Kylie's Lullaby...

By lilmc87

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(Sequel to Unknown History, You won't understand anything without reading that first!!) Kylie is the daughter... More

Kylie's Lullaby...(Sequel to Unknown History)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16..
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20...
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Part 2...Chapter 21

560 45 7
By lilmc87

I sat up slowly, my entire body felt sore and rigid which was expected when you have been dead for seven days. I looked around thankful it was night time and everyone seemed to be gone from the church. That's when I suddenly heard a gasp and I looked up to see my father standing there in the middle of the isle just standing there staring.

"Dad?" I croaked.

"Kylie?!" he sobbed but didn't make any movement to come closer.

"It's me..." I said trying to get up and stand but I felt too weak.

 "I-I...don't, I can' aren't..."

"I am." I replied knowing he was having a hard time dealing with the fact that I was alive. He fell to his knees sobbing and I managed to limp my way to him and wrapped my arms around him.

"I'm sorry Kylie I failed you, I feel like I have failed you your entire life. Nothing has been easy for you since the day you were conceived and I am sorry. I love you, I love you so much." he cried and it broke my heart to hear my strong and fearless father sound so broken.

"You have never failed me, even now you came to see me and see me off before I left to the moon goddess. You are a little too late though, she and I already had our little talk and now I'm here. My time apparently is up and your stuck with me, now wipe those tears before the guards come and see their king sobbing like a baby." I joked and he looked up at me and laughed. Good to know that I still had my sense of humor after being dead for a week.

"Can you dial back the humor, i'm still trying to accept that my daughter just came back from the dead." he replied as he tried to get a handle on his emotions.

"I've been dead for a weak I think you should be glad I still have a sense of humor." I replied and he laughed and nodded his head and then picked himself up from the floor pulling me up along with him. He pulled me into his arms and just held me and it felt so nice to there and to be alive.

 "I am so glad the moon goddess sent you back to us, your mother had been taking it very hard."

"Well let's go break the news to her." I said and he led my out of the church. The looks I received from the guards outside was priceless. Yet after the initial shocked wore off they all dropped to their knees and bowed to me. I thanked them but continued my way to my parents house not knowing what exactly I was going to walk in on.

 We walked into the house and I first headed to Avin's room, I needed to see my little brother. I knocked on the door and I heard him mumble "I'm coming" so I waited patiently. The door opened and he just stood there shocked not moving.

"Hey little brother."

"Holy shit..." he whispered and I launched myself at him and hugged him so tight.

"This isn't real, you aren't real!" He yelled.

"It is, I am!!" I yelled back and he started crying.

"Oh come on, everyone needs to stop with the tears. Be happy!"

"I am happy but this is just so freaking weird!"

 "Your telling me! I just came back from the dead." I said and actually laughed a little, just saying out loud made me realize how crazy it was. I was like the zombie supernatural princess. It had only been seven days but it actually felt like an eternity, everything was different including myself.

"Have you seen mom?" he asked.

"Not yet, I figured i'd see you first since she might not let me out of her sight." I answered honestly, I was actually really worried about her and I wasn't sure how she was going to react to seeing me. I also needed to figure out a plan for going to see Nate, could I handle that... I wasn't sure, or should I really be asking if he could handle that. He had watched me die and I had chosen to give my life to save him. Was he feeling guilty or did he finally feel free? Should I let him move on without me or try and fight for our bond? I wasn't sure, I wasn't sure about anything anymore...

 "She took it hard Kiki, I mean we all did but she took it a lot harder. She kept saying she won't accept it, and she was begging the moon goddess to give you back. I guess maybe she listened..." he said with  a shrug.

 "Well I guess I should go see her, I can't prolong this forever and I think if anyone needs to know i'm alive it's her." i said and kissed him on his cheek.

            I walked down the hallway, it felt like a lifetime since I had been in this house and maybe it had. The last time I was here nothing had really gone that well and that’s how I ended up in this mess in the first place. I soon found myself standing in front of my parents’ bedroom door and I knocked.

“Go away.” I heard my mother say, her voice broken and strained and it broke my heart. I had done this to her, I had done this to everyone all my choices and actions had broken everyone and I had never even given them a choice or an opinion. I slowly turned the door knob to let myself in and what I saw was worse than I ever could have imagined. There she was sitting by the window with tears slowly dripping down her face. Her hair was a complete mess and she wore wrinkled pajamas and she had on no makeup.

“Mom?” I whispered afraid to startle her.

“Great now I’ve officially gone insane, just what I need.” She mumbled to herself.

“Please just turn around mom, you’re not going crazy I promise.” I pleaded and she did she turned her head and when she saw me I could see the pain and the disbelief.

“KiKi?” she whispered.

“It’s me… The moon Goddess gave me a second chance. She sent me back.” I said as I slowly made my way towards her. She jumped up and rushed towards me and pulled me into her arms and just sobbed. She tried to speak but she couldn’t so she just clung to me and sobbed and I just held her tight, there were no need for words, I was home…

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