The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

Galing kay Musics4lifes

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Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 16

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Galing kay Musics4lifes

After having a heated conversation with Thea, it took a lot for me to relax. I did appreciate that she finally came around and understood that I was here for a reason, for some fucking prophecy that somebody wrote about and regardless if I want to be that person, I know that I don't have a choice. The rogue vampires came to the wrong turf and I will be damned if I was going to let them get away with it.

I walked outside the room and I could see my friends eyeing me differently. Some of them were awed as I was just puzzled. Why were they staring at me? Because you just blew up in front of your boss. What dumb-ass would have the balls to do what you just did? Ah there it is. I'm that dumb-ass, I may work for her but my life doesn't revolve around her. I knew from the beginning that her and I weren't going to see eye-to-eye on some concepts. She may be the boss, but she will not be the boss of my life. I got the biggest balls and no man can say otherwise. If I have to act alone, than so be it.

After a few moments standing outside in what seemed to be an awkward moment, I finally opened my mouth. "Okay so I blew up in front of Thea, so what? It was the only way for her to listen and guess what? It worked. Can you guys stop staring at me?"

"Lilith, it's not what you did, it's how you look," Kyle spoke softly.

What I look like? What was that supposed to mean? "What do you mean by 'how you look?'"

"Your arms, they have tattoos on them," Kyle explained.

I looked at my arms which caught me in a surprise. "What the..." How did this happen? Then it hit me, when I felt the fire coming out of me from my last battle, I felt a tingling burning sensation. No, not a pleasure sexual one, but literally a fire, burning feeling on my arms. I was awed and also freaked out. Another thing I can add to my list of why I'm a freak, goodi. I can see the tattoo's fleeing which made me feel a bit better. At least they are not permanent.

I slowly put my arms out of sight and went back to business. "I need to get in contact with Calico."

"Already taken care of," Calico said as he was stepping through the wall.

"I updated him when you were speaking to Thea. I figured whether or not she gave the go, we would still continue the mission. Though, since she agreed, less hassle from her for when we get back," Stefan said.

"So what's the plan now?" Drake commented for the first time since we've been back. I honestly forgot that he was still here since he was the quietest one in our group.

"For now, we rest up for tomorrow. Calico if it is alright with you, could you take us to Eripmav tomorrow?"

"Well of course! You think you guys will be going on that mission without me? I started this mission with you all and that is how we will finish it. Besides, I can't miss anymore action than I already did," Calico perked up.

"Let's get some rest guys because tomorrow will be an exhausting day," I told the others.

Stefan and I made it back to our house. Until otherwise, this will be the house we would be living in due to the damage that occurred to his actual home. I still felt horrible about that terrifying situation. If it wasn't for me, Stefan would still have his home but because it was because of me, he lost his only home.

As Stefan looked at me, "Lilith, what's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I try to act cheery.

"I know your faces and you have that face of saddening thoughts. What's going on in there?" Stefan questioned.

Knowing I was caught, I might as well tell him. "Everything bad that has happened was because of me. Your home, the attack here, people losing their lives, all because of me. If I never entered into your life, you would still be comfortable in your home and people would still be alive," I could feel my tears watering down. I hated breaking down but with everything going on, it's just been too much.

"Bullshit," Stefan said. I looked at him in puzzlement wondering how any of that was 'bullshit.' "I don't care about that home, it wasn't all that fun living alone. Before you showed up, I didn't feel much. I was alone and bored in that home. When you showed up and you started living there, that's when I brightened up. You put the life I needed into me, to make me feel happy to wake up the next day. Just knowing I would see you everyday made each day better and better. In other words, fuck that home. We have this home and it's all good because I have you by my side. Now, for the attack. It would of happened with or without you being here. If it wasn't for you, more people would have lost their lives; but, with you being here, we saved far more people. Don't act like your some curse, that where you go, trouble follows. You're a blessing to have and a blessing to me. You have been nothing but pure and light."

Hearing what Stefan said made my waterworks go faster. Not in a saddening way but a happy way. Stefan scooted over to me and put his arms on mine and looked at me right in the eyes. That's when I realized what I actually needed, something that I crave. It was the touch of this man right here.

