You Put the Sun in Sunday; la...

By larryent

79.7K 4.3K 2.4K

AKA "The Sunday Fic" Louis is a love-brainwashed-teenager of hope drenched in dreams, clad in over-sized clot... More

You Put the Sun in Sunday
18: the finale
You Put the Sun in Sunday: a thank you ! + the prompt


3.1K 215 125
By larryent

"You're here again."

Louis looks up from his novel, glasses fogged from the steam of his hot chocolate. He smiles, "yeah."

Harry wipes the sweat from his face with his towel. "This is—" He's cut off by some teammates slapping him on his back and giving his praise. He scans Louis' clothes, layers upon layers as always. "This is the, what? Sixth time you've been to a practice." He says. "And you've been to all our games."

Louis gulps, he didn't want to come out and say that he tracked down Harry's schedule. He knew all the classes he took, his lunchtime hangouts with friends, and most importantly, when he had football practice. "I'm writing a full page on your football career. Can't write a football headline without watching you play football." He finds that to be believable, it wasn't a lie but it was more selfish than Louis would want to admit.

"You sure it's just that?" Harry takes one step closer, and Louis has to crane his neck to see him. The overhead lights of the field glowing behind his head, framing his messy hair like a halo. "You sure there isn't another reason you're here? Like, something beyond the headline."

He had a point. Louis nervously laughs, but it comes out forced. He glances around, only a few stragglers linger but all are too far to listen to their conversation. Louis would've liked to become immune to Harry's intimidating aura, after all these Sundays, he should be. But he wasn't, Hary just affected him a certain way. "I..." He trails, feeling goosebumps raise over his skin. "I don't—"

"You like watching me?" Louis couldn't tell if Harry was mocking or asking him. He stands, noticing how close they are, and how short he really is. His forehead just reaching the bottom of Harry's chin.

Harry's gaze trails down Louis' face, staring a moment too long at his pink lips. "Tell me." He says lowly. "Six evenings you've spent out in the cold, freezing your ass off just to watch me practice. Why?"

Louis couldn't speak, only a small noise escaping his lips when he tried. It may be the cold, or how lightheaded he was getting from Harry being in such close proximity of him but Louis swears Harry was leaning closer. He could see every freckle on his cheeks, each bead of sweat tailing down his face. There was no limit to Harry's good looks, and Louis fell headfirst into it all.

"You have blue eyes."

Louis forced himself not to shiver when Harry's breath fans over his face. "I—I do."

Harry doesn't move, not one inch and if anything he draws closer. If there were a wall behind Louis, he'd be pressed up against it. Instead, the back of his knees dig into the metal bleachers and there's only a sliver of air between him and Harry's hard chest.

"They're," he licks his lips, "really blue."

A blush paints over Louis' face, spreading to his ears and neck. He barely registers when he starts leaning closer as well. This is everything he's dreamed of, he was lovesick. Harry was his remedy and his poison, it was all too good to be true. Harry was so beautiful, every millisecond Louis studied his face, he fell deeper and deeper into his emerald green eyes.

Harry steps back, taking his warmth with him and Louis shudders as a cold gust of wind blows passed him. He clenches his book and thermos in both hands, staring at Harry with wide eyes and pink cheeks. Louis bites his lip, he's never been that close with anyone, much less a boy, and the fact that it was Harry—he couldn't grasp the fact.

"I'm not gay." It comes out so abruptly that Louis flinches, like he's been struck. Louis simply looks at him. Into his dark eyes and stoic face, his lips in a thin line. "I will never kiss a boy."

The way he said it, like he was trying to convince himself rather than Louis. "Okay." Is all the blue-eyed boy can say. Harry  caught him off guard often, this was something he could never be prepared for.

"I will never kiss you."

Those words stabbed into Louis' tiny heart. It hurt, it ached and made his chest sore. It was all stupid, he was stupidly in love with Harry who very clearly didn't want Louis in any way. Though, Louis couldn't make his heart drop the thought of Harry but it was locked on the Harry who he created to give him what he wanted. A kindhearted boy with eyes only for Louis and a devotion the size of the ocean. It was a heavy weight on his shoulders, the words echoed in his mind.

"Don't do that," Harry's glance is a moment too long, glued onto Louis' bottom lip trapped between his teeth.

Louis opens and shuts his mouth several times. "I..." he breathes, "what?"

Harry huffs, a frustrated furrow in his brow taking over his face. "Go home, Louis." He turns, walking a few feet before looking over his shoulder. "Get home before you get sick again." He demands this time, the younger of the two watches his retreating muscular back that finally disappears behind the locker room doors.

Louis doesn't go home because he has a shift at the library that night. He walks in, dusting off the thin sheet of snow that covered his shoulders and head before hiding away his jacket in the wardrobe. Ms. Matilda isn't in tonight, as she usually wasn't on Fridays. Louis is used to running the library in her absence, he's responsible and his friends are mostly busy everyday. I'm not lonely, he repeats in his mind, my friends just have plans, and I have books, I'm not lonely.

Harry had no clue what he was saying. He was wrong about Louis, he was just mean, he was just being Harry. In a way, the thought of Harry brings that familiar warmth to Louis' chest. Not of embarrassment, but of fond. It was foolish, Louis was as big of a fool as one can be for still being in love with Harry after he flat out told him he would never kiss him.

Louis was young, and he couldn't see past Harry's charm and loveliness even if he tried because every time he did, his heart would block his view and remind him once again of his stupid giant crush on the football captain.

The library is nearly empty except for the study group of students who don't have a better way to end their week. Louis sits at the front desk, reading quietly before leaving his station in search of something else to read. He finds a couple books deserted at a few tables and puts them back in their place on the shelves. He does this for almost an hour, the library was huge and three floors. Sometime during his clean-up, the study group left. The walls covered in novels and textbooks aren't much company and Louis finds himself in the back room once again, reading until his eyes slowly slip shut.

The cold outside isn't kind to Louis' frail fingers. He tries not to slip on a small patch of ice and quietly follows the path back to his dorm. This winter would be freezing, he could already tell with the premature snowfall and significant drop in temperature. Louis can see his dorm building in the distance but movements catch his eye. He squints, from the breeze wind burning his eyes and the snowflakes obscuring his vision.

There's two figures, one taller with broad shoulders cornering the other much smaller and thinner one. It was late, mostly because Louis fell asleep on the couch in the break room and it was now past curfew, he should run to his dorms before the campus security guards see him. Instead, he steps closer, the bright street light showing the taller figure's face, and Louis gasps as if someone's ripped the oxygen from his throat. He fumbles with his metal thermos but catches it before it could crash to the ground and alert the two people of his presence.

He quite literally runs to his dorm, locking the door and standing in the darkness for a moment. He couldn't believe what he just saw. The image is burned into the walls of his brain, overriding all his previous knowledge of the football captain because what he just witnessed, contradicted everything he thought of Harry.

Harry was straight, he liked 'chicks' and what he could do with them. He told Louis he would never kiss a boy, never kiss Louis, that part stung the most. He was a player, Louis knows of his string of broken hearts and charming traps, that explained why he was pressing a student against the wall of one of the dorms, but it didn't explain why he was tongue deep in that male student's mouth.

NOTE: thoughts ? 😉

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