Kylie's Lullaby...(Sequel to Unknown History)

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**** ATTENTION!!! do not read this story unless you have read "Unknown History" because parts of it will not make sense. Hello to all my readers who have been reading and waiting for updates your support means the words to me :) ****

Chapter One...

                “Kiki!” I heard someone yell from outside my window. I walked out of my closet and over to the window and smiled and then opened it. I looked down to see my best friend Gage with a purple rose and a cheesy smile.

“Can I help you Gage?” I asked teasingly.

“Well I think it’s a certain Princess’s birthday and I don’t know…I happen to know she loves purple roses and surprises.” He said grinning and holding the rose up in the air.

“Stop pretending to be prince charming and get your butt in here!” I yelled and slammed the window shut giggling to myself. Gage always teased me about being a princess which used to annoy me but from him it just became a part of our friendly banter. I heard and knock at my door and yelled come in and there was Gage again. He threw the rose at me and I caught it thanks to my fast reflexes.

“Where’s my surprise?” I asked confused.

“Slow down I can’t spoil your birthday and give you everything at once. Damn do you think your royalty or something.” he joked and I laughed. I had grown up with Gage living next door to us, our other best friend lived on the other side of me and she would probably be over soon enough. Gage was beyond handsome with his dark brown hair that always seemed to hang over his eyes a little no matter when he got his hair cut. He had stunning blue eyes and a great body but believe me when I say we are just friends. I can remember him in his diapers so the thought of kissing him or anything like that just makes me laugh.

    Suddenly my door burst open and standing there decked out in pink was my other best friend Aria. She winked at Gage and he laughed, he always thought she was joking with the pick up lines and the flirting but in all honesty she had been crushing on Gage as long as I can remember. I had tried to find out if he liked her once but at the mention of her and dating in the same sentence he totally freaked out. I understood where he was coming from since I could never see myself liking him that way, we were friends and that’s how it was and always would be.

“So Kylie how does it feel to be 18?” Aria asked.

“Not much different.” I said with a shrug walking back into my closet trying to find something to wear.

“Well soon your going to shift though right?” Gage asked, he had shifted 2 months ago and was dying for one of us to go running with him.

“Yeah I’m supposed to find my mate first though, you know its different with females right?” I asked making sure he understood I wouldn’t be shifting at midnight like he had on his 18th birthday.

“I know, can you just use your powers and track him down shift and come back?” he asked half serious.

“Your insane Gage!” I yelled and threw a t-shirt at him.

“Hey it was worth asking.” he said holding his hands up in surrender.

“I would give anything to find my mate, I mean look how happy my parents are. I want that more then anything.” I said and started fantasizing about who my mate was and what he would look like. I had been obsessed with the idea of a mate since I was five. I used to joke with Gage when I was younger how I wished it was him but now that just seemed weird. I hoped I would get lucky and my mate would be as amazing as my dad was. My mother told me all the time that my father was the most amazing, understanding mate she ever could have asked for and it made my heart ache with jealousy.

“Your parents are beyond happy together.” Aria said with a wishful smile, she wanted her mate I think even more badly then I did.

“Yeah but according to my uncle Jake it wasn’t always like that, he said it was a rough start. Apparently my mother used to be a huge drama queen, but he said she had her reasons.” I said and shrugged my shoulders.

“He still hasn’t told you what happened all those years ago? That’s been like the biggest secret since we were kids.” Aria said and I could tell her curiosity was getting the best of her. She had always been obsessed with the secret my parents kept from me about why they were always so protective and worried about me. That’s part of the reason I hadn’t told them I had been accepted to NYU. I knew it was going to be a giant fight especially since I was graduating early and starting college this spring instead of next fall. I knew they wouldn’t believe in me skipping out on the big graduation celebration at the end of the year but I was 18 and I wanted to start my adult life. I knew the only way to start that adult life was to get the hell out of this kingdom where there weren’t watchful eyes everywhere.

    Aria was pretty excited about me going off to start college early but Gage had been pretty upset when I told him. He said he didn’t understand why I couldn’t wait the couple extra months, but that was him being a selfish friend. I knew deep down he knew why I needed to leave, he knew first hand on how overprotective my parents and grandparents were. Now I just needed to find the perfect time to tell my parents I was leaving in mid January and pray they didn’t lock me in my room till I was 40. Suddenly I heard a knock at my door and I yelled come in.

“Uh hey…” my younger brother Avin said as he peeked his head in. Avin was 16 and he was pretty cool, I got along with him a lot better then my other little brother Colin who was 10 and a little brat. I knew he was young and that’s just how he was but he was such a cry baby that I had even refused to baby-sit him for the past 4 years.

“What up Avin?” I asked.

“Mom and dad want to know if you have plans for the day?” he asked and then waved at Aria and Gage.

“I do.” I answered.

“Well they said they want to know what.” he said and rolled his eyes, I knew he hated asking me things like this for them but it was either ask or get in trouble.

“I’m going out with Gage and Aria, it’s a surprise so tell them I said stop being nosy.” I said and laughed.

“You know they’re going to harass you until you tell them right?” he asked knowing how they were with me.

“Well too bad, I’m 18 now and if they want to act like crazy people I’ll just leave.” I said simply shrugging my shoulders and he laughed.

“Ok I’ll tell them what you said just prepare for mom to show up in like 5 minutes. She’s going to give you hell KiKi.” he said and left.

“Your parents need to learn to chill.” Gage said and laid down on my bed.

“Tell me about it.” I replied and finally picked a black lacy top and went in the bathroom to go change. When I walked out of the bathroom my mother was there waiting impatiently in the doorway.

“Hello mom.” I sighed.

“Where are you going today?” she asked.

“Out.” I barked and rolled my eyes.

“Where?” she demanded.

“None of your business, stop being so damn nosy.” I complained which obviously pissed her off because I saw flames flicker in her palms.

“You know your father and I always need to know where you are.” she replied with an edge to her voice.

“Yeah but I’m 18 now so I really don’t care what you need or want to know.” I replied simply.

“Kylie Rae Montgomery that is no way to speak to your mother.” she snapped.

“Mom seriously chill out. I’m going to with my friends, if you need something call me. If I need something I’ll call you, but seriously if you and dad don’t start backing off I’m seriously going to go live somewhere else, anywhere else.” I answered feeling exhausted by this conversation.

“We do this for your protection.”

“From what or who?!” I demanded.

“Just keep your cell phone on.” she said and left the room without another word.

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