Our Regrets Lies Upon The Sta...

By Little_Marshmallows

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There are a lot of things that Sans regrets in his life, he fucks up all the time, everybody does. But he do... More

Side Story| New Home, New Life And... Neighbor? [2/2]
1| When Flowers Meet
2| Blazing Stars
3| Let Me See The Stars First
Side Story| New Home, New Life And... Neighbor? [1/2]
4| Hope inside the holder's eyes
5| A Flower's Guardian As So Love is...
6| A Rumor Between A Lust-filled Drink And Raspberries
Leo And Lavender (Old and New Ref. Sheets)
7| Purple Lilacs Have Shy Spirits
SideStory| My Sweet Melody
8| 'Black'mail
Alternate Ending| Purple Colors Are Berry Classical
SideStory| Sorrow
SideStory| That Time When It Wasn't So Bad
9| Wine For The Wedding
10| Skipping Through Exes And Whys
11| First To All The New
Side Story| I Loved You First

12| Don't Judge Me

385 23 10
By Little_Marshmallows

Lavender is seconds away from pushing Leo off a fucking cliff.

He threw the latter a warning gaze, only for it to be ignored as Leo went back to telling the long tale of when Lavender haven't slept for 3 days straight and thought Mauve was his father then proceeded to call him daddy.

They were now on their first break, which Leo found as a wonderful time to tell some rather embarrassing stories about him to a potential new friend.

His brows furrowed as he looks over at Blaze who could barely hide his laughter behind his eyes.

He swears he has seen those eyes before—Somewhere white and plain, smelled of medicine and— Blaze caught his eyes. Lavender cleared his throat as he was about to murmur a small sorry for staring.

"Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure May's Instagram account has a few videos of him doing a few of those weird trendy challenges there." Leo hummed, already taking out his phone.

Lavender piqued up from the mention of the taller's name. Surprised by the sudden change in topic, which he was thankful for. He was trying so hard on holding back from punching the latter that he spaced out.

"Well, Mauve always found filming and video effects to be interesting so I understand why." Blaze simply said back, his odd-like eyes feigning familiarity in them.

He was tempted to asked how he knows Mauve but held back from doing so. He was the latter's best friend after all, plus in his pride, he thought that Mauve must have mentioned someone named Blaze to him before.

While Lavender was busy racking his mind, trying to remember this guy, Leo was already showing Blaze his phone, scrolling through Mauve's Instagram.

"There's a lot of pictures of Lav," Lavender paused from that, cheeks burning hot. Blaze, realizing his mistake, quickly salvage what he had stated. "Uhm... If it's okay with you that I call you Lav..."

He didn't notice his flushed reaction or?

He blinks—Once. —Twice. —before snorting, "No, it's fine. I know Lavender can be a mouthful at times." He bemused, giving him a polite smile.

Blaze lets out a small sigh of relief before turning back to the phone at hand. "Huh, you didn't tell me that Lav made a 'Don't judge me' challenge with May."

Leo's form stiffened at that, while Lavender tried to hold back a snicker.

Leo awkwardly cleared his throat. "Wait, you probably shouldn't watch that—"

He was too late. As the faint sound of music played from the phone, Lavender's shoulders were shaking as he saw how Blaze's face from being confused turned to concern before flat out snickering.

"Did..." Blaze states in a shock and bemused tone. "Did Lavender seriously just use a picture of you as his before 'bad' picture?"

That was it.

Lavender was wheezing and laughing uncontrollably as he remembered that fateful day.

Leo gave him a deadly glare clearing wanting him to silence.

"I... I didn't say anything though," He grinned, trying his hardest to hold in another fit of laughter.

"Yeah, well I didn't tell you to shut up either."

"Does that mean I can keep laughing at you?"

"...You little shit."


"So, how's the tour? Did you think the campus was too big?"

Sans hummed back to let the taller know that it went great. "The campus is pretty big and all, but I kinda found a few 'shortcuts' to go here to there."

