By zacrin92

77 5 2

*A short story* Everyone knows the saying "Life works in a mysterious way", but so does love. Sometimes we fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7

Chapter 6

4 0 0
By zacrin92

Kiera has been driving for a few minutes now. She decided to took another route back to their college because she doesn't want to go through the road where the accident happened. It was not just because of the terror but she was positively sure that it's still jammed.

She took a look to her right side and saw that her friend was already asleep. In Kiera's mind, all she was thinking about was Chris. How she's not going to meet him again because they didn't get the chance to exchange phone numbers. But then she remembered Chris told her where he studies. She can always just go there since the college isn't far from hers. And that brought a smile to her face....for a few seconds.

Kennedy University must be big. How will she be able to find him? She can't just ask people there where's Chris. There's got to be a lot of people with that name. She'll spend days or at least a day to finally find him.

Something crossed her mind. Chris did told her one more thing. He's a basketball player for his college. Kiera could just find out when is the game day or where the basketball team usually practice and find him there.

Yes, that's what she'll do. She started to smile again and this time it lasted longer.

"Where are we?" Kiera startled and drifted for a second. She turned to look at her friend who was awake now.

"I'm taking a different road back to hostel." She replied.

"I think I'm gonna throw up." Her friend said.

"Don't throw up in the car!"

"Pull over!" Her friend commanded. And Kiera stopped the car at the side of the road.

While her friend was throwing up behind the nearby bushes, Kiera looked at the sky and wondered if Chris was looking for her. Even though she felt bad for leaving him, but if it's true, if he does look for her, that means he too feels the same way as she did.

Suddenly her phone rang. She took out her phone and it was an unknown number. She frowned and curious to know who the caller is. Could it be Chris? But it's impossible he doesn't have her number. Unless if he asked people there. But no one at the party actually knew her.

She answered the phone nevertheless.


"Hey Keira, where are you?" It was a girl.

"Who's this?"

"It's me, Janet. You're next door roommate?" She was being salty.

"Why does it show an unknown number on my screen?"

"Oh that's because I bought a new number. I can't use the old one, too many stalkers."

"Anyways, where are you?"

"We are on our way back to hostel from a party."

"Uuuhh a party. Sounds nice!"

"Janet, I'm actually driving right now. We'll talk again when we arrive there, okay?" She lied because Janet is one of those people who will never stop talking.

"Okay hun." They both hang up.

After what felt like half an hour, they were finally back on the road. Her friend was wide awake.

"I'm starving." Said her friend, out of the blue. Kiera sighed.

"Can we stop and get something to eat? Please?" Her friend sounded like a 6 years old kid.

"There's a diner not far ahead." Kiera replied.

As soon as they arrived there, her friend jumped out of the car and ran inside the diner.

"How starving could she be?" Kiera said to herself.

At first she decided to just stay in the car but she changed her mind. A cup of coffee would be great right now. So she too entered the diner. 

*Story will continue on Chapter 7*

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