Bad Boy's Shy Girl (New Ve...

By JadaJade31_

192K 4.3K 2.2K

In which the bad boy falls for the shy girl, and in like every other classic love story the shy girl feels th... More

Intro [ 0.1 ]
[ 1 ] - Raspberry Lollipops
[ 2 ] - Late For Tutoring
[ 3 ] - The One With Too Much Coffee
[ 4 ] - Midnight Snack
[ 5 ] - Tutoring Meetings
[ 6 ] - Library Scares
[ 7 ] - New Class Partner
[ 8 ] - Coffee Shop Resturant
[ 9 ] - Friends
[ 10 ] - Making Progress
[ 11 ] - Old Colleagues
[ 12 ] - Mrs. Harrison & Custord
[ 13 ] - Guess Who's Home!
[ 14 ] - Unexpected Visits
[ 15 ] - Meeting Someone New
[ 16 ] - Sneaky Success
[ 17 ] - Rumor Has It...
[ 18 ] - Custord's New Friend
[ 19 ] - Wild Dreams
[ 20 ] - Pie, Coffee and Soda
[ 21 ] - Smells Like Sunshine
[ 22 ] - The Sunset's Pretty In Your Eyes
[ 23 ] - Explainations & Coffee
[ 24 ] - Confrontations
[ 25 ] - The Truth Untold
[ 26 ] - Something Special
[ 27 ] - Old Faces
[ 28 ] - Decisions, Decisions
[ 29 ] - On My Mind
[ 30 ] - Crystal Clear
[ 31 ] - Only You
[ 32 ] - New Friends
[ 33 ] - Mother Knows All
[ 34 ] - Hello Again, Papa Grey
[ 36 ] - Baby Sister Jamie
[ 37 ] - Secrets, Secrets, Secrets....
[ 38 ] - Family Surprise!
[ 39 ] - Goodbye, Old Friend
[ 40 ] - Late Night Love
[ 41 ] - Dad's Home
[ 42 ] - The One With No Coffee
[ 43 ] - Last Minute Fieldtrip
[ 44 ] - Early Morning Sun
[ 45 ] - Just A Little Longer
[ 46 ] - A Couple of Kids In Love
[ 47 ] - The Warm Belly
[ 48 ] - Dream A Little Dream Of Me

[ 35 ] - A Little Bit More About You

2.7K 73 34
By JadaJade31_

It shouldn't have been a surprise that Noah would have all these amazingly cute stories of the little house he's lived in all his life, but it was. Every little crook and cranny had a story, had something to do with his life that impacted him so greatly and formed him into the boy he is today, and it was such a great honor to be able to hear them from him. The wide smile on his face, the passion in his voice, the happiness radiating off his skin, the little chuckles and the playful, carefree attitude he had- it was wonderful. He was wonderful, and I was so completely smitten with him.

We just left the living room and began walking incredibly slow down the only hall in the house, all the while with Noah telling me everything about involving the last parts of the house.

"We have a little space in the back of the house, when I was younger me and my dad on the weekends would throw the football around for hours just talking-sometimes we'd listen to music on the radio or some of his tapes that he saved from his younger days and just stay there."

"Wouldn't you get tired?"

Noah shook his head, "It was relaxing, actually. Since nothing really exciting happens in this neighborhood there was nothing much else to do, so... "

I blinked when I noticed we had stopped walking down the little hall, both of us leaning on either side of the beige painted walls. There was three rooms down this hall, one white door that was at the far end, and two other white doors right across from each other where we stood. "Is one of these your room?" I asked.

Automatically getting comfortable on the wall I looked at him. Noah nodded his head and adjusted his posture on the wall, "The bathroom's down there," He looked at the door down the hall, "This is my dad's room," Noah pointed at closed door he stood beside, "That's my room." He sheepishly pointed at the door I was standing beside.

I nodded, adjusting to this new knowledge and keeping my gaze down at my shoes, finally noticing the carpet underneath my shoes looking so new and clean.

"Do you... want to go inside?"

