And I'd Do It Again

Oleh NeneJPhilly

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Mercedes Jones is a college freshman just trying to survive her first year of university but when her childho... Lebih Banyak

In the Beginning
Thanks Shall Be Givin
It Feels a Lot Like Slapsgiving
Going Back to the Beginning
Lust is Your New Best Friend
What's Your Truth?
Laying Foundation
First Date Jitters
Operation: Quick Part I
Operation: Quick Part II
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater
The Prodigal Child Returns
Backpacking Across Europe but Not Really
Trial Separation
Shop Around
Graduates Please Stand Up
Shh! We're Hunting Apartments
This is Our Breakup Song
Mi Familia
Dance Party
Days are Just Pages on a Calendar
Kung Fu Fighting
Lake Day Part I
Lake Day Part II
Not Interchangeable
Double Dating
Everybody Talks
Martie: Boo Thang and RT
Love is for Suckas Part I
Love is for Suckas Part II
Birthday Song
The Storm & the Aftermath
Can We Talk?
Friday is Funday
The Magic's All Run Out
Try, Try Again
Picture Day
We're Moving On Up
In Your Darkest Nights
We Can't Stop
About Last Friday Night
Family Togetherness
Maddie Day
We Bought a Zoo
Camera Ready
She Knows
Goldfish Part I
Goldfish Part II
Hang On, We're Going Home
In the End

Smashing Glasses

43 2 0
Oleh NeneJPhilly

Mercedes walked the floor of her bedroom as she listened to Mr. Shue. "I'm so sorry. They must feel just awful."

"They do. I want to do something to lift their spirits so I want to invite all of you graduates back for the next month until graduation. I want it to be one giant party."

"Yeah, I don't mind. I have nothing to do."

"Thank you, Mercedes. Bring your brother and sister. We need as many fun people as possible."

"I'll ask them."

"I'm calling Santana, Brittany and Kurt. I don't know if I want to bother Rachel. I know she's prepping for Funny Girl and she might not have time off."

Mercedes rolled her eyes. "She'll find the time."

"Principal Figgins is giving us another year even though we've burned through all of our money. We have to do some major fundraising next year but at least they'll be a next year."

"I'm happy you'll have that, Mr. Shue."

"We'll start off early next year and work harder. Maybe you'll come back again?"

She wondered why he wanted her back so much. "Maybe?"

"Okay, we'll see you here at three?"

"Yeah. I'll be there."

"Bye, Mercedes."

"Bye, Mr. Shue." Mercedes hung up. She looked around her sparse room before sighing and going to Marc's room. She wasn't sure if he was there. He wasn't.

She checked her sister's room and found it empty, too. She went downstairs and found them in the den. "Hey. What are you guys watching?"

"Unique Sweets." Marcy replied.

"Why?" She leaned against the back of the couch.

Marcy shrugged. "Nothing else to do."

"Well I have something you could do at three. You can come to glee club with me."

"Why on Earth would we do that?" Marc wanted to know.

"Because you're bored and they need the pick-me-up."

"Why? They lose Nationals?"


Marc and Marcy turned to face her. "Really?"

"Yeah." Mercedes nodded. "They lost Nationals."

"Ouch!" Marc grimaced. "How prepared were they?"

"Not very. Mr. Shue isn't big on prepping in advance."

"And he wonders why they lost?" Marcy raised a brow.


"I've never been in glee but you'd think a teacher would teach his kids the value of preparedness."

"Well he hasn't. Actually I agree. But that's neither here nor there. I just want to know if you want to hang out with us."

"I'm way too old to hang out with those kids. I'll go today but that's it and yes, it's because I'm bored as hell." Marc said.

"Swear jar." Mercedes said reflexively. "If you're that bored, don't go."

"I'm bored enough to have your friends entertain me."

"They're not going to entertain you!" Mercedes pushed his head. "And to be fair, they're not exactly all my friends. I don't like Kitty and I don't know Ryder."

"Who names their child Kitty?! Her name must be Katherine." Marcy tapped her bottom lip. "Why don't you know Ryder?"

"I've never spoken a word besides "hello" to him."

"That's because he doesn't talk, right?"

"He does talk. Just not to me."

"Or me. He's said like two things to me."

"But I think he likes you."

"Are you sure? I'm not really catchin the friendly vibe from him."

"That's because it's not friendly." Marc muttered too low for them to hear him.

"I'm sure he wants to be friends. Maybe he's shy?" Mercedes was saying.

"Maybe?" Marcy shrugged.

"So will you go?"

"Sure. I have less than nothing to do. Why am I letting Laura keep the twins again?"

"To give you time. You've been around them since you got them with no breaks. Have you gotten any further in the nanny situation? I think it's a really good idea."

Marcy sighed. "No. I'll have to go to and find somebody."

"I'll help you look." Mercedes offered.

Marcy stood up. "I'll get my computer." She left the room and Mercedes sat on the couch.

"What are you going to do while we're here?" Mercedes asked her brother. "We should really spend some time together."

"Yeah, that's why I came home." He said.

"Cuz you sure didn't come home for spring break."

"I was partying." He grinned.

"I'll bet."

"We can go to the club. They must have things to do."

"Like a tennis tournament?"

"You know I hate tennis."

"But Quinn and I can play. You and I can play basketball."

"It's on. Set up a game."


"I can't do tomorrow."

Her face dropped.

"I'm kidding. Tomorrow."

She punched his shoulder. "You suck so hard."

"Who are you? Marcy? I'm telling Laura you said something so unladylike."

"You're not even talking to her. Except to tease her about her divorce, which is childish. Why are you being so mean to her?"

"Ain't nobody bein mean to her!"

"Yes, you are." Marcy came back.

"Do you even know what we're talking about?" Mercedes asked.

"You said he was being mean to somebody so I took an educated guess. It's Laura." Marcy sat down on the couch.

"It is Laura."

"I'm not mean to Laura!" Marc scowled.

"Yes, you are." Both said instantly.

He threw his hands up. "I'm not going to sit here while you cast my character in shadows!"

"Are you ever going to forgive her, Marc?" Marcy asked seriously.

He started. "Forgive her for what? She didn't do anything to me."

Mercedes looked at him with sympathy. "She broke your heart. That's a hard thing to forgive."

He looked away.

"It's okay to admit to being hurt." Marcy spoke quietly.

"Then let's talk about you and Jr.!" He snapped, uncomfortable with the attention. "Why won't you date him?! Is it cuz you're still mad?!"


Both Mercedes and Marc swung around to view her in shock. "What?!"

"I won't date Mal for plenty of reasons but the main one is that I'm completely infuriated with him."

"Does he know that?" Mercedes asked softly.

"I told him."

"And when are you going to forgive him?" Marc pressed.

"I don't know. I don't wanna hold a grudge against him or hold onto this hurt and anger for a long time. I don't like feeling this way."

"Feeling what way?" Mercedes wanted to know.

"It's like an elephant is on fire and sitting on my chest. My face gets hot and my eyes prickle. My lips tremble and my shoulders slump. I'm so angry, I could spit. Sometimes I just want to slap him silly. It's all this pressure and I'm feeling all these emotions all at once and it's like everybody knows and is watching me to see how I'm reacting."

"Yes!" Mercedes said a split second before Marc. They turned to watch each other. "You? Yes!"

Marc gestured for her to go first. "I don't know if you know this but I had a boyfriend last year. Kinda. Sam. For a while, he was my everything and I even cheated on my boyfriend with him.

Then I kinda lost myself. I didn't listen to you, Marcy when you tried to give me advice. I was just in my head and Sam and I didn't get together until the summer and even then it wasn't official. Then I went off to school and when I came back to help with the play, he ignored me.

Like really ignored me. He hasn't said one word to me this whole year and then he started dating Brittany. That hurt. A lot. I know he doesn't have a type but the skinny blonde I am not.

It really hurt that he was with a friend. It really hurt that he would not just talk to me. It really hurt that he said she was his true love and it really hurt that they got fake married.

And it makes me mad because we used to be able to talk about things and he was so considerate. I never saw something like this coming.

