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By Nightskullfire

59.8K 944 1.3K

ᴀᴀʀᴏɴ, ᴀʟᴏɴɢ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇsᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴀsᴛ ɢᴇᴛs ᴀɴᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴄʜᴀɴᴄᴇ ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪʟʟɪᴏɴ ᴅᴏʟʟᴀʀs. ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴs ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴅᴜɴᴄᴀɴ... More

Chapter 1: Egypt pt.1
Chapter 2: Egypt pt. 2
Chapter 3: Making our Japanese Ads
Chapter 4: Freezing in the Yuknons
Chapter 5: What's not to love about New York?
Chapter 6: A traditional German dance
Chapter 7: The Amazons Kidnapped in the Amazons.
Chapter 8: The Louvre
Chapter 9: Losing a challenge over a boy
Chapter 10: All out of fuel
Chapter 11: Gwuncan begins
Chapter 12: Duncney Ends
Chapter 13: Broken hearted[Extra chapter]
Chapter 14: Boyfriend kisser
Chapter 15: We are shearing sheep
Chapter 16: We built Gwen's face
Chapter 17: Arranged marriages
Chapter 18: I didn't think it would end like this
Chapter 19: Be on the look out for a missing Cody
Chapter 20: The Aftermath show
Chapter 21: Broken friendship
Chapter 22: After the end of World Tour
Chapter 23: Mending Formerly Broken Bonds
Chapter 24: The Statue of Liberty in the making
Chapter 25: Leach Wars!
Chapter 26: A special breakfast
Chapter 27: The blue harvest moon
Chapter 28: Egg hunting
Chapter 29: Into the ring
Chapter 30: A fancy boat race
Chapter 31: A Search for a missing host
Chapter 32: A Obsta-kill course.
Chapter 33: Making our Sundaes
Chapter 35: Sundae Mundae alternate version #1
Chapter 36: Sundae Mundae alternate version #2
Chapter 37: The finale
Chapters 38: Valentine's Day!
Chapter 39: Our next start
Chapter 40: Courtney Appreciation Chapter

Chapter 34: The semi-finals

1.2K 23 9
By Nightskullfire

Aaron's POV

I woke up this morning, a bit bummed. Yeah. I'm still kinda bummed that Courtney was kicked off.

Unfortunately, there's nothing I can really do about it. I got up off my bed and headed down stairs. I ate my breakfast and headed outside.

I headed to the outside of the girls cabin and knocked on the window. Gwen opened it.

"Hey Gwen." I said.

"Hey. How are you holding up?" Gwen asked.

"Eh. Could be better. Could be worst. I'm just kinda bummed that Courtney's gone." I sighed.

"Yeah. I know." Gwen sighed.

"I guess the others noticed how much of a threat the three of us were together. With Courtney gone, we're going to have to be careful. Right now it's us two against Scott and Mike. Who may or may not be teaming up." I stated.

"Yeah. But with Courtney gone, we only have two votes."

"Maybe. But there are only four votes out there. We already control half of those votes. But we might be able to convince Scott to cut Mike. Or Mike to cut Scott.... maybe."

Chris then started an announcement.

"Good morning final four. Gather on the dock pronto. It's crunch time. And by that I mean you're about to get crushed." Chris laughed.

Me and the rest of the contestants headed to the dock. Chris then came riding on the dock of shame boat dressed like a pirate.

"Ahoy matey! Haha. Come to me my faithful bird." Chris said.

Chef came out in a parrot costume.

"Oh, come on. Stop frowning. You look great and you know it." Chris told him, hopping off the boat. "Hey if you don't wanna be here then-" Chris started but Chef drove away." That isn't what I was gonna say!" Chris shouted but it was too late.

Chris walked over and sighed. "Sorry. It's just life is so hard in the spa hotel. I'm sick of ruffing it! And since I'm craving the comfort of homes, I've come up with a special challenge. Your mission. Retrieve one of four valuable pieces of pirate loot stashed somewhere on the island."

"As if there's anything valuable around here." Scott scoffed.

"There's pleanty if you know what your looking for." Chris said still talking like a pirate." To determine who searches for what each player will choose one of these four treasure chest. Arrrr! Aaron, as the winner of the last challenge, you get to go first."

"Oh. Um. Okay." I grinned walking towards the treasure.

"Good luck." Gwen said.

"Thanks. I'll be needing it." I thanked.

I put my hand on a box. I was then electrocuted.

"Ow! What on earth Chris!" I rubbed my hand.

What's with me getting shocked on this show?

"Excellent. Aaron, you must bring me the yeti." Chris said.

"The yeti? How am I suppose to bring back a yeti? And how is that valuable?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

/Aaron:"I'm winning this challenge. I plan on winning this season."\

Next to pick their box was Gwen. She opened her boxes and pepper came out.

