Pesy One Shots

By pesysgirl

79.9K 1.9K 7.1K

A series of pesy (Perrie Edwards/Jesy Nelson) one shots! Also including other members of little mix, and occa... More

so hazy, but it's alright
Can't Breathe, Can't Sleep
Beneficial, More than Friends?
I was a little left out, but I'm not anymore
"It's like Jekyll and Hyde..."
Friends can break your heart too
so baby, baby, come and save me
"It's too hard, Jes."
Just a Touch...
Baby, baby, came and saved Christmas (Baby baby pt 2)
A Sleepy Studio Session
Sweaty, Sleepy Saturdays and Sugar in your tea
Please Don't Leave Me
Shoulder Kisses
You woke up in my bed
"You die and are admitted into Heaven..." (Pesy S+E 1?)
"Perrie's hot..."
"Stop Tickling Me!"
June 🌈
My Jadey (Jadesy)
"secret" girlfriends
Friends With Benefits (edited)
Carry On
She's Sick (Alerresy)
It's dry clean only
dishes and songs and not-so-sneaky snogs (v1)
dishes and songs and not-so-sneaky snogs (v2)
you can see it
good morning
More Than Words: Christmas, four years later
"Why don't you just date her then?"
Waiting for the end, pt I
"Can I sleep in here?"
Ready to go, babe?
"You're such a-"
"Way less."
tell me more
oh, the difference a year makes

This night, I'm never letting go of you

2.4K 49 66
By pesysgirl

A/N: Title taken from If I Get My Way by Little Mix.

Also Pesy look like girlfriends in this pic and you cannot convince me otherwise😌 Look at their precious little faces😭

Unedited. soz. It's that kinda day.




"Do you wanna go grab a drink? At the bar maybe? I'd love to keep talking," he says, giving me a wink.

"We can talk here," I say easily, not sold on the idea of the two of us alone. Plus, it always does well to play a bit hard to get.

"I'd love to, ah, get to know you. You know, just you," he says, not so slyly gesturing to Jesy, who's hand is loosely knotted with mine. She doesn't seem to be paying much attention to our conversation, busy fiddling with the straw in her drink. I know something's up, but I also know better than to press it in a loud, crowded club.

"I think I'm gonna call it an early night, actually," I say, loud enough to grab Jesy's attention. "Thank you, though. Maybe I'll take you up on that drink some other time?" I offer, not wanting to seem rude.

"Sure, sure," he says, clearly sensing that my mood has changed a bit. "Can I get your number, or? Is there a better way to reach you?"

"Umm, I'm pretty good about checking my DMs on Instagram," I tell him with a cheeky grin. He seems nice, it's just that now's not the time.

"Cool," he says, smiling in return. "Get home safe, and I'll hit you up later? I'm @jaythree23, by the way. I'll send you three green hearts, so you know it's me," he says with a wink, and then he walks away.

Jesy has clearly lost what little interest she had in our conversation, as she's back to fiddling with the straw in her drink.

"Jes," I say, gripping her hand tighter in mine.

"Huh?" She answers, giving me a tired smile. "Sorry, I was in a world of me own."

"That's alright, love. Are you ready to go home?" I ask

"Definitely," she says, looking instantly revlied. She tenses. "Wait, are you staying here?"

"No, baby. I'm going home too," I tell her. I briefly wonder if calling Jesy baby is too much. Oh well. Too late now.

"Oh. Can I come? To your house, I mean?" She asks, looking frightened, which throws me. Jesy isn't one that feels fright very often, and especially over things that are really not all that scary. Like asking to stay at mine, for example.

"Sure, Love," I say. "I was kinda planning on it," I tell her, and she relaxes.

"Oh, alright. Have you called the car?" She asks, really ready to go.

"They'll be here in 4 minutes."

"Perfect. Just enough time to say our goodbyes."

So we do, letting Leigh and Jade know we're on our way out. Jesy keeps hold of my hand throughout our goodbyes, which is not totally out of the ordinary, but not exactly within it either.

Eventually, we reach the car, and both of us climb in the back. I slide all the way across the seats, assuming Jesy will take the seat on the other side. Instead, she slides over until she's practically on top of me. She's not so close that it's uncomfortable, because things aren't ever really uncomfortable between us, but she is proper close.

"Y'alright there, Jes?" I ask, to which she replies "Mostly, I think. I'm, um. Do you mind if I'm a bit clingy tonight? I don't want to be alone."

"'Course not," I say, and I mean it. I love being clingy, especially with Jesy.

Wait, where'd that come from?

"Alright," she says, nuzzling her head so that it rests on my neck and shoulder.