The hesitation in his voice was the reason I looked up. He was looking at me with that same blank expression, but the way he was chewing on the inside of his cheek made me believe he was more nervous then he wanted to be. It was an exhilarating feeling being the one to cause these emotions from him, no wonder making me feel just as small and fragile always amused him. I hummed lowly, my eyes expressing just how comfortable I was in this situation and not wavering with his as he began to fidget. Once he was visibly trying to avoid my eyes, I smiled and nodded.


A huff came from his lips as he shook his head, pushing himself off the wall and reaching for the doorknob while purposely leaning in close so we were centimeters apart. "Caught on to my little tricks, have you?"

A wide smile appeared on my face then and I quickly pecked his nose, "If I were you, I'd be expecting them a lot more now."

To fight the smile forming on his own face he looked away with his tongue poking the inside of his cheek and opened the door for me, making a gesture for me to walk in. Slowly I poked my head inside the room, my hands tightly wrapped around me as I leisurely took in the small bedroom that belonged to the beautiful boy standing close beside me. The walls were a light blue with posters of movies and bands covering every inch of the walls, there was a small twin bed pressed up against the farthest wall of the room taking up most of the space and perfectly made with one pillow and a navy blue comforter; a small desk on the left side of the room with pencils, pens, papers and school text books neatly placed, a closet door that was partially open showing his clothes and shoes, and a tall, wide bookcase closest to the door.

I walked into the room leisurely, my eyes taking everything they could take in seconds time. It smelt like mint, the floors clean and not covered with clothes or... whatever a teenage boys room would be covered in. Like Carter's always was.

I turned around, my eyes instantly spotting him leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest making his biceps pop in that nice, buttoned white shirt. It took my train for thought away seeing him just standing and still looking so handsome. "He made you clean up your room too, huh?" I asked, forcing the lump on my throat down and finally getting a look at the bookcase.

Movies upon movies, video games, and music discs, with maybe one or two books, and one picture frame. "What gave you that idea?" He sarcastically spoke walking past me and more into the room; he took out a very old bean bag chair from his closet and plopped down on it with another huff.

The picture frame took my attention and I mindlessly took a step closer to inspect it. It was of a woman, her husband and three little boys all looking so happy and carefree as the photographer snapped their special moment. The woman had red hair, her long and luscious curls tied back in a ponytail and dressed in a white sun dress that made her hair and her electric blue eyes pop beautifully. But that wasn't what caught my attention, it was the fact that the man was the spitting image of Noah now; I sucked in a quiet breath of air, my eyes dashing toward the three little boys wearing wide smiles and matching clothes, and I couldn't believe how similarly they resembled their father. The same blue eyes that clearly ran in the family, dark hair, pale skin; only one of them had a more reddish tone in their hair and that was the smallest of the bunch- the one with food still on his rosy little cheeks the one everyone seemed to be chasing after.

"It was my eighth birthday party," Noah sounded right behind me.

I looked over my shoulder at him; a doleful look was masking his face as he looked at the picture. I could see it in his eyes: the memory of that day playing in a saddened abyss. "We had drove a couple days before so we could spend my birthday with my grandparents and their ranch... I used to love feeding and riding the horses. That was the last day I ever went back there."

There was a pout on my lips. "How come?" I whispered.

Noah inhaled deeply through his nose and tore his eyes away from the picture to look me straight in the eye. He looked like he was contemplating something with himself for a moment, but only for a moment, then he opened his mouth, "Two days after my birthday my mom got sick... it got bad really fast and we had to take her to the hospital, they told us that it was some sort of bacteria she caught when we were there at the ranch.

"She was sick for four years, then the sickness spread and was killing all of her major organs so fast... there was no way to help her, no cure-no nothing. She spent four years in and out of hospitals, all different ones with so many second opinions from the best doctors in the country... and after one more surgery, her body just couldn't keep up and she didn't wake up. We waited and waited, but she just... didn't wake up. She was put on life support for three months because my dad didn't want to let her go- no matter what my brothers said, no matter what the doctors said, and then finally my dad realized keeping her like that... having to depend on a machine to keep his wife-to keep the mother of his kids alive when she wasn't neither anymore he stopped the life support, and she was finally able to pass away without any pain... on my thirteenth birthday."

