Mystic Radio

By Destiny_Writestuff

1.4K 97 19

We've all played the route, but what happens after the eleven days? What took place in the six months before... More

Move-in Ep.1
Starlit Song Ep.2
"For the first time." Ep.3
Sick Day Ep.4
Cupcakes and Dresses Ep.5
What's This Feeling? Ep.6
It's a date then? Ep.7
Grand Opening Ep.8
Grand Opening Pt.2 Ep.9
Jealousy is a Disease Ep.10
A Sudden Wave Ep.11
"Am I Allowed These Feelings?" Ep.12
A Chance Ep.13
The Party Ep.14
Not Again Pt.2 Ep.16
Before it's too late Ep.17
The Morning After Ep.18
Ice cream and Kisses Ep.19
Pool Party pt.1 Ep.20
Pool Party pt.2 Ep.21

Not Again Ep.15

65 4 1
By Destiny_Writestuff

Originally posted on, Link in bio. This will be an episode behind, so if you want to read ahead, (cause humans are impatient beings), check me out on the other site!

Mystic Radio Ep. 15: Not Again




It's the Saturday after the party and Jaehee and I haven't spoken since. Every time she tries to talk to me, I ignore her and find something that I have to do, or ignore her completely.

I head over to the corner booth, "I brought you cookie, Cole, on the house."

Without taking his eyes off his notepad, he takes the cookie with his free hand. "Thank you MC, I really appreciate it.". He drums his pencil on the paper, "MC, do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Not at all. The shop is kinda empty since it's so close to closing time anyways," I point out.

He points at the seat across from me with his pencil. I take a seat and he looks up for the first time, grabbing his coffee cup. He frowns when he sees it's empty and puts it off to the side with a sigh, "I'm working on a song and," then leaning forward and completely changing his tone, "why are you avoiding Miss Kang?"

"What, what do you mean?" I ask, taken aback by his sudden seriousness.

"You heard me.". He leans back and crosses his arms. "It's none of my business, but I'm a curious person. So why are you acting so weird? She clearly has something to tell you."

"I-I-", because it's better for us both? Because I'm scared of what she'll say when we do talk? "You're right. It isn't your business, so I will not be entertaining your curiosity.".

I get up to leave, and he tells me, "I don't know what's going on, but you guys need to work it out. It's obviously bothering your partner and it's affecting the taste of my coffee.".

I ignore him as I go back to wiping down tables and preparing to close the shop.

The second I flip our sign to 'closed' I quickly hang up my apron and go upstairs.

"MC?" I hear called behind me.

I rush to my room, ignoring Jaehee's call, and start packing my overnight bag. Jaehee knocks on the door. "I'm a little busy right now Jaehee," I tell her.

"I know but can we please just talk?". I pause for a moment before continuing to pack even faster than before. "Please MC, I haven't hardly seen you in days.".

I sling my bag onto my shoulder. I open the door and find Jaehee right on the other side, obviously upset. It breaks my heart but I brush it aside. "I know, and you wont see me for a few more. I just have some stuff to think about.". Time away is the best way to get over someone right?

"Why are your bags packed?" she asks as I brush by her, heading out.

"I'm going to Seven's and I'll be back to open on Monday.".

"MC," she protests as I grab my keys, "Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I'm my own person I don't need your permission," I chide.

"That's not what I meant and you know it," she says defensively.

I start heading downstairs only for Jaehee to grab my keys away from me.

"Give me my keys," I order.

"No! Not until you tell me what's going on," her voice softens. "So I was drunk, I made a mistake, but-".

So it really was a mistake. Something inside me snaps and I hear my voice break. "Yes because the idea of doing something like that with me would be horrible.".



I snatch my keys back and run down the stairs with Jaehee following.

"MC damnit wait. Stop being so childish!" she calls out.

"Oh so I'm a child now?" I casually ask.

I get in my car and lock the doors. Jaehee bangs on the passenger side window. I try to start my car but it chokes out.

She leans down and looks at me though, leaning on the door. "MC, please stop being so frustratingly stubborn," she says through the glass while I furiously try to get the engine started.

"Just leave me the hell alone! I'm leaving because I need space." I scream, pushing back tears. My voice much quieter this time, I say "Just let me go," just loud enough to be heard through the glass.

"MC! I-". Her hand slides from the window side and her entire body slumps. "...Fine," she relents, muffled through the glass.




