Issues // H.S. // A.U.

Da Hitterj

1.4M 35.9K 88.7K

18+ / Very Mature "So you've been stalking me?" "Completely." I laugh at his candor and I watch as his eyes l... Altro

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six

Chapter Nine

58K 1.2K 4.4K
Da Hitterj


I took extra special care grooming today, taking up the shower for way too long, but my excitement was growing, knowing I would get to see Harry again, and this time we wouldn't have any restrictions placed on us.

But I was also really fucking nervous.

Tonight I was meeting his friends. I immediately pictured the blonde girl I had seen around him at parties, and Harry had told me that Bishop from my psych classes was a good friend of his as well. I wanted them to like me. I wanted them to approve of me.

I was a little worried that they might've thought I was one to get in the middle of drama, since the only time any of them had really paid attention to me was when Kara tried to start a fight with me. I was also hoping she wouldn't be there. I didn't know how close she actually was with them. Both parties she had been glued to Harry's hip before I showed up.

My roommates had decided to go to a party at a frat house while Andrew told me in secret that he had a date with this mysterious girl he's been refusing to talk to me about. Currently he was in my room finishing up some homework while I was putting on my makeup. I had my outfit picked out, courtesy of Cassie, who is a little too invested in my sort-of relationship with Harry.

For the past few days all I've been thinking about was how easy it was to open up to him. How he already knows more about me than some of my closest friends, and how I'm not completely freaking out about it. I knew it was the same for him. I could tell he never really confided in any of his friends about his family problems. What I wasn't certain of was if I only really knew about it because I witnessed it first hand.

My phone buzzed and I saw a text from Harry telling me he was on his way. Since I had given him my number we had spent a lot of time texting about nonsense. We never spoke about anything too serious, reserving that for face to face, but I got a really good sense of his humor now, and I knew quite a bit about his favorite books and movies. We had also added each other on SnapChat, snapping a ridiculous amount of photos back and forth throughout the school day.

I sprayed my setting spray on my face and grabbed my outfit to change in the bathroom since Andrew refused to leave my room. Coming back in, I sat in my desk chair and perused my phone while waiting.

"Are you nervous?"

I looked up to see Andy closing his textbook and looking at me. I sigh, "Yeah, I just wish you guys would be there, you know. I've never really done this sort of thing."

"You should be grateful that Harry wil at least be there. You made him meet us by himself."

I chuckle, "That's true. I can't imagine how nerve-racking that would be. At least I sort of know Bishop."

"He's in your psych program?"

"Yep, we did a group project together last year."

My head shoots towards my door when I hear the doorbell ring, and my heart rate had picked up considerably. I hear a little laughter from Andrew and send him a look. He raises his hands up in surrender, but teases, "Do you want me to answer, so you can have your She's All That moment?"

"Shut up." I roll my eyes and head to the door, "I don't even understand that reference. Never seen the movie."

"You've never seen any movie!" Andrew calls out to me as I exit my room, but I just flip him off and head down the stairs.

When I open the door I'm met with familiar green eyes and an unruly mop of curly brown hair. I curse myself as I feel the heat rise in my face. After this past week everything has changed. We seem more serious about us, and it's making me do stupid shit like blush and get nervous when I see his name cross my screen.

"Hey." His raspy voice sends shivers down my spine, and grin spreads across my face when he leans down to place a soft kiss to my lips.

"Hey." I reply back, reaching my hand up to hold his face close to mine.

He steps a bit closer and kisses me again, this time deeper and needier. I can tell in an instance that this kiss is different than the ones we've been sharing this past week. This is more like that pure hunger that we felt those first two times. His strong hands held me close to his body, reaching down to squeeze my ass and push our pelvises together. I'm almost certain that we won't be making it to this party when I hear someone clear their throat behind me.

We separate and see Andrew staring at us with a smug smirk on his face. "You two are going to be late if you don't head out right now."

I groan at him, and I hear Harry mutter something about a cockblock. I grab my purse and keys and lead him out of the house, yelling back at Andrew, "Have fun on your date with your girlfriend! Don't forget protection!"

"Not my girlfriend!" He yells back at me, annoyed, while Harry laughs at us. "Have her back by one!"

"Sorry, mate, but she won't be coming back tonight." Harry calls back at him, leading me to the passenger side door of his SUV.

I smile at the thought of another night with him, "Who said I was coming home with you? Kind of presumptuous, don't you think?"

He opens the door for me, and holds my hand as I step into his car. Leaning down he speaks lowly to me, "Please, my dear Dani, my perfect, sexy, beautiful Dani, come home with me tonight."

My smile widens at his words as I nod and kiss him. I mumble into his lips "Can't wait... Can the night be over already? Need you."

