Kidnapped by Boys Who Turn in...

By madisonrae19

209K 6.7K 518

Jessamine was content in her busy, no nonsense life, when suddenly she finds herself kidnapped by the hottest... More

Welcome and Cast List!
1: Kidnapping Someone is a Bloody Big Deal
2: What the Hell Has Happened to My Life?
3: I am No Blushing Virgin
4: I Will Never Belong To You
5: Strangely Human
6: Plagued with the Existence of Werewolves
7: Are You Going to Spank Me Now?
8: Who Knows What Kind of Diseases I Could Catch off Him?
9: The Curse of my Existence
10: I Have Unintentionally Literally Led them to the Wolves Den
11: Hotter then a Hair Straightener
12: Dirty Deets Over a Cinnamon Soya Latte
14: There Is No Way I Could Want Anyone Else Now
15: Emerald Green
16: If Being a Luna is What I Decide To Do
17: Panic Room
18: Someone is Trying to Attack Us
19: It Just Sucks
20: What If I Don't Want You To Control Yourself?
21: Izzy You're Naked!
22: This Isn't What It Looks Like, I Swear!
23: We Have A Big Day Tomorrow
24 Part One: Kiss me Now, Mark me, Claim me
24 Part Two: Marked and Mated (R Rated)
25: Rid The Earth Of The Scum We Are Up Against
26: A Dominating Force To Be Reckoned With
27: Entirely At This Demons Mercy
28: Knight In Shining Armour

13: Wow Jessamine You Look... Different

6.3K 213 17
By madisonrae19

Jessamine's outfit ^^^

"Woohoo! I'm so excited for this party girl!" Carla whoops whilst powdering her face.

We have been getting ready for nearly three hours now, and the party is raging on below us. The walls are vibrating from the thumping base, muffled yells, laughs and indistinguishable chattering which echoes throughout the house. It sounds wild; I would hate to be part of the clean up crew. Carla, Jamie and I are squished around my bathroom mirror getting ready together. We were listening to our tunes (mostly to 2000s pop) but the sound from downstairs became so loud that we could hardly hear ourselves talk let alone the music.

I haven't seen Alaric since before we left for the mall and I kind of miss his presence. Oh, who am I kidding? I really miss him like the stars would miss the moon if it disappeared. We had a great time maxing out Alaric is credit card and driving Bear (who was demoted to our bag carrier) crazy. He doesn't talk much and it is clear that Carla irritates him with her batting eyelashes, but he is very complimentary of his mate Tori and you can tell he holds a lot of love for her, which earns my respect. We ate lunch together and I explained that Alaric and I are just working on friendship at the moment, disappointing them all but it is the truth. We also all bought a gift for Izzy considering it is his birthday party we are attending.

I splashed out on a really hot outfit that is guaranteed to capture attention, but hopefully specifically Alaric's. I have never had the money to go crazy and buy without a thought to the price, (my mum and I have never had a lot and it took me years to save up even for a crappy phone) so it was weird picking up whatever I wanted with Lou encouraging me to buy anything I even semi-liked. I may have slightly more clothes then can fit in my closet anymore, but is that really a bad thing? Tonight I'm going for sexy with a side of hot, with a tight-brown-patent-leather mini skirt and figure-hugging black crop top that reaches into a deep V exposing my bountiful cleavage. My new red bottom Louboutin heels accentuate my long semi-tanned legs (all from a bottle since my skin hates the sun) and makes me feel like a sex goddess.

I have curled my silky hair, which is as black as a moonless sky and now reaches my hips, and applied a full face of makeup as that is what gives me the most confidence and makes me feel beautiful. Jamie is wearing a black slinky mini dress with a thigh high slit, which makes her body look amazing, and she is a natural beauty with only eyeliner and red lipstick. Carla looks so gorgeous too with leather trousers and a white bodysuit, and has put her hair up into a cute bun with a few wisps framing her face. My friends are so stunning it's unreal.

"Are you guys ready yet? I wanna see Izzy and get drunk!" Jamie pouts, as she was ready two hours ago and has been on her phone giggling at memes since then.

"Just about, sorry babe, just need to make sure I look extra bomb so that I can find someone tonight." Carla explains as she fiddles with her eyelashes.