I'm technically over it but the truth is that it did hurt and I never got an apology."

"Neither did I." Marc and Marcy said simultaneously.

"What?!" Mercedes looked at Marcy in shock. "Jr. didn't apologize?!"


Marc frowned. "Are you sure?"

"Very. He said he was sorry but it was about Momma."

"I'm so telling him about himself!" Mercedes gaped.

"No thank you. If he's going to apologize, he has to do it; not be forced into it. I just hope he does it before I no longer care."

"Why?" Marc asked.

"Because then I won't forgive him. It'd be too late."

"I don't know if it's too late for me and Laura. I think I still have time."

"Five years is a long time."

"I don't think I could have heard it before now. I wouldn't have believed her."

"Because she was still married?" Mercedes guessed.

"I don't know. Maybe?"

"If we're going to keep this up, we need to grab some whiskey." Marcy quipped.

"How about we think about a world in which they all apologized? How would that go?" Mercedes smiled.

"Mal would be gettin some." Marcy said at once.

"Wait! You're not having sex?!" Marc was shocked. "I thought you were?"

"No. It's bad enough I'm kissing him but I'm putting a stop to that as soon as possible."

"Well!" Mercedes was in shock (and had to take back a few things she had said about her sister). "I'm proud of you."

"For what?"

"You have a boyfriend and this family has done enough cheating to last it a lifetime."

"I guess you're right."

"I know I'm right. So the three of us need to make a pact. No more cheating. I can do it."

"That's because you got Mr. Perfect." Marc laughed.

"Mikey's not perfect."

"He's never done a girl wrong a day in his life!"

"He told Tina she wasn't Asian enough for him." She said flatly.

"So one to everyone else's millions?"

"Face it, Mercy. You're dating the second best man who ever lived." Marcy twisted her lips.

"Mikey has done a tonne of crap." Mercedes protested.

"But not to a girlfriend."

She groaned. "You're right! He's the nicest person ever. He's so sweet and understanding and insightful and nice!"

"Speaking of being over stuff, did Mikey help you get over Sam?"

"Yes and no. Time and other stuff helped me get over Sam but if it wasn't for loving Mikey, I don't know if I would have ever given someone another chance. I could have ended up an old maid!"

"No, you wouldn't have." Marc smirked. "You're way more forgiving than that."

"I'm telling you; I was! I was so over men!" Mercedes swore.

"Then how did Mikey get through to you?" Marcy asked.

"I have no idea. We slept together during Thanksgiving-"

"Ha!" Marc laughed.

"Shut up. Just shut up." Mercedes pinched the bridge of her nose. "I didn't know what to do but Tana talked me into talking with him. It didn't go well. Things were so awkward with us until Valentine's Day. Santana and Quinn convinced me to give him a chance but I wasn't really sure why until he spoke.

He said the sweetest things. He said I was his truth. How amazing is that?!"

"Wow. He went deep. His truth, huh?" Marcy made a face. "I've never had a guy (or girl) tell me some stuff like that."

"I've never fixed my mouth to lie like that." Marc put in.

Mercedes pushed his arm. "He didn't lie!"

"I'm not saying he did but if it came out of my mouth, it would be one."

"That's sad. You've never said anything sweet and honest to a woman?" Marcy mocked.

"Have you?"

"Hell no. I'm not sweet. I wouldn't know what was sweet and it'd be all too honest."

Marc laughed. "My sister!"

Mercedes pinched her sister's soft cheek. "You can be sweet. You just can't think about it. You're the type of person who has to find the best thing about a person before you compliment them."

"I don't exactly find "best things" about people." Marcy bit her bottom lip.

"I'm telling you; when you find the one, you'll give a compliment."

"The one what?!" Marc sputtered.

"The one she loves. Do you love Pierre, Marcy?"

"No." Marcy spoke immediately.

"Dang! Don't you need to think about it?!"

"For what? I don't. I've known him three months and have been dating for one. I don't love him."

"It could be love at first sight."

"I don't believe in that crap."

"Ugh! You're so unromantic!"

"I am." Marcy taunted. "But I also want to go to Panera Bread."

"What?! Where did that come from?"

"I'm hungry. I'm thinking of a chicken salad or a sandwich. I'm really hungry."

"Yeah, you didn't eat breakfast." Marc noted. "Want to go now?"

"Yeah." Marcy stood. "But I'll have to get dressed."

"Me too." Mercedes stood up. "I have no idea what I want to wear. I'm thinking sundress."

"We're going to PB." Marc made a condescending face. "Who are you trying to impress?"

"I do not step outside this house looking less than fabulous!"

"Thanks, Marc." Marcy said dryly. "You got her talking about fashion. Jerk."

"My bad. I'm going to go get dressed. Like a normal person!" Marc left.

"Do you want me to dress you?" Mercedes asked.

"I'm not three anymore. I don't need nor want you dressing me." Marcy turned the TV off.

"Come on! You'll be cute!"

"I know how to dress cute now!"

"I saw you Saturday. You were so fashionable. But I can step it up a notch!"


"Why not?!" Mercedes stomped a foot.

"I'm wearing jeans today! Leave me alone!" Marcy stomped out.

"Please?!" Mercedes followed her out. "We can dress alike!"


Mike jumped up. "Yes!"

Puck and Finn groaned. "You win again! Are you cheating?!"

Mike glared at Puck. "No!"

"Are you sure?"

"You just suck."

Puck took exception to that. "I do not! You're cheating!"

"I am not! You just don't know how to win!"

"Guys! It's just a game!" Finn waved his arms.

"Hey! Take that back!" Puck shouted.

"Make me!" Mike baited.

Finn got between them. "How about we take a break? Call the girls and see how they're doing?"

"What girls?" Puck was suitably distracted.

"Mercedes, Quinn and their sister. I want to meet her."

"Mercy won't like that." Mike warned.

"I can just meet her as her sister. It won't be like revealing the secret. Come on! She sounds fun. I want to meet fun people."

"If that's one thing Marcy is, it's fun."

"So call them up. We have time before glee club."

"Fine but Puck will have to do it. I can't lie and Mercy's going to want to know if you told."

"Me?! I didn't tell! Mostly." Puck shrugged.

"Whatever. Just make the call."

Puck took his phone out. "Hey, Mama. Where's your sister? I know but I wanted to call you. Cuz you're so pretty. I'm not buttering you up. I don't want anything! Okay, maybe I do. I told Finn about your sister. No! I didn't tell him everything! I just said you had a sister and she was cool.

Yeah, yeah, I swear. I wouldn't do that. Just by the way, what would you do if I did? Uhm hmm. Yeah. Okay, that's painful."

Mike and Finn snickered.

"Well it's a good thing I didn't. So you gon bring her through? We're at Mike's. Yeah, he's here. No, he doesn't know what we're talking about. I'm in the bathroom. Not in the den. We're playing video games.

Why not? Finn's your friend, isn't he? Don't you want him to meet your precious baby sister? Like what? You always go on and on and on- No, I'm not mocking you!"

Mike and Finn fell out laughing.

"What?! No! I came out of the bathroom and am standing outside the den. I don't know what they're laughing at!" Puck glared at his loud friends. "Seriously, just bring your sister by. Tell that lie about Mike knowing her through this year. Was that Mini Mama?! Tell her to stop makin trouble!"

"She does that." Mike told Finn.

"That's cool. Just come through. Mike said you knew how to play instruments. Finn plays a musical instrument. They could talk about that. She is. See?! They have a ton in common. No, it's not. Stop thinking about the bad things. Were you always like this? I wish I could tell you something but your boyfriend could overhear and kick my ass and you'd probably tell Quinn, who'd kick my ass and you'd probably kick my ass so I'm going to shut up and let you decide to come over."

Finn clamped a hand over his mouth as Mike glared.

Puck grinned. "I love you, too Mama. Where's Quinn? Hahaha! Tell Mini Mama that's not nice! I don't know that... Tell her to stop that! I don't want to laugh at that. She's not funny. Okay, maybe she could be a little funny. Are you guys coming or not? Thanks, Mini Mama! I'll see you soon, Mama."