He kisses me deeper, tongue massaging mine. I'm lost in him again, so easily that I'm scared. What is this boy doing to me?

We jerk apart at the sound of a loud honk. My hand clutches my heart, and we both look around wildly until we spot Andrew's head hanging out of his car impatiently waiting for us to leave so he can back out of the driveway.

I can't help but laugh, playfully pushing Harry away and watching him walk briskly to the driver's side door. He opens it and sends me a cheeky grin. He backs up without another word, and starts driving away from my house. His hand finds my thigh and squeezes it, asking, "You ready for this?"

I rest my head on the headrest and tilt my head to look at him, "Yeah, I think so."

"You know we don't have to do this tonight, right? I don't want you to feel like you have to meet them-"

"No, Harry, I do! I really do... I'm just nervous, and I feel stupid, because this is the first time I'm doing this, and I can't really complain considering I threw you to the wolves last week."

He furrows his brows, "You're not stupid, Dani. So what if this is your first time doing this? It's my first time too. I've never introduced any girl to them, and I know they're going to try and embarass me or some shit." His thumb caresses my clothes thigh. "And you don't need to be nervous or anything. They already like you."

"How do you know that? They just know me from the whole drink-in-face-and-slap fiasco. They probably think I'm some drama queen!" I'm working myself up at this point, and I know it. I try and calm down, but fail miserably when I feel slightly nauseous all of a sudden.

"Okay, baby girl, I need you to calm down. My friends aren't like that. Plus they know Kara was responsible for that whole thing. Sammy is convinced you've got me whipped, and she loves that. Conner has been hearing me talk about you nonstop since I met you, so he might be a little annoyed, but he'll get over it. Bishop thinks you're some kind of genius and is stoked we're hanging out, so he can ask you to help with his classes."

I laugh out, "I know. I don't know why I'm freaking out. I just want them to like me, and they might like what you've told them about me, but I bet you've been talking me up like crazy. I'm not going to live up to it."

"Daniella, listen to me." He said forcefully. The use of my full name perked me up, still not used to the sound of it coming from someone so affectionately. "They are going to like you. There's zero chance in hell that they won't because I do. You're actually impossible to dislike. You're smart, funny, kind, and so, so fucking beautiful."

My face turns red at his compliments, smile beaming, and nerves somewhat settling. I took his hand in mine, encasing his warm, calloused fingers with both of my small hands. I saw a faint smile form on his face and said, "Just don't leave me, okay?"

He glanced over at me, "Never."


I shouldn't have ever been nervous. His friends were great. Currently I had only met Sammy, Bishop, and Conner, who seemed to be closest to him. Harry stuck by my side the entire time, his hand never leaving my body whether he was holding my hand as we walked around the party, or had it slung around to grip my side and pull me into him.

I could tell his friends were a little surprised at just how comfortable we were with touching each other. I guarantee they've never seen him like that, and it made me nonstop smile the entire night.

"Honestly, Dani, I'm surprised you put up with him." Sammy teases after telling me a story of Harry almost getting arrested for doing a drunken striptease in a bar on his twenty-first birthday.

It was obvious just how close these two were, and it was cute to see how much he cared for her. He had already told some guy to fuck off, an ex I believe, and was very clearly trying to make sure she was okay.

"You're the one who's known since he was sixteen! I should be asking you that." I answer back, making her laugh.

Harry frowns at the two of us, "I never should've introduced you two. You're both going to be such a pain in the ass."

"Oh, and I'm pretty sure I was actually at the same bar that night. I vividly remember some guy climbing onto a table and stripping down to his boxers." I smile coyly at Harry, whose face had paled.

"Shut the fuck up. You're playing with me." He questioned.

"No, wasn't it at Calhoon's?"

Everyone started laughing at that. Conner seemed particularly ecstatic at the fact that I had witnessed Harry at such a low moment. It was clear that he was embarrassed, grumbling under his breathe. I chuckle at how adorable he looks, and wrap my arms around him, linking my fingers on his side to bring him closer to me. He rolls his eyes at me, but I notice the slight upturn on the corner of his lips.

"I cannot believe you saw that." He groans playfully, squeezing me tighter against him.

I leaned up on my tiptoes and whispered in his ear, so no one else could hear, "I remember thinking how sexy you were..."

He snorted, "Oh really, how sexy I was while being piss drunk and dumb as fuck?"

I smiled widely, shrugging, "Maybe it was just your body then... I really like the tattoos."

"Would you two stop with your flirty little secrets?" Conner groaned.