"You are ironically hard working when trying to find ways to be lazy."

Now that is one thing, Sans cannot deny. He can clearly hear Wine holding back a snort from the other side of the call, yet it was short lived as the latter went back to their normal polite monotone voice.

"Well, that's just my specialty." He snickered.

Unpacking his things, Sans hummed as he saw the now empty box, he had baked cupcakes earlier so he can distribute it to his students, which he did rather flawlessly. He knows full well how hard college is after all, or just life really that's why he decided to make them. The kids seemed to be grateful of it as well.

Pressing his shoulder near the side of his head, he used it to support his phone whilst his now free hands started organizing his desk. He listened to Wine chatter for the meanwhile, giving a few snide remarks here and there which, the latter had either brush off with a snicker or agree to with him.

"...Fuck..." Sans hissed remembering a certain detail.

"Something wrong?"

"I forgot I have to come to Lav's school later for a PTA meeting," Sans grumbled as he shakes his head. "But I also have to attend that staff introduction party thing at the same time."

Sighing, Sans took ahold of the phone and set it to speaker before placing it down on his table. The distance between the rooms are big either way, so he didn't think too much on the chance of anyone listening on his conversation nor did he care.

"I mean, I can probably ditch the PTA but that would only lead to Helen having something to hold above me," He snorted, remembering that ill-fate mother whose kid always coincidentally go to the same school as Lavender's.

"Yes, not to mention the fact your son is a scholar there. It'll be bad if people get the wrong idea about Lavender's background."

Wine chided him; voice still lax in a half-hearted tone.

"Eh, I can just not go to that staff party—"

"I would much like it if you don't, the university is much of prestige, so punctuality is most needed."

"So, dump the PTA then—"

"I already told you that was a bad idea."

"What do you expect me to do? I can't go to two places at the same time..." Sans paused, realizing the 'game' the other was playing.

He rolled his eyes. "Or would you like to attend the PTA in my place?"

"Oh, I must go and check my schedule for that."

Wine faked a surprise tone into the call as Sans can hear the shuffling of papers, already knowing himself that the latter was already cleaning up to go to said meeting.

"I am utmost available for Lavender's parent-teacher meeting."

Sans snickers.

"You could've just asked, you know right?"

"I have no idea what you meant by that."

"Whatever you say."

Holding back a laugh, He continued with organizing the room as he placed a book in the bookshelves. Most probably putting it on the wrong spot than the organize place it was on just before, but Sans didn't care.

"Then it's settled. I will go to the PTA meeting while you promise me you will behave during the party."

"No promises~" He snickers as his eyes searched through the books. "Will you be able to have dinner with us later?" He spoke up, voice loud enough so the other can hear him even with his distance to his phone.

"Of course, I want to congratulate Lav for entering high school. I must go to that PTA meeting now. Stay safe."

"You too. I'll see you later for dinner." Sans hums back with a grin upon his face which he cannot seem to wipe off even when the line has cut off.

"You seem to have a really great husband." A voiced chirped from the far side of the room.

Being taken aback by that, he snickers as he rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed. He turned to the voice, expecting a fellow professor as he nervously laughs.

"Oh no that was just—"

Sans was frozen still. The words caught in his throat, as he cannot think coherently anymore.

"Hey..." He meekly whispered.

Blue eyes looked into his very soul, holding resentment in them. Here it comes, those words he had waited so long to hear yet was frightened by: 'Don't hey m—'

"We don't have time for that, Sans." The other brought him back from his thoughts, already knowing what he is thinking.

The door was closed shut, the sound of it locking up made a low, rumbling, and grating sound which was affected by Sans' senses getting hyper.

Those true-blue eyes which he had always thought can only hold warmth and light in them is now replaced by nothing more than an icy cold gaze.

"We need to talk."


I'm back and so are these weekly updates lol.

1390 words.

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