Drunk On You || punk!cas joc...

By wingsandhunters

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Castiel and Dean have grown up together since they were four years old. Now the two have become completely di... More

Chapter one - Bee
Chapter Three - Date Night
Chapter four - Expelled
Chapter five - New Schools
Chapter Six - Gym Shorts
Chapter Seven - The Camping Trip
Chapter Eight - The morning after
Chapter Nine - Many Much Moosen
Chapter Ten - Cheerleader
Chapter Eleven - Drunk On You Pt 1
Chapter twelve - Drunk on you pt 2
Chapter Thirteen - Last Night
Chapter Fourteen - The Halloween Masked Ball
Chapter Fifteen - Gotcha
Chapter Sixteen - Ideas
Chapter Seventeen - The Beach
Chapter Eighteen - Blind Man's Bluff
Chapter nineteen - Happy Friggin' New Year
Chapter Twenty - Punk-Rockmantic
Chapter Twenty-One - The bag
Chapter Twenty-Two - Sun, Sex and ... more sex
Chapter Twenty-Three - The last french-fry
Chapter Twenty-Four - Slam you into perdition
Forgive me Father for I Have Sinned
Chapter Twenty-Five - The Worst Date in the History of Dates
Chapter Twenty-Six - The Dirty Sex
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Home
Chapter Twenty-Eight - Satan's Little Helpers
Chapter Twenty-Nine - The Caramel Latte with Cream
Chapter Thirty - "Happy" Valentines
Chapter Thirty-One - Ignorant Slut and Growley
Chapter - Thirty-Two - Post-Graduation Depression
Chapter Thirty-Three - Lingerie
Chapter Thirty-Four - One of a Kind
Chapter Thirty-Five - Momma Novak
Chapter Thirty-Six - Graduation
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Incest Kinkfest
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Pre-Prom
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Prom
Chapter Forty - No Happy Endings
Chapter Forty-One - Phone Sex
Chapter Forty-Two - Surprise
Chapter Forty-Three - Festival
Chapter Forty-Four - Your Gay is Showing
Chapter Forty-Five - The Groupie
Chapter Forty-Five - Drugs, Sex and Rock and Roll
Chapter Forty-Six - A Letter to Home
Chapter Forty-Seven - Furniture Shopping
Chapter Forty-Eight - Hell and back
Chapter Forty-Nine - Blue Eyed Best Friend
Chapter Fifty - Five steps
Chapter Fifty-One - Nostalgia
Chapter Fifty-Two - Pink-Lipped Man
Chapter Fifty-Three - The First Step
Chapter Fifty-Four - They try to make me go to rehab and i said "okay mom"
Chapter Fifty-Five - Back in the closet
Chapter Fifty-Six - Welcome Home
Chapter Fifty-Seven - The Beehive
Chapter Fifty-Eight - The Wedding Bells
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Best Day of Your Life So Far
What became of the likely lads

Chapter Two - Blue dye and fallings out

32.9K 1.3K 2.6K
By wingsandhunters

Cas (POV)

"Dean, dye my hair!" I whine loudly and he grimaces at me.

"Why would you want to dye your hair?!" He asks me incredulously and I grin and him and wink.

"I want it blue at the tips, too match my eyes." I flutter my eye lashes and he rolls he eyes, snorting loudly.

"So you now have four piecing's, one tattoo and you want me to dye your hair blue? We've only been at school for a month Castiel! This is crazy!" I shake my head and he shrugs his shoulders and crosses his legs on the bed.



"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!" I repeat over and over again just to annoy him and he grunts and slides off the bed and goes towards the hair dye that I had bought after school with Meg, Ruby and Allen who was the main punk of the group. He picks it up and looks at the back of the box with a raised eyebrow and peers at me over it.


"Yes!" I smile happily and he shakes his head.

"Alright fine. But I'm only doing this for you once." I give him a stern look and he sits there shuffling happily on his bed, looking like an overgrown puppy. I sigh and open the box, checking the instructions as I go. I pour the formulas into the right bottle and start shaking it badly while Castiel is running around, trying to find a towel that shouldn't get stained too badly. This wasn't going to end well.

"Sit." I say after he finally finds a towel and I place on the gloves. He plops himself down on his study chair and brings his knee's up to his chest, wiggling nervously. "Now, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes!" He says firmly, nodding and taking in a deep breath. I shrug and begin to carefully dye the tips of his spiky dark hair blue, pulling on it with my fingers. For some ungodly reason I have an urge to run my hands through his hair but I know he will just get annoyed if I do this so I just do as I'm told until every tip is covered in the strong smelling stuff.

"Alright, it's done. Now Cas, listen to me. You leave it on for half an-"

"I want to see what it looks like now!" He starts jumping off his chair but I push him back down and point a finger at him.

"Castiel Jimmy Novak you listen to me! Half an hour, that is all you gotta wait until you can wash it off and see what it looks like."