Harry was right about him talking about me too much. Conner had told me about all the nights he had spent with him giving him advice, and how starry-eyed Harry has been since meeting me. I could tell Harry wasn't happy that he had told me this, but I found it adorable. His roommate was definitely playing up the 'annoyed friend' card, and I could tell it was really just to embarrass Harry. At one point bending down to whisper in my ear that he had never gotten the chance to do this sort of thing with him, so now he was milking it for all his money.

"I think it's cute. I've haven't seen Harry like this since high school." Sammy chimed in. "And honestly he was never this into either of his girlfriends-"

"Hey, Bishop, how did that test go you were stressing about?" Harry interrupted.

I snorted at his obvious change of subject, but went along with it ending up in a pretty long conversation with Bishop about classes. Harry, Sammy, and Conner had started talking about something entirely different.

Everything felt right. Harry was right next to me, casually holding me to his front, his thumb hooked into my jeans belt loop, while he talked to his friends. Once again it was like we have known each other for much longer, comfortable with just being in the presence of one another, not needing to be speaking to each other the entire time.

As the hours pass, more of Harry's friends come by to say hi. I notice he knows practically everyone, and many of my friends as well. I could see a lot of eyes on us as we greeted people and had small conversations. Neither of us addressed it, not feeling the need to. It wasn't anyone's business.

There were a couple uncomfortable moments. About an hour in, a guy I vaguely recognized walked up to us, and it wasn't until a weird comment he made did I realize I had hooked up with him last year. I immediately froze up, not quite sure how this would affect Harry and I. Obviously he knew I had gotten around, that was no secret. I mean we met right after both of us had had sex.

"Dani, sorry I didn't call you after we hung out." Chris says.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him, but I couldn't hold back the furrow of my brows, causing a look of mild disgust to exist on my face. I saw Bishop raise his eyebrows at the comment, Sammy holding back a laugh, and Conner rolling his eyes and making eye contact with Harry. With Harry being directly behind me I couldn't see his face, but I felt his body shift a bit, tightening his hold on me.

"Totally fine." I try and brush off his comment, looking at Sammy to ask her something.

Unfortunately he persisted, "I mean, it's not fine. That's not how you treat a lady. Especially one that gave me a night like you did."

There was a weird silence that filled the air within our group. I didn't know how to handle this type of thing, especially not in front of an audience. I didn't want Harry's friends to think badly of me, even though I was pretty sure they knew I had handled sexual experiences a lot like Harry had in the past.

Harry's hold loosened around me, and for a second I thought he was going to pull away, but instead his hand slipped from my side to lightly take hold of my hand. It wasn't possessive, it was like he just wanted me to know he didn't care. I was agitated, however, that this guy was playing some game with me. I also had the strong feeling that him and Harry had some weird history by the looks Conner is giving Chris.

"I don't know how you would've called me considering I never gave you my number." I answer back in a dry voice.

He seemed momentarily stunned at my boorish response, but tried once again, "Right, well maybe I can make it up to you. I'd love to take you out sometime."

At this I just looked at him like he was stupid. I thought it was quite obvious that I was with Harry now. I glanced at everyone, making eye contact with Conner who looked like he wanted to strangle the guy.

"There's nothing to make up, and in case you didn't notice I'm a bit busy at the moment." I hold up Harry and I's intertwined hand. He gives me a quick squeeze in appreciation.

"Yeah, well we all know what Harry's like. When he's done with you I would love to get to know you more."

Out of the corner of my eyes I see Sammy's jaw drop at his insulting insinuation, but it's Harry I'm focused on. His body had gone stiff and he pushed off the wall, one word escaping his mouth before I interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, am I some toy that can be passed around from guy to guy without a care in the world?" I let go of Harry and stand defiantly in front of Chris, arms crossed and eyes blazing.

"No," he says quickly realizing his mistake, "that's not what-"

"Oh, yes, please tell me what you meant." I say sarcastically, "Cause I really give a shit about how you meant that incredibly demeaning and sexist comment to sound. Dude, I didn't even recognize you when you first came up here. You think I remember every below average fuck I have? And like I would give two shits if you called me afterwards, and I know you don't give two shits about me. You're just making this a thing, because of some dumb alpha male fight you've got going with Harry or whatever. Just leave me out of it, Chris. I'm really not interested in this male ego shit. Also, don't ever fucking talk about Harry like that in front of me, because you really won't like my response."

Chris's face was beet red by the time I was done with him, everyone's faces having a mixture of surprise and glee written across them. Conner started laughing in disbelief as he walked away without another word.

"Holy shit! That was awesome! I hate that guy!" Conner said through his laughter.

"That was very entertaining to watch." Bishop said with a small smile on his face.

I turned back around and step towards Harry who has an amused look on his face.

"You do know that his name is not Chris, right?" He asked with a small chuckle.