I could feel the sadness on my face; the pity. No matter how badly I tried to change my expression, I couldn't hide how I truly felt like Noah was able to. And there wasn't anything in the world I could say that imagine could make him feel better; the best thing that came to mind was to hug him, but that felt wrong, too.

So instead I reached for his hand and laced our fingers together, squeezing lightly to make sure he knew it was okay to continue and shifted closer so I had to lean my head back a little to look at him.

Noah looked at me intently for a second, his head tilted to the side as he breathed in deep.

"My dad wasn't the same anymore after she died, my brothers especially... the two of them went down these really dark paths; my dad started drinking every hour-night and day, and since he was practically wasted all the time my brothers thought they could do whatever they wanted. They started hanging with the wrong crowd, I didn't want to see my dad so sad and empty so I went with them. I watched for years how my brothers, who were supposed to show me the right and wrongs in life, do everything wrong and not once do anything to stop me from doing the same. They didn't care. Not one bit.

"And when they were finally old enough to leave, they did. They took all my parent's savings and left me behind with him. Didn't ask me if I wanted to come with them, didn't speak a word to me about it. They were there day, and then one night they were gone in a blink of an eye, and I haven't seen or heard from them since."

Now my face was blank, but not because I made it so. I couldn't believe anyone was capable of being so heartless and cold to leave family behind like that... to me, it was unheard of.

I couldn't imagine walking out on anyone-or being walked out on.

Just the thought made my throat close and my heart beat faster. That had to be one for the most horrible, god-awful thing to do- to feel. It was unfair that this wonderful, handsome, caring boy infront of me had to go through something so terrible and still be able to turn out like this.

"Did your dad sober up afterwards?" I wrapped my arm around his waist and tugged him closer until my back was against the bookcase.

Noah hummed, tilting his head from side-to-side before saying, "After a while he did... one of his friends from the auto-shop finally snapped and set him straight. Said if he didn't shape up he would lose the only son he had left."

"It took some work, though. Every morning his friend Ollie would pick him up for work, and every night he'd drop him back off." Noah added, "It took years before my dad was able to be himself again, and when he finally was I didn't really need anyone to take care of me. I was all grown up already."

I hummed looking down at his buttons once there was nothing else left to say. The silence, I thought, gave us both time to think and figure out what happens next, and it was clearly shocking for Noah when out of nowhere I wrapped my arms around his neck and tugged him down so we were nose-to-nose, not saying a word but just looking at him- really looking at him.

There was a little fear I noticed that was painting the blue of his eyes, the freckles on his face seemed more there, and now looking at him in this light, his hair did seem more red then brown.

"Too much?" Noah gulped.

My brows furrowed in confusion. "Hmm?"

Noah blinked a couple of times, his breathing uneven and said, "Everything I just said... was it too much? I didn't know if it was okay to tell you, or if you even wanted to know- I just figured it was now or never so- "

"When it's coming from you, nothing is ever too much." I interrupted, my voice coming out more firm and louder than  I expected it to be startling both of us. My eyes widened as did his, and for a moment we just stayed like that waiting for the other to break the weird air that was floating around us now- and then suddenly he laughed.

A real, unexpected laugh that made him sputter and fall into me. I don't know when I joined in, or how I ended up leaning on top of his back with tears at the edge of my lashes and stomach cramping, but I was.

It didn't take that long for us to calm down, and once we did we were stuck taking in lungfuls of air. Noah found my hand and lead me toward the bean bag chair, plopping down on its squishy-looking texture and quickly pulling me down onto him. Literally.

A yelp came from my throat when my chest crashed on his and only a breathless chuckle from him once my hands were placed firmly on the definitely squishy bean bag chair, "What- ?"