Jaehee POV


I watch hopelessly as MC speeds off towards Luciel's house, standing there until the car is out of sight. Maybe it's for the best to get some time away. I want to tell her how I feel, but knowing my luck, I'll just scare her off even more.

I want to apologize for what I did that night, but she wont let me. I go back inside slamming the door shut behind me and let out a frustrated scream.

I plop down into one of the cafe's chairs and run my hand through my now long hair.

"Why does this have to be so complicated?" I mutter.

I go upstairs and curl up on the couch. Some romantic comedy plays in the background but I don't pay attention to it. I grab a book and let my thoughts drift away with the pages.

About half an hour later, my phone rings. I'm slightly disappointed to see Luciel's name pop up.

"Sick of MC already?" I ask in a petty tone, still upset about the earlier incident.

"She already left?" he asks.

I sit upright, ".. Yes she already left. About half an hour ago? Shouldn't she be there by now?"

"Well she's not. I can't reach her cell, and I can't even track it.".

"What do you mean you cant find it?!" I ask with a sudden sense of urgency. "You're the hacker god! You can find any phone as long as it's within service range.".

Just then, another call comes over the line.

"One second Luciel.".

I switch to the new caller. It's an unknown number. "Hello?" I ask with uncertainty.

"Is this Miss Kang?" the responder asks.

"Yes, why?" I say, a bit of worry in my tone. "How did you get my number?".

"You're listed as the emergency contact for MC Park," Oh no. Please no. "- there's been an accident.".

My body turns ice cold.






The car starts and I head off without saying goodbye. I look back through my mirror and see Jaehee still standing there.

My head hurts a little and my tears blur my vision. Why did I lash out at her? "Damnit!" I curse as I hit my steering wheel. I'll have to apologize when I get back, but for now, I'm going to try my best to focus on other things. This weekend is for me, selfish intentions or not.

There has to be a way to fix this. I'll figure it out later though. Now is not the time for this.

I was so distracted I didn't notice the light ahead had turned red. I go to hit the breaks, but  nothing happens. All the gauges hit zero, and the engine stops.

"No no no!" I slam my foot on the break but it does little to help. My car continues it's course.

...right into the intersection.




Jaehee POV



I feel my heart drop to my stomach. I try to ask if she's okay, or what happened, but all I can do is sit silently.

"We're taking her to Two Point hospital*.". I sit in stunned silence. "We're working on finding out what happened. As far as we can tell, she drove right into traffic and another car hit the drivers side.". A few more moment's pass, and I hear a questioning "Miss Kang?".

"Oh, yes. I'll be there," I say hang up the phone. I sit in disbelief.

'This isn't real. This can't be real. This is not real,' I tell myself as I start sprinting down the sidewalk. My sprint becomes a full on run and I start thanking Zen for working out with me. I catch the bus right before it takes off and sit down wringing my hands.

The, supposed to be short, drive seems to take an eternity.

The bus stops a few blocks from the hospital and decide I can't afford to wait for all the other stops and passengers. I run as fast as my legs can take me. I bolt through the doors and get to the receptionist desk, out of breath.

I slam my hands on the desktop, "Where is she. MC. MC Park, where is she.".

"She was just brought in a few minutes ago, I'm assuming you're Jaehee Kang?"

"Tell me where she is," I demand. "Yes! I'm Miss Kang, where's my friend!?".

"I'm sorry ma'am but unless you're a family member, I'm going to have to ask you to take a seat in the waiting room.". She gets a call and holds up a finger for me to wait. "Oh hello sir. Yes? Sir but our polic- yes sir, I'm aware. My mistake.".

She turns to me and I await anxiously as she contemplates something.

"You're free to go," she states, "Room four-twenty-seven. Second floor. You'll want to turn right after you exit the elevator."

I dash off without another word. The elevator starts to shut but I manage to get my arm through and stop the doors. I push the second floor. My breathless and hasty entry making a few of the other elevator goers cast weird glances but I don't pay any mind to them.

I get to the second floor and my eyes scan the numbers. 'twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven!'

I pause my hand on the doorknob. 'Please let this be a misunderstanding.'. I gulp down my fears and open the door.



I see a battered MC lying before me on the hospital bed. The heart-monitor has a steady beep chime that I'm all too familiar with. There's a mask on her face and fluids attached to her arm. Her leg is in a cast and elevated, strung to the ceiling.