I stopped in front of him, "Wait, really?"

Everyone started laughing while Harry shook his head looking very pleased. "No, his name is Todd."

"Todd? Who the fuck names their kid Todd these days." He rolls his eyes at me, but pulls me into his chest. "Huh, I really thought his name was Chris."

Just then someone popped in and told us to head outside and join a game of King's Cup that they were starting. Everyone agreed, both Harry and I heading to the kitchen to get a bottle of beer to join in.

"I'm sorry about that, Harry." I say as I pop open my beer.

"About what?" He says genuinely.

"About Chris."

He smirks at my use of the wrong name, but in all honesty, I've already forgotten his real one. "There's no need to be sorry. He's an ass, always has been. You were right when you called him out on all that male ego shit. He's never really liked me and Conner. Conner is actually dating his ex, and Todd tried fighting him once like a year and a half ago, and I split up the fight. Long story short, I had to knock him out to get him off of Conner, and he's never gotten over it."

His faced looked apologetic, probably not wanting to me to get the wrong opinion of him, but I just smile up at him, "You're a good friend." He hums as I lean up to peck his lips.


I laugh as he holds me to him and presses several short kisses to my lips. "I'm also glad you didn't get mad that I hooked up with him."

"I would be a huge hypocrite if I got mad about something like that. Honestly we are probably going to have to deal with that a lot. It's not like I'm some virgin." He teases.

"Definitely not a virgin. Too skilled for that." I press a more passionate kiss to his lips, this time slipping in my tongue.

He pushes me into the corner of the kitchen, so no one would bother us, and deepens the kiss. We had done a really good job at keeping our hands to ourselves - or rather our mouths - since we got here. I felt him get more and more desperate for me, hands straying into dangerous territory.

"Can we leave now." He mumbles into my tingling lips. "Need you. Been too long."

I hum, loving his lust for me, but deny his request, "Soon... Still want to get to know your friends."

He groans and rests his forehead against mine, "You know, you can't just kiss me like that and not expect me to want you."

"You've waited this long, Curly, you can wait a few more hours."


I laugh out, "Two hours?"

"That's all I'm giving us. Two hours on the dot I want my hands on you..." He brings his lips right below my ear and sucks down on my sweet spot, "Everywhere, anyway I want."

I whine at the feeling he's arousing in me, suddenly annoyed that I told him I wanted to stay. "Two hours. Deal."

The time went by surprisingly fast, the game keeping our attention for the most part. Harry sat on a chair, and immediately pulled me into his lap. I tucked myself in comfortably, not thinking anything of it, but did see a few glances and whispers from some people I hadn't met just yet. I knew they probably thought I was just Harry's girl for the night, and they must've thought it was weird he was showing me off, but no one said anything. Their attention didn't last long, however, the game becoming more and more rowdy. A lot of people were very drunk already, and I noticed in particular just how touchy Sammy got with Bishop after she had a few shots.

I gave her a look once, raising my eyebrows at her flirtatious touches, but she just blushed and shook her head. After two rounds, we got up and walked around while everyone stayed put. We found a comfortable spot on the stairs, and talked for the next two hours about nonsense.

Every minute we spent together I was falling further and further under his spell. I loved it though. This feeling was completely addicting, and I finally understood why people dated so much. I was so hooked on our conversation that I didn't even realize our two hours had ended until Harry was dragging me though the crowd and out of the house, but our quiet escape was foiled when we ran into the one person neither of us wanted to see tonight.

"Oh shit sorry!" Kara says, not realizing who she just ran into and spilled her drink all over.

I look down at my now soaked shirt. I hold back the ironic laughter threatening to escape my lips, but just look up and wave her off, "It's fine, don't worry about it."

Her eyes go wide as she recognizes me, glancing behind me to see Harry, who was holding my hand firmly. I can see the look of shame and embarrassment flitter across her face, and I suddenly feel bad for her. It's obvious how much she likes Harry, and seeing me with him again is not helping the situation. She also seems completely unsure of how to act right now. It's like she wants to say something, but nothing is coming out of her mouth.

"Seriously, it's all good. Have a good night." I send her an awkward wave and turn back to Harry, shooting him a look.

I could sense the unease radiating off him, but just pulled him after me as we walked to the sidewalk and to his car a few blocks away.

"You okay?"

I glance behind me and smile at the boy following me, "Oh yeah, it's not like I'll be wearing this shirt for much longer."

He grins devilishly at me, "Not long at all, baby girl."

He pulls me towards him so I crash into his chest and he kisses me fiercely, not caring about the people roaming around the sidewalks looking for their next house party to crash. I bend backwards at the sheer force of his kiss, arching my back and pressing harder into his front. I hear the smallest grunt escape his throat at the feeling. It feels like a movie, the way we're standing in the street, kissing like no one is watching us.