"Dah! Pepper?" Gwen sneezed.

"Gwen. You must go to the crumbling life-threatening dangerous wreck of my former cottage and bring back an intact portrait of me." Chris told her.

Scott opened his box and took caution and moved back. He then leaned forward and looked in the box. A fist them came up and punched him in the face, knocking him over.

Purfect!" Chris exclaimed." You must bring me the Mclain diamond which can be found on the abandoned pirate ship. Which just happens to be guarded by your old pal. Fang."

"I have to fight a shark and all Gwen has to do is find some art? How is that fair?" Scott asked angered.

"Hey, there's no fair in pirate." Chris told us.

"He's right. I have to fight a yeti. And somehow get it here." I stated.

"No one asked you." Scott glared.

/Aaron:"Okay. I think ever since I started dating Courtney, or planning to date Courtney, Scott has had this grudge against me. He called me a sucker yesterday. Now he's getting on my case for no reason."\

"So that leaves the last chest for me. What's in it?" Mike asked.

"Nice try. But the choice isn't official until you see for yourself." Chris said.

Mike sighed annoyed." Fine." He opened the chest and reached in. A turtle bit his hand. He started screaming but then instantly started growling.

The turtle got scared and ran away.

"Okay. That's new. Mike, you must bring me the long lost original golden Chris statuette." Chris told him.

"Any clue where I might find it?" Mike asked.

"If I knew, it wouldn't be long lost, now would it?" Chris asked." Helpful hint. Think fast and work even faster because two of you are going home today." Chris said as we gasped.

Me and Gwen exchanged worried looks. Hopefully it's me and Gwen in the finale.

"I thought three of us were going to the finale." Gwen said as I nodded in agreement.

Chris laughed.

"Yeah. No. Whoever comes back last or worse empty-handed  goes directly to the flush of shame. Whoever brings back their loot first wins a guaranteed spot in the finale and gets to select which of the remaining two walks the plank into big toilet tonight. All clear? On your marks! Eh... oh just go." Chris said unmotivated and blew his horn.


We all departed looking for our treasure. Well, everyone but me. I needed some sort of weapon that could hit him from a distance. I then thought back to what Sierra did in season three.

She made a slingshot out of Cody's underwear. It's a werid idea, but I wonder.....


I can't believe I'm saying this, but it actually works. It's slightly embarrassing to make a slingshot out of your own underwear. But, it is what it is.

Now that I have some sort of weapon, I can try to see if I can trick it into coming back. All I have to do is find it.

"Hey, Aaron!" I heard from behind.

I turned around. It was Mike.

"Oh. Hello Mike." I said.

"Any luck finding your Yeti?"

"Mm... no. Not yet. Though shouldn't you be looking for that long lost statue thing?" I guessed, raising an eyebrow of slight suspicion.

"Hey, look!" Mike pointed.

I noticed some yetil tracks. I kneeled them to examine them closer. I put my paw on the track.

"Hm.. still warm." I examined.

Wait a sec? Why is Mike helping me?

"I'm telling you. He's dangerous. I knew him back in Juvie when his name was Mal." I remembered Duncan said.

Wait? If that's the actual case does that mean Duncan was telling the truth? That would explain the laughing at the intern. Breaking Sam's game guy. And blowing up the flower and laughing eveily afterwards.

"Wait a sec. You're not Mi-" I started but while my back was still turned my head was hit with something and I blacked out.

/Mal:" If you can't beat 'em. Beat 'em up." I smirked.\


I heavily sighed, waking up with a killer pain in my head. Ugh. What even happened? I slowly got up and picked up my sling shot.

I brushed the dirt off my face and straightened up. I'm honestly still confused as to how I blackout...

What was I even last doing? I was noticing the Yeti tracks. Then.... did Mike? Or Mal in this matter knock me out?

Ugh. Focus Aaron. I gotta focus on the task at hand. The Yeti tracks are gone. Mal must of covered them up after I black out.

I climbed into a tree and went on from there.


After a fair amount of time, I notice some more tracks. I hopped off of the tree and examined them.

I put my paw on the print.

"He's gotta be close." I said to myself.

Suddenly Chris started speaking loudly on the loud speaker.

"Aaron is Zeroing in on the yeti, but bringing him back might be a bit harder-" Chris started.

I picked up a rock and used my slingshot to break his loudspeaker.

"I don't need Chris distracting me. That'll keep him quite for now." I said to myself, hopping onto the tree.

I stuck to the trees to get a better view. I saw the yeti with a nest of eggs.

"Oh my! It's a giant!" I exclaimed, drawing the attention of the Yeti.

