The Marshall Mathers Fantasy

By InkedMom93

5.7K 68 38

This is the better/newer/updated version of my very first story, The story about how a normal girl meets and... More

Infinite (How it all started)
Tonite (Getting to know the real Marshall)
313 (MTV VMA's)
Love You More... (It's complicated)
Never 2 Far (Through the bad)
Role Model (Unexpected)
Who Knew (Discreet)
Criminal (The Plea)
Love Me (The News)
Rap Game
Not Afraid (The Birth)
My Name is (Our baby)
As the World Turns (A new Start)
The Way I am
Crazy in Love (Self esteem breech)

Marshall Mathers (Moving Forward)

281 1 6
By InkedMom93

"Baby I gotta tell you something." I tried saying as I was being attacked by his perfect lips, his hands still wondering,

"Hmmm." Marshall muffled as he still kissed down my neck,

"Marshall, I know this might be a bad time to tell you this but I have to," I started. He stopped and picked up both glasses of champagne and handed one to me. I looked down at the glass in my hand,

"you were probably going to find out later tonight but...I haven't been feeling the best lately, really exhausted, overeating, just not myself." I tried explaining to him,

"Yeah I know babe, I've noticed you've been a little off, I figured it was just planning the wedding and the stress of that." He said taking a sip from his glass.

"Babe, I don't think I should drink tonight, because I might be pregnant," I informed him standing there nervously. He stood in shock before letting out this huge smile setting down our glasses on the desk before picking me up.

"You serious? You bein' forreal?" Marshall had his voice raised,

"Yeah, I'm a week and a half late, and I took a test last night that came out negative and again this morning and it was positive." I tried not to let everyone in the house hear us.

"And what if you are? Do think it's a little soon?" Marshall admitted

" Soon? What is that suppose to mean?" I asked in a confused tone.

"I'm going to be happy either way baby, don't get me wrong. It's only been what a year and a half since we lost Jessica and now with everythin' goin' on with my career, touring this fuckin' lawsuit and everythin' is rate now the best time for a baby?  I still think about her every single day and it fuckin kills me honestly!" Marshall started pacing around the room.

"And I don't? Marshall you were gone most of my pregnancy.  I had to carry her around for all that time, then deal with delivering her after I knew she was already gone." I raised my voice slightly and threw my hands up on my head in sadness.

"Yeah, I know I was gone for a lot of it okay? You don't think I think about that shit. That I don't think about what would have happened if we woulda stayed together? If I wouldn't have fucked around? It goes through my head constantly n' I fuckin blame myself for losing her!" Marshall raised his voice slightly, and at that moment my heart broke. Marshall had never admitted to me that he thinks about her as much as he actually does, and how much he blamed himself for it.

I walked up to Marshall who had his hands pressed against the desk with his head down between his arms and eyes closed, I force his hand off the table and grab it and wrap it around me.

"I don't want to argue or fight or whatever this is. Marshall you're my husband ugh it feels so amazing to finally say that. We JUST got married and I don't want to argue with you already ok? I just wanted you to know, I don't keep things from you babe and I wanted you to know why I wasn't going to be drinking tonight." I comforted him, and he tightened his grip around me and rested his head against my shoulder.

"I'm just scared honestly." He admitted

"Of what babe?" I asked releasing our grip on each other,

"Look what happened last time when I wasn't there to protect you. Anythin' could happen n' what if I'm not there like last time?" Marshall asked in concern. This was clearly still really beating him up inside which only broke my heart to see him hurting this much.

"Marshall shhh, let's not think about stuff like that yet ok? We don't even know 100% if I am." I reminded him.

"Yeah, you're right babe, (sigh) I'm sorry, it's just hard for me to think about and I dont ever want her to feel like we're replacing her." Marshall paused before we hugged again.

"Babe, we could never replace her. She's always going to be in our hearts and a part of our lives babe. Please don't look at it as if we're trying to replace her." I comforted him, we held each other for what felt like an hour. We just needed each other in that moment and comfort each other. I knew that the news was going to be hard to hear due to our history but it's also something wonderful at the same time.