Stefan came in and kissed me softly on my lips. Normally I would go for something soft but not in this case. I needed something rough. I quickly got on top of him, our mouth connecting. Instant heat kicked up and sparks flew. I could see him smiling and that smile made butterflies fly within me. I know what is mine and I will take what is mine. I stood on my knees and quickly took off my shirt. I saw Stefan doing the same and eyeing that pack of his was beyond beautiful. His smooth and shiny chest was just mouth dropping.

He grabbed my mouth with his, pulling me back down on the couch. We were making out as if our lives depended on it. It was better than any other kiss from any guy that I was ever given. If this is how a real kiss is supposed to feel like, than any guy that I have kissed was just beyond wrong. My fingers gripped through his soft hair of his, rubbing his hair as our lips met. My heart on a burning passage of righteous. I could feel the heat connected from me and when my hands went down on his chest, it was like playing fire by fire. Stefan put his hands on my butt giving it a squeeze, causing more passion to erupt from me. I wanted to do nothing but rip those clothes off of him, shred them up for hiding such beauty.

From the moment I thought we were going to go further, a knock on my door which left a saddening mourn knowing this was ending. I could hear Stefan laughing about it but to me, not as much. Okay maybe a little, but still. It was a fun time but now the games are over. As I hear the person knocking again I said, "I'm coming, I'm coming," I mumbled. I quickly put my shirt back on and headed to the door. As I opened the door, I was shocked to see Kyle standing there.

"Hey Kyle, you alright?" I asked him.

"Yeah, I was wondering if we could talk privately?" I could see it in his eyes that it seemed important. I nodded and opened up the door.

"Stefan, Kyle and I need to speak privately so we will be in the kitchen alright?" I told him.

Once we were in the kitchen I went to make a pot of coffee. Once the coffee pot was done, I poured Kyle some coffee with some creamer knowing that's how he enjoys it and mine, black. I watched Kyle carefully, analyzing him. I could gather how nervous he was. We sat in silence, giving him time to think and process of what he wanted to tell me. He then started to tap his fingers on the table repeatedly which now made me nervous.

"Lilith, I don't know how to say this," he started.

"Is everything okay? Are you okay? Are your parents okay?" Now I was worried because when he acts like this, it means something wrong has happened.

"They're fine, but I don't know how to tell you. It's about Drake and I." He looked at me than focused his eyes to his coffee and continued to take sips.

I had a feeling this was going to be the talk. I saw how Drake looked at him and at first I figured he was joking but at times I could catch Kyle giving looks back. "Are you two?" I hinted at.

Kyle nodded and tears started flowing down. I have hardly ever seen him cry and we have been best friends for many years. I walked over to him and put my arms around him. "Kyle, why are you crying?"

"I didn't know when it happened. I never thought I would know," he looked at his coffee cup once again.

"But you are," I said to him. "Are you into women still or just men?" I asked him curiously. Either way, it wouldn't matter to me.

"Yeah, I suppose so. I have only dated women in the past and I enjoyed it. But Drake, he's different," he paused. "I don't want you to see me differently either."

"Kyle McKennel, if you think I'm going to look at you differently than you are definitely carrying the case of the stupids. You're my best friend, I don't care who you dated. I care about your happiness. I mean sure, I don't know Drake much and I haven't gotten the time to actually get to know him, but if he makes you happy than be with him. Know that you don't need no approval from no one but yourself. Was telling me really that hard for you? You should know by now that you can come to me about anything and I will always have your back no matter what. You're basically my brother at this point," I explained to him. I wrapped him into a hug from behind which he gladly accepted.

"Thank you Lilith, I really don't know what I would do without you," he said gracefully.

"Bored and lost from the supernatural world? Or maybe more incline of the supernatural world but lack the human world? I don't know," I teased. "Have you told your parents yet?"

He nodded, "Not yet. I'm not ready to but when I am, could you perhaps come with me?"

"Of course!" I happily said. "Now is there anything else you need to get off your mind?"

He shook his head, "No, that's all really."

"Okay." I said. "So, have you guys kissed? Have you done the naughty yet? I mean certainly that's why you had him stay with you," I teased him which made him laugh.

"Okay one, you make it sound more normal than it is, secondly, yes to the kiss," he said.

"Kyle, it's 2019. Even if it wasn't, of course it's normal! It's love, it's feelings, that makes it normal. Anyone else who says differently will have a fireball shove up their ass and out through their mouths," I joked but also meaning it. Even though Kyle acts more like an older brother, sometimes I act like I'm to protect him. Honestly, we protect each other and that's one of many reasons why we are really close. "Is he a good kisser though?"

