Searching for you - Destiel

By Fainted_Angel

664 35 200

Dean is desperately trying to find his brother, Sam, who vanished into thin air a week ago. He has no idea wh... More

Amen, or Whatever
Best Damn Burger
If You're an Angel, Where Are Your Wings?
Stupid Freakin' Aliens
Okay? Okay.
I'll Help You
Something strong
I walked through a desert
Rain check on that kiss?
We've got company

Son of a-

36 1 12
By Fainted_Angel

A/N ~ I'm so sorry (again) about not updating in so long! I've been incredibly busy and stressed and my depression decided to convince me I didn't want to write. I recently came out to my brother as bi, and I started to feel better than I have in a while so I sat down and wrote and edited small parts at a time. Anyway, I do plan to finish the book I just don't know how long it will take. But yeah, thanks for reading guys!

Dean P.O.V

On the other side of the warehouse two figures have appeared. One is short and the other looks as if he could be as tall as Sammy, with thinning brown hair. They weren't there a moment ago and there is no door anywhere near them, so they must be the demons Crowley was talking about.

"Sorry." The short one says as he takes a step forward. "I'm afraid we can't let you take him. It would be bad for business, and the djinn who bought him is quite temperamental."

"Finish untying him." I mutter to Cas. "I'll take care of them."

"Both of them?" He looks up at me with worry hidden behind his eyes.

"Yeah both of them. I took down twenty vamps solo once. Don't worry." 

"Dean-" He starts to protest.

"Cas I'll be fine. Just get him out of here. Okay?" I soften my voice and run a hand quickly through his hair.

"Alright." He sighs. "Just don't die."

"I'll do my best." My thumb traces along his cheek before I turn back to the face the threat.

The short blond one is slowly advancing, the grin on his face makes it clear he is looking forward to the fight. I scowl, and slip the knife out of my coat. Then, without any warning, I charge at him. It takes him by surprise, but after a moment he starts running too. We skid across the dust covered floor until we meet.

I raise my arm to stab him but he catches my wrist before I can bring down the blade. With his free hand he delivers a punch to my stomach and I gasp, winded. Why are demons so freaking strong? He draws back his fist to strike me again but this time I block it, and punch him in the jaw.

His head whips to the side and back to look at me, spitting the blood from his mouth. He grins as he twists the hand that holds the demon blade and I hiss in pain. Unable to hold on to the knife any longer, it slips from my fingers and clatters to the floor.

Hailen kicks it aside, watching with a bored expression as it slides under the shelving unit pressed against the wall. While he is distracted, I manage to pull my hand out of his secure grip. I rip my hand from his and duck behind him, kicking him in the centre of his back and he tumbles to the ground. He lands harshly on his stomach and pushes the ground in a feeble attempt to stand.

For someone who was excited to fight he certainly didn't last long. My boot meets his stomach again and he collapses with a jolt, flipping onto his back. I pull the gun from my belt and train it on him.

"Don't try to get up."

He just lays there on the ground like he couldn't be any less bothered that their is a gun pointed at his head. He swipes at the blood on his chin, still wearing that infernal grin. I quickly glance over my shoulder to where the other demon was standing near the empty shelves. He hasn't moved an inch.

"Is that your boyfriend over there?" Blondie asks.

"Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"So he is. Interesting." He raises an eyebrow.

"Why did you take my brother?" I bark.

The Demon just laughs.

"Why?" My voice reverberates around the room.

"You'll have to ask Alistair. He's the one who will give you a straight answer. All I can say is that he's worth quite a bit in the supernatural black market."

"Then I guess we won't be needing you." I pull the trigger and he barely flinches as the bullet goes through his skull. He lays still, a smirk plastered on his face as blood pools around him.

I turn to the other demon, Alistair, but he is no longer standing against the wall. I am instantly alert again, my eyes sweeping the room as I back myself against the wall, preventing anyone from coming up behind me. Cas has gotten Sam untied and is lifting him over his shoulder; Hailen, I think it was, is laying still and there is no sign of the other dude.

I cautiously tuck the gun back into my jeans and I walk over to the shelf my knife slid under. Bending down, I see that it is pretty much in the middle. Awesome. I reach my hand under and try to ignore the thought of all the spiders and other things that could be under there.

My hand brushes something that is not the knife and I jerk my hand away, finding the blade. I grab it and pull my hand out as fast as I can.  There are dust bunnies clinging to my sleeve and the knife so I wipe the bade on my arm and proceed to brush away the dust that clings to the sleeve of my jacket.

"That was disgusting." I say mostly to myself, shuddering.

"And you eat gas station pies." 

The English accent behind me makes me jump. I whip around, brandishing the knife but relax when I see it's just Crowley. 

"What is it?" I ask in a tired voice.

"I just came to thank you for killing Hailen." He nudges the body with a toe. "I hope you won't mind, but I am going to take his soul back to Hell early. I'll be back when you've taken care of Alistair. Thanks lads!" He calls loud enough for Cas to hear as well. 