"Okay Mr. Yeti, I know this is wrong and you are completely innocent but I kinda have to win this  challenge so... sorry in advance." I pulled out my slingshot and shot a rock at the nest of eggs it was holding.

The nest fell and all the eggs inside cracked.  The Yeti yelled and started punching the tree I was in. I jumped down and started running as fast as I could.


Later I climbed up a tree to try to make some distance. I felt the branch that I was on thumping. I turned around and the Yeti was behind me.

"Look, I'm sorry about your eggs I didn't-" I started and the yeti took another step forward.

The branch we were on broke. The Yeti along with me fell down. The Yeti fell on the stump and I fell on the Yet'is shoulder.

"Yikes. That was a steep fall."

The Yeti glared at me.

"Um. Hehe. Let's talk about this." I nervously chuckled.

The Yeti was about to react in a violent killy way but the tree branch we were on started sliding down the slope we were on.


Me and the Yeti were sliding down the slope at a fast rate. The dock was in sight.

"GAH!" I fell off the Yeti's shoulder and felt right on my butt.

The Yeti crashed into the tree. Ouch. My butt feels numb.

"Ow. That was not a soft landing." I grumbled.

"Well, I can't say I care for how you did it, but you did do it. Aaron wins again." Chris grinned.

"Y E S YES!" I cheered.

/Aaron:"Wow. This is the farthest I've ever gotten on Total Drama. I can't believe I'm in the final two. Or, about to be anyways."\

Mal then came by dragging Scott.

"And Here's Mal and Scott. So many empty hands. What's a host to do?" Chris asked.

"You could flush those two and make me and Gwen the final two." I suggested.

"Sorry pappy. I would've caught the shiney rock but the sea pig ate it." Scott explained.

"Uh huh. What's your excuse?" Chris asked Mal.

"Okay, I didn't find the loot I was assigned. But I did bring back another kind of treasure. An injured competitor. Your favorite." Mike explained.

"It's true. Injured players are some of my favorite things. Well played. Scott you better hope Gwen comes back empty-handed or you're gonzo." Chris told Scott.

Gwen came running out of breath with loot.

"I'M HERE! I'M HERE!" Gwen panted.

"And Gwen is last to arrive but she comes bearing loot. Unlike Scott." Chris stated.

Gwen smiled and held up the painting.

"Funny. I don't remember this one." Chris said.

"Yeah. I had to do a little restoration work." Gwen sheepishly smiled.

Chris sniffed the paint.

"Ugh. What's that earthy aroma?" Chris asked in disgust.

"It's stylized. It's, it's. It's bear poop." Gwen gave up.

Chris barfed right on the portrait.

"For showing up last and defacing my portrait, Gwen gets the flush." Chris glared.

I gasped.

"You can't be serious!" I exclaimed.

Gwen gasped.

"What! No fair! Scott and Mike came back empty-handed." Gwen pointed.

"Yeah. You said empty-handed is worst than being last." I pointed.

"True. But they didn't make me do this-"

Chris barfed on the portrait again.

Gwen heavily sighed.

"Fine." She sighed.

I furrowed my eyebrows and frowned.

/Aaron:"First Courtney and now Gwen! So much for our friendship finale." I heavily sighed.\


Night has fallen. Me, Scott, Mike, and Chris went to see Gwen off.

"Good luck Aaron. I really hope you win." Gwen hoped.

"Me too. Wish me luck. And thanks Gwen. Maybe next time we'll end up on the same team again." I grinned.

"Next time?!  Oh no! No way am I ever coming back to this dump!" Gwen stated and was flushed by Chris.

And there goes my last ally.

"Who to flush next? It all comes down to who you want to battle in the finale. Scott or Mike?" Chris stated.

/Aaron:"See I already know Scott can't stand me, but I feel he'll be less to handle. I mean, Mike knocked me out earlier. Not to mention with the whole personalities. I could possibly lose to that. I have a much higher chance of winning against Scott."\

"Okay. Well, um. I think I'm gonna flush Mike." I pointed.

Mal sharply glared at me. He gripped by my jacket and glared.

"You haven't seen the last of me. I don't know who you think you're messing with. But trust me, I'll have the last word." Mal said in a deep tone.

Whoa. Last time I checked, Mike's voice was high pitched and squeaky. Guess each persona comes with a different voice too.

Mal tossed me off the dock and threw me into the water. He got in the toilet and was flushed.

I got up and shook the water out of my hair.

"Ugh. Seriously?" I said in disgust.

"You idiot. Do you know who got Mike eliminated last season?" Scott smirked.

"Yeah. You got Mike eliminated. Not Mal. I only took you to the finale because you were the only other option. And I don't know what silly little grudge you have against me but if you don't drop whatever petty little grudge against me you have I will ensure your defeat." I glared.