I press a soft kiss to her forehead, more than a little surprised by the tiny sigh that leaves her lips when I do.

She stays leaned up against me the whole car ride, and even unclicks my seatbelt for me when we reach my house so that I don't have an excuse to let go of her hand.

I'm eager to put a little bit of distance between us once we get to my house, just enough to clear my head, but Jesy doesn't seem keen on letting me out of her grasp, much less her sight.

"Do you wanna borrow some pjs?" I ask.

She shakes her head, as if to clear it, before responding with a nod.

"C'mon then," I say, dragging her toward my room by the hand that I've been holding since we were at the club.

We ascend the stairs quietly, Jesy keeping up her pattern of no words and all actions, before turning into my room, which is the second door on the right.

I pull open my top drawer as well as the one under it, fishing out a pair of socks for Jes from the former and a big t-shirt for each of us from the latter.

"Here you go, Love," I say softly, gently shaking Jesy's arm to get her attention. Her eyes meet mine for a moment before she notices the clothes in my hand. She smiles when I hand her the socks.

"You remembered," she says in a way that breaks my heart.

"I remember a lot about you, believe it or not," I say, shooting her a soft smile of my own. I watch her eyes dart down to my lips briefly before they flick back up. "I'm not as dozy as I seem."

"I don't think you're dozy," she says seriously, and it worries me. Jes loves to poke fun, and usually jumps at the opportunity to rib me any way she can. Never in a mean way, of course, but it's just how she shows her love. She's got two brothers and a sister, after all.

"Thank you, baba," I say, deciding that we definitely need to have a talk tonight. We can have it later, though, after we change and wash all our makeup off. "Do you want to grab a shower, or just get changed? I think I'm too tired for a shower tonight."

"Me too," she says, that tinge of fear returning to her eyes.

"Shall we get changed, then?" I ask.

She nods, letting my hand go before stripping off right in front of me.

This isn't exactly unusual, but it's not exactly normal either.

Not wanting to upset her, I do the same, quickly stripping off my club outfit, with a little help from Jes.

"Good thing you came home with me," I say as I turn around, exposing the zipper.

"Yeah, good thing," Jesy says, slowly pulling the zipper down my back, letting her hand skim along my skin as she does.

I feel goosebumps break out where her skin meet mine, and I twitch just a bit from how unexpectedly good her warm, soft hands feel.

I let out a little sigh involuntarily when she pulls away, then make quick work of stripping off my outfit and throwing on my t-shirt.

Jesy's just pulling her second sock on when I turn around. She grabs for my hand again once she finishes, before that nervous look takes over her features again and she pulls it away, looking up at me.

I just smile and grab her hand, her left in my right, and lead her into my bathroom.

I grab a toothbrush out of the extras drawer and hand her a washcloth.

"Thanks," she says, letting go of my hand briefly to put toothpaste on her toothbrush before handing me the tube. I quickly put a large glob on mine before throwing the tube back on the counter and taking her hand in mine again, flipping the sink on so I can wet my brush.

We run into a bit of a problem with the whole tooth-brushing thing, as we've currently got our dominant hands linked together. I'm not sure if you've ever tried brushing with your non-dominant hand, but it's... less than efficient.

We meet each other's eyes in the mirror and share a laugh before Jesy reluctantly lets go of my hand.

I give her a quick wink before I go on the other side of her and grab her hand, her right and my left this time.

She smiles at me, the biggest grin I've gotten from her all night, before she sets about brushing her teeth.

We finish up at the sink quickly, our hands apart for maybe a minute and a half while we remove our makeup and wash our faces.

Jesy helps me take my extra tight ponytail down, and I sigh in relief when she snips the hairband.

I see her smile in the mirror, not so much at me but about me, and it makes me smile too.

She offers to run a brush through my hair and I accept. She takes her time- well, as much time as she can take, as my naturally thin, straight hair doesn't put up much of a fight- even running her fingers through my hair after.

I can't help the moan that escapes when she scratches at my scalp.

"That feels really good," I say when I hear her laugh.

"I'm glad," she says, scratching along for a couple more minutes before she declares me done.

"Your turn," I tell her.

"It's alright, you don't have to," she says, waving me off.

"I want to," I insist, motioning for her to turn around.

She does, handing me the brush and letting her own arms hang down in front of her.

After we take the accessories out I get to brushing. The brush glides through her silky hair pretty smoothly, catching on an odd bobby pin we missed or tuft of teased hair here and there, but it can't take me more than a few minutes from start to finish.

I run my hands along her scalp when I'm done with the brush, trying to mimic what she did to my head, but I don't think I'm very good at it.

I can't help but give her hair the tinest tug when I'm finished, declaring her "All done."