"Hold on a second. You are going to leave Cas and I now?"

"You seemed to be doing just fine before." He shrugs. "Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it, and with any luck you'll have a dead Alistair ready and waiting upon my return. See you soon."

He crouches down and grabs Hailen's arm, giving me a quick wave before disappearing.

"Remind me never to work with demons again." I mutter as I make my way over to Cas. "Come on, let's get Sam out of here before Alistair gets back."

"Ah, maybe you should take him."

"Okay..." I transfer my brother's weight onto myself before asking why. "Aren't you coming?"

"I- uh, the demons put an angel trap over the chair."

We both look up at the circle within a circle on the high ceiling, the painted runes looking back and mocking us.

"So you can't get out?"

"Not while it's unbroken, no. It's like a demon trap. I'm powerless." He looks down in shame. Damn it. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself.

"Alright, we can work through this. Does angel radio count as a power?"

"I'm not sure. Some angels can still communicate with each other in traps. I can try."

He closes his eyes and I watch as he focuses his energy. Sam groans against my shoulder and I know we can't wait much longer, but I won't abandon Cas. A moment later he opens his eyes.


"I don't know if it went through, but I put out a call. Until then I can wait here. Sam needs medical attention." He looks deep into my eyes. "Get him help, I'll be fine here. You should go."


"Dean. Don't argue."

"Cas, I'm not leaving you. Alistair could come back at any time and I can't let him have you."

"That's exactly why you should go. I'll just wait h- Dean! Look out!"

I duck just in time, any later and the demons fist would have connected with Sam's head. I quickly pass him off to Cas and face Alistair, pulling out my gun.

"You sneaky son of a-"

Cas P.O.V

Butt cheek on a stick, is what he did not say. I was expecting something more like 'This is just awesome,' but perhaps we needed some stronger, choice words.

"-Bitch!" He finishes.

Alistair gives a nasally laugh as Dean swears and returns to his full height. This time he doesn't hesitate. Dean raises his arm fast, so fast I almost miss it, and punches the demon across the face, catching his nose. Alistair snaps back fairly quickly and throws a disoriented fist at Dean. He dodges it, but fails to see the other hand.

He stumbles back with the force of the blow but uses the distance to his advantage. He quickly pulls out his gun and fires it three times. Alistair drops to the ground as if he had fainted and manages to dodge each bullet. Dean re-positions his aim, but Alistair kicks out his leg and his boot meets the spot below his knee.

Dean stumbles backwards, releasing a string of curse words and I wince at the attack, even though he hasn't touched me. Why am I just standing here!? Do something Castiel! I scream at myself. Maybe a direct message to Gabriel would be better than just a general cry for help.

Anything is worth a try at this point, so I close my eyes and send out a prayer.

Gabe, I have no idea if this will reach you or not because I am inside of an angel trap, but if you do receive this than I need your help. Sam and Dean Winchester are involved.

That's all I could send over angel radio before I lose focus due to the trap's warding. I open my eyes again and see that Sam has begun to regain consciousness once more. He lets out a soft moan and sighs, slumping against the leg of the chair.

I feel so useless being unable to help Dean. I can't even heal Sam while I sit idly to the side. Under other circumstances I could take the demon out with a touch of my finger. 

The one good thing about this whole situation is that Alistair is not interested in either of us. He's too busy attacking Dean. That, and the djinn that apparently 'bought' Sam has yet to show up. I take a seat beside him and allow Sam to rest on my shoulder.

I wish I could turn away from the fight, but I seem unable to tear my eyes away from the fight. I'm too worried Dean will get hurt.  My fingers twitch every time he receives a punch, or a kick, or an elbow to the face. This is horrible. I shake my head, wishing Crowley hadn't decided to leave early.

I continue to watch the violent brawl, begging silently that Dean will be okay.

"You always manage to get into awkward situations, don't you Castiel?"

"Gabe!" I look up and there standing above me, just outside of the circle of runes, is Gabriel.

"I did indeed receive your call. The Winchester bro's? How did you manage to get in with those guys?" He raises a curved eyebrow.

"Long story and I can tell you later, but right now you need to get Sam out of here. Far away from here. Dean has a hotel room nearby, room 313. Just wait there until we get back." I tell him urgently.

I lift up Dean's brother, who is much lighter than he should be, and pass him gently to Gabe.

"Thank you." I almost collapse in relief when the other angel sweeps Sam into his arms. His eyes travel up Sam's broken body twice before looking back at me.

"You'll owe me more than an explanation for this, but I'm usually happy to help you Cas."

"Thank you." I say again. There is a whooshing sound as he flies away with Sam, leaving the dust on the ground rolling away from the place he was just standing.

I glance back up at the fighting pair and see that whilst I was talking to Gabriel, Alistair had gained the upper hand. He was now standing with Dean's gun in his hand, and had backed him up so that Dean's back was pressing into the wall, the barrel never straying from his skull.

Son of a-

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