"Car now." He mumbles agianst my lips.

I kiss him once more, biting down on his bottom lip, a small whine coming from him as I separate and walk briskly to his parked car. He unlocks the door and rushes to the driver's side. My eyes are glued to his face, flushed cheeks and lust-filled eyes. He clambers into his car and turns it on, quickly pulling out to the street.

His hand comes to rest on my upper thigh, making my heart rate pick up and my body temp rise. Soon he's caressing the inside of my thigh, and I'm close to just begging him to touch me right now. I focus in on his large hands, calloused fingers so close to where I need him.

As if reading my mind, he rasps, "My place is about twenty minutes away. I live off campus."

I hold back a groan at the thought of waiting that long, but one slips out anyways. It's for a different reason, however, his hand cupping over my heat through my jeans. My hand instinctively covers his, pressing it harder against me for some relief, resting my head against the headrest, eyes closing at the feeling of his fingers moving against me.

"Can't fucking wait for me, can you, baby girl." He teases his palm right where my clit lays underneath way too many clothes.

"Harry..." I pant out his name, not able to form a coherent sentence.

He understands exactly what I'm asking, however, bringing his hand up to unbuckle my jeans, bringing the zipper down right after. He doesn't waste any time by sneaking his fingers into my underwear, the coarse pads of his fingers being coated in my excitement. I sigh out in relief and adjust my position to make it easier for him.

Teasing my entrance, Harry circles around and up my folds, exploring the silky skin he hasn't felt in weeks. I hear him whisper out a curse, my hand wrapping around his forearm, while he stops at a red light. He takes the free moment to reach over and kiss my lips. I gasp into his mouth when his fingers find my clit and start slowly circling it.

I barely have a minute to enjoy his lips before he has to tear away and focus on driving. His fingers stay in place though, working faster and rougher now.

"Oh god, fuck!" I buck my hips, getting closer to my impending high. I whine as his fingers leave my now pulsing clit, but whisper a small "yes" as he slips two fingers into me. I adjust again in my seat as he works me back up, heel of his palm pressing against my nub for added pleasure.

I can tell he's purposefully working me up only to slow down enough to evade my orgasm, but I'm enjoying it. I love this playful, teasing boy next to me. I love drawing out this feeling, a feeling I've never quite felt before with anyone before.

I open my eyes and glance at Harry. He seems calm and unbothered as he stares straight ahead, but I know from both the muscles in his forearms working fast and the giant bulge in his pants that he's worked up belong belief as well. I reach my hand over to palm his erection, but he stops me with his other hand - now driving with his knee slowly down a neighborhood - and lowly grits, "Baby girl, I wouldn't do that unless you want me to crash this car. No way I'll be able to concentrate on anything other than you if you get your hands on me."

His raspy voice travels straight down to my core, and I cry out suddenly, hand re-gripping his arm as he slips his fingers out of me and rubs my clit furiously. My hips are uncontrollable now, bucking and shaking underneath his touch, but I can feel just how much it spurs him on to see me completely lose myself because of him.

My back arches and my mouth hangs open as my orgasm shoots through me. I can't make any sounds as my body seizes up and my vision goes blurry. I can hear Harry's voice praising me as I come down, collapsing back into my seat, exhausted, but ready for more. I close my eyes and calm my breathing, faintly hearing a door shut and moments later feeling a cool breeze as my door opens.

"C'mon, baby, I still have so much more planned for us."

I smile and open my eyes, beaming up into his bright green eyes. He reaches around me and unbuckles my seatbelt. I can't help the small blush creep onto my cheeks as he grabs my hips and helps me turn and stand up, legs still a bit shaky from what his fingers did to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, just wanting to feel how his lips move against mine like they were meant to. I vaguely notice him zipping me back up and buckling my jeans as he kisses me back.

As soon as he's done, his hands find my ass, squeezing and kneading the supple flesh, pulling me agianst him to where I can feel his rock hard cock straining against his pants. I feel as if it's almost as painful for me to see him like this, so clearly desperate for some friction, some relief, that only I can give him.

I grind my hips into his, harder than he had, eliciting a strangled moan from deep within him. It only spurs him on, backing us up, shutting the car door behind me, and then shoving me back into it, his entire body pressing against him. His hands wander as mine tug and curl around his soft hair. His lips detach from mine and pepper across my jaw and down my neck.

His voice sends shiver down my spine as he begs and whines for me, "Fuck, Dani, need you... Need you so fucking badly. Always need you..."