There's a man sitting in a chair in the corner, that rises when I enter the room. I slowly walk up to MC's bedside. This all feels so surreal...

"You must be Miss Kang," he says. I nod slowly. "She's in stable condition. The other car hit her directly. She's very lucky to be alive.".

"Why did the crash happen. She's always careful, she wouldn't have purposefully run a red-light," I say, remembering what I was told over the phone.

"The authorities are investigating right now," he says gruffly. "I'll give you guys some space. The doctor should be in at any moment.".

I stand there, looking at her cut up face, staring at the medical equipment. The constant beeping becoming deafening.

I hear the door open. "Are you a relative to the patient?". I turn around to face the doctor. Her eyes have bags under them and she's looking at a chart on a clipboard. I wonder how long she's been here.

"No. I'm her partner," I answer, my voice hollow.

"Are there any family members you can contact?".

I shake my head no. "I don't have a way to call her mom. Her dad left them ages ago.".

"I see..." they say, sensing my distress they suggest, "How about we step outside into the hall?".

I don't answer, keeping my eyes glued to the bed. It resembles the scene with my mom all too well.

"She will be alright," they say "There are some things I'd like to discuss, and it'll be good to get you out of the room for a bit.".

I bite my lip, looking at the door, then back at MC. I quietly answer, "Yeah, okay.".

The doctor leads me out and starts asking me standard questions such as any medical history knowledge or if she's allergic to any of the medication. I answer best I can, zoning out occasionally, noticing the strangest things.

The third light down the left of the hall flickers every four seconds.

"She's stable, but she's in a coma, and has a broken leg. But I think she should be able to make a full recovery. She's very lucky those are the only major injuries.".

The doctors pen pocket is crooked ever so slightly, and her hair is a bit disheveled, presumably from working so long.

"Can I call our friends?" I ask.

"Yes. Visiting hours are over at ten.". With that, they go off to take care of something else.

I send a message out to the messenger before pocketing my phone, followed by a series of buzzing.


Jaehee Kang has entered the chatroom.


Jaehee Kang: "MC is in the hospital."

Jaehee Kang: "Two Point, to be exact. 427, second floor."

Jumin: "I know. She's in one of my father's Hospitals. I got her upgraded to a bigger room.".

707: "You knew? Why didn't you say anything?!"

Zen has entered the chatroom.


Jumin: "Yes I knew, and didnt have time. I'm already on my way."

Zen: "I'll be there. I'll tell the director I dont feel well and cut practice."

Yoosung: "I'm coming! I have to tell my guild I gotta go."

707: "I'll be there in five."

Yoosung: "You live at least fifteen minutes away though."

707: "I have a fast car, I'm going to use it."

Jumin: "Please do not be so insensitive about driving recklessly given the circumstances."

Zen: "Mister CEO has a point, as much as I hate to admit it."


The group continues to talk, but I ignore it all. I go back inside the room and notice a fold-able chair in the corner, so I take it and put it by her bedside. Sitting down I rhythmically tap my foot on the tile, being the only other sound in the room.

The sun is setting outside by now, the fading light streaming though the curtains that are closed about a quarter of the way.

I rest my arms on the sidebar of the bed, careful not to touch any of the equipment. I bury my head in my arms, tears trickling down my nose.

The last thing I said to her was that she was selfish. What if she never wakes up? What if...

"I'm so sorry," I choke out. "I'm so sorry," I say again, and again.

I beg, "Please. I can't lose you too," even though I don't know who I'm begging to. Maybe to the doctors, maybe to God, maybe even to myself and MC. Regardless, I plead with all my will. "Please, not again.".




Chapter 15. End.


A/N: Bet you didn't see that coming! What a blindside collision!... Too soon?

I'm not entirely sure about the standard procedure for a car accident and, believe it or not, googling it doesn't give much help. Sorry if this is inaccurate!


*Two Point Hospital is a fun hospital management simulation game


The spaceship's sensors have caught the RFA members meaningless thoughts...

Jaehee: "The fan wobbles slightly..."

707: "I should have just went to pick her up. This is all my fault."


Thank you for reading this chapter of Mystic Radio! If you liked it, make sure to leave a like and subscribe so you know when the next update is! Now, go enjoy some Honey Buddha chips, and I'll see you next chapter! ~Des

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