And I'd Do It Again

By NeneJPhilly

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Mercedes Jones is a college freshman just trying to survive her first year of university but when her childho... More

In the Beginning
Thanks Shall Be Givin
It Feels a Lot Like Slapsgiving
Going Back to the Beginning
Lust is Your New Best Friend
What's Your Truth?
Laying Foundation
First Date Jitters
Operation: Quick Part I
Operation: Quick Part II
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater
The Prodigal Child Returns
Backpacking Across Europe but Not Really
Trial Separation
Shop Around
Graduates Please Stand Up
Shh! We're Hunting Apartments
This is Our Breakup Song
Mi Familia
Dance Party
Days are Just Pages on a Calendar
Kung Fu Fighting
Smashing Glasses
Lake Day Part I
Lake Day Part II
Double Dating
Everybody Talks
Martie: Boo Thang and RT
Love is for Suckas Part I
Love is for Suckas Part II
Birthday Song
The Storm & the Aftermath
Can We Talk?
Friday is Funday
The Magic's All Run Out
Try, Try Again
Picture Day
We're Moving On Up
In Your Darkest Nights
We Can't Stop
About Last Friday Night
Family Togetherness
Maddie Day
We Bought a Zoo
Camera Ready
She Knows
Goldfish Part I
Goldfish Part II
Hang On, We're Going Home
In the End

Not Interchangeable

32 2 0
By NeneJPhilly

"What are you doing today?" Marcus asked.

"Video game tournament!" Marc cheered.

"Video game tournament?" He was confused.

"Me and some of my boys decided to have a video game tournament when we all came back. We're all here now."

"Have fun. Dominate." Marcus nodded once.

"Always." Marc snorted.

"What about you girls?"

"I have doctor's appointments all day." Marcy said dryly.

"We need to make sure you're healthy."

"This is bunk."

"What does that even mean?"

"Terrible. It means terrible."

"You're going to the doctor and that is final. We don't even know if you're safe."

"Safe from what?"

"Safe from everything that has happened to you. You may have internal injuries!"

"Daddy." She frowned.

"I'm not being emotional!"

Marc's lips twitched heavily. "We didn't accuse you of being emotional. Yet."

Marcus glared. "I'm just saying."

"We understand, Daddy. We don't know how healthy Marcy or the twins are." Mercedes soothed.

"The twins are fine." Marcy repeated.

"Yes, we went to the doctor's for them last week." Marcus added.

"Do you need someone to go to the doctor with you today?" Rose asked Marcy.

"No." Marcy picked at her food.

"Are you sure?" Mercedes teased. "I don't have anything to do today. We can go to lunch and get a manicure."

"How did something I didn't want to do get turned into something I would never do?"

"I'm telling you; you'll like this place. Please, please, please. For me?"

"I must like you." Marcy sighed deeply.

"Yay!" Mercedes cheered.

"But I'm not wearing any false nail crap!"

"You don't have to! I'm not."

"Well now that you're going to the doctor's with Sweetpea, Princess I don't have to ask what you're doing today." Marcus said.

"What time is your first appointment?" Mercedes asked.

"Nine something." Marcy replied. "I was thinking of going to the library today, too."

"We can go before the doctor."

"You should get dressed while I take the kids to the Fabrays'."

"When are you leaving?"

"Really soon. I need to get their stuff together."

"Okay! Let me go!" Mercedes quickly finished her meal and ran out.

"Man, that was funny." Marc grinned.

Mercedes went upstairs and took a quick shower. She put on lotion and deodorant before choosing light purple jean shorts with a red tank top and black sleeveless jean jacket. She put them on before slipping on her favorite gold gladiator shoes. Then she put on jewelry and her signature scent and grabbed her purse.

She picked up her phone and floated downstairs. She went to the kitchen and saw it empty so she knew her parents went to work. She looked in the den for her siblings but they weren't there so she went outside to see if any cars were still there. Only her car and Marc's were.

As soon as she came back inside, she saw Marc coming down the stairs. "Hey? You're about to leave?"

"Yeah. I'll see you later." Marc kissed her head and walked out whistling.

Mercedes was bored instantly. She decided to sit down on the step outside. She hummed to herself lightly as she watched a bug fly lazily past her face. It was a good morning. May really was a beautiful month.

She didn't have to wait for long before Marcy pulled up. Her little sister beeped the horn twice to get her attention so she went to get in the car. "Nobody's at home. We all left."

Marcy just looked at her for a while before driving off. "That's weird."

"That we're all gone?"

"That you noticed."

Mercedes pursed her lips as she buckled up. "No, it's not!"



Mike scratched his head. How did he get roped into doing this? Oh yeah. His mother asked. He sighed before stuffing the tool in the chimney and cleaning it. When he was done, he looked like he belonged in Oliver Twist.

He climbed off the roof and took the list out of his pocket. "Chimney done." He unfolded it and scanned what was next on the list.

There was a honk and he looked up in surprise. It was Puck and Finn. It was a true surprise. He wasn't expecting them. He waved. "What's up?!"

They got out of Finn's truck and approached him. "Hey? What are you doing?"

"You're filthy." Puck added.

"Thanks." Mike deadpanned. "I'm cleaning. My mom asked me to help out since I'm here all day and have nothing to do."

"She's puttin you to work?!" He shook his head. "Man, I'm sorry!"

"Lazy." Mike rolled his eyes. "I have to beat the rugs. Since you're here, how about some help?"

"And you're puttin us to work?! Not cool!"

Finn sighed. "We'll help you, Mike. What else do you have to do?"

"I've already vacuumed, cleaned the gutters, cleaned the chimney, cleaned the bathrooms, cleaned my room, cleaned the kitchen and den, dusted and watered all the plants-"

"Damn, dude!" Puck was tired just listening to him. "She's workin you like a Hebrew slave!"

"They're just chores." Mike didn't understand how they were friends sometimes.

"As much as I hate agreeing with him (because I always end up in trouble), he's right. That's a lot of chores." Finn said.

"It's filled my day." Mike shrugged. "Come on and help me. It should be easy to beat the rugs because I already vacuumed."