"Out of anyone, yes, he really is," Kyle smiled.

I heard a knock on the kitchen door and looked at Kyle to see if it's alright if Stefan comes in. As he nodded I told Stefan he can come in.

"I'm guessing with all the laughing that's going on that everything is alright?" Stefan asked curiously.

"Yup, Kyle just had some information to pass onto me. It's all good," I said.

"Lily, I want to tell him if that's alright," Kyle said which he received a nod from me. "Stefan, Drake and I are together," he quickly said.

"About time if you ask me," Stefan said which received a puzzled look coming from Kyle. "I've seen how you two look at each other. I had a feeling and I'm happy for you man. He better treat you right though," he smiled at Kyle.

"So now that's out, what about you two?" Kyle questioned me.

"What about 'us two?'" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Oh come on, do I have to repeat what Stefan said? I have seen the way you two acted. Plus don't forget about the woods, I know more than conversation occurred. If I had to bet my paycheck, you guys were probably making out when I came on knocking," he teased.

"Uh, how did you know?" How did he know?

"Your shirt. It's on backwards," Kyle laughed.

As I looked down at my shirt, I could see it was on backwards. Seriously? How embarrassing. I could feel my cheeks getting red which earned another laughter from Kyle and now Stefan. Can't women clothing have shirts that can be put on either way? It can save us girls from embarrassment such as this.

"Okay, so you caught us," I smirked. Though I do wonder, what does that make Stefan and I? I do like him and all, I mean how could I not? Looking at that piece of man candy and the way his lips make me feel all gooey inside. Guess that'll be a conversation that we would need to have. "This is nice, you know?" Changing the subject.

"What is?" Kyle asked.

"This. It makes us seem more normal than we really are," I said honestly.

"This is normal. Our new normal," Stefan smiled. "Would you go back if you could?" Stefan asked.

Pondering on Stefan's question, I wondered. Would I? I could sense the worriedness in his eyes, thinking I would rather go back in time. A time before I met Stefan. It was a difficult question to answer. I mean, I would do anything to have my parents back, even to see them again. But, I wouldn't want to give up the life I have now. Sure the whole 'prophecy' tends to put a lot on my shoulders, but the people I have met, besides Thea...bitch, I met a lot of wonderful people and I got to meet my Irish uncle who is also a Fae and used to be my boss.

"Even though I miss my parents deeply, I wouldn't trade the time I have had," I gave a small smile. I meant it to, well mostly but they don't need to know that.

After a few moments of small talk, I heard a knocking sound coming from the door. I left my friends to open the door and saw Drake on my footsteps looking nervous.

"Well if it isn't my best friend's boyfriend," I smirked. I saw a big smile appear on his face and a big hug from him.

"So, you're okay with it?" He asked honestly.

"Of course! Just know though, if you hurt him, I will not hesitate to shove a fireball deep in your ass and out through your mouth burning your insides," I whispered.

"I would never. I never met anyone like him and even though it's against our kind to be involved with another, he's still the greatest man I have laid eyes on," Drake said with full honesty.

We made our way into the kitchen and saw a big smile appear on Kyle's face once he saw Drake entering into the kitchen. Kyle gave a quick kiss to Drake on the lips and put his arm around him. I must be honest, they do look adorable together. I really am happy for Kyle and Drake.

"I have a proposition for us," Stefan said. "Once this mission is officially over, I say we have a BBQ, invite the gang over. It would be a great way to relax knowing we finally stopped the leader of the vampire rogues.

"That sounds great! It would also be a good time to tell my parents about us," Kyle said.

"Would my father be allowed to come? I know he doesn't have the best reputation with the SIA; but, he isn't a bad guy," Drake said.

"That's no problem, would you need us to apply the blood though? No offense but I'm not fully sure how that works with you guys," I said, trying not to offend him and his kind.

"Na, we can go a few days without it. I will just make sure we have some prior to arriving," Drake said.

After a few more hours of conversation around the table, we decided to call it a day. We were all worn out from the fight we had today and we will need to be on our best to face the challenges that will be happening next. Everyone seemed so sure about our success but I can't lie and say I don't have doubts. For some reason, I have doubts and that something horrifying would happen. For once, I agree with you. Yeah, because I sound like you now. Well sound like me...oh whatever.

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