A game, or real life? (Ezio x...

By BlueAngel161

44.7K 1.5K 695

You've been having weird dreams of him. He's always been on your mind, even though you've never seen him befo... More

the Beginning of a long Journey
Requiescat in Pace, Giovanni
A tense confession
It's me, Mario!
Back to Firenze
I'm so confused...
Actions speak louder than words
The truth comes forth
Special preparations
A bright future filled with setbacks
Nature's way of unfolding
We are Assassins
The end of our journey?
Farewell, Monteriggioni...
A Teacher? Me?
Tumultuous years
Mentor, Master Assassin, responsibilities
Long-deserved peace
A journey back to what once was
All set for travelling
A perilous homecoming
Troubled winds; Resilient eagle
Friends far from home
New weapons; New friends; New clues
Familiar faces, familiar sights
Unsolved mysteries; Untold secrets
Hate can only last so long
The price of truth
The end of our journey
Life moves on
There cannot be happiness without grief
Don't leave me...
Even roses wither away...
New beginnings...

Fabled security

1K 34 4
By BlueAngel161

"Fascinating.... Absolutely fascinating..." Leonardo breathed out in awe as he leaned closer to examine the glowing orb. Machiavelli, Mario, Ezio and I stood right behind him, eager for answers from the genius inventor.

"What is it, Leonardo? What does it do?" Ezio asked him then, curiously.

"I...could no more explain this than explain to you why the Earth goes around the Sun." he shrugged.

"You mean....the Sun around the Earth." Mario tried to correct him, and I couldn't help but smirk. Ohhh, he's in for one hell of a revelation..., my brain pointed out, and I couldn't prevent a soft giggle from escaping from my lips. Mario gave me a questioning look, but I merely shrugged with a smirk as Leonardo continued to speak.

"It's fabricated with materials that shouldn't exist....and yet....this is clearly a very ancient artifact." Leonardo said.

"Si....it's at least 300 years old. An artifact like this one was wielded by the legendary Altaïr." I said, crossing my arms. "It was just like this one. Al Mualim once called it "Apple of Eden"."

"In the Codex, he refers to it as "A Piece of Eden"." Mario added.

"And the Spaniard....he called it "the Apple"." Ezio replied, moving closer to us.

"Like Eve's Apple? Of Forbidden Knowledge? Are you then suggesting that this thing..." Leonardo began to ask as he looked back at Ezio and I, standing straight once more. Immediately, my thoughts drifted back to before I even came here, back to when I was still playing the first Assassin's Creed. My eyes widened as Al Mualim's words rang loud and clear in my head.

"(y/n)? Is there something else you know?" Machiavelli asked, and suddenly, all eyes were on me.

"Si....something Al Mualim once told Altaïr regarding the artifact that was in his possession." I nodded. "Altaïr did ask his Mentor what it was, and parts of his answer are written in the Codex. Al Mualim told him that the Apple is temptation. He said it cast out Adam and Eve, turned staves into snakes, parted and closed the Red Sea, and helped a poor carpenter turn water into wine." I explained. "Back then, Al Mualim had tried to use the Apple to control Altaïr's mind, but it didn't work. Altaïr was strong enough to resist its charm. He killed his Mentor upon discovering that he was a traitor, then kept the Apple for himself so he could study it."

"Fascinating...!" Leonardo breathed out.

"I believe these artifacts belonged to someone that Altaïr mentioned in the Codex. Hang on..." I quickly grabbed my notebook and opened it. "During these two years stuck in Monteriggioni, I took the time to study Altaïr's pages. I took notes of everything..." I muttered as I searched. "Ah-ha!! Ecco qui (Here it is)!" I quickly placed the notebook on the table so that everyone could read. "In page 5 of the Codex, Altaïr mentions an ancient civilization... "The Ones Who Came Before". The entity I saw all those years ago, it could be linked to her."

"And the Apple you found....did you bring it here?" Ezio asked after a few moments of silence, having taken the time to read my notes.

"Ma certo che si (But of course I did)." I nodded. Reaching back into my bag, I curled my fingers around the comfortably-warm sphere and pulled it out, revealing it to the others. "Ever since I was entrusted with it, I never put it down. It's always with me, no matter where I go." I explained, holding it close to my chest.

"Have you ever used it?" Machiavelli suddenly asked, and we all snapped our gazes to him. "You mention the great power it has. Have you ever used it?"