"We'll help." Finn said. "What can we do?"

"What?!" Puck exclaimed.

"I'll hand you the rugs and you give them to Puck, who'll beat them with a broom then you give them back and I put them back on the floor." Mike decided.

"Why I gotta have the hard part?!"

"You're always talking about your "guns". Put 'em to use." Mike led the way inside.

Puck grumbled the whole way while Mike and Finn ignored him.

The trio went to the supply closet and Mike put the chimney sweeper away before grabbing the handle of a broom. He handed it to his recently Mohawk-less friend.

Puck took it with a grimace. "Yay."

"Go outside." Mike went into the living room to move the coffee table and snag the rug beneath it. "Here, Finn."

Finn took it outside and gave it to Puck, who frowned. "How am I supposed to do this?"

Finn shrugged. "We don't have rugs. Kurt does but I've never seen him beat his."

Puck opened his mouth.

"Don't be gross."

Puck shut his mouth.

"Figure it out. It can't be that hard."


Mike frowned. "And you thought this would be the best way to beat the rugs?"

"Hey! I figured it out!" Puck crossed his arms across his chest.

"We gotta fix this before my mom comes home. You know that, don't you?"

"Yeah, I know." He slumped.

Finn was half in awe, half amused as he tried to take it all in. "We might as well get started."

The trio set to work cleaning up. Then they put all the rugs back where they belonged.

Mike scratched his head. "I gotta take a shower. I'm kinda filthy."

"Do you have any food?" Puck barely heard any of that.

"Yeah. Go into the kitchen. Just don't take the apple juice."

Puck looked at him. "All apple juice is hers?"

"Yes." Mike went upstairs.

Puck gulped and went into the kitchen. He opened the pantry and searched for something to eat.

"What are you looking for?" Finn had followed him.

"I don't know. They don't have much snacks." Puck looked through the shelves. "What's this? I can't even say this?"

Finn looked at the bag in his hands. "I can't say it either but they're chips. It says chips."

"They also say cheese. So they should taste like Doritos, right?"

"I don't know! Try them!"

Puck took the clip off and unfurled the bag, sticking his hand inside and grasping a few chips. He took his hand out and inspected the chips. They were thick with ridges and were a light orange.

"Eat one." Finn encouraged.

"You eat one." Puck wasn't up on being adventurous with his diet.

Finn rolled his eyes before sticking his own hand in the bag and grabbing a chip. He pulled it out and ate it. "It's pretty good. Not a Dorito at all."

Puck ate the chips in his hand. "I like them."

Finn took the bag from him and read from the back. "There's nothing in here. And they're kettle cooked. Is that why they're so hard?"

"Shouldn't they be sweet then?" Puck took the bag back to view where it said kettle cooked.

"I don't know." Finn shrugged. "What else do they have?"

Puck gave him the bag to rifle through the pantry. "Jackpot! I got chocolate!"

"Sweet!" Finn loved chocolate.

"Ugh! Why does it have all this junk in it?!" Puck read the wrappers.

"Like what?" Finn took a bar from him. "What's açai? Am I even saying this right?"

"I don't know." Puck shrugged. "They have bags of nuts. Ooh! M&M's!"

"I like M&M's."

"They have Red Vines." Puck read the package. "Are these licorice?"

"I don't know. Try one."

Puck took the tie off and grabbed a long ruby red vine of candy. He bit into it and chewed. "Wow! It's good!"

Finn snatched the tip off the other end then tried it. "I like it, too. It's really chewy."

"Way better than Twizzler's!" Puck had a new favorite.

"What else do they have?" Finn took another from the bag.

"Pretzels. Pickles. Crackers. Shortbread. I wonder what's shortbread?"

"Probably just some kind of bread that's small or something."

Puck set the box of cookies back and continued searching. "Gummy bears!"

"Eh. I'm not much for gummy bears. I like sour gummy worms."

"Gummy bears are amazing!" Puck grabbed one of the tiny packs and opened it. He popped a green and an orange bear in his mouth.

"Hey! They have Goldfish!" Finn let a red vine hang from his mouth as he grabbed a bag.

"I kinda wanna pickle. I don't even like pickles." Puck ignored him.

"Get a pickle." Finn frowned as he read over the back of the pack. "I like this. The fish's name is Finn."

Puck gave a long suffering sigh as he rolled his eyes. "I'm thirsty. We need something to wash this stuff down with."

"Check the fridge for something cold." Finn advised as he continued looking for stuff. "Have you ever had this Nature Valley stuff? My mom had the green one when she was trying to lose weight and it tasted like tree bark."

Puck frowned as he opened the refrigerator. "I don't do nature nothin!"

"I'll try it. It says peanut. Peanuts are good." Finn took one.

"Want a beer?" Puck held one up. "It's not the kind Doc has."

"Who's Doc and we can't drink his dad's beer! He'll get in trouble!" Finn looked around like Michael was going to appear out of thin air and attack them.

"Relax, girl! He's been drinking beer since he was fifteen!" Puck pulled out three beers.

"Who? Mike? No way!"

"Yeah! They have different rules. They're not American."

"I know he said they were born in different places."

"Don't you remember him explaining the rules? How they couldn't drink wine until they were eight? Couldn't drink coffee or beer until they were fifteen?"

"To be honest, he told us so much stuff, I forgot a lot."

Puck snickered. "It helps I heard it twice. What all did Mama tell you? She talked to you, didn't she?"

"Yeah, she called but we didn't talk long. She told me how they met and how close they were but that was it."

"She left a bunch of stuff out then. It was a good thing Mike told you everything."

"I figure she'll tell me more."

"You don't have our relationship."

"But we have one." Finn snagged another red vine.

"What's up with that anyway? You never told me about that."

"Why? Were you going to steal her, too?" Finn bit off.


"Sorry. But it's still true."

Puck inclined his head. "I might have."

"Are you over that?"

"Yeah. I got my jealousy under control."

"Good. I don't want to lose any more girlfriends to you."

"What about you? You go back and forth with Q and Rachel when you don't have the other."