There was no registering how he was able to quickly tangle his fingers in my hair and kiss me like it was the last time he'd ever be able to do it. But in no time did I follow his lead in kissing him back, trying to breathe when I was able too but not succeeding because right when I would try, he'd tug my face closer and kiss me longer and deeper then the last. I was starting to see spots and my lungs felt ready to explode when I finally had to dig my fingers in his hair and tug him back causing a noise to spill from his bruised lips.

I hid my face in his neck finally being able to breathe, my breaths loud with every intake and my lashes fluttering against his pulse. "What... " I panted, licking my numb lips and lazily picking my head up to look at him, "... what was that for?"

Noah licked his own lips in a slow, sexy way and arched his brow; his eyes hooded and sparkling and taking in my flushed face before entrancing me into a much slower, softer kiss that caused an unrepressed noise to slip from me. The feeling of his hands moving down to my waist, then my back made me squirm and pull away to breathe again, my fingers squeezing his hair and making his breaths as deep as mine.

"You didn't answer my question," I gasped feeling the tip of his nose trial down my cheek to my neck, his soft lips lightly pressing against my thready pulse.

He didn't answer me right away, just kept placing those spellbinding kisses all over my neck and making me squirm with each one. "Noah... "


His hands were firmly holding me against him now, not letting me move an inch- not like I wanted too, anyway. "You didn't- "

"How do you always smell so good?" Noah whispered against my throat, his lips trailing up and down my jugular. "It's always a different smell... it's always so good, though. Yesterday you smelt like peaches, today you smell like a flower... I don't know what kind of flower, but when I smell it- " I felt the tickle of air from his nose and wiggled. " - I picture something white, like orchids or something."

"Something white?"

I felt him nod his head. "This one scent suits you the best, I think."

"Why do you think that?"

"I don't know... " Noah nuzzled his nose against my jaw and sniffed me again; I couldn't help but giggle and try to squirm away at the ticklish feeling. He held me tighter, though, preventing me from moving and sniffed again making me twitch. "It just fits." He laughed lightly and leaned his head back away from my neck.

I took a deep breath, my body limp on top of his as my face nuzzled into his chest taking in his own scent. Familiarity and comfort.

"Iceberg Rose." I suddenly said, tucking my hands underneath my chin and using his chest to do it.

Noah instantly looked at me. "What?"

"Iceberg Rose," I repeated, "That's the scent I'm wearing today."

"Iceberg Rose... " He said, letting it settle on his tongue for a moment. "Really?"

Wordlessly I nodded, "I think this one suits me, too. It's said that the Iceberg Rose is one of the white flowers best suited for summer, it supposedly lives a long time and is mainly used in wedding bouquets and stuff like that." I shrugged my shoulders with a huff.

Noah's silence made me look at him again; and seeing him smiling and staring at me so fondly peaked my curiosity. "What?"

"You really do have so many sorts of stuff in that pretty little head of yours, don't you?"

Hearing that again made a swarm of butterflies swirl endlessly in my stomach, my lips stretched out into a wide grin and I couldn't help but look at him. "Guess I do."

He hummed, "Tell me something else."

I furrowed my brows, my lips coming out in a pout. "Like what?"

"Anything." Noah shrugged his shoulders, his eyes shining as a cheeky smile appeared on his pink lips. "As long as it's coming from your lips, it doesn't matter what it is."

For effect he moved his hand to my chin, his thumb lightly running across my bottom lip with his eyes watching his own movements while I watched him. A simple action like this felt so intimate and exciting, but at the same time so familiar and comfortable. It was making my skin tingle and my heart jump; just in this moment I wished his touches would always make me feel like this. I prayed for it. Looking at him now, I couldn't imagine a day without knowing him.

So I opened my mouth and told him the first thing that came to mind, all of which were just random topics that had nothing to do with each other or served me any great purpose but somehow remembered because of certain details in the text. To keep himself busy he started playing with my hair, twirling pieces around the tip of his finger and leaving it there till it almost cut off his circulation; then he began his first, of many, attempts of trying to braid my hair, which all ended horribly and just ended with him tangling the pieces and leaving me to unknot it to let him try again.