Mike and Finn watched as he hung up and pocketed his phone. "So they're coming?"

"I should beat you. I don't know what for but it seems like the most appropriate venue." Mike folded his arms.

Puck grinned. "Why you wanna hurt me, buddy?"

"What exactly do you want to tell my girlfriend that I'd kick your butt for?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all."

"I don't believe you. We're going to fight, I see."

"Come on, bring it in. Let's hug it out." Puck opened his arms.

"I'm not about to hug you!" Mike recoiled.

Finn laughed. "We should hang out more. This is funny."

"Come on. Hug me, dude." Puck made the universal "bring it in" sign. "I don't let many men touch me."

"Count me in that group." Mike declined.

"I'm going to hug you." Puck came closer.

"Get away from me!" Mike looked at him like he was crazy.

"Come on, dude. You know you want to." Puck came closer.

Mike moved backwards. "I'll fight you."

"But you're still gettin this hug!"

"I'm telling my brother!"

"Which one?"

"Marc!" Mike said as if he should have known.

"Man, he's going to punch me!"

"You need it!"

Puck pouted. "Why you wanna hurt me, bro? I thought we were cool?"

"We were until you tried to hug me."

"A brother can't get no hug?"

"I don't even hug my own brothers. Not really."

"Why not? I hug Kurt." Finn lifted his shoulders.

"We're not a hugging people."

"I wasn't either but my mom and Kurt refused to let me and Burt be."

"Mercy's a hugger. She hugs people she doesn't even know."

"That's weird." Puck said. "I love how friendly she is but that's too far."

"Momma Rose is like that, too. The women have varying degrees of hugs they give out, all the way from Momma Rose and Mercy, who hug anyone who stands still long enough to Marcy, who hugs people once a year and by force at that."

"Quinn never hugged me." Finn thought about it.

"She doesn't hug many people."

"I don't think she liked me very much."

Mike patted his shoulder. "When you first started dating, she lied to me about it. If she didn't like you, she would have told me the truth and let me chase you off."

"Chase me off? Why? We're friends." Finn didn't understand.

"No reason." Mike said quickly.

"There's a reason!" Puck pointed. "I can see it in your eyes!"

"There's not. Let's just wait for the guys to show up." Mike left the room.

Puck and Finn followed him. "You're hiding something!"

"Why would I be hiding something?" Mike ran to the door.

"Tell us, Mike!"

"Alright!" Mike turned around. "You can't get mad!"

"This is gonna be good." Puck crossed his arms.

"We totally won't be mad." Finn soothed.

Mike sighed. "I made a list of guys they couldn't talk to in ninth grade. Both of your names were on it."

"Couldn't talk to?" Finn was confused.

"Guys to avoid. The whole football team was on it but I had stars at the names of the guys that were especially off limits. They both promised to stay away from you all."

"How many stars were by my name?" Puck asked.


"How many could you go up to?"


Finn laughed as Puck's mouth fell open. "What?!"

"I heard about you as soon as I stepped in school. I had to warn them."

"Man!" Puck tried not to be hurt. "Why would you warn them against me?!"

"You knocked up Quinn and I don't want to know what you've been doing with Mercy."

Puck worked his mouth but he couldn't refute that. "Good point."

"What have you been doing with Mercedes?!" Finn felt left out.

Puck grinned sheepishly. "We've been hooking up since Beth was born."

"Didn't you have enough of her freshman year?!"

"What?!" Mike didn't know they'd been together that long or since freshman year.

"Dude! She didn't want him to know about that!" Puck scolded.

"My bad!" Finn waved his arms. "I didn't know what he did or didn't know!"

"He knows nothing about freshman year and if you tell, I'll tell her you know everything and how you pulled it out of Mike! I'll totally lie and make you look bad!"

"Explain! Now!" Mike crossed his arms.

"Nope!" Puck refused.


Finn looked elsewhere. "I don't know anything."

"That would work if I asked you about physics but I know you know about them!"


"Why does it matter? It's been years." Puck shrugged. "She loves you."

"Of course! We've been close since we were three." Mike peeked through the peephole in the front door.

"Yeah but I'm sure she loves loves you." Finn said.

Mike shrugged.

"Don't you love love her?"

"Well yeah. I love everything about her. From her weird hugging fetish and full laugh to how she paints her toenails once a week and wants everyone to get along."

"You call giving hugs a fetish?" Puck grinned.

"She paints her toes once a week?" Finn didn't know that. "I do like her laugh. I always liked when her and Tina got drunk. Happy drunks are the best."

The trio turned to the door as it opened. They heard arguing. The door swung open and four people walked in. "Hey!"

"See, Marcy?! This is suspect!" Mercedes yelled.

"The door was just open?" Marcy tried.

"Did you just come up with that?" Marc asked.

"Yes, I did! Did you like it?" She beamed.

"It was cute."

Marcy made a face. "I don't find that comforting at all."

"You should."

"Guys!" Mercedes snapped as Quinn snickered. "Suspect!"

"What's suspect is there's a song called Tell Laura I Love Her but this one won't even try to say it." Marcy hooked a thumb at Marc.

"Who's that by?" Quinn asked as Marc's (and Mike and Puck) mouth fell open.

"Ray Peterson."

"I'm not telling that woman that!" Marc sputtered.

"You should." Marcy mocked.

"Was that a long winded dig?!"

"I find it funny."

"Me too!" Mike laughed. Marc glared at him. Mike gulped. "Or not. It's not funny."

"It was so! He's just butt sore. He'll get over it."

"I'm not butt sore!" Marc protested.

"Would you two stop it?!" Mercedes was angry. "Now we have to tell Finn the truth!"

"I don't understand why you're lying anyway. It's stupid." Marcy shut the door behind her. "I want chips and juice. Can you supply that, Chang?"

"Mai Luna chips and apple juice? Sure. In the kitchen." Mike pointed around the corner.

Marcy walked out.

"Hi." Quinn kissed Puck. "How's your day been?"

"Short. I woke up an hour ago." Puck responded.

"Really, dude? If I didn't want breakfast, I totally woulda slept in, too." Marc said.

"My mom doesn't make us breakfast. We eat cereal all the time."

"We don't get to eat cereal."

"You can't eat cereal?" Finn was hurt for him.

"No. We only have it when our mom is out of town." Marc wanted to know who he was but didn't have a tactful way of asking.

Luckily Puck had no tact. "Finn, this is Marc. Marc, this is Finn. He went to school with us. He was on the football team when you were captain."

"Ah! The squirt who took my position?"

Finn grinned sheepishly. "Sorry."

"Nah, that's cool. Somebody had to be captain." Marc put his hands in his pockets.

"Finn was also co-captain of the glee club." Quinn told.

"Seems a lot of people were in that club. In my day, you would have gotten beaten up."

"We didn't make it out with no scratches." Puck made sure to let him know.

"We were pioneers." Quinn said.

"Did you know they had a new flavor of these?!" Marcy returned with a heavy tan bag of chips and a bottle of apple juice.

"Yeah. Bread and Butter Pickle." Quinn remembered.

"That's insane, right?!"

"It's pretty good." Marc stated.

Mercedes sighed. They weren't listening to her. "Marcy, this is Finn. Finn, this is my younger sister, Marcy."

"Finn's the guy you both dated, right?" Marcy stuck the bag of chips under her arm so she could shake then open the bottle of juice.


"What?" Marcy didn't understand why she screamed.

"What?!" Both Mike and Puck yelled.

"When was this?!" Puck went on.

Mike held up a hand. "I got this." He looked to Finn. "When was this?!"

"I can't tell you." Finn looked down at his large feet.

"Get out."

"What?! No! Dude!" Finn looked up.

"You have to go!"

"Mike!" Mercedes wrapped her arms around her irate boyfriend's middle. "You can't be mad!"

"Well I am! Have you been with Matt, too?!"

Mercedes pursed her lips. "That's not fair!"

"What about Artie?!"

"He's my musical husband! We don't have anything going on!"