I know if I keep this going for any longer than he would have no shame fucking me agianst his car in plain view of all his neighbors. The thought semi excites me, but I know it's impractical, so I decide to take charge of the situation that is so far out of Harry's desperate hands at this moment.

"Harry, house. Now."

He pulls his lips away from me and brings his face directly in front of me, eyes blazing and face flushed. A Cheshire grin appears on his face and within seconds he's whisking me away to his front porch. When we reach his front door, he pulls me to stand in front of him, and kisses down my neck again while he tries to unlock his door.

I giggle as he curses, realizing he's using the wrong key, but he shuts me up as he sucks down harshly right below my ear.

"Get this door open. Right. Now." I grunt out as he pushes his hips into my butt. I'm just as desperate as he is now, and I don't care to hide it.

He hums near my ear, "Love it when you get like this. So hot. Fuck, where is this damn key!"

I grab his keys from him and start down the line. I work fast, but with shaky hands as he continues his assault on my body. He's brash as his hands come from behind to cup my breasts, and I'm grateful his porch light isn't on, so his neighbors can't see just how explicit we are being.

On my third try the door unlocks, and I practically jump for joy, but Harry pushes the door open and drags me inside. He slams the door shut and kicks his shoes off, me following closely, placing my bag on the entry table. In no time at all, we are all over each other again. The house is dark, so I can't really take a look around, and I don't really care to as his tongue moves against mine.

"Upstairs." He grunts, pulling me in some direction, not caring which and never parting our lips.

It feels as though his stairs go on forever, the two of us refusing to let go of each other. Our hands explore the others body, and our kiss is rushed and messy. Our teeth keep hitting and we can't stop laughing, but we also can't stop kissing, and this is everything I've never had. 

This is fun. I've never really had fun during an experience like this.

When we reach the top of the stairs, Harry pushes me up against the wall, muttering an urgent, "Can't wait. Need you right now."

I don't even get a chance to question him, when he says, "Take your pants off now."

He steps away from me, my hands flinging down to unbutton my jeans, while he starts unbuckling his belt. Within no time at all I'm chuckling them down the hall and I see Harry rolling on a condom, his jeans open only enough to free his dick. He turns back towards me to see me pouting, reading me right away. "I'm sorry, baby girl, but I couldn't wait. Need to be inside of you as fast as possible. I'll make it up to you, I promise."

He reaches his hands down to slide off my lace underwear, and I kick it away from me, not caring where it ends up. I squeal out as he picks me up, hands gripping the back of my thighs securely. While one of my hands makes its home in his unruly hair, my other reaches down to position him at my entrance. He pushes in without a second to spare, groaning deeply as he fills me up.

"Oh god, Harry..." I whimper out in both pain and pleasure.

He doesn't wait for me to adjust before he pulls out and pushes back in, but I'm loving it. I love the burning stretch of him inside me, it being too long since I have gotten to feel this. It doesn't take long until he's thrusting into me quickly, pounding into my clit, pushing me harder and harder into the wall behind me. There's something about doing this in the open, even though I know there's no one in the house right now. There's so much passion between us that we couldn't stop ourselves from just fucking against a wall.

I had never been in this position, but I found it exciting and arousing, the angle doing wonders on me. I don't know how he was holding me up like this, but its was such a turn on. Our lips met occasionally, rough, sloppy kisses being placed on the other's lips whenever we needed. My heart clenched as my walls did when Harry buries his face into my neck whimpering and grunting, his sounds sending shivers down my spine and making me even wetter.

"Can't ever go this long without you again..." He says roughly, bringing his face up to nip at my jaw, nose nuzzled into my cheek. "You feel so good, baby girl. Fuck, all the things I'm going to do to you tonight..."

"Don't stop..." I answer back completely breathless, his thrusts stealing my breath away. "Please, don't ever stop. Need this too."

He doesn't even attempt to hide what my confession does to him, whimpering, scrunching up his face to hold back his orgasm. I can feel him twitching inside me as he gets closer. He speeds up causing me to cry out, head hitting the wall harshly as I fling it back. My exposed neck immediately attacked by Harry's lips, leaving proud marks all over my skin.

"No one can ever make you feel this good, baby girl. No matter how many guys try and get you, you're mine."

His possessive statement surprised me, but heated my entire body. I never understood what was so appealing about jealousy or belonging to someone in that way until now. I want to be Harry's. Fuck, I need to be his.

"I'm yours, Harry." I grip his hair and tug him away from my neck. Both of my hands cup his cheeks to keep him right in front of me, ghosting my lips over his. He kept trying to capture mine with his, but I kept pulling back just enough for him to miss mine until he opens his eyes. I stare into his hooded, green eyes for a second before speaking my next words quietly, anxious to say them out loud. "Be mine. Please, be mine and only mine."

