rent | taegyu

By hueningskies

307K 21.4K 58.7K

bUCKLE up folks - fasten ur seatbelts and get ready for the r i d e of ur life🤡 welcome to the best and on... More

fiNal cHapTer


29.4K 1.9K 11.2K
By hueningskies

a/n: im siCK with flu and im doing a job shadow/work experience shit thing all week in london and im peeing myself with nerves tbh like im not ready for adulthood or the employment world
anyways i wanted to update this before I went just in case I don't get chance later in the week >:^D

*・゜゚・*:....:**:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Beomgyu had a firm grip on Taehyun's arm as he dragged him down the street towards the restaurant they were meeting the others at.

Tonight was the night.
—He was going to show Yeonjun that he wasn't just a sad, lonely loser, and that he could be in a successful relationship as well.

"Don't do anything stupid." He reminded Taehyun, sternly.

"Jeez, I can't believe I agreed to this..." Taehyun muttered back.

"That's your fault for being poor."

"It's your fault the love of your life friend-zoned you and is dating another guy." The younger retaliated.

Beomgyu gritted his teeth.
This jackass sure knew how to twist the fucking knife...

"Brat." He snapped in response shortly, as they finally reached the restaurant entrance.

"Say that again?" Taehyun frowned back.

"Shut up. We're here." Beomgyu said - his grip on Taehyun's arm tightening as they approached his friends.


Kai, Soobin and Yeonjun noticed their arrival and they all looked up with welcoming faces.

"Beomgyu! I'm so happy you could make it!" Soobin exclaimed. "Is this your date...?"

Beomgyu looked smugly at Taehyun, sliding his arm around his waist to hold him close to his body.

"Yes!" He said. "This is...uhm..."
What was this guy's freaking name again?
It was so goddamn forgettable—

"Taehyun." Taehyun reminded him, through gritted teeth.

"Taehyun!" Beomgyu repeated loudly, holding him harder and stroking his waist.

"It's nice to meet you," Yeonjun smiled. "I'm Yeonjun; this is Soobin, and that's Kai."

Taehyun looked at Yeonjun closely.
So this was the one Beomgyu fancied, huh?
Fair enough - he was pretty hot.

"Great to meet you all," He bowed his head to them politely.
—Kai budged up, moving his chair over so Beomgyu and Taehyun could fit around the table.

There was a brief moment of silence as they all observed the menus; Beomgyu kept glancing at Yeonjun, but he wasn't looking back.
He was far too busy concentrating on Soobin, helping him pick out what to eat, and nuzzling his nose against his cheek like he was some sort of infatuated puppy.


About five minutes later, one of the waiters came over to them, flipping open a small notepad ready to write down their orders.

Soobin smiled at his boyfriend, reaching out to take his hand.
"Jun, do you want to share a starter with me?"

Yeonjun gazed back at him lovingly. "Mm, I'd love to!"

Beomgyu felt like throwing up.
How fucking gross...

In a huff, he turned to Taehyun, and then to the waiter.
"Taehyun and I will share the garlic bread, won't we darling?" He announced, trying to get payback.

"No thanks. I want the shrimp." Taehyun replied, trying not to cringe at the 'darling' part.
What were they-? An old married couple-?

Beomgyu laughed a little, swallowing.
"T-Then we'll share the shrimp-!"

The waiter nodded, before noting down what the others wanted, and leaving.

Jesus Christ... Beomgyu thought to himself ...why was this idiot making things so difficult-?!

"So how long have you two been seeing each other?" Kai asked cheerfully, trying to break the ice.

Taehyun and Beomgyu glanced blankly at one another.

"Erm...well..." Beomgyu started, having no clue what to say. They hadn't really thought this through.

Taehyun leaned forward, smiling. "Our love is so strong, we've completely lost track of when it all began,"

Beomgyu tried his hardest not to snort out loud, or look disgusted, or both.

"That's so romantic," Soobin said. "Yeonjun and I have known each other a while, but we only just got together,"

Ugh...if Beomgyu had to hear them gloat about their relationship one more goddamn time he was going to dropkick somebody.
—Soobin didn't realise how lucky he really was to be with such an incredible guy.

"I guess this makes me the fifth wheel," Kai pouted, playing with his napkin absently.

Taehyun looked at him and he stretched his arms out a little.
"You're cute," He shrugged. "If things turn south between me and Beomgyu, I'd—"

But Beomgyu kicked his foot under the table before he could finish his sentence.
He leaned in to the brunette's ear subtly, clearing his throat.
"I'm not paying you to flirt with other guys." He muttered, so only the two of them could hear.

Taehyun just sat there innocently, tapping his fingers against the table, pretending that nothing had happened.


Several long, excruciating minutes went by before the starters arrived; Taehyun's eye was immediately drawn in by Kai's dish.

"Wow, that looks good," He said. "What is it...?"

"It's the calamari," Kai answered, smiling. "Want to try?"

"I would love to," Taehyun smiled back, prodding one of the squid rings with his fork and putting it in his mouth. He lit up in enjoyment. "That's so good-!"

"Right?" Kai chimed.

Beomgyu witnessed the entire shenanigan with a frown plastered on his face.
—Was Taehyun being a shitty fake-boyfriend on purpose or what...?!