With one last spritz of setting spray, I am ready and take an appreciative look in the mirror. Goodness, I hope Alaric thinks I look good... This is all for him. Wow, I really am changing; I have never really wanted to dress up for a specific boy before, or care about how someone thinks of me. Usually I have a take it or leave it attitude – I know I am hot, I don't need confirmation of that fact, but now I am anxious to be appealing in Alaric's eyes.

"Ok, I am ready for our big entrance. This is going to be lit!" Carla squeals as she is finally done faffing with her face.

"At last!" Jamie sighs. "Let's get going bitches!"

We make our way out of our room and head towards the copious amount of noise. The party sounds wild and busy, and as we make our way down the stairs to Rihanna's S&M single, a lot of eyes flicker up to us. Alaric's house has been completely transformed and is packed to the brim with people dancing (or more like grinding) to the rocking beat. It is so loud I can hardly hear my heart beat and the room is more or less vibrating with the music and numerous dancing souls. Neon lights flash around like colourful spotlights and most people are drinking from red plastic cups, some people downing two or three. People sway into each other and fall like dominos in their drunken stupor, and I turn my nose up as I notice a guy being sick in a previously fancy plant pot. It is a claustrophobic person's worst nightmare.

Two girls are dancing shamelessly on a table and chair cheered on by the crowds, but now most of the hungry eyes are directed at my girls and me. I love the attention made up of jealousy and lust, but I cannot see Alaric or even Bear in the crowd. As we reach the bottom, wandering hands move out to touch me but I slap them away, eager to see Alaric. We pass a bouncer-looking dude who is obviously stopping people from going upstairs. I nearly slip on some funny clear coloured liquid, and I hope to God that it is just a spilt drink when arms come out to stead me. I nearly bat them away when I realise it is just Lou and Tori.

"Wow Jessamine you look... different." Lou shouts over the music.

"Yeah I hardly recognised you!" Tori gasps with a dropped jaw.

"Thank you! This is how I usually look! Hey, watch out!" I snap as numerous people stumble into me.

God, I feel like I am in a box of tic-tac's being shaken in this room. There are way too many people meaning I am constantly being touched and can hardly move.

"You all look amazing girls!" Lou compliments us, and as I turn around, I notice that Carla is already twerking against a very happy looking young man. She is incorrigible. Jamie is looking around, probably for Izzy and shaking her hips to the mind-boggling beat.

"Hey follow me over here!" Lou yells and proceeds to drag me to the hallway with Tori and Jamie left behind dancing.

Lou looks amazing in an off the shoulder shirtdress and straightened hair. It is quieter in the corridor, although there are still lots of people buzzing around talking over drinks and some making out wantonly.

"Look, Jess, you look amazing but if Alaric sees you dressed like that around all of these unmated wolves he is going to flip and be very mad." Lou warns.

"Well... I have mostly dressed up for him..." I reveal, a glint of excitement racing through my stomach as I imagine his hungry eyes scanning my form when he sees me scantily dressed.

"Well I know that, but he won't. And I was thinking Jessamine; maybe it's not such a good idea for you guys to come to the party... Izzy extended an open invite at the last minute meaning there are about one hundred more people here then there should be, Alaric and Bear are still not back from their meeting with the elders and I haven't seen my mate Zechariah all day." Lou reveals in a stressed tone.

"It's ok Lou, just calm down and relax! It's a party for goodness sake, and I'm not going upstairs until I have seen Alaric. Do you know how long it took to get ready?"

"Hours I know, I was relieved as I didn't think you girls were going to come. Remember that if anything goes wrong though and our secret is exposed, Carla and Jamie won't ever be able to go home." Lou stresses, chilling me to the core.

"Ok I get it, but we won't be here long, and it's not like I can just drag them away, they'll be suspicious." I argue.

"Who's suspicious?" Jamie asks from behind me, and I whirl around to see the three girls gently rocking to the beat behind us.

"Oh hey, nothing don't worry about it." I dismiss quickly.

"Whatever, we're just here for drinks." Carla shrugs before turning to wink at the hottie she left behind.

"Great, follow me ladies!" Lou exclaims before sending me a private look, which screams trepidation.