"Musical husband?" Marcy blinked before raising an eyebrow.

"Did you even look over the list or did you just not care?!" Mike ranted.

"Of course we saw the list." Quinn soothed. "That's how we knew who to go after."

"Quinn! Not helping!" Mercedes blew out a breath. "You can't seriously be mad at me for going out with your friends and now that I'm hearing it out loud, it does sound bad but Mikey, be reasonable!"

"I don't want to be reasonable! I want to know why!" Mike yelled.

Mercedes stuck out her bottom lip and it trembled. She wasn't used to Mike yelling at her.

"Stop that! You know I don't like you crying!" Now he felt bad.

"I'm not crying." Her eyes had welled up.

He hung his head and exhaled loudly. He dragged her around until he could wrap his arms around her. "Stop it. I'm not going to yell again."

"I'm sorry." Mercedes whispered in his chest.

Mike groaned. "Don't worry about it."

"But I don't want you mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." He lied.

"Yes, you are."

"I'll get unmad."

"I wuv woo."

"Me too."

"Is it safe to say I don't know what just happened?" Marcy whispered.

Quinn chuckled. "I'll tell you later. Let's just be glad he isn't mad anymore."

"Angry!Mikey is Scary!Mikey." She agreed.

"I can hear you." Mike twisted his lips.

"He's gonna get us!" Marcy whisper-yelled.

"Run!" Quinn added.

He let go of Mercedes (who didn't let go of him) to grab the back of each of their shirts.

"He's got us!"

"Plan B!" Marcy turned around and hugged Mike, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Quinn did the same. "We wub woo, Mikey!"

Mike smirked. "You guys are silly. Go watch TV or something."

"I don't wanna watch TV. It rots your brain." Marcy said cheekily.

"Go watch TV."

"Okay, Mikey." Marcy grabbed Quinn and dragged her to the den, Quinn dragging Puck behind her.

"So Finn? Did you guys win with me gone?" Marc wanted to give the lovebirds time alone.

Luckily Finn caught that. "Uh... we won like two games in three years. We were bad."

Marc led the way to the den. "That sucks. I left plays for that stupid coach. Didn't he use them?!"


Mercedes looked up when they were gone. "I'm really sorry, Mikey. I know you didn't want us with your friends but it happened. Is there anything I can do to make up for it?"

"Well..." Mike pursed his lips. "We haven't been alone all week."

Mercedes smiled. "Are you trying to come through my window again?"

"Maybe? I need to remember why you chose me over them."

"I chose you because you're simply amazing." She kissed him lightly. "And you're forgiving."

"I am forgiving. I'm a saint."

She laughed and pushed him away. "You're a silly mess!"

"Aren't you lucky to have me?" He grinned.

She pulled him close. "So lucky."


"I don't get this show." Finn freely admitted.

"What's not to get? The subtitles are on." Marcy set her juice bottle down in the middle of her crossed legs.

"Isn't it weird to be surrounded by monsters and you're a human? Why is he just making friends with these girls?!"

"Tsukune is a kind soul."

"That vampire chick is weird and why does she kick everybody?!"

"She's basically two people in one. The vampire and Moka. I can't help you with the kicking."

"The thing... the one who's all over him? I like her." Puck grinned.

"You would!" Mercedes hit his arm lightly.

"You just like the short skirts!" Quinn agreed.

"We should be them for Halloween." Marcy said. "I call Mizore."

"Who's that?" Finn asked.

"You'll see her next episode."

"Actually he won't. We need to go. Glee's in ten minutes." Mercedes turned off the program.

"Boo!" Puck framed his mouth with his hands.

"I can't believe you really like this show." Marc grinned.

"He'd like My Bride is a Mermaid." Marcy unfolded herself from the couch and stretched.

"I'm not into mermaids." Puck sat back with a frown.

"That's a surprise." Mike and Marcy said in unison.

"Hey!" He couldn't even fault them for that. "I might be. A little."

"Makes much more sense." Mike nodded once. "Whose car are we taking?"

"Only Travis and Rhonda can fit us all." Marc pointed out.

"When are we ever going to take Suzy somewhere?!"

"Never! You ain't gettin in my car!"

"You named your car Suzy?" Finn lifted his eyebrows. "Mike was the only person I know who named their car. Even though Kurt calls his, his baby."

"Marcy's car's name is Travis."

"I've never heard of a girl naming her car." Finn looked at Marcy, who had left and come back.

"You should have seen when she built him."

"Built him?"

"Our dad is a car freak. He taught us all he knew then bought a car skeleton and a bunch of parts. He told us we had to build our dream car all on our own."

"So out of all the cars you could have built, you built a Prius?" He asked Mercedes.

Who got offended. "Daddy bought me that car! I never finished mine!"

"Oh. Why not?"

"I got busy with other stuff."

"You should totally finish your car. It'll give you something to do." Marcy suggested.

"What am I going to do with my car then?"

"Keep it, sell it, give it away. Do whatever." She shrugged.

"I'll think about it."

"What kind of car do you have?" Finn asked.

"A caddy."

Puck's and Finn's mouths fell open. "No way!"

"Yes way."

"Do you know you have the coolest car?!" Finn sputtered.

"Not even! My car is the coolest car!" Marcy protested.

"That might well be true." Puck scratched his head.

"All this car talk is making me wish I had finished mine." Quinn folded her arms across her chest.

"You got a car, too?!" Finn was starting to wish he was in their family.

"I promise I'll tell you everything tonight." Mercedes swore. "Since I have no choice..."

"You don't." Marc snickered. "We ruined your lie."

"Nobody else can know!" She pointed a finger at Finn, who nodded seriously.

"Come on. We gotta go." Mike patted Mercedes' bottom to make her get up.

She swatted his arm then Puck's as he drooled. "When will Maddie be home?"

"In about an hour and a half. She's on the tennis team."

"That boring A sport." Marcy said.

"It is not!" Mercedes linked arms with Quinn. "I was thinking of playing in a tournament or two at the club this month."

"That'll be so much fun!" Quinn exclaimed.

"We're still talking about tennis?" Puck didn't think so.

"They're still lying about tennis. Tennis is about as much fun as golf. Yeah, I said it." Marcy walked out the room.

Marc ran after her. "Golf is important!"

The rest of the group left quickly to overhear this argument.

"Important to sexist pigs!" She shot back.

"Women play now! They have their ha! moment!"

"And power to those sistas but this one would rather watch paint dry."

"You do. You watch your paintings dry on a number of occasions."

"So I know what I'm talking about. Give it up! You don't even like golf!"

"I've learned to have an appreciation for it."

"How? What's to appreciate? That you get money and trophies for putting people to sleep?"

"Just because you like rough sports don't mean other sports are lame!"

"You watch polo! It doesn't get lamer!"

"Polo is a fine sport!" He yelled.

"Marcy, why'd you go there? You know he likes polo." Mercedes sighed as she ushered her sister out of the house.

"That reminds me; if you're looking for something to do, you could go down to the stables." Mike suggested as he locked the door.

"I could totally do that! I haven't been on a horse in nearly two years!" Marcy unlocked her car.

"Don't ignore me!" Marc snapped.

"Do you guys hear something?"

Marc picked her up from behind and lifted her in the air.

"Put me down!"

"Or what?" He shook her.

"I'm telling Grandma!"

He set her on her feet. "You win this round."

She punched him in the arm. "I'm still telling."

"Is this your car?!" Finn gaped.

"Yes, it is." She gathered all of her hair up and put it in the hood of her grey and white striped sweatshirt. It covered her jean clad bottom.

"It's awesome!" Finn couldn't believe it. "You built it all by yourself?!"

"Marc helped me with the stereo system and Mikey helped me with the dashboard but yeah."

"I thought you couldn't have help?"

"We couldn't but the dashboard took literally two seconds and Marc just told me how to do it."

"This car is amazing! It has three rows of seats?!"

"You should see the inside."

"I call shotgun!" He yelled.

"I guess that means I get the back to myself." Marc climbed in the far back and stretched out.