"I'm looking to get with other girls. I've been with the two of them for four years."

"I can help you out."

"I'm not messing around with Santana, Brittany-"

"Of course not. They're getting back together. Q's off limits and you need to leave Rachel alone. You mess with Mama and Mike'll kill ya."

"She is pretty." Finn inclined his head.

"And you ain't even hit it."

"Dude!" Finn jumped. "If he hears you-!"

"He won't hear me!" Puck waved him away. "He's probably still in the shower."

"He seems a lot more jealous than he was with Tina."

"He does seem crazy jealous. But he's a freak. I didn't know it but he has fantasies and when we played Mini Mama's game, we found out exactly how dirty he is. And he has no shame!"

"Not Mike! He's the most steady guy I know!"

"He's also the freakiest!"

"And Mercedes is okay with that?"

"I don't know. She was really shocked when she heard what he said."

"What'd he say?" Finn was interested until he remembered what they were talking about. "No! Don't tell me!"

Puck grinned. "Come on! Let me tell ya!"

"Nope! I don't wanna change my opinion of him."

"Fine. Wanna know what I said I want to do with Mama and Q? It got downright sinful!"

"No! I already can't look Mercedes in the face now!"

"Why not?"

"Because of the nightclothes and Marcy pulling up her dress yesterday."

"Why can't you look her in the eye? Too busy looking at her everything else?"

"No!" Finn blushed. "I have too much respect for her than to do that!"

Puck mocked him. "You big girl! I got mad respect for Mama but I look every chance I get!"

"You're a dog! That's Mike's girlfriend!"

"And I am her very good friend! I could be her best friend."

"I think Quinn would object to that. Mercedes told me they were like sisters."

"They are but come on. I'm a pretty good friend."


Puck pulled a face. "You don't get a beer."

"What are you two still doing in here?" Mike walked in.

"He's talking about getting with your girlfriend!" Finn told.

"I never said that!" Puck's mouth fell open.

"We're going to fight. Better yet, I'll take Quinn from you." Mike threatened.

"You wouldn't! You couldn't!"

"She knows what I'm capable of." Mike crossed his arms across his chest.

"Alright. I was just talking." Puck raised his hands. "Forgive me?"

"Of course. And I know Mercy would never cheat on me."


Mercedes giggled. "Aaron, I have to go!"

Marcy stuck her tongue out as she closed the book in her hand. "You two are disgusting."

Mercedes waved her away and tried to listen harder on her phone. "I know. We can hang out as soon as Saturday. Ooh! I know! You and the guys can meet us at the movies! That'll be fun!"

Marcy added another book to her pile as she listened with half an ear. "I might want to spend time with my kids but no, sure. Make plans."

Mercedes frowned as she tried to block out her sister's words. "You guys can pick the movie if you buy the drinks. No, just the drinks. You'll see. Okay, I'll talk to you later. Okay. Stop it! I am not the most beautiful girl in the world! Goodbye, Aaron!"

Marcy rolled her eyes as Mercedes finally got off the phone. "You both are straight up sickening."

"Hey!" Mercedes set her hands on her hips. "I was on the phone!"

"Who said we wanted to go to the movies with them?! I got kids I never see!" Marcy grabbed another book and went to the front of the shop they were in.

"You need a break from them, remember?"

"I only see them in the morning for breakfast and maybe for dinner in the evening!"

"So what? You've had them all this time; let us have a turn!"

"Who said you all get turns?"

Mercedes pursed her lips. "Let Maddie babysit. Come on. You know Dominic's gonna be there."

"So what?" Marcy set the books on the counter and rang the bell.

"So he's cute and single and-"

"And I'm not."

"Break up with Pierre."

"No. He's nice to me."

"So's Dominic. And he likes you."

Marcy twirled a lock of hair around her index finger. "Do you think so?"

"Yep. He told Aaron you were an angel come to Earth."

Marcy giggled. "Really? Even after I was such a witch to him?"

"He says you're strong."

"And he likes that?!"

"Aaron said he said that that was the best part of you. Not that you were beautiful. Not that you were talented. Not that you were smart. But that you spoke your mind and stuck to what was true to you."

"I do, don't I?" Marcy grinned goofily.

"Yep and he likes it."

"Going to the movies won't be that bad."

"Yes!" Mercedes cheered. "Now we just have to convince Laura."

"All we have to say is that Marc would think it's a bad idea." She snorted.

"She is not that predictable."

"Yes, she is." Marcy perked up as a short, thin, frail old man came from the back room. "Hi, Mr. Herbert!"

"Marceline Anne!" His voice creaked. "You two were just here! I'm so glad to see you back!"

"You have the best books." She smiled fondly.

"Hello, Mercedes Catherine." He greeted the elder Jones.

"Hi, Mr. Herbert." Mercedes leaned against the wooden counter. "Do you have that book I wanted?"

"Robert Frost. Your favorite poet. Of course." He went back to the back room and came out with two books, one golden, the other violet. He handed Marcy the plum one and Mercedes the sunflower. "This one is e.e. cummings."

"I love e.e.!" Marcy held the thick book between her fingers.

"I know! You girls are my favorite! So well read and enjoy reading! So much better than those kids that come in for assignments only!"

"I still have that book of poetry you gave me for my thirteenth birthday. I brought it everywhere with me and it's sitting on my night stand now."

"Good lass."

"I remember that Langston Hughes work you gave me for mine." Mercedes smiled. "It got me through many a dark time."

"I'm glad. What all are you getting today?" Mr. Herbert settled his glasses atop his nose.

"I have a Robert Burns, a Shakespeare piece, a Maya Angelou, a Lord Byron and a T.S. Eliot." Marcy listed her books.

"I have Emerson, Dickerson, John Keats and Kipling." Mercedes ran off her list.

"I'm proud of you girls. Keeping to the classics." Mr. Herbert tallied up Marcy first. He rattled off the total.

She paid using her debit card. "I can't get enough of Ms. Angelou. Her work helped me see the light when I was going through some true enough ugliness."

"That's how it goes." He handed her card back before tallying up Mercedes' load. He told her the total.