"Never." I shook my head, lowering my gaze to the cursed artifact. "Trust me, I was tempted to on multiple occasions in hopes of seeing what became of my parents. But I was always reminded of Altaïr's words. The Apple fulfills our deepest desires, so....I feared it wouldn't show me the truth, and would show instead a mere illusion created by my own...foolish hopes and dreams."

"Yes, you did mention that in your journal, long ago." Ezio nodded, and looking up at him, I could see him smiling softly. I could feel my heart swell with an overwhelming warmth at the sight, so I quickly looked away to stop myself from looking like a lovesick puppy. Instead, my gaze met the Apple that was still sitting on the wooden table. Something....weird happened. A small voice in the back of my mind...like the Apple was whispering...was urging me to move closer to the one that Ezio brought. Without hesitating, my body reacted to it, and as my hands sat down the Apple, the two began to glow so brightly that it would put the sun itself to shame.

I could barely see anything. The light was blinding, but I could see a few images. Though they barely lasted more than a few seconds, they were precise. The more frequent images I saw were of a dark room that vaguely resembled a dungeon. It was cold, but not uncomfortably so. But that wasn't the more...obvious detail. A large door made of stone, almost as tall as the walls surrounding it, filled with carved-in drawings and Arabic words. Among those drawings was the symbol of the Assassins. Suddenly, a man wearing dark blue, grey-ish robes began to walk towards it. His face was concealed by his hood, but from the way he walked, he was either old or exhausted. Someone else was walking beside him. Someone wearing similar robes, of a smaller figure. That image quickly faded away, leaving me surrounded by a white space. I looked around, but to no avail. I seemed to be alone, until, a figure caught my eye. I began to walk towards it in curiosity, and it too, began to walk towards me. It seemed to copy my movements, almost like a mirror. Looking at its face, I saw....myself. Rather, my face in a different body, in different clothes. "My" hair was concealed by a thick green veil, and "I" was wearing long, white robes, with a red sash around "my waist", the same way the Assassins would tie it on back in Masyaf.

"This....is your destiny..." Minerva's voice rang out loudly in my head. In a matter of moments, I was back in Leonardo's workshop. I was in Ezio's arms, with his gaze looking down at me worriedly.

"..../n)....(y/n)...!" He called out over and over again. As seconds went by, I regained more and more consciousness over my senses. I was panting heavily, and my hands were clenching Ezio's robes so tightly that my knuckles had turned white. "Breathe, tesoro (darling)...breathe...you're alright..." I heard his soft voice as he pulled me close to his chest. Feeling his fingers caressing my hair helped me relax. It helped me ground myself into reality. This reality. I was (y/n) (l/n)....Assassin...mother of twins....engaged to Ezio Auditore... But if I were (y/n)....then who was that woman?

"This must never fall into the wrong hands. It would drive weaker minds insane..." I heard Leonardo's voice right next to me. With Ezio's help, I managed to get back up onto my feet.

"No doubt, the Spaniard will be relentless in his desire to get it back." Ezio added.

Looking back at the two Apples, I could see that Machiavelli had one in his hands. No doubt, the one that Ezio intercepted from Rodrigo. "Ezio, you must protect these Apples, no matter the cost."

"Take them to Forlì. The citadel is walled, protected by canons – and our ally controls it." Mario instructed, before resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Who is this ally?" I heard Ezio's questioning tone as I reached out to my Apple and picked it up. It was no longer glowing brightly. Instead, it was merely releasing a light hue of golden light.

"Her name is Caterina Sforza." I heard Mario say. Caterina Sforza? Why did that name sound familiar?

"(Y/n)," I heard Machiavelli call out to me, and immediately, everyone's eyes were on me. "I want you to hand your Apple to Ezio. It will be taken to Forlì alongside this one."

"No." I replied without even hesitating. As I held the Apple close to my chest, I gave him a cold glare as I looked at him. "This Apple stays with me, as it's been for 12 years." He opened his mouth to reply, but I cut him off. "I don't care what you have to say, Machiavelli. I'm not giving it away to anyone. And if you want it, you'll only get it over my dead body."

"(y/n), it will be best to keep them in safet-" Ezio began, but I interrupted him with a cold glare.

