The Ryan O'Shiel Chronicles:...

De Hextix

255 13 30

It has been eleven years since the fall of Lord Voldemort, and the Wizarding World of Great Britain has not s... Mai multe

Chapter One: All Aboard the Hogwarts Express
Chapter Two: The Sorting Hat's Song
Chapter Four: The Exploded Cauldron
Chapter Five: The Godric's Hollow Murder
Chapter Six: New Additions
Chapter Seven: Brewing Up Suspicions
Chapter Eight: House Elves and Arguments
Chapter Nine: Outrages

Chapter Three: The Quest

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De Hextix

RRyan was shaken awake the next morning by Andrew. He was already in his black Gryffindor robes.

"Where did you find the Gryffindor robes Andrew?" Ryan yawned, impressed that Andrew was already lathered in the school robes with his Gryffindor tie and crest.

"They're on your trunk" he replied, before turning around and attempting to wake Teddy of whom was snoring his head off. Ryan unwillingly got out of his bed and walked to the foot of his four-poster. Looking down he saw the robes that Andrew had been talking about, he picked them up and crossed the dormitory room to the bathroom. He and Andrew were the only two boys awake, Andrew of whom was still attempting to wake Teddy up.


Teddy was groaning as the three of them began their descent down the Grand Staircase to breakfast.

"Why can't you just shut up and live with the fact that we are at school now Teddy, we have to attend classes. No more staying up till four o'clock in the morning mucking around with Weasely products, which by the way are against the rules to have them in your possession." Andrew exclaimed angrily, he had been fuming ever since Teddy had woken up, whom had not having stopped complaining ever since he had been woken up.

Teddy and Ryan groaned, just realising that Andrew was the kind of person who would write them study guides months before the exams would take place, Ryan made a mental note to avoid Andrew during their fifth year.

"What classes do you think that you will actually be good at Teddy? Ryan asked, anxious to get the two boys to stop arguing.

"Probably nothing except flying" Teddy replied.

"What about you Ryan?" he continued.

"No clue, over the holiday's when I skimmed through the set textbooks I found that I had my nose stuck in the Charms textbook more than any of the other textbooks, I don't know what it is about the subject, but I find it way more interesting than any of the others. Hopefully, I'll be good at that" Ryan replied. "Do you know what you're good at Andrew?"

"I started putting Transfiguration into practice last night, I think I am starting to get the hang of it" Andrew replied.

The three boys finished up their conversation just in time for them to walk into the Great Hall and take a seat at the Gryffindor table. Ryan haphazardly grabbed a few pieces of toast and slathered a load of marmalade on his toast.

"O'Shiel, Lupin and Laft!" A tall wizard wearing extremely formal attire, with his black hair combed over yelled as he walked at a face pace towards the boys. He was carrying a stack of parchment.

"Who in Merlin are you?" Teddy asked rudely, a piece of bacon dangling out of his mouth. Andrew punched him in the arm.

"Five points from Gryffindor for your rudeness! I'm Professor Brachet, I teach Transfiguration. I'm also your head of house, I have your schedules. Also, you three have detention tomorrow night with me, for tipping the boat on purpose on the way here." the professor said sternly as to which the three boys groaned. "Well it's your own fault, next time; avoid doing stupid things if you don't want to get punished" he stated simply, turning on his heel and walking off.

Ryan looked down to his timetable and saw that they had a double lesson of History of Magic first up, Ryan groaned; he may not know that much about the school, but what he did know is that the History of Magic class instructor, Professor Binns had the lowest class attentive rate in the entire school. Hell, his mother had recommended he skip the class and study the history outside of class. He looked further and saw that they had Charms and Transfiguration after lunch and the day finished up with double Potions. Ryan only hoped that he would be able to make it through the double period of History of Magic.


Ryan and the other two boys were standing outside the History of Magic with the rest of the Gryffindor first years. None of them wanting to go inside until the ancient ghost invited them inside. It was evidently unlikely that the first year students would be invited in soon – in Ryan's opinion, especially as the ancient ghost had already started to lecture his empty classroom on the first goblin rebellion. Ryan eventually got annoyed with the waiting, and elbowed Teddy and Andrew gesturing away from the classroom.

"Ryan! You're never going to learn anything if you just skive lessons off! It's the first day for Merlin's sake!" Andrew said angrily.

"This is brilliant Ryan, I never even wanted to go there in the first place" Teddy said at the exact same time, ignoring Andrew's cries of annoyance.

"Shut up the pair of you, I don't think that we are going to learn anything in that class what so ever this year, let's just go to the library and read up on the first goblin rebellion, trust me. We will learn more in the library then we will from sleeping in that class" Ryan answered back.


After spending the rest of the ninety-minute period in the library studying the Goblin Rebellion, Andrew was a lot happier that they had used their time wisely and not used it to goof around like Teddy had suggested they do the entire way to the library. They walked in silence back towards the Great Hall, the silence only being broken by the occasional bickering between Andrew and Teddy. Ryan was particularly hungry so he walked faster than the other two boys on his way.

"Do you know when we have flying practice?" Teddy asked.

"There was a notice on the Gryffindor Noticeboard about Flying practice would be postponed until the start of October due to the Flying Instructor's wife having a child" Andrew replied. "You would have known that had you actually read the notices when I woke you up this morning" he continued.

Teddy groaned, it seemed that the only thing that Teddy wanted to do at Hogwarts was fly, it frustrated Ryan. He could only imagine how unbearable Teddy would be if he made the Gryffindor Quidditch team next year.

The three continued on their way to the Great Hall, stopping for nobody, when they finally arrived the hall was absolutely packed. The three boys sat down at the end of the table and grabbed a few legs of chicken.