"Well, should we go 'mingle' with our guests?" He suggested loosening his grip around me before looking down at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him wanting to make sure he was able to be happy and celebrate.

"Yeah I am, it was just a lot of mixed emotions going through me at once. I'm sorry babe, I am really happy if you are pregnant and there's a little us in there." Marshall smiled looking at my belly and placing his hands on my hips.

"I know baby, I feel it too. I just want to make sure you're okay." I smiled at him, he looked up smiling back.

"Are you okay? How are you feeling babe?" He asked with a caring look appearing on his face.

"I'm okay baby, everyone's probably wondering where we're at," I said. We both leaned in and kissed before I took his hand and led him out of the room to rejoin our guests.

We walked out into the hallway entering the living room where Kuniva and Proof were standing rate next to the hallway.

"You guys have a quickie or sum?" Proof joked

"Mothafucker you know I don't do quickies." Marshall smiled and joked back while I smiled and just rolled my eyes.

3 months after the wedding

Marshall is at the studio again today which isn't that big of a surprise, I was so used to it. I threw on one of Marshall's sweatshirts and a pair of leggings and flip-flops and went to go meet him at the studio. I got out of the Dodge SUV we both shared and rushed into the studio to prevent anyone from seeing me.

I walked down the hall where my office was, and looked through some files on some of the stuff I was helping with. I was already fed up with it and dropped the folder on the top of my desk. I went to go to the recording booth Dr. Dre and a few others were sitting in the 'control' area where all the buttons and monitors were in front of a glass window where I saw Marshall with his notepad in hand doing one of his new songs.

"Hey, you guys." I greeted walking up behind them,

"What up girl? You look good." Dre complimented.

"Thank you" I smiled, I looked up and watched Marshall for a bit before he came out of the recording area and walked up and hugged me and kiss.

"How are my girls doin?" Marshall asked before placing his hand on my belly,

"I'm doing good, but why do you keep insisting that it's a girl?" I smiled placing my hand on the back of my hips.

"Just a feelin' " Marshall smiled, as he rubbed my small baby bump.

Marshall finally came around to the idea of having a baby, and he was so affectionate towards not only me but our unborn child, just like how he was when I was pregnant with Jessica. And again he had an instinct it was another girl.

  He finished a few more verses of a song he was working on before we left to go home, Marshall was so protective of me, especially with this pregnancy but wasn't overbearing which was nice.

The media still had no idea that we were married, they caught a few pictures of me leaving the studio and rumors started flying around but we released a statement saying we were still really good friends and still were able to work together and get along and that's all they know but they were starting to get restless, I guess they were going to get paid alot to go to Michigan and watch Marshall's studio in hops of catching a story on us.

We both have been very careful about being seen together and make sure we aren't being affectionate in public, plus we were extra cautious about my pregnancy getting out. Marshall and I wanted to keep our personal life as private as we could and didn't want all the drama, but we decided that if they started getting really suspicious that we would release our own article about it on our own terms.

We got home and I was already so exhausted I walked over to the couch and collapsed Marshall soon followed. After turning on the TV he sat back and placed his arm across my belly, and laid his head down against my shoulder. We watched a few episodes of a TV show before I started thinking about baby names,

"Marshall?" I asked running my fingers through his hair.

"Hmmm" he responded,

"Have you thought of any names?" I asked

"Some, have you?" He answered,

"Yeah, I was just thinking of a few."

"Let's hear em." Marshall sat up curiously.

"Well if it's a boy what do you think about naming him after your uncle?" I suggested

"Ronnie?" Marshall asked

"Yeah, I mean if that's too weird or you don't like it please tell me, I just thought because of how much you talked about him and how influential he was on you-" I began before he cut me off

"I think it's perfect." Marshall gave me a small smirk before looking down at my belly, he softly ran his hand back and forth as I caught him smiling to himself.

"Or we could always name him Max or Michael or something so he'll have your initials?" I suggested. Marshall just smiled at me,

"You have no idea how much I love you." I smiled admiring my sexy husband.

"Oh, I think I do because I love you as much." He smiled looking up at me, then we hear Eminem on the local news so we both focus our attention on the tv.