It felt like hours we stayed in this position. Somewhere along the line I moved fully onto him: my back on his chest, our legs messily but comfortably intertwined, my head settled underneath his chin. Noah wrapped a firm arm around my middle while the other stayed in my hair, mindlessly rubbing my scalp and managing to take the hair tie out without my noticing and began running his fingers through my hair- a secret way to putting me to sleep.

And I guess he noticed.

His nose nudged my jaw lightly, I felt it and tried hard to keep my eyes open. "Are you falling asleep?" He whispered on my cheek.

I shook my head, but my eyes still shut. "No," I responded drowsily.

"How are you sleepy? You were just telling me about Icuras a minute ago and you weren't sleeping." Little did he know he was still running his fingers through my hair, one particular part of my scalp made tingles shoot down my spine and again I squirmed making my arms feeling like jelly and I rolled over on top of him.

Noah stared at me, wondering.

With a huff I rubbed my eyes. "You were running your hands through my hair." I said, "That makes me sleepy."

Now he was smiling, popping his dimples in the process, and because I was such a sucker for those cuties I forced my eyes to stay open. He had to know those were a weakness for me, he couldn't pop them whenever he wanted and not know how much my heart swoons just seeing them.

"Good to know," He chuckled. "C'mon, keep telling me about Icuras."

I huffed, but gave in. "Where was I?"

He hummed, looking at the ceiling and trailing his warm hand up and down my side that was also putting me back to sleep. "The monster."

I used my arms to push myself off on top of Noah's chest and crossed my legs, taking a deep breath in only to smell the alluring scent of the food. "I'm hungry," My stomach growled loudly afterwards making Noah laugh.

"Can we go see if the food's done?" I asked, eyes wide in hope that he'd say yes and forget all about Icuras.

Noah squinted his eyes at me, his hand coming around my
elbow and tugging me into his chest again. "Dad doesn't really like when people interrupt his cooking." He said, bringing his hand up to my shoulder; his eyes were shining the way they did whenever he wanted me immobile and compliant- exactly how I am now.

Just like I assumed he wanted.

I couldn't help but notice just how pink his lips looked and how vibrant his eyes were shining as he switched between rubbing my arms to caressing my flushed cheeks.

My breath hitched when he was suddenly right in my face, his eyes intently watching my mouth before taking his sweet time to look at me, then that's when that handsome smile of his came on his lips. "But fine, if you want to see if the food's done, then we go see if the food's done." He used lighting fast speed to kiss my cheek and pull me up to my feet, leaving me stunned and stumbling into his chest. "And if it's not then we'll just get you something to snack on until it is."

Noah took my hand and dragged me from his room back down the small hallway and into the kitchen where Paul was already setting up the table. I hadn't noticed the radio that was playing before was now off, leaving the house in a comfortable silence with the occasional clang of cutlery and dinnerware.

When we walked into the room hand-in-hand, Paul turned. He looked happy when he saw us, but when his eyes drifted to our skin ship he looked ecstatic, like a cartoon character whose eyes turned to hearts and was nearly using all the muscles his face for his wide smile. "There you two are!" He beamed, standing to his full height now once the dinnerware was set. "I was just about to come get you two. Dinner's ready, so I figured I'd get this out of the way so it'll be easier."

"You should've called us, we could've helped." I spoke first, glancing around the table to see what was missing. "Where are your cups?"

I walked more into the kitchen, turning my head over my shoulder to look at Noah. He watched in amusement and nodded his head to the nearest cabinet. Quickly I opened it, admiring how clean it was and how polished the glasses looked before taking three tall cups. "Do you need any help serving dinner?" I asked, walking toward the table and setting the glasses neatly beside each plate.

I could feel eyes on me and looked, my cheeks flushed instantly seeing both Grey men looking at me with delightful expressions. "Yes?"