"Thanks, Pezza," she says, seeming the ittiest bit more relaxed when she turns around to face me.

"No problem," I tell her, admiring her bare face. I hold my hand out for her to grab and she does, leading us down the hallway to my room.

"I'm guessing I don't need to make up the guest be-"

"No." She says quickly. "Um, not, uh, not unless you want me to sleep in the guest bedroom."

"I never want that," I tell her, not sure why I said it but sure that it's true. "You know I like to snuggle."

"Yeah," she confirms quietly, and I can almost feel the relief roll off her.

We separate to climb into bed on our respective sides, me on the right and her on the left (if you're looking at the bed- the opposite if you're laying on it), only to scramble back together in the middle.

I immediately scoop her into my arms and she nuzzles her face into my neck, tangling her legs with mine and exhaling a big breath as she does. I busy myself tracing shapes onto her back, loving the way she relaxes into me more with every new shape.

The pull of sleep is tempting, but I know we need to talk first. I need to know what's wrong.

"Jes?" I ask, my throat already a little scratchy from being so close to sleep.

"Hmm?" she answers, sounding just as tired.

"Can we talk?" I ask, still tracing shapes.

"I think we better," she says with a heavy sigh. "Can we just... lay like this another minute?"

"Sure," I say, squeezing her tight. I continue my gentle ministrations on her back for what is surely longer than a minute, but neither of us says anything for some time.

It's Jes who finally breaks us apart, and I can tell that it's hard for her.

"Jes?" I offer, missing her warmth more than I thought I would.

"Hmm?" She asks, trying to get settled into a sitting position next to me.

"I don't- hmm." I mumble, reaching my arms toward her before pulling away.

"What is it, Pezza?" she asks, tracing her thumb along the knuckles of the hand I didn't even realize she was holding.

"I don't like you not being all snuggled up against me," I tell her softly, unsure of what to make of that.

I can see her smile clearly, though the lights in my room are only at about 30% brightness. They're set to decrease over time once I hop into bed, so that my body is eased into sleep.

"Well, that's an easy enough fix," she says, crawling over so she's in front of me. She gently places herself on my lap, facing me, and wraps her legs around my waist.

When she leans in, I don't know why, but I think she's going to kiss me.

I'm a little disappointed when she bypasses my lips and just lays her head on my shoulder instead, but I try not to think about why.

"This okay?" Jesy asks in my ear, making me shiver.

"'Course," I say breathily, wrapping my arms tight around her.

She sighs when flex my arms a bit, squeezing her nice and tight before loosening them.

"Jes," I say once we've been quiet for a little too long.

"Yeah, Pez?" She asks, lips almost, almost brushing my neck.

"What's going on with you?" I ask, trying my best to not be driven crazy by the feel of her lips so close, yet not close enough.

"You're tense," she says instead, avoiding the subject.

"Jesy," I whine, "you're avoiding."

"No, I'm not. Just delaying," she says, pulling back to look me in the eyes. "I'll tell you after you tell me. You're very tense. Why?"

"You're very close," I murmur, letting loose a little sigh as Jesy's hands rub along my back.

"And I make you tense?" she asks, and I can't tell if she's teasing me on purpose or if it's just her naturally flirty nature.

"Yes," I groan, a little whine escaping through my teeth when she finally puts her lips on my neck, just under my ear, and gives me the smallest, softest kiss.

She pulls back even though I want more than anything for her to keep going. I try to think less about what this means for me, or for us as friends, and just focus on the sensation. Then I realize that that's the opposite of what I'm supposed to do, and quickly shake it off.

"Now, you tell me what's wrong," I insist, bringing my hands up to cradle her face, make sure her eyes stay locked on mine.

"I'm not totally sure," she admits genuinely. "I've just-well. I've just been quite sad lately, unsettled about a lot of things, and the only thing that makes me feel even a little bit better is being close to you." she says, and I can't help the way my heart skips a little in my chest.

"It's been okay while we've been touring, cause I see you everyday, get to touch you sometimes- hold your hand, sit next to you, things like that. But then tonight, you were chatting with that guy, and I realized that I don't get to have you as much as I think I need to. I don't get you in all the ways that I want. And, with it being the end of tour, I realized that I might not see you for a while, and I realized that I didn't know how to cope with that," she says, running a hand through my hair before leaning forward, her forehead on mine. "I've wanted to tell you for a little while, but I was afraid I'd scare you off. I don't know what any of this means, Pezza, but I do know that the thought of falling asleep anywhere other than your arms tonight made me proper sick."

I just look at her for a minute, trying to take in all the information she's just given me, and-

And then she kisses me.