We make our way into the kitchen, instantly cueing a roll of wolf-whistles from some thirsty guys standing around the bottles of alcohol. I roll my eyes playfully knowing the boys couldn't handle me. I need a man. I ignore their lame attempts at pickup lines, and so does Carla, but as I turn around looking for Jamie, I feel anxious, as she has disappeared. I find her a moment later staking her claim on Izzy who is surrounded by a bunch of girls. I sigh as she kisses him and he pulls her closer, kissing so passionately they look like they are eating each other. Great, just great. I am worried about her and Izzy, who has now placed her next to the sink and still eating her face, cueing a round of catcalls. The girls around him huff and walk off, but the lovebirds don't even notice. There isn't anything I can do to separate them really apart from telling her the truth, which in the long run will make everything much harder. Anyway, Izzy seems like a nice guy... I don't think he will hurt her physically, although she should know better then to get involved with an obvious playboy. He'll move onto someone new tomorrow and she will be left behind to pick up the pieces of her heart.

"What meeting did Alaric and Bear have?" I ask Tori curiously, as Lou turns to greet a couple of sweet looking girls and Carla has disappeared with the hottie.

"I'm sorry Jess that's confidential. You'll have to ask Alaric." Tori replies apologetically.

"Oh ok." I dismiss as she passes me a rum and coke, although my curiosity peaks.

"Sorry. Anyway, I'm hoping they will be back soon... They've been gone for ages." Tori reveals.

"Hey, is Mila here?" I ask, worried that Alaric and her are in a room alone together.

"No she hasn't turned up; she took Alaric's words seriously! I'm sorry about her... the only reason she is always in the alpha's house is that she is Bear's stepsister. Her father was Alaric's father's best friend, but when they both perished, he always said he would look after Mila whilst her mother was grieving. Unfortunately she became infatuated with him but he always dealt with it out of respect to her father and mother – who is now Bear's step mum." Tori explains.

"Ah I see, I get it now. That's sad about her dad, but still she needs to stay away from Alaric." I reply with a swig of my drink.

"Don't worry, that's the one thing Alaric won't stand from anyone – disrespect to his mate. Hopefully now Mila will get over it, dye her hair a different colour and move on with her life."

"Cheers to that!" I chuckle and we clink our drinks together.

"Anyway, shall we dance?" Tori asks and I nod after downing my drink.

It turns out the people dancing in the front hall are actually overspill from the main lounge, which has been turned into the main party room with a complete DJ set and tendered bar. It is absolutely jam-packed with sweaty bodies, but Tori and I manage to squeeze our way through. I love the music, a classic Usher song which gets my hips rolling as the music flows through me. Tori and I dance together, and I instantly feel sweaty from the amount of hot bodies crammed in and dancing sloppily with each other. A couple of boys try it on with me, grabbing my hips and ass and trying to coax me into grinding on them, but no matter how hot they are their touch feels wrong. Nobody compares to Alaric, which slightly scares me.

Without warning the crowds start to part, and looking over I notice Bear making his way into the room. Instantly I am on high alert looking for Alaric, but he doesn't follow him into the room. How sad. Bear does a double take as he checks out my dancing form, eyes widening in disbelief as they trail my body, lingering on my cleavage before snapping up to my face. Ha, I caught you!

"Is that Jessamine?" Bear asks Tori gruffly as he pulls her into his chest, his eyes darting back to mine suspiciously.

"Yes... doesn't she look hot?" Tori teases, shouting over the music.

"Hmm... not as hot as you." I think Bear says as he trails his eyes down the leather mini skirt and green bandeau top Tori is wearing, highlighting her every curve.

He then attacks her mouth possessively and I am forgotten about as she easily melts into his touch. Wow, it really sucks to be alone right now. As their make out becomes borderline pornographic I turn and decide to find Carla and Jamie who have both disappeared. I have no idea what state they will be in, or if I even want to find them right now, but it is important that I know they are as safe as can be. I squeeze through the crowds and make my way to the kitchen, not seeing either of them. There is a smashed vase and two broken chairs around, bound to cause some nasty injuries but nobody bothers to clear it up. It becomes less busy after I pass the kitchen, just a couple humping in the hallway and a guy who tries to charm me, but I push him away. No thank you! I open some of the rooms to see if they are getting busy in them, but apart from witnessing a few nasty scenes that are going to be burned into my brain forever, there is no sign of them. I sigh and am about to turn around when I notice one last room.

I push it open and realise it is a little storage room with a few extra chairs, a ladder and plant pots inside. I sigh and am about to turn away when I hear a soft whimper and sniffle. Confused and worried I enter further into the room, following the sniffles to where I find a little girl huddled behind a plant pot holding onto a little bunny toy. She cannot be more then five years old, and my heart melts for her as I see her face stained with tears.

The little girl is a new key character xoxo
Any guesses as to why?


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