just a ghost

By jminafics

12.3K 2K 2.4K

"𝖢𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗂𝗍𝗒 π—π—‚π—π—Œ, 𝖨'𝗆 π—ƒπ—Žπ—Œπ— 𝖺 π—€π—π—ˆπ—Œπ—." In which Park Jimin falls for a ghost who'... More

twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.

twenty five.

341 60 88
By jminafics

"Hoseok-ah, just stop telling him! He's not in a good condition! It's just going to make him become worst." Jin mad at Hoseok.

But, it didn't stop Hoseok in any ways. He knows Jimin still loves and want Mina back even though Hoseok was almost had a feeling to her but still. Jimin needs an happiness too.

"Oh, so hyung would rather to look at Jimin who's suffering with his condition and his love life? Is that how you're going to choose for him?" Hoseok fights back.

"Hoseok, I never say that. Based on what I said, I just want him to take a rest first so, his condition will gets better. His condition is getting worst than before. Please, Hoseok-ah. We all want Jimin to get back his happiness but, this isn't how we do it." Jin would sigh.

"It's his choice to keep going or rest, hyung. We can't stop his aswell. I mean, it's his life." Namjoon say from behind.

Jin groans, "yeah, right. It's his life. So, I guess he didn't need our help then, I'm going away. Adios." Jin walks away of triggers.

He wants to calm himself down so, he went away alone. Namjoon gulped as Hoseok steps beside him.

"But, it's true on what I said, right?"


Here's Mina. Alone in her room, sitting down while playing with puzzles that her doctor gives her earlier. She actually enjoyed of playing that kind of things.

She softly smile while doing the pattern. Suddenly, someone burst in, and hugged her making her froze.

"Mina, I miss you." He says on her neck.

Since she felt uncomfortable of an a stranger suddenly hugged her, she pushed him away. She frown at him.

"Who're you?! Why you suddenly hug me?" She shouts.

Jimin frown, "you don't, remember?"

"If I do, I won't I ask you."

Jimin chuckle and put his hand on his waist. Mina decided to ignored him by continues playing the puzzles.

"I'm your boyfriend."

"What?" She turns at him quickly. She stare at him trying to find any clues.

"That's a lie." Mina roll her eyes.

"I'm not lying. You know, we've spend almost your damn years with me. You're so clingy with──"

"Shut up! I'm not clingy! You're just lying." She mad. She sees Jimin chuckle again.

"What's so funny?!" She roll her eyes at him.

"You. You're still cute eventhough you just woke up from coma. Ugh, I miss you." He smiled at her gently.

But, somehow his smile kinda flutters her but she shrugs it off.

"Stop lying about you are my boyfriend. I've never had a boyfriend before."

"I swear, I'm not lying. Why would I lie to a girl I love?"

She can feel her heartbeat are beeating fast. She cover it off with a scoffs, "whatever, boyfriend."

He smile at her, "oh and, this is your dress that you left on my house and your favorite things here."

He gave her a pink bag top on her puzzles. She turns at him and look back st the back.

"I left it?"

"Yeah. Like I said, I'm not lying." He shrugs.

She take a look at the pink dress inside, "it won't fit me."

Jimin mess up her hair, "you really love that dress before. You even asks me many times to buys it just for you."

Mina didn't say anything. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"This. I take this as a gift." She coldly answer.

He pat her head softly, "that's not a big problem, love. I'm going now."

"Don't call me that and go away. I don't want to see you again." She turns at him.

"Nah. I will come everyday. Just to make sure you're fine." He smiled and walks out.

Mina finally can let out her softest smile while looking at the dress. He's the first boy that gives her favorite things.

"I think it's true. Why would he knows my favorites if we're not together before?"


Mina quickly put down the bag on her feet. She smile at her mom, "hey, mom."

"Who's that earlier?"

"Umm, who?"

Her mom smirks and sat beside her, "I know there's a guy comes in here. I decided to stay outside even I hear you shout."

"Mom!!" Mina whined as her mother laugh.

"He's seems like a nice boy, though. When he walks out he sees me, he thanked to me for give a born of such a beauty like you. He even asks me a permission to visit you everyday,"

"What do you answer?"

"Of course, yes. He seems good for you."

"Mom.. I don't even know him." Mina frown.

"Uh huh. You just don't remember him. If he's always with you everyday, I'm sure you will remember him." Her mother holds her hand.

Mina silently sigh, "can I go to the gym now?"

"Hm? Sure. Let's go." She helps her daughter to stand up.

I don't even know his name. How can I remember him?

♡ ♡ ♡
a/n; late update. sorry.

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