He breathes out, taking in my words, eyes closing, and his thrusts slowing down a bit. He's now reaching deeper inside me, hitting spots I didn't know I had. When his eyes open and meet my pleasure-filled, but entirely fearful eyes, I can sense his emotion. The desperation has subsided a bit, and it's replaced by an emotion I've never quite seen firsthand. I can't even name it, sure it's not fondness, but it's similar.


His statement was cut off when the downstairs lights turned on. We both freeze, him still buried deep inside me, our heads turning towards the stairs. There's a faint voice, Conner's I suspect, and a few others. I panic slightly, knowing we are in plain view if they decide to look up the steps. Harry can feel my unease and pulls out, setting my feet down on the ground. I already miss him too much, not ready to separate, but knowing we had to if we didn't want to be caught.

He pulls his pants up over his glistening erection, and steps to the side of me to block my half naked figure if any of them decided to look up the stairs as they passed.

"C'mon, baby, room's just here on the left. Can't let them see my girl."

I send him a small, embarrassed smile at his words, knowing that was in some way an answer to my plea. His hand guides me forward, only walking five feet to his door where my crumpled jeans lay in front of. He reaches forward to open it, picking up my pants and phone off the floor, and pushes me in quickly as we hear someone climb up the stairs.

I can't help but burst out laughing when I hear the door shut, locked, and the lights suddenly turned on.

"Why are you laughing?" Harry chuckles, watching me fondly.

"I just can't believe your roommate almost caught us fucking against the wall, because we couldn't walk five more steps to your bedroom."

He grins widely, stripping his shirt off after he drops my pants down on the floor and places both our phones on his bedside table. I stop laughing immediately, the sight of his bare chest reminding me what we were about to finish.

"Take your shirt off."

I complied happily, throwing it on the ground, and without hesitation I unclipped my bra and let it fall to the ground as well. He groaned, palming himself over his half open jeans. Swiftly he walks over, ready to throw me onto his bed, but I had a better idea. I sunk to my knees, hands pulling his jeans and underwear down his legs, erection popping back up. I tore off the condom, still a little bitter he didn't let me put it on for him, and wrapped my lips around his crown, sucking up some of his precome.

He moaned again, "Dani, baby girl... You don't need to, oh god... to do this. Want to be back inside you..."

I popped his cock out of my mouth, hand pumping him slowly, as I looked up at him and pouted, "But you said you would make it up to me. Not letting me put the condom on..." He groans at the sight of me on his knees before him, begging to suck his cock. "This is what I want."

His hand finds my hair, and pushes me back to his length. I happily take him back in his mouth, moving up and down sloppily. His eyes watch me as I take him in deeper, muttering roughly, "That's right, Dani. You're so fucking desperate for my cock. Never even liked to suck them until you met mine, right?" I nod my head and moan as he hits the back of my throat. "Fuck, baby girl, you look so gorgeous on your knees for me, cock in your mouth where it belongs. Can't get enough..."

His head rolls back as I continue to work him, taking him slowly so he can just enjoy the feeling of my mouth and tongue against him. It's lazy and kind of sweet, especially how his fingers are massaging my scalp instead of controlling my movements. It's like we are in the eye of the storm, just having survived a rough fucking, only to be getting ready for the next one.

"That's enough."

Looks like the storm's about to start back up again.

He pulls me up, lips attaching to mine faster than I realize, taking a few seconds to kiss him back. He's backing me up, only stopping when I hit his bed. Harry urges me to sit down, fumbling with his nightstand only to pull out another condom. I snatch it from his hands before he gets a chance. He's smiling widely as I tear it open and roll it down his length.

Once it's on he kisses me again, hard and passionate. When he pulls away, the dark look in his eyes almost makes me come on the spot. "I'll never get tired of you doing that."

I smiled at him, "Harry?"

"Yes, baby?"

"Fuck me already."

His face mirrors mine, a large mischievous smile appearing. He straightens up, still standing, and pushes me to lay down. He grabs my legs and positions them over his shoulders, and brings his tip to my core. He teases me by rubbing against my clit, my hips squirming and a pathetic whine escaping my throat.

He obeys my wordless pleas and pushes into me, holding my hips up off the mattress. The angle is astounding. If I thought being fucked against a wall was exciting then this was a feeling of euphoria I never knew could exist. Within minutes I'm a complete moaning and thrashing mess on the bed. I fist his sheets underneath me, uncontrollably moaning his name over and over again.

I can tell he's loving every moment of this. I fell him twitch and throb inside me, begging to let go, but he won't until I get my high. I open my eyes to see a thin layer a sweat glistening on his forehead, eyes focused on my body, breasts bouncing in time with his hard thrusts.