"So what do your parents do guys?" Ryan asked the other two boys.

"My parents? Okay, well uh, my dad is an Auror works for the Ministry you know? He isn't a senior Auror or anything, just a junior Auror and my mum works at Saint Mungo's; she does administrative work." Andrew replied. Ryan noticed that Teddy shifted uncomfortably in his seat during the conversation topic, especially at the mere mention of Aurors. "What about your parents Ryan? What do they do?" he asked.

"Well my mum stayed at home to take care of me when I was younger, not really sure what she is going to do now that I am here. She used to write editorials for the Daily Prophet so she might do that again. As for my dad, he works in the Department for the Control and Regulation of Magical Creatures in the spirit division. He really likes his job, except for when he has to go and clear areas of dementors." Ryan replied, "How about your parents Teddy?" Ryan turned to ask Teddy.

"My parents died a few weeks after I was born, before that my mum was an Auror, my dad couldn't get work. He was a werewolf. He did teach here for a year, but left after everyone found out" he replied sadly.

"Wait, I finally realise where I know your last name from! Are you the son of the famous war hero Remus Lupin?" Andrew asked excitedly.

"The very same" Teddy replied meekly.

"Wow, your dad was the first ever werewolf to ever be presented with an Order of Merlin and a first-class award as well" Andrew replied with awe, as if he had just met some form of action hero.

"Yeah, I live with my grandmother mostly, I do stay with my godparents a lot though as well. My godfather is Harry Potter" Teddy replied with a half effort smile on his face.

"Harry Potter? Like Head of the Auror office Harry Potter? Like defeater of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Harry Potter? Like the, The Boy Who-" Andrew started.

"Yep that's him" Teddy replied.

"Wow, wish I knew someone like that. My dad hasn't done anything huge for the Auror office, done a few raids with the other Aurors but apart from that, nothing major but your godfather is like a legend with the other Aurors" Andrew continued.

"Can we just drop the subject?" Teddy asked, Ryan was right. Teddy had not been comfortable with the conversation topic whatsoever.

"Come on guys, we should probably head to Charms, Lunch is going to be over soon and knowing us we will get lost and end up late to class" Ryan said.


The three boys, were in fact going to be late to class, the bell had just rung for the second time (signalling the start of a lesson) and the boys had somehow ended up on the sixth floor. They had been asking multiple students and ghosts on how to get to the charms classroom, but they had not had success yet in getting to the classroom.

"Stop walking away from me you knaves!" A voice called, Ryan looked around crazily to find out where the voice had come from, then he saw it, a rather short knight riding on a rather fat pony. "Stay and fight."

"Sorry, but who in Merlin's left kneecap are you?" Ryan asked.

"I am the valiant, the mighty, the legendary Sir Cadogan!" the knight screamed.

"Well, excuse me Sir Cadogan, but we need to go. We have charms class right now and we're lost, so if you would plea-" Andrew said to the knight, before the knight cut him off.

"Aha! A quest, come good sir's, I Sir Cadogan will lead this mighty quest and deliver you too the charms classroom" Sir Cadogan shouted. "Follow me!"

The three boys looked at each other, and shrugged; running after the obviously crazy fat pony riding knight as he ran through various other portraits annoying their previously calm inhabitants. Ryan muttered hundreds of apologies as the inhabitants of the paintings yelled how he had caused this.

"This guy is crazy!" Andrew shouted.

"I know, but honestly this is the most fun I think we will have this year, apart from flying of course" Teddy shouted back. Ryan was slower than Teddy and Andrew but not by too much, he was behind them but he could keep up with them.


"Your late boys, five points from Gryffindor each" Flitwick squeaked after they had arrived fifteen minutes late to the lesson. "Now as I was saying, this term we will be learning and practicing the Levitation Charm. This charm was invented by Juleth Hobart and remains to this day one of the biggest advances in the Magical World. His creation lead to the improvement of flight, especially with broomsticks" Flitwick said, demonstrating the charm.

"Now, the incantation of the spell is Wingardium Leviosa, the movement for the spell is a swish and a flick. Can everybody try the wand movement" he squeaked, everyone tried the wand movement to which he clapped and told them to try the spell.

The three boys sat at the desk, attempting the spell numerous amounts of times each of them causing numerous amounts of distractions to the rest of the class, especially when Teddy and Ryan roared in laughter as Andrew set fire to his eyebrows.


The three boys walked out of the room, Andrew was annoyed as Ryan and Teddy kept laughing at him whenever they saw his singed eyebrow.

"Want me to singe the other one for you?" Teddy offered, Teddy was surprised as he was good at Charms; he was the first one in the entire class to pull off the charm surprising both himself and the other two boys.

"Shut up Teddy, I bet you Andrew will wipe the smile off your face in Transfiguration" Ryan said, he himself was quite upset he wasn't that good at charms. At least Andrew had made his feather move before it spontaneously combusted (singing his left eyebrow), his had just sat there as if it was mocking him.

The three boys followed the rest of the year level to Transfiguration, not wanting to get lost and end up searching for the Transfiguration room. Whilst Flitwick may have only let them off with point docking, he suspected that Professor Brachet wouldn't be as nice, especially as the trio already had a detention.

Hey all, thought I would upload this chapter before I have to go away for a few days. I won't have the time to do any uploading, but I will keep up the writing fest. I will reply to any reviews given on the chapter. But I have to work all week this week not only for my job but I also have to finish my assignments. But I graduate soon!!! Its going to be awesome. Anyway, have a good one and remember to review, like and follow!

P.S This chapter is longer then usual :)

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