The Vampire

By ragexian

21.1K 755 30

Highest ranking : #12 in state. Scarlet shades of huge chandelier reflected soft glow in apparently midnight... More

chapter 1
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36

chapter 24

384 17 1
By ragexian

A soft hum of breeze swept past Skye and Leon as they both walked on the shore. It was evening time and she thought it was the best idea to bring commander out in fresh air to help him increase the healing process.

It's been a while since they have been much marching around, occasionally talking to each other but mostly silent as they watched sunset. Both were lost in their own thoughts that were unsurprisingly knitted around each other.

She was wondering about her own future. Her mother's health was deteriorating and she had endangers her safety as well by entering inside her door seal in this critical situation when the soldiers must have been out on look for her and ready to put her in the prison for lifetime.

She chanced a glance at his peaceful but thoughtful expression. What would happen to him if he gets caught?

King might accuse him of helping her or worse, accuse his of kidnapping her. There would be nothing to save him from ending inside the prison. Who would take care of her and stand beside her. The moments she both spend had created a sense of familiarity between them and now all she wanted was for them to stay this way throughout their life time. But a sense of discomfort was nagging at her chest and she couldn't shrug this feeling off.

Before they could feel tired in this heavenly environment, they heard the running footsteps approaching them. Both followed the directions of sound and found a small kid hurriedly making his way towards them.

Her heart lurched in her throat as the unease that she had been feeling increased at alarming state and she prayed to God for everything to be good and in harmony.

Commander Leon lurched towards the kid and stopped him by his shoulders, looking him in the eyes worriedly,"what is it, son?" He kindly interrogated the kid.

The kid took a moment to bring back the normal rhythm of his breathing and when they turned from frenzy to somewhat harsh but a tuned rhythm, he spoke," there, I saw your mother there." He replied while sinking his eyes inside Skye's and she bolted towards the direction, this kid was indicating at.

A sight that greeted her pushed out a piercing scream through her throat and she didn't sense halting footsteps of Leon behind her. Her eyes widened at her mother's lifeless body laying beside the well with her lifeless eyes watching the Skye as if all the sorrow of this universe was held in them.

He approached her mother's body but Skye was motionless and frozen in her state. She could move another muscle as if her senses were betraying at her commands and left her side just like her mother.

Suddenly she felt naked and harsh wind pinched her body from each side and tears prickled down her eyes at the sudden unfamiliarity of the place and how outcast she felt at that moment.

She fell on her knees at some distance from her mother's body, not taking her blurry eyes off her.

A shocking gasp escaped his mouth but she couldn't detect at that moment what he was doing or feeling when her life surely turned upside down.

"Skye!" He chocked out in alertness and concern while running his fingers at the flesh of her mother's throat,"she had been-" his voice died down in the end pushing her concern to the highest degree and she neared herself to him while looking at her mother and soon she spotted something that widened her eyes, stealing all the breath from her lungs away.

"Sh-she had been---" no effort on her behalf could bring the words out of her mouth as she saw a strangled creases around her mother's throat.

Before they knew what was happening, a net came flying over him and she shrieked in horror. The soldiers sneaked around them tightening the net around commander Leon who struggled against them.

Her panicked cries soon turned into pained ones when a soldier grabbed her by the shoulder and pulled her up in one swift motion, not paying attention to the piercing pain that shot through her body but was dominated by the bleeding of her heart for her dead mother.

She could hear Leon screaming something to her, saying something to her in desperation as he got carried away by ruthless soldiers but she was too baffled to make out any of his words properly and it all felt on deaf ears.

A soldier yelled at her to shut up while encaging her arms and at this moment she realized that she was trying to break out of his arms and was pushing herself towards commander Leon with tear filled eyes and piercing screams.

Finally she found his eyes that were locked on her despite his state and now that he was out of the net and held by arms by two soldiers. His eyes held pain as they were stuck at her writhing form. One of the soldiers was holding him by his aching shoulder but it seemed like he didn't even notice because all the pained already overtook him at seeing her writhing form in the tight grip of soldiers.

No matter how much she screamed or how much he shouted, these so many soldiers that she was unable to keep a count didn't let them go. They didn't let her fall over her mother's unmoving body and wail there peacefully without caring about the world.

They didn't let her complain to her mom for leaving her like this in the hands of such cruel world. She cried, wailed and writhed in pain but all fell on dead ears of her mother but was cutting down the heart of commander Leon who was being torn into pieces at seeing her in agony and was being held captive, preventing him to run towards her and embrace her in his safe arms.

He kept yelling at them to let him go, trying profusely to break his chains so he could save her from the pain that was digging inside her instead of the outwardly pain.

They both bled in pain for each other as they were dragged away towards the castle to finally answer the questions which they were running away from in the past days.

And God was the only power that was left beside them at which they could rely on.


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