my face.

"Uriel." I said softly as I smiled looking at Uriel who was in his true form.

Uriel looked dark and his whole eyes was black and he seemed to walk like a puppet. He was staring at me but he couldn't recognize me.

"Maigo arc corpus." He responded as he attacked me relentlessly.

I dodged his attacks but he was fast and quick making it difficult. He cut me on my arms and then I pulled back as I looked at the side that he cut. I held the place I was bleeding then I turned back to see Arista, one of my sisters, throw me a sword.

I collected it and blocked his attack. It was hard to keep up with someone who had eight tentacles but I was glad I took my weapon training serious. He kept on repeating on those words every three times and then I blocked the last attack and decided to say what he said.

"Maigo arc corpus." I repeated three times and then suddenly Uriel paused fighting me and then I saw as all the spirits of the deceased paused and then Uriel's eyes changed to normal.

"Aric?" He said as he touched my face. I didn't know how much tears I was holding and then I let it out as I jumped on him.

Uriel seemed surprised and then hugged me back before he pushed me back and looked at Benedict.

"The war isn't over." Uriel said as I smiled and held his hand.

"We'll do it together." I said then he nodded and then I saw as all the merpeople, dead and alive united together and charged towards Benedict.

When Benedict saw what was happening, he waved his head and all the deceased fell and then they slowly started to fade away.

"Uriel!" I shouted but he shook his head and then he pointed at the trident.

"The trident will obey you. Protect your family, protect the living. I'll always be with you in here." He said then smiled before he disappeared as a bright light.

I held the tiny gold dust it left and brought it to my chest and then I clenched it and ran to Benedict.

"Benedict surrender!" I shouted then he looked down on me as he laughed.

"And what will you do to me if I don't?" He asked as his eyes met mine.

"This!" I shouted as I raised my hands and then I pulled back as a large lightning bolt struck him making him to scream in pain.

"The trident belongs to my father, to my people, to the people. And in the name of my grandfather Poisedon, I summon the trident of the seven seas!" I shouted and then I saw as the sea spiraled around me as Benedict watched what was happening.

A lightning stroke and then the ocean opened to reveal a trident under the sea. I looked at it surprised and then I picked it up. Benedict looked at his own trident which started to show its real identity.

It was just a golden rod that Uriel said had magic which could only last for an hour and thirty minutes. I finally understood what he meant the trident would obey me.

Benedict looked angry as he tried to hit me with the giant rod but I raised the trident and then giant seaweeds held the rod and held him tightly.

I placed the trident in front of me and then a giant gate portal opened and then I saw as the ship Eric was in was coming out of the gate in full speed and then Benedict struggled to break free but the seaweed held him tightly when he tried to break free.

Then I stood strongly as the ship passed through Benedict's chest like it had passed through my mate. I saw as the gate closer and a pool opened and then large hands pulled Benedict down as the wood on him broke from the ship. Everyone watched as he was pulled to Tartarus to join the Titans in receiving punishment.

I shot a blast from the trident and the storm cleared and the seas calmed down. Everywhere became clearer and then I felt exhausted and then fell into the ocean as I closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes a little as I saw a hand stretching towards me and then I looked up to see my mother. I smiled as I held her hand and they both pulled me up to the surface to the beach.

I coughed and then I saw as my father and sisters swam closer to me. I opened my eyes clearly to see my mother.

Mother looked a lot like me with the red hair, ocean blue eyes and that button nose. Her face was gentler than mine but it was so similar. She dressed like a queen before she placed her forehead.

"I'm so proud of you my little Ari." She said with a soft and gentle voice.

"Mother." I said as tears flowed down my eyes. I was happy to see her because I was too young to remember my mother and the only thing that I could remember about her was our bedtime lullaby she sang when I was four.

"Athena?" I heard my father call my mother who turned and froze.

"Triton." She said with happiness as she hugged him.

"It's been twelve years since I last touched you." Father said as he kissed her forehead.

"Mother." My sisters said excitedly as she smiled and then she gave space.

"You've all grown so big. Attina," She said as she held her face. "Alana, Adella, Aquata, Arista and Andrina." She said as he placed her hand on their faces.

"I'm so proud of all of you. It's too bad our time is short. I'd love to hear all I missed." Mother said before father gave her a sad smile.

"I will always love you." father said as mother smiled and then she brought out the music box that she left.

"I will always belong to you." She said as she opened the music box and then it started to play and to my surprise instead of my father and mother it was now Uriel and me.

Father smiled and then both of them gave me before my mother slowly disappeared into the sky as light. I closed the music box as I and my sisters hugged my father who was moved to tears.

I saw as all the deceased who were talking to their loved ones disappeared. I gave my father the trident and then ran towards Uriel's body.

I saw Uriel's spirit close to his body as I ran up to him. Uriel was smiling at me as I cried.

"Are you leaving?" I asked and he nodded. "I don't want you to. I'll be all alone." I continued.

"Your not alone. As long as you live, I will live in your heart." Uriel said as he dried my tears.

"I love you." I said and then Uriel hugged me as he slowly faded away.

"I will love you for a thousand years." He said before he finally disappeared.

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