"Your threats don't scare me nerd boy." Scott glared.

/Aaron:"Grr.... what is with me having these rivalries with these guys that are in love with Courtney. First Duncan and now him? Though from what I saw in season four, he's definitely a cheat. I better not underestimate him."\

"We have our finalists. Who will rule victorious in the toughest, roughest, million-dollar challenge ever? Tune in to find out next time on the season finale of Total Drama All-Stars!" Chris stated.


After that, I headed to the Spa hotel, ate dinner and headed to the bedroom.

I layed down and heavily sighed.

"You haven't seen the last of me. I don't know who you think you're messing with. But trust me, I'll have the last word."

"You idiot. Do you know who got Mike eliminated last season?" Scott smirked.

"What! No fair! Scott and Mike came back empty-handed."

"Well. Thanks guys. I'll be rooting for you two." Courtney told us.

"Your threats don't scare me nerd boy."

Grr..... I can't get it out of my head. I hugged my head with my pillow. I'm having a hard time falling asleep.

I guess I feel Scott might be a threat. I never got this close before. This is the final exam. I don't get it.

It's like every other challenge. I guess only this time I win a million dollars if I win this one.

I picked up my phone.

"Hm... theee missed calls?" I pondered." They were from Courtney.

Hm... I wonder is she still awake.

"Eh. Nothing beats a fail but a try." I said to myself.

I started dialing her number. After some rangs, it went to her voicemail.

"Hi. This is Courtney. Sorry I'm not available. I'm probably busy. I am a CIT you know? Leave a message."

Pfft. Classic Courtney. I tried again and got no answer.

"Come on. Pick up." I grumbled.

I dropped my phone on the bed. I heavily sighed.

"I guess she's busy..." I heavily sighed and put my leaned my head in my palm of my hand.

Though would she be caught in work that fast? She was only gone for a few days. Then again, this is Courtney we're talking about here.

"M-maybe she doesn't have any time for her boyfriend." I sadly sighed." But life happened. I understand."

I heavily sighed again and layed down on the bed. I then felt a vibration on my bed. Piano music started playing from my phone.

But not just any piano. It was the song I played during one of my piano recitals. Which also happens to be my ringtone.

I sat up and picked up my phone. After I looked at it and smiled with excitement when I saw who was calling. I quickly answered.

"C-Courtney." I stammered.

"Hey Aaron."


"Sorry I couldn't pick up right away. I was a bit busy with something."

"Oh. I understand."

"I saw the episode. Nice to see you made it to the finale."

"Yeah. About that... I don't know why but I'm kinda worried."

"Worried? About what?"

"I-I don't know. I guess I'm just scared that. I just might lose to Scott. M-Maybe I'm overthinking it. I won todays challenge. Then he has this random grudge agaisnt me."

"Oh. Well I'm sure you'll do great Aaron."

"But... what if-... well... what if I lose? I'd be disappointing you and Gwen."

"We wouldn't be disappointed. Aaron, listen. You're doing the best you can. You can't win everything. I learned that the hard way. My point is it's completely fine if you lose. You wouldn't be disappointing anyone."

"Y-yeah. I guess you're right. Like I said, I'm probably overthinking it." I sighed.

"Well then your gonna lose with that attitude."

"Wow. That helps."

"You wanna know a secret Aaron?"

"Eh. Sure why not."

"The key to winning is to trust yourself. Trust me, you'll perform a lot better if you know what you're doing and believe in yourself."

I didn't know what to say. I guess she brings up a good point. And usually I'm the one giving the advise. This is a nice change.

"Okay. Well thanks Courtney."

"Trust me. You'll do fine. And your welcome. Just work with what you have. Your good at a lot of things. I'm sure it's nothing you can't handle. You have my support. And your welcome."

"Okay. Well. Thanks. Wish me luck. I'm gonna get some rest for the finale."

"Good luck. And Goodnight."


I hung up and happily sighed.

"You idiot. Do you know who got Mike eliminated last season?" Scott smirked.

I erased the thought out of my head and went to sleep with positive happy thoughts. With the advise Courtney gave me.

An: I know a whole lot of differences from the original. Okay. Not a whole lot. But a fair amount.

Yeah. I'm changing the finale. I mean, one original contestant vs. A secondary contestant.

I think it fits well. Scott and Aaron already have rivalry because of the whole "Courtney was Scott's girlfriend and is now going to be Aaron's."

Yeah. But thanks for sticking around, hope you're enjoying it. And with that, I end another chapter.

Sorry for taking so long to release this. School is literally taking up so much of my time. But its here now.

And don't forget to vote(I-if you want to)

Okay. That is all. See ya!

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