"He's so weird." Mercedes waved a hand as she climbed in the back with Quinn.

"Yes, he is." Puck was eyeing a geeked Finn.

Marcy connected her phone to the sound system and played a jazz song.

"Oh! I know this song!" Mercedes waved her hands excitedly.

"I believe it." Marcy pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the high school. "How do I get to this place again?"

"You forgot?!"

"I've been twice! Leave me alone!"

"Okay, fine! You drive to the Bean and-"

"I don't know where that is either!"

"Ugh! Drive to the elementary school-"

"Which one?!"

"The one we went to as kids!"

"I don't know where that is either!"


"Okay, I'm joking." Marcy smiled.


The boys snickered. Quinn bit her bottom lip to keep from joining in.

"Okay, I'm here." Marcy slowed.

"Take a right down this street and keep straight until you get to Fulton." Mercedes gave directions well.

"Got it." Marcy took a right then kept straight. "Am I turning left or right on Fulton?"

"Left." Mercedes kept giving the correct directions until they made it to McKinley High. "And we're here."

"I feel like there should have been an easier way..."

"You didn't know where anything was!"

"I haven't been here in two years!"

"You know how to get to the library!"

"I've been there before!"

"You've been- oh yeah. You haven't. Okay. You're right. You shouldn't know where anything is."

Marcy smiled as she turned off the car and unplugged her phone. "I win."

"We'll have another round."

"Will that one have chocolate sauce and whipped cream?" Puck asked.

"Are you hungry?" Marcy turned to him with a frown.

"Are you perverted?!" Mercedes reached around Quinn to slap his chest.

Quinn went for his arm. "Are you crazy?! What is with you and sisters?!"

"You can jump in there any time you want to." He shrugged.

Mercedes and Quinn slapped him.

Mike laughed as he got out. "I like how you make me look."

Marc and Finn cracked up.

"Get out." Quinn shooed her boyfriend.

He got out. "I don't know why I'm always the problem!"

"That's okay, Puck." Marcy put her phone in her back pocket. "I'm always in trouble, too."

"Because you're always moving." Mercedes shut the door behind herself. "You never sit still."

"I'm hearing a lot of "my fault" in this."

"You can't blame her, Sis." Marc put an arm around Mercedes' shoulders. "No one ever taught her how to be good."

"You know what, Marcus Donald?!" Marcy lunged at him.

"Where's Laura when you need her?!" He yelped as he hid behind Mercedes.

Mike picked Marcy up. "Stop fighting, Minx. You're already in trouble for Saturday."

"That wasn't my fault." She mumbled.

"That you kicked a lady in the head?" Finn cocked his head.

"What?! How do you know that?!" Mercedes turned on him.

"What?" Finn blinked. He took a step back.

"How do you know Marcy got violent at the park Saturday?"

"I never said I knew it was at the park on Main."

"Ha!" She pointed at him. "Who told you?!"

Finn pointed. "Him!"

Puck jumped then ran inside the building. Mercedes ran after him as he ran straight to the choir room. He ran around the room, trying to dodge her but she was closing in.

Mr. Shue came out of his office as the others reached the door. "What is going on here?!"

"I'm going to kill you!" Mercedes shouted.

"I'm sorry!" Puck ran for their old teacher.

"Oh you will be!"

Puck twisted Mr. Shue every which way to keep away from her. "I'm sorry now!"

"Mercy, stop! So he didn't keep his mouth shut? What's the worst that happened?" Marcy reasoned.

"How can we trust Finn to keep the secret?!" Mercedes put her hands on her hips. "No offense, Finn. You're not sneaky."

"I snuck around with you!" Finn was offended.

"What?!" Mr. Shue's eyes widened dramatically.

"You don't have to bring that up." Mike scowled.

"Mercy, calm down. It's not that serious." Marcy rolled her eyes. "So Finn knows I clocked a chick at the park? Who is that really hurting?"

"You did what?!" Mr. Shue felt lost by this conversation.

"He could tell about... you know. Us." Mercedes stuck her bottom lip out.

"I hope he does tell. You make me sick with this secret stuff. It makes no logical sense yet you insist on keeping a stupid secret for a frivolous reason. And that's coming from the queen of secrets and mystery." Marcy set her hands on her hips.

"I wish you could understand that I don't want to hurt anybody."

"Shouldn't it hurt Mikey that you're treating him like a baldheaded stepchild?"

"I am not!"

"If I had someone who wouldn't claim me (for whatever reason), it would make me feel like I'm not important to them and that I'm just wasting my time."

Mercedes' jaw dropped. "You've got to be kidding me! You would not!"

"How would you feel if your boyfriend didn't want anyone to know about you?"

"If there are-"

"There are no extraordinary circumstances. There's no reason in the world."

"Sam and I didn't tell anyone we were dating."

"Wasn't that a different situation?"

Mercedes twisted her lips. "Oh yeah. But still it worked."

"How long did you actively try to hide it?"

Mercedes thought about it. "About a week or two. Mikey caught us and Quinn knew beforehand and Puck guessed immediately."

"Wow. You cannot keep a secret."

"Hey!" Mercedes stomped a foot. "I've kept plenty of secrets!"

"Not well." Puck bit off.

"Stop complaining about that! I told you I was going to tell your mother when you turned eighteen if you didn't tell her first!" She shook a fist at him.

"You could have gave me time!"

"You had two years!"

"More time!"

"How much time did you need?!" Mike was confused.

"Until she died." Puck duhed.

"Who? Mercy or Ms. Nadine?" Marcy asked.

"It didn't matter." He shrugged.

Mercedes reached around Mr. Shue and slapped Puck upside the head.

Jake walked into the room. "Ms. Lady and Ms. Lady! Why are you covering up those legs?!"

"Jake!" Mercedes blushed.

"Boy, I'd break you." Marcy scoffed with a hairflip.

"Hurt me!" He grinned as he took his seat.

"Your brother's a freak." She hit Puck in the back. "Clueless but a freak."

She and the others took seats as Mr. Shue pulled Mercedes to the side and more students entered. "I don't know what's going on really but I think I can tell you that if your friends are really your friends, they'll support you no matter what you do."

"Thanks, Mr. Shue." She smiled.

He put his hand on her shoulder. "Anytime."


"I think all those girls are in love with you." Mercedes said as she unlocked their front door and went inside.

"It's a curse really." Marc sighed deeply.

"You enjoy the attention they give you." Marcy shut the door behind herself.

"As much as Jake and the guys give you. I think that Ryder kid is going to die if you touch him."

"Where have you been?" Rose tapped her toe against the floor.

Her children looked at her in surprise. They hadn't even noticed her. Mercedes chewed on her top lip. "Glee club."

"Isn't that over yet?! I wanted to see you as soon as I came home. You weren't here."

"How long have you been waiting?" Marc asked.

"Thirty minutes!"

"Wow." Marcy rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen.

Rose followed behind. "What is that supposed to mean?!"

"That you're completely high-strung and it's ridiculous." She took a bottle of juice from the fridge and opened it.

"I am not high strung, young lady! I would like to spend time with my children before they leave me forever!"

"Don't you wonder why that is?"

"Marcy!" Mercedes couldn't believe she said that.

"Just admit it, you're not as happy-go-lucky about this whole deal as you want everyone to believe. At least I'm being honest."

"You're being mean." Marc said. "I get you're mad-"

"Why does everyone think I'm mad?!" Marcy threw the glass bottle against the wall and it shattered.

Rose and Mercedes yelped. Marc flinched.

Marcy ran a shaky hand through her hair and went to the closet to get a broom, dustpan and mop. She came back and started sweeping the broken glass up.

"Hey. Let me." Marc set her aside and took over. "I don't want you to get cut."

"Marcy." Mercedes reached for her to give her a hug but Marcy evaded her.

"I have- I have to go." Marcy walked out of the kitchen and they could hear the front door slam.

"Momma!" Mercedes flailed her arms. "Why do you have to push her?!"

"What do you want from me, Mercedes Catherine?!" Rose took the mop angrily and started sopping up the juice on the floor. "My own child hates me and nothing I do is making a difference!"