"T-Try mine, Taehyun." He said adamantly, desperately wanting Yeonjun to see how 'romantic' he and Taehyun could really be.

He stabbed one of the shrimp with his fork, holding it to Taehyun's mouth. "Open wide, sweetie."

"Try it? We literally ordered the same dish..." Taehyun muttered, looking at him like he was a complete idiot.

"I said try it, honeybun." Beomgyu hissed, his patience quickly running out.

Taehyun exhaled and shrugged, eating it like he'd been ordered to.
"Tastes like shrimp." He said afterwards, swallowing it. "Which is, you know, what I ordered."

Beomgyu turned away from him, fed up with all this sarcastic, smartass bullshit.
Why was Taehyun making this so fucking difficult-?

Soobin, in the meantime, was entranced with Yeonjun.
"Junie, you have some sauce on your cheek," He sniggered.

"Do I?" Yeonjun smiled back, as his boyfriend lifted his napkin to wipe it off gently.

Beomgyu wanted to vomit at their unpleasant displays of intimacy.

Taehyun noticed how uncomfortable he was, finding the whole scenario pretty amusing.

"That's gotta hurt—" He began, but Beomgyu elbowed him in the side quite promptly, shutting him up.


A few painful hours passed before the meal finally ended.
The five of them all got ready to leave after the bill had been paid; Yeonjun helped Soobin put his coat on, stroking his back affectionately.

"Ready, Bin?"

"Yep!" Soobin replied, looking at the others. "This was so fun guys,"

"Yeah, Taehyun, lets meet up again soon," Kai added.

Before Taehyun had chance to respond, Beomgyu grabbed his hand, holding it firmly.
"I don't know about that." He said. "Taehyun is pretty busy these days—"

"I would love to hang out with you all again!" Taehyun interrupted, squeezing Beomgyu's hand with a certain degree of spite.

Beomgyu forced himself to laugh. "Aha! Is t-that so?"
He wanted nothing more than to slap this little brat in the face and never see him again.

Kai, Soobin and Yeonjun all left first after saying their goodbyes, leaving Taehyun and Beomgyu trailing behind along the dark street together.

When the coast was clear, Beomgyu put his hand on Taehyun's shoulder, pulling him back and pushing him against the wall of a nearby building.
There was a nasty expression on his face, and he glared down at him.

"What the hell is your deal...?" He snapped. "You'd 'love' to hang out with them all again, hey-?!"

"More 'dates' with you means more cash for me." Taehyun said.

"You were a piece of shit to me all evening-!"

"It was funny," Taehyun snorted. "You want revenge against Yeonjun hyung, yet he seemed pretty elated to see you finally getting some action with me."

"'Action'...? I'd rather fuck an octopus than put up with you."

"I didn't know you were into that tentacle shit, Beomgyu."

Beomgyu backed away from him, taking a deep breath to calm himself down.
This guy was fucking impossible...!

Eventually - and reluctantly - he took out his wallet, opening it up and handing Taehyun some cash.
"Just take this and piss off."

Taehyun took it happily, putting it in his front pocket.
"Thank you...honeybun."

Beomgyu scrunched up his nose in disgust. "Shut the hell up or I'll—"

"Are you two okay...?" — Their spat was interrupted by an all-too familiar voice.

Both Taehyun and Beomgyu turned around immediately, seeing Kai stood behind them with a confused and worried expression on his face.

"K-Kai?" Beomgyu swallowed awkwardly.

"I left my coat inside so I've come back to get it..." Kai mumbled. "But...were you arguing...?"

"Arguing...? No-! Of course not!" Beomgyu assured him.

"It sounded like it..." Kai said.

"Nope!" Beomgyu smiled widely, wrapping his arms around Taehyun's waist to give him a backhug. "It's just...sexual tension."

Taehyun nearly stopped breathing, utterly traumatised by what Beomgyu had just said.

Kai looked relieved though, pleased everything seemed to be okay.
"Ah, I see...wink wonk," He smirked suggestively. "Thank goodness - you guys are a cute couple,"

"HaHAhaA yes...!" Beomgyu tried to sound enthusiastic, but he was dying on the inside.

"Well, see you around," Kai waved as he disappeared back in through the restaurant doors.

Beomgyu let out a sigh of relief, letting go of the brunette and shutting his eyes.
"That was close..."

Taehyun frowned at him. "Sexual tension...? I think I might hurl that shrimp back up."

Beomgyu opened his eyes again, glaring at him.
"I can't believe I'm saying this..." He started. "But maybe I could use you for a bit longer."

"Oh yeah?" Taehyun raised his eyebrows. "What's the point? Yeonjun hyung obviously doesn't give a shit about your love life."

"Do you want to keep earning money or not...?"


Taehyun was staring down at the pavement as he headed back to his flat, thinking about what had just happened

His heart was racing - probably because he'd just earned fifty quid for doing fuck-all and taking the piss out of a random stranger.
—He'd even got a free meal out of it.

'You guys are a cute couple' - Kai's words kept ringing in his mind.

"'Cute couple' my ass..." He mumbled to himself.

There was no doubt he thought Beomgyu was a sad, desperate idiot, but for some reason he just couldn't get rid of this fuzzy feeling inside of his stomach.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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