Mercedes used a credit card. "I completely understand. The words of our ancestors are nothing but truth."

"Always listen to the words of the wise, girls." Mr. Herbert advised.

"We will." They chorused.

He set both sets of books in paper shopping bags with his store's logo on them with their receipts. He pushed both bags at them. "Thank you for coming in. Stop by anytime."

"We'll be back soon." Mercedes promised.

"You have a birthday coming up, don't you?" He squinted at Marcy. "Come in then. I'll have something for you."

"Thank you, Mr. Herbert." Marcy picked up her bag and turned to leave. "Goodbye."

Mercedes waved as she followed. "Bye, Mr. Herbert."

Mr. Herbert waved back. "So long, girls!"

The two walked out and around the store to the parking lot beside it. They got in Travis and Marcy drove to McKinley. "I feel so much better after going in there."

"It is the best place." Mercedes agreed. "Turn down here."

Marcy made the turn. "I know exactly what I'm reading tonight!"

"Did you have another nightmare last night?"

"Yes." Marcy grew quiet.

"Why didn't you wake us up?"

"Do you actually think I'm going to do that?"

"Would you please?!"

"I'll think about it." Marcy continued driving until she got to a red light. "What's that place?"

"Are you changing the subject?!"

"No! There's a shop right there!" Marcy looked to see if she could before changing lanes. When the light turned green, she made a left and turned into the parking lot.

Mercedes frowned up at the big building. "This must be new. I've never seen it."

Marcy parked and got out. She took her phone out and took a picture so she could send it to her sisters to see if they knew anything about it.

"Let's go inside." Mercedes shut the car door behind herself and walked to the sidewalk. The two went inside and marveled at the '50s inspired shop.

"Hello!" A redhead waved from behind the counter. "Is this your first time or are you veterans?"

"Newbies." Mercedes said.

"Well welcome! We've been here since 2011 and we're an organic milk tea and juice shop."

"Hi, Kathy." Marcy read the woman's name-tag off her shirt. "What do you recommend for newbies?"

"It all depends on what you like. There's a strawberry mint rhubarb that's really good but there's also the white grape, blueberry and pineapple that's just darn good!"

"Are those the juices?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"I'll try the white grape, blueberry and pineapple juice. Three really great flavors."

"I'll try the first one." Mercedes decided. "I love strawberries!"

"What size?" Kathy asked.

"Extra-large." Marcy read. "I'm really thirsty today. Did you notice I drank three teas at lunch?"

"I did. I think you're dehydrated." Mercedes looked over the sizes. "I'll just take a large."

"Names please?" Kathy asked.

"Marcy." Marcy said.

"Mercy." Mercedes added.

Kathy wrote the names on the cups before ringing them up. "Yours will be $4.25 and yours will be $3.75."

Both sisters pulled out fives. They paid and watched as Kathy made the juices.

Marcy checked her phone as she received a text message.

"Who is it?" Mercedes asked.

"Karou. She wants to visit for our birthdays but she doesn't know where to go."

"Where will you be?" Mercedes asked slyly.

"More than likely, at home."

"So here?" Mercedes knew she was reaching.

"No, I mean my home." Marcy killed that dream.

"Have you thought about staying? Just until the festival?"


"Not even a little?"


Mercedes pouted as their names were called. They retrieved their drinks and sipped cautiously. "What do you think?"

"I love it!" Marcy didn't give out those kinds of compliments freely.

"Me too! The mint really brings out the fruit. And there's still bits of fruit in it." Mercedes took a deeper sip.

"Come on. We gotta go. You're gonna be late." Marcy walked out of the store.

Mercedes followed behind. "I could blow it off. Go with you to see Daddy."

"I'm just getting my mouthguard." Marcy got behind the wheel and put her drink in the cup holder. She hooked her phone up to the sound system and put her seatbelt on.

Mercedes strapped in, too. "We've got to tell everybody about this place."

"Agreed." Marcy backed out of her space and exited the parking lot to go to the high school.

"Just think about staying here for your birthday. We should at least celebrate it together." Mercedes inspected her medium length red zebra nails.

Marcy, who had short (nonexistent really) black nails with silver stars, tapped them against the steering wheel. "I'll think about it."

"Just think; Dominic might get you a really great gift." Mercedes sipped from her drink.

"Like his dick in a box?"

Mercedes choked. "Marcy!"

"Like the song..."

"I caught that!" Mercedes patted her chest.

Marcy shrugged lightly as she turned into McKinley. She drove to the front door and stopped. "You have arrived."

Mercedes gave her a salty look. "You do that on purpose!"

"I do not!" Marcy was offended. "Get out."

"I am!" Mercedes unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed her purse, shopping bag of books and her juice before opening the door.

"Love you!" Marcy waved.

Mercedes looked back at her. "Troublemaker!"

Marcy stuck her tongue out.

Mercedes got out and shut the door behind her. Marcy pulled off immediately. Mercedes went inside and to the choir room. She saw Finn, Quinn, Puck, Mike and Jake inside with Mr. Shue.

Jake leaned forward as soon as she stepped inside. "Where's your sister, Ms. Lady?"

"She has a doctor's appointment."

Jake sat back with a major pout.

"She don't want you anyway." His brother reminded him.

"She's coming around!"

Quinn sat up as Mercedes sat down. "What's that?"

"Juice." Mercedes gave it to her. "It's strawberry mint rhubarb from that new place that opened two years ago."

"What place?" Quinn took a sip.

"It's not far from here." Mercedes rattled off the name. "We just found it."

"That text makes more sense now. Marcy just sent a picture with the caption, "Have you seen this place?". I was so confused."

"That's what it was."

"Let me have some." Mike demanded as he snuck a kiss to Mercedes, who swatted him.

Quinn gave him the clear cup with big pink straw. "It's really good."

He sipped it. "That mint's strong."

"Alright, give it back. You'll drink it to the bottom." Mercedes had to pry his lips from the straw.

"What'd you buy?" Mr. Shue asked.

"Books." Mercedes told him. "We went to As the Page Turns."

"That bookstore you took me to?" Puck wanted to know.