"But what am I meant to do for half an hour?!" He moans, folding his arms over his chest tightly.

"We could play a video game." I shrug and turn to his PS2 that is sat on his shelf next to the TV. "Or watch half an hour of a film."

"Ergh fine."

2 hours later

"DUDE, MY HAIR!" Cas screams, jumping up after the film finishes and he suddenly remembers that he forgot to wash it out. I start laughing loudly, clutching my stomach and falling back onto the bed with a thump. "THIS IS NOT FUNNY, WHAT IF IT HAS TURNED GREEN!?"

He runs out of the room quickly and towards the bathroom. I can hear him turn on the shower head and help when he puts his head too quickly in the cold running water as it hadn't heated up yet. I laugh even louder so he can hear me and wipe a stray tear from my eye before calming down and walking into the bathroom. His head was still stuck under the water and blue ran out into the bathtub. He is rubbing some conditioner into his hair with one hand and holding the shower head with the other, making a really difficult job of it. I sigh, shake my head and take the shower head off of him, holding it above him to make sure it goes on his hair.

"Thanks." He mumbles out and I snort again, trying to hold in a laugh. "Don't you dare laugh if this turns out not to be how I planned."

"Oh, I'm going to laugh my ass off." I say, grinning wildly and he mutters under his breath.

It didn't turn out to bad, it was a bit brighter than he originally planned but I think that is just what made it look that much better. He dries it off and styles it and turns to me expectantly after he's done with it. I nod my head and put my thumbs us.

"Looking good." I say and he smiles happily.

"Thank god it didn't end up green."

"Would it have mattered if it did? You could have just told everyone that you decided to dye in green instead." He looks at me and shrugs.

"Yeah I suppose. But then it would match your eyes, not mine." I smile wildly at him comment on my eyes but hide it from him. He brushes a hand through his new hair and nods at himself, approving of his new look. I had to admit that he looked good like this, but it would take a while to get used to. We walk out of his room and down the stairs where his family and my 11 year old brother were sat. They all looked up, looked down and then looked back up again when they saw Castiel's hair.

"What the hell have you done?" Zandriel said, shaking her head and laughing slightly.

"Shut up Zee, it looks good Castiel." His other brother, Michael told him. Smiling kindly at him.

"Are you kidding, he looks like he's been dipped in paint!" Lucifer laughs and he and Zandriel high-five.

"Say what you want losers, but I like it." Cas smiles happily and goes to sit by his 4 year old sister, Leliel, leaving a space next to him for me.

"No!" She scolds him in her cute little voice. He looks at her in shock and then in confusion.




"Dean sits dere." She points at his chair and then at me. He sighs and shuffles along slightly to let me sit down next to his little sister so he now has to sit next to Lucifer and in front of Zandriel who were both grinning madly and shaking their heads at him. I go and sit down, smile at Leliel and break off a slice of bread before dinner comes out.

"Mom's gonna kill you." Gabriel and Balthazar say at the same time, sticking their tongues out at him. He sticks his back out at them and Anna finally comes in with the food, putting the bowl of Lasagne down on the table and starts cutting it up and putting it on the places.

"Smells awesome, Anna." I say to her and she smiles at me.

"Thank you Dean." She replies back and looks at Castiel. Her smile suddenly drops and she chucks down the spoon she is holding. "What the hell is that on your head?"

"Hair dye."


"Because I wanted it to be there." He smiled at her and she shook her head.

"First the piercings and now this?"

"Don't forget the tattoos!" I say and Castiel nudges me and gives me a glare.

"Tattoo?!" She shouts and he sighs and nods.

"You have a tattoo? SWEET!" Zandriel says and puts her hand up to high-five him. He gins broadly and their hands slap together.

"No, not sweet! You're too young to have a tattoo, how did you even get one?"

"My new friends and high school are training to be a tattooist and she did it for me. It's only small." He complains and she shakes her head at him.

"How did you pay for it?"

"I didn't, she says I can pay for it with something else but she hasn't told me what." I start laughing loudly and Zandriel, Lucifer and Michael all join in. "What are you laughing at?"

"PROSTITUTION IS BAD!" Lucifer shouts and we all laugh again.

"I beg your pardon?" Anna says, eyes widening and we all stop laughing and hide behind out hands, a drink or in my case, some bread to stop her from seeing our grinning faces.

"What you on about? Prostitution?" Castiel asks worriedly and we all snicker.

"Mama, what's posisuction?" Leliel asks, not being able to say the word properly.

"It's something that we shouldn't discuss at the table. Castiel we will talk about this later." She gives him a pointed look and he nods sadly before looking down at his now full plate of food. I pat him on the back and he glares at me again.

"What did I do?" I ask him and he huffs and begins twirling his food round his plate. I sigh as I know that he’s probably going to ignore me for the rest of the day now. Everyone went silent as we all began scoffing down the gorgeous cheesy lasagne that Anna had made for everyone when the door burst open and Castiel’s dad, Chuck walked in and kissed Anna on the cheek before sitting down at the table and looking at all of us.