"Local rap star Eminem has repeatedly refused to comment on his on-and-off relationship with girlfriend Chelsey Williamson but are they over for good? Sources say that instead of breaking up the couple got married with a small celebration at the couple's Detroit home. So is the local bad boy bachelor Eminem not only taken but married?" The reporter went on.

Marshall and I looked at each other in concern we knew that they would find out eventually but we wanted it to be on our terms. We had to come clean with the media otherwise they wouldn't stop till they got an answer.

Marshall and I finally admitted to being married and the media was going crazy for a while after it was confirmed, there were so many rumors going around and I knew that it was most likely from reporters who needed to come up with something for their articles or Marshall's crazy girl fans that were upset at the fact that he's not single anymore.

We didn't let it get to us, we had to focus on us. Paul, Marshall's Manager has helped with 'Damage control' in the media and setting the record straight which took a lot of stress off of not only Marshall but me too.

2 months later

Things have finally started to settle down in the media thank goodness, there were stories about us spread all over the media from Marshall marrying me out of guilt, to me cheating on Marshall and all other kinds of crazy stories.

A few pictures of Mark and I resurfaced back from when Marshall and I were broken up and I know some of Marshall's friends got skeptical about me. I know they're just looking out for him which I respect but at the same time I would never do something like that to Marshall and he knows that.

Mark made a few comments about me cheating on Marshall for him which was actually kind of funny but sad at the fact he had to lie about things to try to get a reaction out of Marshall because he's still butt hurt over me leaving him for the way better man.

We saw one of the pictures of Mark and me on one of the celebrity news stations so I turned towards Marshall and asked if he thinks I cheated on him, he let out a little chuckle

"No, you know how I know that picture ain't recent?" Marshall smirked with this smart-ass look.

"How?" I asked,

"Your tattoo, you got that about a month or so after Jessica n' in that picture you ain't got the tattoo." Marshall gave me this cocky look. I smiled at him proudly.  Dang my man is so observant thank God he knows that I wouldn't cheat on him.

"The fuckin' media blowin' shit outta proportion n' doin' petty shit to try ta make a story outta nothin' ." Marshall continued, I looked at Marshall and could about see the wheels turning in his head. I knew how he got even with someone he put it all out on the table and made it public.

Tonight we decided to treat ourselves and go out to dinner. Marshall wore a baseball cap and the hood of his baggy sweatshirt pulled over the top, with jeans and his nikes.

Even when he was trying to hide from prying eyes he still looked drop-dead sexy to me, I wore one of his black sweatshirts and some of my ripped leggings to try to cover up my five-month pregnant belly which started to get more and more visible every day it seemed. We got to this local bar and grill that we used to go to back when we first started dating. It was nice to come back here once in a while it brought back some pretty good memories for both of us.

We were just finishing up eating when I looked over at a loud group of people by the pool tables I recognized one of the guys... it was Mark.  Someone I definitely did not ever want to see again. It sent chills down my back to see him again, he was the person responsible for killing our daughter and I can't just let it go. It made my blood boil to even think about it, I couldn't stand him!

I leaned in and informed Marshall, he looked over at him before looking back at me and nodded. We finished our food, paid our bill and stood up, and started walking towards the door. Marshall walked in front of me and had his head down so he wouldn't get recognized.

I tried to keep my head down and held his hand as he lead us towards the door, we had to walk past the pool tables where there were only two men at the pool table now and that's when I felt a hand pull against my arm forcing me to stop. Marshall felt me pull back on his hand causing him to turn around.

"It's been a little bit hasn't it?" Mark said under his breath.

"Well, well." Mark smirked he took a step closer to Marshall trying to get in his face, and when he did I stepped between them knowing Marshall wanted to kill this dude for what he had done not only to me but our daughter.

"Babe don't, please he's not worth it. Please, Marshall." I begged him

"That's not what you said about a few nights ago when you were all up on my nuts," Mark smirked cocky-like.