"You could start by apologizing." Marc came back from throwing out the glass. "It goes a long way."

"I could if she stood still long enough for me to! She's so snarky! She's a hateful little thing!"

"Take three guesses on how she got that way, Momma!" Mercedes waved her hands. "We have no idea what she's been through and maybe that's her way of dealing with it?!"

"Don't you think I know that?! I know this is all my fault! But I can't make up for it if she won't let me!"

"Just leave her alone for a while." Marc shrugged. "Being in her face isn't working."

"I can't let her just stew in this! She'll never forgive me!"

"How about Dad? Is he any closer to forgiving you?"

"I don't know. We haven't had a moment alone since this all started." Rose pouted.

"Marcy and Daddy are a lot alike. They need time to get over things. Their anger burns hot." Mercedes advised. "Just give them space."

"I don't know how to." Rose took the mop back to the closet. "I don't like people mad at me."

Mercedes waited until her mother came back to say, "I don't either but if you really want them to forgive you, you have to play by their rules."

Rose sighed deeply. "Alright, fine. I suppose I can stop trying to reconnect with my own daughter."

"Ma." Marc warned.

"Fine!" She snapped. "I have work to do. What do you want to order in?"

"Mexican sounds good." Mercedes wished her mother would listen.

"I'll call in soon." Rose rubbed her temples. She sighed and left the room.

Mercedes turned to Marc. "This isn't going to be over soon. Is it?"

He wrapped his arm around her. "Not at all, Sis. Not at all."


Mercedes opened the front door before Marcy could put her key in. "Where were you?"

"I don't want to do this." Marcy let the twins in before her. "Go play."

The two ran off as Mercedes turned to her sister. "We were all worried about you. You weren't answering your phone. Mrs. C said she'd been calling you for hours. Where have you been?"

"I needed to get some air so I did. I need to go. The twins need to get to bed." Marcy slid her jacket off and put it on a hook by the door.

"I just want you safe and you scared us." Mercedes crossed her arms. "Don't you get that?"

"How did I scare you?" Marcy didn't get it.

"You left and didn't tell anyone where you were going. You didn't answer your phone. You were gone for hours. All scary things!"

"Alright. Fine. I'm sorry." Marcy started up the stairs.

"Remember what I said about pushing me away? You're doing it again." Mercedes turned around.

"Seriously! It's like I can't talk to you sober!" Marcy kept going.

Mercedes groaned loudly as she disappeared into her room. "You're a major pain!"

"Right back at cha!"

Mercedes stomped a foot before going to see where the twins had gone. She found them in the den, playing with their toys. "Hi, babies! How are you?"

"Hi, Tia!" Mickey waved.

Mally got up and hugged her legs. "Hi, Tia."

Mercedes' heart melted before she picked him up. "Hi, my sweet, special boy."

He plowed his hand through her hair and laid his head on her shoulder. "Where Mommy?"

"She's upstairs. Did you enjoy your day with Tia Laura and Tia Maddie?"

"Yes. Tia Laura food and Tia Maddie plays."

"They did?"

He nodded. "We play Hide and Go Seek."

"I'm happy for you." She put him down. "Aren't you sleepy?"

Both twins looked at her like she was crazy.

Marc, who was watching TV, laughed. "Don't think so, Sis."

"Okay." Mercedes knew where she went wrong. "Keep playing. I'm sure Mommy will come down soon."

Mally held up his toy car.

She took it and got down on her knees to play with him. "Thank you so much, sweetie."

Marc watched television while Mercedes, Mally and Mickey played on the floor. Marcy walked in minutes later. "What are you doing?"

"Racing." Mercedes said.

"Thanks. Come on, guys. Time for beddy bye."

"No!" The twins moaned.

"Yup. Come on." She clapped her hands.

"But I not tired, Mommy." Mickey went to Marcy.

Marcy picked her up. "Mommy is."

"You tired, Mommy?" Mally asked.

"Very tired. I want to lie down. Will you lie down with me?"

"Yes, Mommy." He took her hand and led her out.

Mercedes giggled. "So cute!"

Marcy led the way out of the room and went upstairs.

Mercedes struggled to her feet and went to sit by Marc. "What are you watching?"

"Monster trucks." He nodded.

She arched a brow. "What?!"

"Nah. I don't know what this is. I've just been flipping the channels for the past hour."

"There's nothing to watch?"

"I just can't pay attention." He flipped the channel.

"Still thinking about earlier?"

"Yeah. I just hate that we don't know what she needs."

She blew out a breath. "Who are you telling? I feel like we don't know her as much as we thought we did."

"Can two years away really change a person?"

"I don't know. It's like there's always been this cloud above us and we ignored it. Now we have no choice but to acknowledge it."

"I think you're right. She's always had this darkness in her and we've just acted like it wasn't there. That wasn't fair to any of us."

"But especially her. We basically told her we didn't care enough to question what was going on."

"As long as we didn't rock the boat. Because we had it so good."

"I feel like the worst sister in existence."

"Well don't."

They both turned to the door. Marcy stood there, leaning against the archway. "You heard all that?"

"Some. I just came down to get Mickey's doll and overheard you."

"I'm really sorry we never asked about what you were going through, Marcy." Mercedes stood up and went to her.

"I wouldn't have talked about it either way."

"Stop giving us outs." Marc turned the TV off.

"We're your older siblings. We're supposed to protect you." Mercedes added.

"You're four years and ten months older than me. How exactly are you supposed to protect me?" Marcy went to pick up the doll.

"Anything. I could have been honest about being sick." Marc offered.

"And you would have been shipped off somewhere, too. What would that solve?"

"You wouldn't have been alone."

Marcy looked away. "It wasn't that bad."

"Look us in the face and say that." Mercedes challenged.

"Either way, I'm in therapy now. I take medicine. I'm good."

"Do you even sleep?" Marc pushed.

"Who needs sleep?" Marcy joked.

"People. You know that. Marcy, what do you do every night?" Mercedes questioned.

"Sometimes I draw, sometimes I write, sometimes I just play."

"Play what?" Marc asked.

"Wait! I dream of the flute! Is that you playing at night?" Mercedes pointed.

"Yeah. Music soothes the savage breast." Marcy inched towards the door. "I have to go. They won't go to sleep if I'm not there."

"Wait. Dinner's on the table. Are you going to eat?"

"What is it?"

"Mexican." Mercedes wanted to touch her but knew it was a bad idea. "We have Spanish rice. Your favorite."

"I do like Spanish rice." Marcy set a hand on her hip. "Yeah, I'll eat."

"We'll sit with you." She offered.

"That's weird. You watching me eat."

"Who said anything about watching?" Marc wanted to know.

Marcy smirked. "That's better. I should be back in thirty minutes."

"Bye." Mercedes waved. Marcy left. Mercedes sat back down and sighed.

"At least she doesn't blame us." Marc offered.

"Doesn't stop me from feeling guilty."

"Me either. I think I want to do something for her. To make up for it."

"Like what?"

"Like go to an amusement park or something. We haven't been to one in years."

"That sounds like so much fun!"

"Find your own thing!"

Mercedes looked at him in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding me!"

"Nope. I'm apologizing for me!"

She slapped his arm before getting up. "That's okay! We can go to the beach!"

"For what?! We have a pool!"

She floated out. "To pick up men!"

"You both have boyfriends!"


Mercedes parked her car in front of the Changs' residence and got out. She went to the front door and let herself in. She went straight to the den, where her boyfriend was playing video games on the sofa. "How did I know you would be here doing this?"

He turned with a grin. "Hey!"

"Hi." She came closer and kissed him.

"What are you doing here?" He pulled her onto his pajama clad lap.

"Just wanted to see you before I go to the club. Quinn and I are playing tennis today."

"Why?" He blew up a zombie.

"It's fun. It's exercise. It's something to do since that fathead Marc took Marcy to an amusement park. They're going to be gone all day."

"Amusement park? Why didn't you go?" He looked at her momentarily.