I bring my hands up to grope and knead them, Harry sputtering out my full name as I touch myself. I pinch my nipples, back arching as I feel my inevitable orgasm teetering on the edge of a cliff.

"Harry, please, please, please..." I beg of him.

He responds by climbing onto the bed, stretching my legs and bending over me slightly for an all new powerful angle. My mouth hangs open in an attempt to scream out in pleasure, but nothing escapes my lips. My eyes screw shut and my back arches off his bed as a giant wave of pleasure courses through me. My hand leaves my breast to find his, gripping it tightly when I find it on the bed next to my hip. He holds onto it as my high consumes me, walls clenching repeatedly around him.

As I start to settle down, I can hear his praising words and curses. He speeds up his thrusts and I calm down enough to be able to open my eyes and see his orgasm consume him. He almost collapses on me at the sheer force of pleasure rolling through him. His head is thrown back, neck muscles bulging, arms straining, and my name leaving his lips repeatedly.

I detangle my legs from behind his head and bring them down his body, so he can rest on mine. Happily he crashes down onto me, face buried into my sweaty neck. My hands rub the expanse of his back as he comes back to me. I start to giggle as he tickles my neck with light, feathery kisses.

"So cute." He mumbles into my neck so quietly I'm not sure I was supposed to hear.

A few minutes later he sighs and lifts his head to rest above mine. He pulls out of me and stands to throw away the used condom, tying it up and picking up the one I discarded earlier. Without his body heat goosebumps start to form up and down my naked body, so I maneuver under his covers and wrap his warm blanket around me.

When he turns back around and sees my new position I'm met with a bright smile. He joins me back on the bed, and tugs on the cocoon I've made myself. I pout and whine as he lets the cold air in, but cuddles in right next to me, cocooning us both in. I hum in contentment, turning towards him so our bodies are facing each other. I lean forward to press my lips to his chest, both bird tattoos earning a kiss.

Harry's hand combs through my hair as I pepper kisses along his collarbone and shoulders, working my way up his neck slowly, taking particular notice of his pulse point and under his jaw, earning me a quiet moan. We were slow to kiss, our lips touching, noses nudging playfully, but finally we gave in. I don't know how long it last, whether it was a few seconds or twenty minutes, but I didn't care. I was so lost in him in this moment, and I realized I wanted to be lost in him for as long as he would have me.

I know eventually he won't want me. That's how it goes with me. I'm wanted for a bit and then tossed aside like garbage, or left to fend for myself. I don't know when it will happen, or how deep this will go, and that should scare me, but I've learned through my short twenty-two years of life to enjoy things while I can, because they could be gone by tomorrow.

I just hope this one doesn't break me.

I would let him break me though. This was worth it. He was worth it.

"What time do you have to work tomorrow?" He asks inbetween kisses.

I smile, "Not until four, which means... I don't need to be back home until two."

"You mean to tell me," He kisses me deeply for a few seconds, "that I get you all night, all morning, and some of the afternoon?"

"If you'll have me." I answer back.

He breathes out a laugh, "Is that even a question?"

I laugh, "Well, you never know, you could get completely sick of me when we wake up."

"Not possible..." He continues to kiss me, "never be sick of you. The real question is will you be sick of me."

"Oh, well that's a definite."

He laughs loudly at my response, and I take the time to settle into his chest. He falls on his back, and hugs me close to his side. I sneak my leg between his, and rest my hand on his chest, tracing the intricate patterns of his tattoos. I'm almost lulled to sleep by the comforting touch of his fingers gliding up and down my bare back. At some point his free hand enveloped mine on his chest, our fingers eventually intertwining naturally.

It was right then when his voice rang through the comfortable silence we had found for ourselves, shaky and unsure. "Um, I haven't been with anyone but you."

It took me a second to register what he had said. I picked my head up and rested by chin on his peck. "You haven't?"

He shook his head, "Not since I met you that first night."

"Are you trying to say you're mine?" I echo back our possessive statements in the middle of hot sex. A teasing grin is on my face, trying to ease his obvious nerves.

He rolls his eyes, but smiles down at me, "For as long as you're mine." He answers back.

"That might be a while."

"I'm banking on it."

His retort has me blushing, and I bury my face back into his chest. He chuckles at my embarrassment, but he brings my face back up and shuffles around so we're face to face again.

"One more kiss." He mutters.

I laugh but give in to his easy request. Our lips meet in a slow, lazy kiss. We know we have all night, all morning, and some of the afternoon to enjoy the way our bodies fit together, so now we are just enjoying the easy things. The things we've never experienced.

Innocently kissing the person you're hopelessly falling for and falling asleep wrapped in their arms.

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