Between the Storms

By 2many2count

55.5K 2K 43

Magdelena is back and this time things are just not going for her. With Morgause still trying to get her to j... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven

Chapter Forty-Eight

1.7K 53 13
By 2many2count

48. I Want To Break Free

Arthur was stunned, he had gotten the audience with the 'King' but once he was close enough to see Magdelena he froze and lost his train of thought. Magdelena wore a sleeveless top, which just covered her chest with some black chains coming from it hanging down her ribs, with her right bracelet with a few chains as well while her left one was just a band of black fabric. The bottom showed off her legs and bare feet through the two large slits in the black material which covered the back and part of her sides but with silver chains wrapped around the sides and back of her. A piece of fabric fell down the middle with silver designs on it as well.

Her face held nothing on it, while her dark red-brown hair was shinning as it fell down it waves around her black curved horns. Her neck was a tight black necklace some pointed pieces coming from it down her neck a bit, "I see you also like her new attire," the man says snapping Arthur from his daze as he remembered this man had put her in this and others could see her, "If you would hurry this up, we have some guests here who would like to hear our lovely Queen sing."

Arthur goes to speak but the doors opening to show the knights being led into the room - by smoke clouds of black - along with the King, even Gwen, and Gaius were there. Even the Knights Arthur had just recently knighted, Leon stared at his friend carefully before he looked relieved to see Arthur and Merlin but went back to frightened when Magdelena stepped forward, "Let them stay and watch," she says her voice was hollow as if it was just wind coming through her mouth.

"Come with me and we'll be In a world of pure imagination Take a look and you'll see Into your imagination We'll begin with a spin Traveling in a world of my creation Look and see We'll defy explanation.

Her voice was beautiful like usual but in a creepy sort of way, sending shivers down the entire rooms spines as she sang in her eerie voice.

"If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Want to change the world? There's nothing to There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination Living there you'll be free If you truly wish to be.

There was a pause as the people who were knelt on the floor before here began to scream out in terror, some in pain some in pure sadness. Merlin had to hold himself back but had to grab Arthur's arm as he went to lunge forward.

"If you want to view paradise Simply look around and view it Anything you want to, do it Want to change the world? There's nothing to There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination Living there you'll be free If you truly wish to be.

The evil smirk on her face was enough to break Merlin, but even more so when Arthur looked like he was going to burst into tears himself. 

"There is no life I know To compare with pure imagination Living there you'll be free If you truly wish to be."

The screaming stopped as they all gasped for air clutching their heads, chests, stomachs and covering their mouths, "Mahoney," Leon muttered her eyes flashed to normal horrified as she looked at the people before her but her eyes went back as she was pulled back against the floor in front of the throne like a doll once more.

"Take them away!" the creature snaps and the smoke leads the large group back out of the chambers leaving the four people Arthur squared his shoulders took a deep breath and looked at the creature on the throne, "Now what can I help you with?"

"I think we have solved how to beat you," Arthur says Merlin looks at him taken back by his straightforwardness, "You seem self-assured that we won't or can't find the way to beat you. Care to put it to the test?" 

The demon looked at him carefully, "What do you need of me?" he asks staring at the two males with such humor in his eyes.

"I need to speak to Magdelena," Arthur says, with a snap of his fingers Magdelena bolts up gasping for air before her face turns to disgust as she looks down at her clothes turning to the demon. 

"You sick asshole, what the hell am I wearing!?" she snaps at him before turning to the two males smiling at them, "Can I go hug my brother?" his hand motions her to move and she stands rushing down to Merlin hugging him tightly.

"Besides being a puppet how are you?" Merlin asks staring at her, Arthur was confused as their facial expressions changed even not fitting their conversation.

"Fine, I hate having to hurt these people," she says softly, "How are you guys?" 

"We have been fine, went on a wild goose chase for the Goddess," he says a low feral growl comes from behind them but they all ignore it, "We were unable to find her." She nods softly before turning to Arthur with a smile on her face. 

"Mags," Arthur says, "I know I have said this many times before, and everything seems stacked against us. But I need you to know that I am in love with you, I have always been in love with you and have never stopped." 

"Arthur," she says he smiles slightly as she adds no title to his name, "I-I love you too, I have for a while but I refused to accept it. Well, I'm accepting it now, I love you Arthur Pendragon." Arthur grabs her and pulls her into an embrace kissing her passionately, the man behind them stands growling as he runs toward them.

"NO!" he screams running at them as Magdelena holds up her hand keeping him a nice distance away, "You truly figure out the way to break her from my grasp but have no idea-"

"That only this baby can kill you?" Merlin asks holding up a small bottle in his hand of some shinning liquid in a glass vile. Suddenly Magdelena disappears and Merlin throws the bottle up before it too disappears before it appears above him but he sees it a moment too late as the bottle opens the contents pours over him. 

They watch as he smokes screaming in pain as he turns into flakes, his screaming stops as he turns to a pile of ash which too burns before it was nothing and there was no sign that he had been there, "You two should go free the people in the dungeons," she says staring at them. 

"Magdelena they know you were a puppet, they will not think differently of you," Merlin tells his sister who looks at the floor, but says nothing, "Maggie. Gaius, Leon, Gwen, Gwaine and Lancelot will understand I can't speak for the other knights or Uther."

Magdelena suddenly remembers and looks down at her chest to see the once faded golden dragon on her chest was now bright and placed. She pushed herself through the bond and felt it go to Arthur instead of Uther making her smile slightly as she realizes she was now free from Uther's control.

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