"Because Marc wouldn't let me go! He said he wanted Marcy to himself! Isn't that selfish?! That's why we're going to the beach tomorrow!"

"We who?"

"Me, Marcy and Quinn. Hopefully we can get Marc to watch the kids so Laura can go, too."

"How are you going to get him to do that?"

"Guilt him! He can spend time with his niece and nephew!"

"He had trouble the last time." He smirked.

"Didn't you help him?"

"I see where you're goin with this. You want me to help out, too."

"Yes, I do." She leaned close and pressed her lips to his face.

"I'm not that easy, Mercy."

She grabbed his face and pressed kisses to his forehead, cheeks, chin, nose and lips.

"Whatever you want."


Quinn straightened her tiny tennis skirt as she walked back with a ball and racket. "That sounds like fun."

Mercedes twirled her racket as she waited for Quinn to serve. "I thought we could just hang out and maybe scope out guys. You know how much she likes that."

"She likes to rate people." Quinn heaved as she tossed the ball in the air and jumped up to hit it.

Mercedes ran to catch it. "I figure she just needs time away from the house."

"Time with us should help her, too." Quinn hit the ball back over the net.

"I hope so. She's so angry! And we can't even call her angry! It just makes her more so!" Mercedes slapped the ball hard and it sailed past Quinn.

Quinn breathed heavily as she walked out her tired muscles. "What do you mean?"

"Want to get lunch? This isn't a story I can tell while volleying back and forth." Mercedes went to her towel to wipe her face.

"Sure. I'm starving." Quinn grabbed the ball and stuffed it back in the holder. "Ready?"

"Yeah." Mercedes played with her racket. "I'm so exhausted, it's just ridiculous."

Quinn looked at her as they went inside and to the women's locker room. "Why? Are you not sleeping well?"

"I was! But Marcy admitted to not sleeping and it made me paranoid! I'd go to sleep only to wake up thirty minutes later, trying to listen to whatever she was doing instead of sleeping!"

"What do you mean? What was she doing?" Quinn stopped by their lockers to grab her shower stuff.

"She said that she draws, writes and plays the flute at night instead of sleeping." Mercedes stuffed her hair into a shower cap.

"She has to sleep. No one can do all the things she does on no sleep." Quinn stripped out of her clothes and wrapped a towel around her body.

Mercedes did the same. "I don't know what she does but I could hear the flute."

Quinn led the way into the showers. "How can she function on little to no sleep?"

"She played until three o'clock this morning."

"What time did she get up?"

"I don't know. I just know she had the twins up and dressed by the time I came down for breakfast." Mercedes turned on the shower and hung her towel on the hook. "She didn't even eat breakfast. She just sat the twins down to eat then disappeared upstairs. By the time they were done, she was back and dressed."

Quinn lathered up. "Then what?"

"Then she took the twins to your house. She came back and her and Marc left. He'd gotten ready after she left." Mercedes shrugged. "I haven't heard from either of them all day."

"Me either. Have you tried them?"

"No. I spent some time with Mikey then came here."

"Ooh! What'd you do?"

"We just made out a little."

Quinn noticed her blush. "How far did you get?"

"You've been spending too much time with your man."

Quinn grinned. "C'mon! Tell me!"

"We didn't go that far. Second base at most. I had to come here. I didn't have time for all that." She scrubbed the sweat from her body.

"Don't have time for your adorable boyfriend? Tsk, tsk, tsk."

"I am making time for him. In fact, we have alone time tonight."

"Going out? Where?"

"Staying in, actually. He's coming through my window at midnight."

"As incredibly sexy as that is, do you think it's healthy? It's like you're sneaking around."

"We kinda are."

"Mercy." Quinn turned off the water and began drying herself.

Mercedes did the same. "It's not forever! Like I told your super nosy boyfriend and draining sister, I am going to tell everyone. Soon."

Quinn wrapped the towel around herself and stepped out of the stall. "When?"

"Soon!" Mercedes wrapped her towel around herself and gathered her shower stuff.

"Promise? You remember all the flack you gave me about Sam?"

"What?! I didn't give you any flack about Sam!" They walked back to their lockers.

"Yes, you did! You wanted to know why I wouldn't commit to him!"

"Oh. At first I thought you were talking about when we found out you were cheating on him with Finn."

"That tongue-lashing was enough. No, I'm talking about the former."

Mercedes opened her locker and pulled out her clothes. "How is it the same? You wouldn't claim Sam for nothing in the world. I'm claiming Mikey."

"Not to your friends."

"Our friends." Mercedes corrected as she slipped into underwear. "I will. Really soon."

"And how exactly are you going to explain it? That you just started dating or that you've been going out for months?"

"I don't know." Mercedes huffed.

Quinn's shoulders slumped. "It shouldn't be like this. You're the good one!"

"Hey! I'm still good!" Mercedes pulled on her white peasant tunic and pulled off her shower cap.

"You're acting like a girl that wants to leave her options open." Quinn pulled up her black Capri pants.

Mercedes tugged on her blue jean Capris. "I have no more options."

"That was depressing." Quinn pulled her peach peasant tunic over her head.

"Who are you? Marcy? Why are you pushing this so hard?"

"Because you like to be honest and you're not being very honest right now. I just wish you'd scream it from the mountains that you're dating Mikey."

"And one day I will." Mercedes put on her socks and heeled boots. "Just not now."

Quinn did the same. "Whatever makes you happy."

"It's not about my happiness." Both put on their jewelry and fixed their makeup.

"Then what is it about?"

"Other peoples' happiness."

"I'm going to pull a Marcy (and to be honest, a me) and say, who cares about other people?!"

"I'm not like that." Mercedes closed her locker.

Quinn did, too. "You could stand to. Marcy was right at the park. You kill yourself for other people and sometimes it hurts people."

"How can it hurt people to be there for them?"

"Sometimes you have to be selfish to be what other people need."

"Quinn, you've been selfish every day of your life."

"So I know what I'm talking about."

Mercedes led the way to the dining room. "Stop it, Quinn. I am not going to do people dirty to satisfy my own desires."

"We agree to disagree." Quinn found a table and sat down.

Mercedes looked over the menu. "I want soup. What about you?"

"I could go for soup. It's not that hot out."

A waiter came by. "What would you like?"

"I'd like the carrot tomato bisque." Quinn said.

"And I'd like the same." Mercedes added.

"And to drink?" The waiter wrote it down.

"Mango iced tea." Both said in unison.

"I'll be right back with those teas."

Mercedes watched as he walked off. "Anyway this situation at home is a mess."

"You were going to tell me how angry she gets." Quinn remembered.

Mercedes heaved a sigh. "Yes! She threw a glass bottle at the wall."

Quinn's jaw dropped. "She did not!"

"Yes, she did! She and Momma were arguing and Marc and I were trying to calm them down when she just let loose and threw it."

"Oh my goodness!"

Mercedes rolled her eyes. "We were completely freaked out. She left and we didn't see her for five hours!"

"So that's what Laura was talking about!"

"What?" Mercedes was confused.

"Laura asked me if I had seen her or if I'd talked to her."

"What did you say?"

"I said no. I hadn't talked to her since she dropped me off."

"I wonder where she went." She smiled as the waiter came back with their teas. "Thank you."

"Thanks." Quinn mumbled.

The waiter bowed before leaving.

"So what happened when she came back?"

"She put the twins to bed. Then she ate and went upstairs to do whatever it is she does. She started playing the flute at eleven. I wanted to go in and talk to her but it's not like going into her room has ever yielded great results."

"Like when we used to go in Laura's room when we were little? I remember how we used to steal her gum."

Mercedes smiled. "Remember how it was the baddest thing we'd ever done until we got to high school?"

Quinn snorted. "Then I jumped in with both feet?"

"Stop it! Part of growing up is making mistakes."

"Is it really awkward around the house?" Quinn changed the subject.

"Kinda. Daddy's not really talking to Momma and Marc and I just convinced her to leave them alone. Marcy hasn't said a word to her. Both were quiet this morning. I really don't know what to do."