"You took him to ATPT?" Quinn was surprised.

"It was a special occasion." Mercedes lifted her shoulders.

"What books did you get?" Finn asked.

"Some classics. Emerson, Kipling, Keats, Dickerson." Mercedes turned to Quinn. "He even gave me this book I've been wanting on Frost."

"Good choices!" Mr. Shue approved.

"I don't know who any of those people are." Finn admitted.

"I know that Frost guy." Puck said. "You talk about him enough."

"How was Mr. Herbert?" Mike asked.

"He was good." Mercedes showed Quinn her hand. "Look at my nails. Think red and black go well?"

"They look good on you." Quinn inspected her own bare nails. "I need a manicure. Did you get them done?"

"Yeah. We can go for pedis tomorrow."

"Good. I don't feel like doing my own but they need to be done."

"Tomorrow. Ten o'clock?"

"Ten o'clock."


Marcy dialed a number as she climbed out of Travis. She went to the front door and unlocked it. She went inside as someone picked up. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Were Marcy's first words.

"Hi, Marcy! I'm good and you? Thanks for asking!" Laura was sarcastic.

"Where are you?" Marcy repeated as if she heard nothing.

"At home!"

"Where at home?"

"In my room. Why?"

Marcy hung up and pocketed her phone. She hung her keys and purse up on the hook then went up the stairs to Laura's room. She barged in without knocking.

"Marcy?! You could have knocked, devil child!" Laura popped up from her bed.

"Marc thinks you going to the movies Saturday with Johnny is a bad idea." Marcy sat on the bed.

"What?" Laura was confused on many levels.

"Mercy set up a movie date with the guys for Saturday." Marcy laid down.

"What?! Why?! I thought we were never going to see them again?!"

"Why?" Marcy was surprised.

"Because it was an innocent beach flirting thing. Like you said, you all have boyfriends and I just got out of the most serious relationship there is."

"There's nothing wrong with friendship. I'm not going to sleep with Dominic."

"Are you sleeping with Jr.?"

"Didn't we cover this?"

"I don't know. Tell me again."

"No, I am not sleeping with Jr. I haven't been with him since Italy."

"Really? Even though you let him kiss you?"

"Yes. You know kisses don't mean anything. I've been kissing Mal since I was two years old. I can't just stop it cold turkey."

"I understand. I know it doesn't seem like it but I do."

"Thanks." Marcy closed her eyes.

It was quiet for a really long time before Laura asked, "Marc thinks it's a bad idea?"

"He will. He doesn't know yet but if he did, you know what he'll say. He'll say you're moving too fast and you're making a giant mistake and haven't you learned from the first time and how you're not even over him-"

"What?!" Laura snapped. "He has his nerve!"

"You know Marc." Marcy spoke the truth.

Laura did... unfortunately. "I'm so going."

"Don't you like Johnny?"

"I do." Laura said contemplatively. "But I have to show him up more. Marc is a menace."

"You won't hear me arguing..."

"What time is the movie?"


"Hey, Mercedes." Sam touched Mercedes' elbow gently.

Mercedes started, unused to Sam by now.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to surprise you."

"Oh. It's okay." She calmed herself. "What's up?"

"I don't know if you know this but the comic book store got a new shipment of Marvel. I was wondering if you might wanna go find some treasures?"

"Right now?" She blinked owlishly at him.

"Yeah. I thought we could talk."

"I can't. I'm sorry. My sister is picking me up and we're going out."

"Oh. Okay. Maybe some other time then?" He shrugged with an easy smile and walked out of the choir room.

Tina ran over with Unique and Marley. "What was that?! What happened?!"

"Nothing." Mercedes leaned back.

"Is he sniffing around again?" Tina eyed her suspiciously.

"I doubt it."

"Well you don't have a boyfriend, right? I think he's going to start chasing you again. Maybe you should let him catch you?"

"I don't think so, T. I gotta go. See you guys tomorrow." Mercedes went to Quinn. "Do you want to come with us?"

"Where are you going?" The blonde asked.

"We were going to ride around a little bit."

"Sure. I have nothing to do." She shrugged.

"We also have something to tell you." Mercedes led the way outside.

"What's going on?"

Mercedes switched to French, a language none of the current New Directions knew and Mike and Puck really didn't know. "We're going to the movies with the guys."

"What guys? Mikey, Puck and Mal?" Quinn responded in kind.

"No. Aaron, Craig, Dominic and Johnny."

Quinn gasped. "Really?! How much have you talked to Aaron?"

"I called him after glee yesterday and I spoke with him today."

"I talked to Craig all day today."

"What did you talk about?"

"Stuff." Quinn shrugged. "We can talk about anything."

Marcy pulled up and honked the horn. Mercedes and Quinn got in. "Laura's in."

"What?" They buckled up.

"Laura. I talked to her and she's going to the movies with us."

"Good. We're all going." Mercedes nodded once as Marcy pulled off. "Should we go in the morning or the afternoon or the evening?"

"We should go in the morning so we have all day with them." Quinn said.

"All day to do what?" Marcy asked sassily.

"Just hang out." She shrugged.

"Okay." Marcy sighed. "Where are we going?"

"Did you get your mouthguard?" Mercedes looked around Quinn.


"Where is it?"

Marcy bared her teeth. The diamond encrusted mouth piece twinkled in the light of late afternoon.

"So where are we going?"

"Let's go to the club and see what they have going on." Quinn suggested.

Marcy made a noise with her mouth. "Okay."


Mercedes started when she heard something at her window. She popped straight up and stared in fear. A head popped up, followed by a long, lean body. She narrowed her eyes as Mike slid her window open. "Mikey!"

He looked up as he slipped into the room. "Hey."

"Why do you insist on coming over when I'm sleep?! It scares me when you suddenly show up!"

"I'm sorry." He shut the window behind himself and strode over to her. "I just wanted to talk to you about today."

She watched as he took off his shoes and climbed under her covers with her. "What about today?"

"Are you okay?" He pulled her into his arms.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" She was confused.

"Sam. He talked to you."

She thought back. "It was weird but I'm okay."