Quickly Paul composed himself and called me over to the stovetop to bring the food to the table. Once everyone was served, all our plates filled with baked chicken with homemade gravy, mashed potatoes and roasted green beans, we ate. Talked, laughed and ate. There was so many stories of little Noah that Paul didn't care to tell, some embarrassing (to him but I thought were the cutest), and some very insightful on who he was back then, and who is now. The entire dinner Noah had the pink tint to his cheeks, his eyes trained down on his plate or on me to see my reaction, but there was nothing but smiles the entire time Paul was talking.

It didn't take me long to see how good Noah and Paul's relationship was. They were more like best friends than father and son, and that was something so heartwarming to me. There were little code words with them, little inside jokes that I could tell go years before me and that made this whole experience more comfortable and relaxing.

By the time dinner ended we were still seated around the table, still talking and laughing. The plates were left with nothing but left over scraps, glasses halfway full. Usually after a big meal like this I would usually be upstairs sleeping already but because a) this wasn't my house and I didn't have a room to crash in, and b) as a guest that would be rude and wouldn't set a good impression on me, I didn't.

And it wasn't even as though I was sleepy at all, thankfully my exhaustion was left in Noah's room; with just the thought of his room made me blush. A soft nudge on my shin had me looking at the boy to my right who was already staring at me, looking in his eyes and watching his expression, I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was. It made me giddy and needing to bite down on my bottom lip to stop the wide smile that was threatening to come onto my face- until Paul merely glanced at his watch when telling me about Noah's preschooler days that he gasped so loud it made the both of us jump.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked, brows furrowed and the concern clear as day on my face.

"Dad?" Noah questioned seconds after when Paul still didn't answer.

Finally when Paul looked up, eyes wide and slightly nervous looking, he said, "As much as I loved having you here Jamie- and I did, it's the highlight of the week for me- I think you should be heading home. It's nearly 11 and I don't want you getting in trouble with your folks cause of us."

Paul gripped my hand in his rough, much larger hand and smiled at me sadly.

Again I felt my cheeks flush with color, my chest feeling lighter than my stomach did as I slowly nodded my head. "Oh-okay," I cleared my throat looking at the table, "Let me help clean up before I go- it's the least I can do since you cooked all by yourself."

Paul quickly shook his head. "Nonsense. When Noah gets back he'll gladly do it, won't you son?" The tone he used made me glance between the two males.

Noah smiled his handsome smile and nodded his head as he stood from his spot and started collecting the used dinnerware. "Gladly." For effect he glanced at me and winked sending my heart soaring.

Quickly I forced my flustered state to vanish and looked at Noah again, "It's just cleaning up a bit. I don't mind it, really." Feeling my eyes on him Noah looked at me and thankfully stopped in his tracks, his eyes suddenly glued on my pleading ones. "Please?" I tilted my head to the side, hoping that he'd fall for my lame attempt of the 'puppy dog eyes' and let me help.

Under this light I could see just how fast and red Noah's cheeks got. His eyes widened only slightly, his expression stunned as he nervously nodded his head and gulped. It took seconds before he breathed out an 'okay', but as soon as I heard it I smiled. Satisfied I quickly stood up, taking the dishes from Paul as he sat there just as amazed as Noah was. "It'll be really fast, I promise. Then we'll be out the door, okay?"

Paul looked at me, his mouth opened ajar before composing himself and nodding.

"Alright, dear."

Grinning I looked back to Noah, making sure to make direct eye contact with him and not allowing my gaze to waver. "Can you help me with the dishes, please?" I asked gently, my head tilting to the side again and pleading with my eyes.

With his cheeks turning darker in color he nodded. "Yes."

And we were. I'd never cleaned an entire kitchen so fast. On the off chance that I would have to clean, it would take me forever because of how slow I worked when by myself; but having Noah by my side and knowing every couple minutes Paul would pop his head in the kitchen to see if we were okay and reminding me of the time kept me motivated.

Plus, I finally felt sleep slowly creeping up on me.

I knew once we got in the car I would be out like a light.

But then again, noticing the way Noah was staring and casually glancing at me the entire time we were cleaning and seeming like he wanted to say something made me think he would bring it up during the car ride.

"All done, kiddos? It's 10:37." Paul popped back into the kitchen one last time. "Oh, guess you are."