"Gross." I rolled my eyes at him as I pushed on Marshall's bicep trying to get him to turn around so we could just leave but he didn't budge. I saw the look in his eyes it was a ' I'm going to kill this motherfucker ' look, I knew that he was sick of all the lies he was telling everyone about me and him.

"Homeboy you better get a clue," Mark said to Marshall trying to mock the way Marshall talks.

"No homeboy, you better get a clue she's on my dick 'cause I spit better than you." Marshall took a step closer, I tried to hold him back because I knew that shit was about to go down.

"Ha, you think so huh?" Mark laughed looking around at all his friends who were laughing too.

"I fuckin' know so bitch." Marshall spat back, he moved me behind him because he didn't want anything to happen to me if a fight were to happen.

"Do you even hear yourself when you rap your little songs about how you beat women and slap em up?" Mark joked.

"She left your bitch-ass for me, you wanna make fun of me yet you beat on a woman who was pregnant you piece of shit and it drives you crazy she never came running back to you,  just accept it bro you lost." Marshall continues,

"Ha, you rap about hitting bitches, you ain't no better, and she doesn't love you, if she did she wouldn't have been with me." Mark spat.

"See the difference is, I rap about it doesn't mean I actually do it. You physically assaulted her bro and I ain't good with that. Plus she clearly does loves me otherwise she wouldn't have said I do at our wedding. She wouldn't be closin' her eyes n' diggin' her nails in my back while listening to my track bitch, she didn't want you bro." Marshall gave him a cocky smirk.

It obviously pissed Mark off to the point he threw his drink at Marshall before throwing a punch at him which Marshall instantly retaliated and resulted in Mark getting knocked out cold in one punch.  I grabbed Marshall's arm and pulled him away, we both rushed out to the car before anyone recognized Marshall.

"Babe what the fuck?" I yelled trying to hurry to the car. We both got in and buckled up,

"What?! He's lucky that's all I did." Marshall said as he started pulling out of the parking space. We drove down a few side roads till we got to the main road, when all of a sudden we hear sirens and the police lights pull up behind us. Marshall pulled over, fuck! I don't even know what to say to the cops.  The officer asked us both to step out of the car, so we did and I walked around and stood by Marshall arms crossed chilly from the slightly chilly breeze.

"Mr. Mathers is there a reason why you smell like alcohol? And also left the scene of a crime back there?" The officer asked as he looked over Marshall's ID.

"I had to get outta the situation, my wife's pregnant and I didn't need anythin' happenin' to her." Marshall responded, I mean it was the truth we had no reason to lie.

"That's still not a reason to leave the scene of a crime." The officer said handing Marshall his license back.

"Sir there's been ongoing issues with him and we just had to get out of there for our own safety." I informed the cop.

"Well that may be the case but you still don't flee a scene like that, plus you assulted someone and knocked them out, cold." The cop repeated.

"Have either of you been drinking tonight?" The officer asked suspiciously glancing back and forth between us.

"No." Marshall lied, he had 1 beer while we were at the bar and grill but he didn't want to risk getting in even more trouble.

"Well, I smell alcohol so I need both of you to step rate in front of my car back there while I search the vehicle." The cop instructed.

"Sir, the reason it smells like alcohol is because that guy threw his drink on me." Marshall defending himself.

"Well, I can't say that's where it is coming from." The officer said with a tone.

"Bro my shit is wet, if you don't believe me smell it!" Marshall started getting frustrated. The cop goes back to looking in the car.

Marshall and I both roll our eyes as we go lean up against the hood of the cop car.

"This is fuckin bullshit," Marshall said to me shaking his head.

"I know baby, it's going to be okay. Mark is clearly the one who started this whole thing, they have to see that." I tried calming him.

We stood there and waited for him to be done searching but instead while in the back he walkied for backup. I stood there confused then the officer pulled out a handgun from somewhere in the backseat.

"Either of you care to explain?" The cop asked, I immediately looked over at Marshall like 'what the fuck!' I had that gun in the house for protection but never brought it to the car, didn't even know what to think or say at this point.

☆Thanks for reading!! Please remember to vote, comment, and let me know what you think. It gives me the motivation to continue writing!☆

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