"Good. I know he hasn't spoken to you in months. I just wanted to make sure he didn't say anything to hurt you."

"Now you know I would have no problem telling him about himself if he did!" She sassed.

"I know. But some things hurt you in a different way."

She melted at his caring. He was a really good boyfriend. She snuggled up to him. "Well thank you. But I'm fine. He just asked me a question, I answered and that was that."

"As long as you're alright." He kissed her cheek.

"I am. I got you."


"Sam?" Mercedes had had a lot of time to think it over and realized she wasn't bitter over Sam any longer and so didn't have to avoid him.

Sam turned to her with an easy smile. "Yeah?"

"This is my sister, Marcy. Marcy, this is Sam. You met once a couple years ago."

Marcy, who didn't know why she was dragged over in the first place, raised an eyebrow. "I remember."

"Yeah. You had dark hair then." Sam realized.

"Well I remembered what you said yesterday about the comic book store and I figured we could all go together. Marcy loves comic books and she can talk about superheroes for hours."

Marcy's jaw dropped at what she defined as snitching. "Hey!"

"Not that I was listening but they have a costume contest going on for the first three days." Blaine, who was sitting next to Sam, said.


Sam frowned. "Are you calling us losers?"

"I wasn't. But you are."

"Marcy!" Mercedes set her hands on her hips.

"But we are, too."

"You think liking comic books is for losers?" Blaine wanted to make sure.

"Geeks. Nerds. Dorks. Take your pick."

"You don't look like any geek I've ever seen." Sam said doubtfully.

"Right back at ya, Channing Tatum." She winked.

He blushed. "You think I look like Channing Tatum?"

"You look better."

Sam was flattered beyond belief. "Thank you. You ain't shortstoppin either, suga."

"You're southern."

"That's right, darlin."

"Call me "darlin" again and I'll show you why the north won."

He was confused until Mercedes pulled on her arm. "Marcy, stop hitting on him!"

"He started it!" Marcy crossed her arms across her chest.

"Sam, one of her trigger words is "darlin". She completely loses her morals." Mercedes explained.

Blaine laughed. "Words turn you on? Like normal words?"

"It's the strangest of words, too. Words that come up in conversation a lot." Marcy smirked at him.

"Like what?" Slipped out of Sam's mouth accidentally. Marcy leaned forward and whispered a word into his ear. "Whoa!"

"Marcy, stop coming on to him!" Mercedes pulled her arm.

"Fine." Marcy looked at Blaine. "How you doin?"

Blaine blushed and laughed. "You're so barking up the wrong tree."

"I know you're gay, Burt Reynolds but I can give you seven reasons for why you should be bi."

"Seven?" There were so many things about that sentence he wanted to address but the number threw him off the most.

"Let's find a broom closet and I can show you."

Blaine laughed goofily again. "A broom closet?"

"Or we could go here. I don't mind an audience."

He blushed hard.

Mercedes sighed. "Stop letting people know how much of a freak you are. Be a lady!"

Marcy smirked. "Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets?"

"Yes! No!" Mercedes facepalmed.

"Make up your mind. Where do you want me? On top of him? Or under him?" She pointed to the boys.

"I've never been dominated before." Blaine whispered.

"And I can do it so good; you end up a slave to it."

"She makes it sound so enticing."

"I know the seven books of sin. Don't have me hurt you."

"I thought Santana was the only girl like this?" Sam whispered.

"Satan's a pussycat."

"You know Santana?"

"Yup. I taught her and Britt-Bratt a thing or two."

"It's hard to top lesbians." Blaine said.

"It pays to be bi."

"Oh, you're bisexual?"

"Yes, I am."

"I've never met a bisexual person before." Sam said.

"It's most assured you have."

"So are we going to the comic book store or not?" Mercedes asked.

"I think we should." Blaine said.

"Cool." Marcy shrugged. "I haven't been in years so I can just follow you."

"We don't have cars."

"Well you can just give me directions."

"You have a car? What kind is it?" Sam asked.

"A 1986 Lincoln Towncar."

"Guys?! Would you all take a seat and we can begin?!" Mr. Shue was ready to start the lesson.

Mercedes took Marcy's hand and led her to the front. "We'll see you guys later."


"This is your car?!" Sam looked over Travis in awe.

"I love him as if I built him with my own two hands. Oh wait. I did." Marcy batted her eyelashes.

"You did not build this car."

"Yes, I did. Have you ever seen a car like him before? No, you haven't and it's because he's one of a kind."

"How can you build a car?! You don't even seem like the type to get grease under your nails."

"The trick to that is to not have nails."

Blaine frowned. "You don't have nails?"

"I cut them every week. I hate having dirty nails and they grow so fast and so long, I need to cut them. It's just easier."

Blaine inclined his head. "I guess so. So how long did it take you to build this? Did you have help? How did you know how?"

"Daddy. He taught us everything he knew and when he felt we were ready, he bought a frame and spare parts for us to build our dream car from the tires up. We couldn't have any help. It was the only rule. He would buy whatever parts we wanted but we had to do it on our own."

"We? So it was like that for all of you?"


"How'd you get a Prius then?" Sam asked Mercedes.

She was sick of people asking her that! "Daddy bought it for me! I never finished my car!"

"Sorry." He held his hands up. "Why didn't you?"

"I got preoccupied with other things. But I'm going to finish. It won't take more than a week."

"What all do you have to do?"

"I would like to get the fuel hookup that somebody invented for their car, put my doors on, my windshield in, my engine needs a little work, my sound system is nearly working and I need to paint it over."

"That sounds like a lot of stuff." Blaine said. "Are you sure it'll only take a week?"

"It'll take a couple hours to put the doors on, no time to put the windshield in, and the sound system and engine can be done in an afternoon."

"How long will painting take?"

"All day, depending on how I want it. I haven't even decided yet."

"You should paint it green and blue with big orange flowers." Marcy teased.

"Stop it." Mercedes pinched her cheek. "Not everyone wants dark green with lime flames."

"Ooh! Do color-blocking! Like a dress!"