"Don't you dare try to change my mind too, Ezio." I shook my head, and as I shoved the Apple into my bag, I walked away to the door. I needed to be alone. I could hear Ezio calling out for me, but I simply ignored him as I closed the door behind me and climbed up onto the rooftop of Leonardo's workshop. As I lay on the cool tiles, I heard their distant voices coming from an open window, and all I wanted to do was sigh.

"Ezio, you know it is the best approach. Having two Apples out in the open is too much of a risk."

"I know...but I know her better than anyone else in this room. The way she was acting....I need to talk to her." Ezio's determined tone reached my ears, and I just closed my eyes as I began to smile. Of course he'd see right through me. This was the result of twelve years of friendship, of mutual support and comfort.

"Do you think the Apples showed her something?" I heard Leonardo's voice next.

"I do not think so. I know so." I heard the door open, and after that, things went silent within the workshop. I almost would've returned to them due to the lack of voices, but then I heard a pair of footsteps right next to me. Cracking an eye open, I found myself looking up at his handsome face. Ezio sat next to me, and for a few moments, he didn't say anything. It was almost like he was waiting for me to talk, and the sight only made my heart swell.

I moved closer and sat between his legs, sighing as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You're right...the Apples did show me something." I began. "They showed me glimpses of an enormous door made of stone, carved with keyholes, drawings and words written in Arabic. The Assassin crest was carved in as well. Walking towards it was what appeared to be a man and a woman, wearing dark robes. Their faces were concealed by their hoods, so I guess they were Assassins. Then...it all changed completely. I was surrounded by white. No walls, nothing...just emptiness. I saw a figure appearing in front of me, and as I walked towards it, it felt like I was staring at a mirror. Not only it was copying my movements, but it looked like me. It was...my face, in another body, in different clothes." I shook my head, curling closer to Ezio. "Just as it ended, I heard Minerva's voice. She said that this was my destiny..."

"So....those people you saw by this door...they were us?" Ezio's voice pierced the silence that had set between us after I was done speaking.

"I think so. I couldn't see much – it was dark and I only saw glimpses of it – but from the way you were walking, we were either old or exhausted." I replied softly, sighing. "I have no idea where it is or when it'll take place, but it will happen... I just.... I fear I won't be given a choice to stay with you...with our babies..."

"When that happens... IF that happens..." I heard Ezio's voice against my ear as he wrapped his arms tighter around my body. "I will be right there, holding your hand until....until the Apple takes you away from me... I will never leave you..."

"Lo intendi (Do you mean it)...?" I turned my head to meet his gaze. But I didn't even have time to look into his eyes as I suddenly felt his lips against mine, so passionately that it took my breath away. I, rather clumsily, moved to sit on his lap so I could return the kiss properly, sighing in pleasure as his lips migrated south to my neck.

"Ma certo che lo intendo (But of course I mean it)... Ti amo (I love you), (y/n)...~" I heard Ezio's breathy voice against my neck, and I could only close my eyes and give in to the pleasurable feeling of his lips as they gave me goosebumps. I spent so much time without feeling his affectionate kisses, that now that I was feeling them, they were almost overwhelming. They almost made me forget the seriousness of our situation. Almost.

"We may be walking to our doom, my love...." I breathed out, pressing myself as close as I possibly could to him. "It may be where our journey ends..."

"Maybe...but we walk together..."

I didn't like this. Not one bit. Not only was Caterina throwing seductive glances at my man, but the citadel was also attacked while she took the time to come welcome us by the docks. The Orsi brothers Ludovico and Checco. Two huge pains in the neck, that much was a fact. While Ezio left the Apple to Caterina so he could go rescue her children, one of the brothers (whom I assumed was Checco), swooped in without a warning and managed to steal the Apple away from her. I raced after him, but a group of Borgia's guards ambushed me. I was clearly outnumbered, but I wasn't going down without a fight. I was able to sigh in relief though, as I saw Ezio run after the escaping brother. But a sudden pain coming from a gash in my left arm snapped me back to reality. Filled with newfound anger, I stabbed the man responsible for it right through the heart, not even giving him a glance as he fell dead. Great, another scar. Hopefully, Ezio won't be too worried about it, I found myself thinking as I eliminated the rest of the guards that surrounded me. Their blood coated my sleeves, but I couldn't care less as I put my sword away. Ezio hadn't returned yet, so I began to run in the same direction I had seen him go to. Unfortunately, I didn't have to search for long.