"Why try? Their relationship is going to take a while to heal; if it ever does."

"I want it to. I can't see Momma as anyone other than the woman who sang me awake when I was little, who makes me breakfast every morning, who taught me to love every part of myself. I can't think of her as the monster who denied her own child love and affection. It hurts too much."

"Don't think of her as a monster. Think of her as a flawed human being."

"I know she's flawed. I haven't thought she was superhuman since I was six."

Quinn chuckled. "I remember how Mom asked her how she did it all. I thought she was Wonder Woman."

"Now I know she wasn't."


Mike walked into the house and headed to the den to finish his game of Zombies Attack. He drew up as he saw his brother on the couch. "Hey?"

"Hey." Mal inclined his head.

"When'd you get home?"

"About an hour ago. Someone was accused of being on drugs so there's this whole investigation going on before the championships."

"Are you serious?"

"No. The coach said we needed a day off because he was sick of seeing us."

Mike slapped him upside the head. "Jerkoff."

"You're just a hater. I'm funny."

"And you're playing my game!" Mike gaped at the screen.

"I think you mean I'm owning your game." Mal boasted.

"You're such a-"

"Hey! My kids are here."


"Upstairs. Maddie's playing Hide and Seek with them. Mally keeps asking for it for some reason."

"Are you going to potty train him like Marcy wanted you to?"

"Yeah. He keeps pulling off his pullups whenever he has to pee. It's a little disturbing."

"It's what you did."

A zombie bit Mal's character. "Dude!"

"Nobody's here." Mike chuckled.

Mal just sucked his teeth. "Whatever. Where have you been?"

"Glee. Where I go every day."

"How was it?"

"I had to sit up and listen to these kids sing and dance for an hour."

"That sounds painful."

"They're talented."

"Tell the truth."

"They are talented. They can sing and a couple of them can dance well."

"But listening to them sing for an hour was not fun and you know it."

"It wasn't. Mr. Shue has them doing lessons still and they have a lot of weird drama going on."

"That you don't care about."

"Not at all. I'm over high school drama."

"You're into adult drama?"

"What?" Mike sat beside him and picked up another controller.

"Look at what's going on around here."

"You mean Marcy? Is it because she disappeared for four hours?"

"It was five and yes! She can't just take off like that."

"You're not her dad. You can't make her do what she doesn't want to do."

"She doesn't want to keep in touch? Let us know where she is or if she's safe?"

"You're exaggerating. So she took off for a couple hours? She's entitled to some alone time."

"Momma Rose sounded frantic on the phone."

"She probably calmed down."

"Why are you so nonchalant about this?"

"Because she can kick everyone's butt! Who's going to mess with her?!"

"Somebody's gotta be suicidal."


Mercedes waited for Marcy to get out of the shower on her sister's pallet. She'd been waiting exactly twenty six minutes when Marcy emerged from the small bathroom in green pajamas. "Hey?"

"Why are you in my room?"

Mercedes sighed. "You just grabbed the twins and put them down before hopping in the shower. You didn't tell me about your day or anything."

"What do you want to know?" Marcy went to the closet and threw her clothes on the floor.

"Did you have fun?"

"Sure." Marcy came back and stared at her.

Mercedes grew uncomfortable. "What?"

"You're in the way. And get out."

Mercedes hopped up. "We're going to the beach tomorrow."


"We as in you, me, Quinn and Laura."


"It'll be fun. Way more fun than a day at an amusement park."

Marcy snorted softly. "I don't even have a swimsuit here."

"We can go shopping for one. I need a new one."

"Yay. More shopping."

"We'll pack food and stuff so we can stay all day."

"At the store?!"

Mercedes giggled. "At the beach!"

"Oh." Marcy clutched her hair. "Blonde moment."

"So we'll get started right after you drop the twins off."

"Off where? If Laura's going with us, that means only Marc or Mikey can babysit and Mikey's not stupid enough to do it alone so he'll come here anyway."

"You think too much." Mercedes blinked.

Marcy grinned. "It's a curse."

"Yeah, yeah. Go to sleep." She went to the door.

"What else would I do?" Marcy turned the lights off.

"Thanks a lot." Mercedes deadpanned. "And you do a lot of things other than sleeping."

"I do have to sleep, you know. It may not be for long but it does happen."

"Good. Make it happen tonight."

"Or what? No shopping?" Marcy crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head.

"Don't get happy. You're totally going shopping." Mercedes went through the door and closed it behind herself before going to her own room.

She made up her pallet before going to her closet for PJs then her bathroom to utilize it. Then she came out to get rid of her dirty clothes. She tied up her hair then sat in her window-seat with her phone and texted Quinn.

She kept up four conversations at once before texting Laura the plan for the next day. It was around eleven so she told them she was going to bed (Quinn gave her a hard time, teasing her).

She plugged her phone in then got under the covers to wait for Mike. It got boring after five minutes. She got up and went down to the kitchen and started making snacks for the next day.

She made her and Marcy's favorite sandwiches before packing nuts, crackers, cheeses, strawberries, grapes, celery, cucumber slices, radishes, broccoli, chocolate chips and pretzels. She added two jars of peanut butter, one actual peanut butter and the other soy-nut butter; gelatin free gummy bears; M&M's (almond and mint); dried fruit; Mai Luna chips and Oreos.

She stored the picnic basket in the refrigerator and went upstairs. It was nearly midnight and she couldn't wait to see her boyfriend.

Speaking of him, he slid the window open.

She grinned in the dark and closed the door behind herself before hurrying to the window. "Hi!" She whispered loudly.

Mike hoisted himself off the sturdy branch and slid into the room. "Hey. Miss me?"

She kissed him softly. "Yes, I did."

He grinned. "Good."

"Come in." She giggled.

He gestured behind him. "Do you want me to shut this?"

"If you want. It's not that hot." She moved back.

"Okay." He left it open. "What were you doing before I got here?"

"Getting stuff ready for tomorrow. I told you about us going to the beach, right?" She walked to her pallet.

He followed her. "Yeah. I'm going to miss seeing you in your bathing suit."

She rolled her eyes as she blushed. "I have to get a new one. I packed my old one away."

"I don't think I left one out either." He pulled her down on the pallet.

She snuggled in close. "Are you planning on swimming at all while we're here?"

"I don't know. Maybe? It doesn't really matter if I do or not, does it? I could always go skinny dipping."

She laughed. "Mikey!"

"Mom would kill me but it'd be worth it." He tugged on a lock of her hair.

"You're so bad." She leaned in to kiss him.

"Who me?" He kissed her back.

"Yes, you. You're naughty."

"Is it naughty of me to want you out of that night dress?" He pulled on a strap.

"A little. Is it naughty of me to want you to take it off me?"

"Not at all." He lifted the hem then ripped it off her.

"Mikey!" She gasped.

"That was an accident but I can't say I'm upset." He lifted his hand.

She slapped his arm with a frown. "You destroyed my night dress!"

"I'm sorry. I'm not sorry."

Her face showed she was not amused.

"I'll buy you a new one. I'll buy you a better one."

"You better! And I want it to be silk!"

"Why would I get you anything else?"

"You could get me cotton. You'd do that. In fact, you don't know the difference. You're a boy."

"I would say I'm offended but I don't actually know the difference. I'll make sure to get you silk."

"Thank you." She leaned forward to kiss him.

He deepened the kiss and threw the night-rail away from them.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him lay them down. He put one arm behind her back and the other caressed her body. She smiled onto the kiss before breaking it. "I need to breathe."

"Why?" He nibbled along her jaw.

"I need oxygen to live." She giggled.

"It's overrated." He licked her neck before blowing on the slick spot.

She shivered. "Where did you learn that?"

He bit the spot. "You don't know me. I invented it all on my own."

"I know everything about you, Chang." She squirmed.

"Oh, you do?" He moved on to another spot.

She wiggled more. "I do."

"Prove it. What am I thinking right now?" He leaned back.

She stared at him for a moment. "You want me to stop talking so we can have sex."

"You do know everything about me..."

She slapped his arm. "Come here."

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