Noah was putting the last of the food away and I was wiping off the counter when he came in. I looked at him over my shoulder, smiling and nodding my head. "All done."

Paul smiled and stepped further into the kitchen, "It was really great having you here, Jamie." He said, "Hopefully we could do this again sometime, I'll even consider having you and Noah cook something for me."

I looked down to my shoes, playing with my hands. "Sadly I'm not much of a cook, so Noah would really be doing much of the cooking."

Paul chuckled, "Then we could order something- whatever you'd like. Noah isn't that much of a cook either, so... " He shrugged his shoulders in a 'what-can-you-do' kinda way that made me smile.

"I too can cook." Noah suddenly spoke, taking the towel from my hands and putting it on the towel rack. "It just isn't as good and as fancy as your style."

"Being able to make eggs isn't really knowing how to cook, son." Paul deadpanned, "Especially when you burn them."

Noah scoffed playfully, "Eggs isn't the only thing I can make."

I could tell Paul would've furthered this conversation, but again he caught a glimpse of the time on the stove and rushed Noah to get my things. When he was out of ear-range, Paul looked back to me, his eyes softer and more comforting than a second ago.

"He really likes you, I could tell."

He set a comforting hand on my shoulder, reeling me in and making me feel relaxed. "I am really glad that you're in his life now, Jamie. The way he was tonight- it was like he was glowing. I haven't seen him smile that much or hear him laugh that much since he was a little boy... he looks different when he's with you. You make him like the way he used to be."

The way he used to be.

It rang in my head.

"I assume you two haven't been dating long, and I know there's a lot more to him that he's probably going to want to tell you himself, so I'll make this quick," He huffed, looking down for a split second, seining to gather his thoughts before catching my eye again, "There are going to be moments that he'll shut himself off completely. You won't know why, you won't know when. These are rare moments, they don't happen very often and they sometimes don't last too long either... but there are days that are sometimes too much for him to handle. Certain situations make him anxious and jumpy, so... please do whatever you can to relax him. Make him feel like himself again. Just... take care of him, the same way I know he'll take care of you.

He tends to take on too much, and when he does that he forgets about himself. Be there for each other... okay?"

I nodded my head. "Okay."

Paul sighed, gesturing for a hug which I gladly took. I couldn't explain how fast I grew accustomed to Paul's affection. Usually I wasn't one to initiate these sorts of things, much less go along with it, but Paul and Noah... something about them, their family and how quickly I was brought into their inner circle made me feel like I was already apart of the family.

It was different then what I was used too.

"Hopefully you had a good time." Paul stepped back.

"Are you kidding me? It was the highlight of my week." I playfully bumped my shoulder into his bicep causing him to sway and spill a guttural chuckle. Looking at me again and smiling so wide his eyes crinkled.

Noah was waiting for us by the front door, my bag and jacket in hand watching us fondly. "Ready?"

I nodded, looking to Paul again. "Good night, Paul. Thank you for everything."

He hummed, his eyes switching over to his youngest child with glittering eyes- exactly like Noah's. "Make sure you get her home okay. There was something on the radio about it raining so be careful, alright?"

Noah nodded and looked to me, his eyes shining. My body was moving before I even thought about it, I turned my back to him and lifted my arms as he pulled on my sleeves and tucked me tightly into my jacket; moving aside my hair and making sure none was going to be pulled. "I'll be back." He spoke, his hands resting on my shoulders.

I walked out the door, shivering and pulling the jacket tighter around my body for warmth. It had gotten colder than before. I looked to Noah, and noticing his lack of layers wrapped my arms around his middle; he let out a noise of amusement and brought me closer.

"You never cease to amaze me, little one." Noah nuzzled his face into my hair, laying a soft kiss to my forehead that made my skin tingle.

I don't think I would ever get used to this feeling of content.

this was incredibly long and very fun to write. it took me so long to get this right and I'm honestly really glad with how this came out. thank you to all the new readers and the residential readers for giving me the confidence to continue. THANK YOU!!

- Jay. ✨💕.

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