"What? How?" Mercedes was confused.

"Okay, like our rooms are? Paint the doors a different shade of purple than the rest of the car, the trim a different shade, the roof a different shade and the body a different shade."

"I love it!" Mercedes grabbed her hands. "I'm going to do that! Thank you so much!"

"Glad to help." Marcy pried her hands away.

"I can't wait to get started! Will you take me to the hardware store to pick up the paint and tools?"

"Sure. Let's go to the comic book store first." Marcy turned to Blaine. "Ride shotgun. I want to talk to you about Kurt. I'm glad he has someone."

"You know Kurt?" Blaine moved to the passenger door and opened it to slide inside.

Sam opened the door for Mercedes then went around to do the same for a surprised Marcy. "Thank you."

"You're mighty welcome." Sam shut the door and got in. He buckled up as he marveled over the interior.

"Yeah, I know Kurt. Where's the store?" Marcy plugged in her phone while she buckled in.

"Take a right out of the parking lot and go towards the library." Mercedes directed.

"Which library?"


"Got it." Marcy drove that way.

"Ooh. What's that?" Blaine asked.

"What's what?"

"That smell. It smells really good in here."

"It's part cleanliness, part car air fresheners-" She pointed to the vents. "And part satchels."


"You know? When you put dried herbs/spices, flowers and fruit in cloth?"

"I've heard of that but I've never done it or known anyone that has."

"I've never heard of it." Sam said.

"Reach under my seat." Marcy told him.

Sam reached under and pulled out a small white satchel tied with a green ribbon. He sniffed it. "Is this it? It smells really good."

"It's sage, orange and lilies."

He sniffed it again before passing it to Blaine. "It smells really good. I don't even know what sage is. Or what a lily looks like."

Blaine smelled it. "I really like this. Can you teach me how to do it?"

"Yeah. You just need what you want to put in it, ribbon and a piece of cloth. Cut up a pillowcase if you have to." Marcy explained.

Blaine passed it back to Sam so he'd put it back under the seat. "Is this the only place you put it?"

"No. I've had them stashed all over my room forever. For an added scent boost, I tie them up in dryer sheets. Mountain Fresh."

"Dryer sheets?"

"Yeah. To soften your clothes? I also pin dryer sheets up in my closet and wrap mothballs in them."

"That's a good tip. I should tell Kurt."

"I'm surprised Mercy hasn't. We all do it." Marcy got to the library. "Where am I going now?"

"Go down this street and I'll tell you when to make a left." Mercedes said. "I never told him because it never came up. But I'm surprised it hasn't. We've talked about a bunch of stuff like that."

"Where do you put these things?" Sam asked.

"Everywhere. In drawers. In your shoes. Under your mattress. In your desk. Under couch cushions. In the corners of the room." Marcy told him.

"Turn here." Mercedes said.

Marcy turned.

"I'm really going to use this." Blaine nodded. "What goes with what? How do you put what ingredients with each other for the best scent?"

"It's all about contrast for me. I use a citrus with my favorite flowers and a spice or herb that's either calming or energizing." Marcy drove slowly. "Am I close to this place?"

"Take a right up here and it's on the left hand side." Mercedes said. "I like scents that blend together. I have lavender, lilac, daisy and chamomile tea leaves in my room. Sometimes I add nutmeg during the holidays."

"Sometimes if I'm lazy or want a scent change, I just use potpourri. It's really easy and smells just as good." Marcy said.

"I like all your ideas. Do you use anything during the holidays?" Blaine pointed to the comic book store. "There it is!"

Marcy parked in front. "Yeah. During the entire months of May, October and December, I use vanilla and dried apples with violets and lime zest. It's crazy."

"I wish I could smell that. It sounds really complex."

The foursome got out and went inside to see a spectacle. People in costumes were everywhere!

"Wow! These people are not playin!" Mercedes looked around. "We're just in time, it seems."


"I can't believe you got so many comics!" Sam gushed.

"I haven't read a comic in two years." Marcy swung her bags. "I deserve this."

"I'd hurt myself." He was dead serious.

"Calm down. I can read them now. I'm getting started as soon as possible, too."

"I wish we had dressed up." Blaine pouted.

"Who would you have been?" Mercedes asked.

"I don't know. I think Professor X. What do you think?"

"You'd have to wear a skull cap."

"I've worn crazier."

"You should have seen us during Lady Gaga/Katy Perry week." Sam snorted.

"Hate the both of them." Marcy led the group outside.

"How can you hate Katy Perry?! She sings such emotionally stirring songs!" Blaine was hurt.

"I like that part. I like some of her music but I can't get with her. But I like her better than Lady Gaga."

"Kurt would die if he heard you say that."

"Oh he knows. He had his little heart-attack when I first said it. He tripped like I said I didn't like him."

"Gaga is his idol."

"I know. That's why I told him."

"Marcy's a troublemaker." Mercedes said. They finally got in the car.

"I resent that." Marcy adjusted the rearview mirror. "Are we still going to the hardware store?"

"Would you please?"

"Which one?"

"Let's do this."

Marcy laughed. "I love those commercials! I feel so motivated and want to do stuff!"

"Is that why the stairs look the way they do?"

"Yep. I got mad creative."

"I can't wait to get decorating!"

"You're decorating?" Blaine asked them.

"Yeah. Whole house."

"Where?" Sam wanted to know.

"Quinn and I got a place together."

"Really?!" Sam wasn't all that surprised.


"Do you have any pictures?" Blaine turned around.

"Yeah." Mercedes went through her phone. "Here."

Blaine swiped through the pictures in awe. "Kurt's going to want to see this place! It's amazing!"

"We're here." Marcy said.

The foursome climbed out and went inside.

"What are we looking for?" Sam looked around.

"Paint, paint brushes and spray paint tools." Mercedes said.

"You and Blaine look for the paint. Sam and I will go look for the tools. I remember everything you'll need." Marcy decided.

"Okay." They broke up and went their separate ways.

Marcy definitely got lost looking for the tools, which were not by the paint. She didn't notice Sam trailing her thoughtfully. "Aha!" She found the tools.