I stopped in my tracks in shock at the sight of him, unmoving, lying next to the corpse of the other Orsi brother, losing blood from a wound in his stomach. My body seemed to act on its own as I rushed to his side. He still seemed to be breathing, but he needed medical attention as soon as possible. Thank God, fortune seemed to be on our side as I saw two men wearing Forlì's signature green armor in the corner of my eye. "Aiutatemi (Help me)!!! Per favore, suplico (Please, I'm begging)!!" I screamed out to them. I eventually caught their gazes as I kept pleading for help, and eventually, they ran to my side. "Help me carry him back, suplico (I beg of you). He needs medical attention immediately!!"

"We will bring him back to the citadel immediately." One of the men nodded, and before I knew it, they were carrying Ezio to safety. I couldn't think about anything else as I accompanied them, my gaze focused only on his unconscious form. Please...please, be alright....

The wait was excruciating. I kept holding his hand as he rested, hoping to see those beautiful brown eyes look into my own soon. Though the dottore assured me that he was going to make it, seeing him so vulnerable made me furious. And the fact that Caterina was oh so worried about Ezio wasn't helping either. None of this would've happened had she kept the Apple better hidden. But no. Now the Apple was lost, and God only knew who had it now. Fuck, I wanted to scream my heart out. But instead, I preferred to stay close to him. The dottore had also tended to my wound, but at this point, I couldn't care less. I don't even think it hurt. If it did, I didn't remember.

Ezio's light movements immediately snapped me out of my thoughts. He was still just opening his eyes, but already, I felt like a huge boulder had been lifted off of my shoulders. "Ezio....Grazie dio (Thank God)..." I breathed out, lightly stroking his hair.

"....(y/n)...what happened....?" he asked softly as he began to sit up. But I was quick to stop him.

"No, love...you need to rest..." I shook my head, resting my hands on his chest. "After I finished the guards off, I ran over to find you. But all I saw was you, unconscious, lying next to Checco's body. You were stabbed, Ezio..."

"Si....that, I remember..." he nodded softly, closing his eyes. But that didn't last as he snapped his eyes open, a grave expression on his handsome face. "Wait...there was a third man....he took the Apple!"

Fuck. Just as I feared.

"Who?" Caterina quickly asked as she took a seat next to me.

"He....He wore a black robe, like a monk.... And I think... a missing finger? Si! Caterina, I have to go – right away!" He managed to sit up before I was even able to hold him back. Yet, I kept my hands on his shoulders.

"Are you sure? Your wound-" I began, but he quickly interrupted me.

"I will be alright, tesoro (darling)... This is more important. We need to find this man before it is too late. You know what's at stake." Fuck, he had a point..., I thought. I eventually gave in, caressing his cheek.

"I could go in your stead, you know." I shrugged, cracking a smile. "But I'll admit, it isn't as fun without you~"

"Altrettanto (Likewise)...~" Oh god, his smile was so tender as he leaned forward. I leaned in as well, knowing full well where this was going to lead. Our lips were almost touching, but we were interrupted by Caterina. I cursed under my breath as Ezio looked at her.

"You are going to need this." she said. Looking over, I could see that she was holding a map out to Ezio.

"The map Niccolò spoke of. Your husband's-"

"EX-husband, mio caro (my dear)." She shook her head. "He swore he'd uncovered the locations of all the Codex pages. You will recover the Apple, but you will never find the vault without this." she explained, and I watched as Ezio's eyes drifted down to the map. "You know, there is an Abbey in the wetlands near here, where I've seen monks wearing black robes. I'd start there. Now go. Find us a stramaledetto (damned) monk." I couldn't prevent the curl of my lips into a smirk at her words. She was constantly flirting with Ezio, sure, but she sure had one hell of a tongue that'd make the holiest of monks scream before such profanity.

"I think I'm going to miss you, Caterina." Ezio chuckled out as he stood up. I followed suit and put my hood on as the leader of Forlì accompanied us out. I gazed at Ezio as we walked, giving him a concerned glance.

"Are you sure you can handle this, love?" I softly asked.

"Si...don't worry about me, I will be alright." he said as he tangled his fingers with my own and brought my hand close to his lips, where he left a soft kiss there. "And if I need help, I know that I can trust you."

I couldn't help but smile tenderly at the sight. Yes, he could trust me. Just as much as I could trust him.

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