“What’s happened?” He asks sceptically and Lucifer snorts, setting Zandriel and Michael off again. “Castiel, why is your hair blue?!”

“He also has a tattoo.” Anna says, glaring at her son.

“Awesome, can I see it?” Chuck says but Anna hits his arm and pouts. He coughs awkward and says,” I mean err, that is very bad of you. Naughty, you’re not even old enough to get a tattoo.”

Castiel grins madly as Chuck winks at him and smiles before digging into his own Lasagne. The table sets into a comfortable silence and once everyone is done I follow Castiel back upstairs. He was still ignoring me so when he lay down on his bed with his back facing me and shook my head and sighed.

“Sorry for telling your mom.”

“Whatever.” I grimace at his short reply and sit on the side of his bed casually, swinging my legs in boredom. “I told you not to tell her.”

“Yeah but at least now she knows and you won’t have to hide the ink from her.” I shrug and he turns to face me, sitting up slightly.

“That’s not the point Dean, I asked you not to tell her and you did. We’re meant to trust each other with our secrets. What would you do if I suddenly went to your pops and told him that you were bisexual?” He snaps and my face falls as I look down at my hands.

“I would be angry.” I mumble out and he nods at me.

“I’m kind of pissed at you right now, will you just leave?” He lies back down again and turns once again so his back is facing me. I nod my head, even though he can’t see me and get up to leave. Before I walk out of the door I whisper;

“I’m really sorry.”


Ergh, it’s been two days since our petty argument and I was so bored. He hadn’t texted me or come round and I’ve only seen him once in his back garden as I looked out my window, quickly taking drags out of a cigarette. I shook my head at him and rolled my eyes about how much he was changing but he was still Castiel, the guy that I had been best friends with since we were four years old.

Dad was back from a hunting trip and I, Sammy and he were all sat outside. Dad was chucking coal into a BBQ fire while I and Sam just watched from a distance at his struggle to light it. All of a sudden, dad stupid chucked some gasoline onto the sparked BBQ and the fire rose so suddenly that in singed the front of his shirt and set fire to his eyebrows. He started swearing loudly and Sam and I started laughing our arses off at him rubbing his eyebrows in shock. Sam fell off his seat from laughing so loudly and I was holding my stomach tightly, tears pouring out of my face.

“Stop laughing!” My father complained but that only made us laugh more. After I had calmed down a bit I got out my phone to text Cas.

D: You’ll never guess what dad has just done! HAHAHAHAH

C: Huh?? What?

D: He’s just set his eyebrows on fire, quick come round before he goes back in!

Within two minutes Castiel had jumped over our garden fence and we were all now sat laughing at dad’s burnt eyebrows and now black shirt. He stormed into the house, grumbling about us stupid kids while we all sat there laughing around the now lit BBQ. When we finally calmed down, Sam ran inside to tell dad that we were sorry, leaving me and Cas alone outside.

“That was so worth scraping my knee on your stupid fence.” Cas chuckled and I looked at him and smiled.

“Hell yeah it was.”

“I’m sorry for having a go at you for telling mom, you were right you know… about it now being out in the open. She said she liked my tattoo so I asked if I could get a few others and she agreed but only if I paid in money. She told me she would lend me the money.” He says happily and I smile at him.

“That’s great. So what tattoo are you getting next seen as you already got your name in a completely different language on your arm? I call dibs on my name on your other arm!” I raise my arm and glare at the empty garden as if people were there.

“It’s in enochian Dean! God’s language!” Cas rolls his eyes and my childishness. “I was planning on getting angel wings running from my back across my arms. What do you think?”

“That sounds….. awesome.” I smile broadly and he squeals and jumps up and down.

“I can’t wait!”

“It’s gonna hurt.”

“I’m a big boy.” He snickers. I bet you are. WOAH WOAH WOAH, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? Nope. No. No way. Nu-huh. That was a weird arse thought. I shivered slightly and he looked at me strangely. “You alright?”

“Yeah, just cold.” I say, blushing slightly.

“Cold? Dude, it’s like 86 Fahrenheit out here.” He snorts and I shrug my shoulders. “And you’re wearing a leather jacket!”

“I have thin blood, so I’m cold even when it’s boiling outside.” I pout.

“Thin blood my arse, you’re just a pussy.” I look at him in feigned shock and stand up slowly. He backs away slightly with his arms raised. “No… no, I didn’t mean it.”

“Why you little-“and with that I started chasing him around my garden, just like we used to when we were young.

A/N: Okay just a pre-warning, the next chapter will be a bit of a jump into the future because I’m guessing you all get the gist about how Cas and Dean are super close and stuff like. WOAH, Dean Winchester you naughty man! Why are you thinking about your best friend in that way?! –Destiel---- eeeek

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