"Do you know if Mercedes has a boyfriend?"

Marcy started, used to the quiet. "What?!"

"Mercedes. Does she have a boyfriend?"

"If she does, she's keeping it to herself." Marcy said with a straight face.

"Are you close?"


"She used to talk about you all the time."

Marcy smiled. "She's an angel."

"Yeah." He stuck his hands in his pockets. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I'm playing it by ear." She didn't know why but she was uncomfortable claiming Pierre.

"What does that mean?"

"It means if I found a guy I liked, no one would be hurt." Because Pierre couldn't possibly be that attached...

"Would you date one of your sister's exes?"

"If I really liked him and thought he could be the one and she was cool with it."

"How would you know if he was the one? Would you have stuff in common? Like comic books?"

"I guess." She shrugged.


"Accents?" She frowned. "I don't have an accent."

"Yes, you do. It's cute. You and your sister sound like you're singing when you talk."

"That's not an accent."

"But you have one. I can't place it though."

Marcy's brows knitted. "Shut up. I do not."

"And your nose scrunches when you think." He tapped her nose.

It hit her like a kick to the head what he was doing. She realized how close he was and took a step back. "I think we should find the others. You can get lost in this store."

"Would that be so bad? We could talk more."

"Talk about what?" Talking was safe.

"Tell me more about you. When's your birthday?"

"Next week Tuesday."

"Really?! Mines the Tuesday after that!"

"No way! You're a May baby and a Gemini?!" She brightened.

"Yeah! The only other person I know whose birthday is in May is Artie's and my sister is a Gemini, too."

"Artie's the one with the blue eyes, right?"

"Yeah and the glasses."

"Cool. My favorite cousin's birthday is four days after mine."

"I only got four cousins and not one is my favorite."

She laughed. "I have a tonne but Rou is one of my favorite people in the world."

He smiled at getting her to laugh. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Is it about my sexuality?" She smirked.

"No. It's about your hair."

"Yes, it's real."

"No, that wasn't it. I wanted to ask about the style you had a couple days ago. It was really curly and I just wondered how'd you get it like that? My mom loves curly hair, like Kimberly from Little Big Town and can never get it to curl."

"Oh, I just wet it. My hair's naturally that curly. I just prefer it straight."

"Wait! Your hair is that curly on its own?"

"Yeah. I hate it. I envy people with naturally straight hair or even Mercy. Her hair is really wavy. It's so pretty."

"Yeah, it is. I've never seen it like that before. You both looked like mermaids."

"Jr. says I remind him of Ariel."

"Who is Jr.? She always talked about him and a Sonny."

"You've never met?" She grew twitchy.


"You will. I'm sure of it."

They walked in silence for a moment before their hands brushed. It happened a few more times before he took hers. "Your hand's really soft!"

She was truly shocked. "Thank you?"

"Would you like to go to the movies with me?"

Marcy stopped walking. "Look, Sam-"

"We can talk to Mercy. I'm sure she wouldn't mind."

I doubt that sincerely. Marcy just looked at him. "Have you talked about it?"

"No. But we could. We haven't talked in a while and I was hoping-"

"You could reconnect? We're not interchangeable, ya know. We're two completely, separate, different people."

"I get that. We just gotta talk. Will you at least think about it?"

"When do you want to go to the movies?"


"That's a little soon."


"I'm busy."



"I'll talk to her as soon as possible." He dropped her hand.

She stayed there confused for a moment as he continued walking. What just happened?


"Can we talk?" Sam hooked a thumb at his host home.

Mercedes looked between it and his face before uttering a confused, "Sure."

They got out and Sam led her to the front porch. "I wanted to make sure everything was good between us."

"Why?" Mercedes didn't trust him at all.

"I know we haven't talked in a while-"

"Not exactly my fault." She cut in.

"I know. And I can explain all of it. Can we meet tonight?"

"It's a little short notice." She wanted to say no but a big part of her wanted to hear his excuse.


"I'm busy."

Getting with these sisters was like pulling teeth! He stayed calm. "Sunday?"

She sighed. "Fine. We can meet Sunday."

He unlocked the door before kissing her lips quickly. "Thanks, Mercy. Bye!" He disappeared.

She stood there with her mouth hanging open. No, he didn't! She numbly walked back to Travis and got in.

"Are you okay?" Marcy asked.

Mercedes just blinked.

Blaine grinned. He'd seen everything. "It looks like you're getting back together! That really works out since you and Kurt are so close and Sam and I are so close!"

Marcy looked at her sister in the rearview mirror as she drove to Blaine's house as he yapped about what this meant.

Mercedes stayed quiet the whole time, even when Blaine was dropped off and she got in the front seat. Marcy drove to the park and parked the car. "I should tell you something."

"I didn't know he was going to do that!" Mercedes burst out with. "I didn't cheat!"

"Your boy is for some games."

Mercedes frowned and cocked her head to the side. "Huh?"

"He basically asked me out for Monday. He wanted to go to the movies. I thought it'd be easier for you to tell him no."

"Is that why he wants to talk to me?"

"I sincerely doubt it. I think he wants to get back together and if you shoot him down, as your sister, I'm the next best thing."

Mercedes scowled. "What the hell is he thinking?!"

"That he messed up, ignoring you. That's a duh!"

"So he thinks he can just ignore me then pick me back up whenever he feels like it?! He has another thing coming!" She crossed her arms. "I'm sorry, Marcy. That must hurt."

"I don't know that boy! Though we seemed to click a little. But he's your boyfriend. Though he is cute. But he's playing games. Though he's my age. But you had him first. Though we have stuff in common."

"We have stuff in common!" Mercedes frowned before she realized what she was saying. "Actually Quinn had him first. So if you want to date him, go ahead."

"If it hurt when Brittany dated him, what's it going to feel like if I do?"

"I wasn't over him then."

"So if I go to the movies with him Monday?"

Mercedes swallowed. "It's cool."

Marcy didn't believe that for a freakin minute and set out to prove it by fake dating Sam. She wasn't even interested in Sam. Mostly. "Cool. Let's go pick up the twins."

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