The first peck is quite rushed, a test of sorts, but when she leans in again, I press my lips to hers eagerly.

My mind is freaking out, but my body knows exactly what to do. My arms pull Jesy impossibly closer, eventually coming to settle on her bum, pulling her hard against me.

She lets out a little shocked noise that turns into a moan soon enough. I take this as permission to go further, gently laying her out on the bed. She keeps her legs wrapped around my waist, and I pin her under me, kissing her fervently.

She pulls me down against her as close as I can get, the two of us pressed together.

I busy myself with sucking kisses into her neck, under her ear, and then at her collarbone. Her heavy breathing and tiny pants spur me on, and I want to spend the rest of my life making her make those little noises.

"Pez," she groans, bucking her hips against me.

I pin her hips to the bed, needing to be the one in control, and she lets out a loud moan.

"Perrie," she whines, drawing out the -ie so that it sounds more like -ieeeeee, and I can't get enough.

I push her shirt up so it sits just below her bra, and press possessive kisses all over her abdomen, getting lower and lower with every pass. I'm not sure what's come over me, but the way Jesy's eyes are rolled into the back of her head tells me she doesn't much mind.

"Jes," I tease, my lips getting closer and closer to her panty line. "Jessica."

She doesn't respond with anything but a pant, so I scrape my teeth along her hipbone, just hard enough to leave little red marks.

"Fuck, Perrie," She says loudly, putting a hand on the back of my head.

"Yes, babe?" I ask, planting soft kisses to the scrapes I caused.

"Bloody hell," she says, throwing an arm over her eyes.

I slip a finger under her panties, at the hip, and give them a tug so that she knows what I want.

She whimpers, before letting loose a groan and rolling out from under me. I'm a little surprised but I let her, not wanting to do anything she's not comfortable doing. She scoots just far enough away that we're not touching, and only then do I realize what I've done.

"Jes, I'm so-"

"Please don't say you're sorry," she tells me, still panting. I can hardly see her now, with the lights having dimmed over time, so I grab the remote on my bedside table and set them to stay at 35% brightness, so that I can see Jes properly.

"Okay. I'm not sorry, then." I say, realizing how much I mean it.

"Good. Good," she says, still trying to catch her breath, and it makes me smile. "I, um. Before we... go any further, I want to make sure we know where we stand. Or, that if we don't know, we don't know together. Does that make sense?"

"Perfectly. I just know that I want you. You're my best friend, and I love you, and also, I'd like to have you naked and writhing around under me," I say candidly.

Jesy's eyes nearly bulge out of her head, but she catches my smile and laughs.

"Alright, then. Sounds good to me," she says. "As long as you'll hold me after. I'm feeling quite clingy tonight, you know."

"Thank God for that," I say with a laugh, and she responds in kind, coming back closer to me. I pull her in for a soft kiss once she's near enough, before flipping her over to put her under me. I immediately resume my previous position, my mouth licking across her hipbone this time.

"Now," I say, shooting my best friend a cheeky wink. "Where were we?"


A/N: Heya guys!

So, here we are, the end of my "posting every day" week. It's been fun, and also a liiiittle stressful. But in a good way!🌝 So...

...if enough of you guys want, I could be persuaded to extend it through tomorrow. Only if you're interested, that is. Let me know in the comments!!😉

I know you guys probably expected smut today, which is honestly what I was gonna post, but this idea popped into my head yesterday and I'm having a *lonely* weekend where I'm sad and sentimental and I couldn't get this idea out of my brain. So, this is what you got🤷🏼‍♀️ It's just pure fluff, cause that's what cheers me up✨I hope yous don't mind💙

What did you guys think of this one shot? Which one shot this week (or in this one shot book, I guess) is your favorite? Please please PLEASE let me know! I like to write stuff that I like, of course, but I'd like to write stuff you like too!!

Thank you guys so much for your support😭 It means so so so much to me, you guys have no idea💛

Please vote, comment, and give me a follow!! I love to reply to comments and to chat, so please say hey and let me know what you think!

Do you have a one shot request? Let me know! I think I'd like to do a contest where you guys submit prompts, and then I'll do little mini write ups for each prompt and you guys can vote on which one you like best! And then I'll shout out the winner when the finished one shot is posted. Is that something you guys would be interested in? If so, let me know! And submit your prompts here in the comments!

This one shot kinda unexpectedly hit me in the feels while I was writing it (It has literally no plot- it's all just me being e m o ), so it would mean a lot if y'all would let me know what you think of this one💜

Okay, before I become a sentimental fool, I'm gonna cut this off. I think it's safe to say I'm really in my feelings tonight💖

Thank you for reading, and maybe I'll see you tomorrow! Let me know🌚



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