Bitter Sweet

By Hills101jay

545 86 37

Ariana stones expects to have a normal high school life void of drama but is aware that drama may be constant... More

Chapter 1- Unwanted shit
Chapter 2- Awkward
Chapter 3- desperate bitch
Chapter 4- Cheri
Chapter 5-secrets
Chapter 7- wanna be with you alone
Chapter 8- weird
Chapter 9- Goodbye
Chapter 10- catching up
Chapter 11- Why can't I stop hurting?
Chapter 12- I've always loved you
Chapter 13- You guys make a wonderful couple
Chapter 14- That same Jake
Chapter 15- Dad?
Chapter 16 - what have I done?
Chapter 17- The universe hates me
Chapter 18- He's back too?
Chapter 19 - welcome to Clifford high
Chapter 20 - Forgive me
Chapter 21- red head's and Blondie's
Chapter 22 -Drama Queen

chapter 6- you can talk to us

20 6 0
By Hills101jay

The bell for the ending of last period just went off. I can finally go home. But I can't stop thinking about Hailey and Jake
I don't know if I should trust her. We've been friends for as long as I can remember though. Would she really betray me this way?

Just as I'm about to get up from my seat, Damien walks up to me. Which isn't so strange

"What's up Ariana, sorry I didn't text you last night. Was a bit occupied with something" he says glaring at a figure walking out of the class and I follow his gaze and see Lana walking out of the class with a boy who I think is Josh, from the football team

"Uhm, its fine. I didn't even come online, was a bit tired"

"I see. Okay so we'll talk later?" He says more like a question than a statement

"Off course" I say getting up

"Cool. Bye"


"Hailey" I say approaching Hailey by the locker


"Hailey what's wrong. You've been acting strange lately. Is there anything you wanna share with me?"

"No. Its just school stress. Nothing more"

"Are you sure"

" Yeah"

"Okay, wanna hang in my place?" I say hopefully. Its been a while since we had quality time together

"not today Ari, mums taking us out for dinner and I have to prepare"

"Oh. Okay. Maybe another time"

"Yeah" its a bit weird that its Hailey that I'm having this dry and awkward conversation with. What is happening. When did we suddenly become so distant

I can't even express my feelings to her anymore and neither can she. We could share anything and everything with each other before

I'm lost in thoughts as I walk towards the school entrance that I don't notice Jake approaching me, and I don't think he notices me either cause it seems like he's texting someone.

"Ouch" I say bumping into him and we both drop all that we were carrying in our arms

"Whoa, sorry cheri. Didn't see you there" he says bending down to pick his things up and I do the same.

I pick his phone up and look at the screen and see that his most contacted is Hailey. Seriously! And I hand the phone to him, giving him a nasty glare in the process

"Why that look cheri, did I do something wrong?"

I'm about to make a comment about his friendship with Hailey but I change my mind. I don't think he'll tell me what's going on. So I just pick my things up and walk away without a single word to him.

"Someone's in a bad mood" he says loud enough for me to hear and I just roll my eyes

" hey cheri, remember. My place at 5"

"Fvck you"

I walk straight to my car. As I'm about to turn on the engine, I receive another message from same unknown number from yesterday

*I'll forgive you for spending so much time with MY boyfriend yesterday. But don't make the same mistake today. I might not be so patient or kind*

Okay so what's this person's problem? Its obviously Lana and I swear if I receive one more threat from her, I'll have to confront her or involve the principal. She's taking things too far

I angrily throw my phone into the passenger's seat then turn on my engine before driving home. Still have about an hour before heading to Jake's house.

"I'm home mum" I yell barging into the house.

"Honey. She appears from the hallway in an oversized shirt that I don't think I've seen before, and her hair is really messy
I just give her a suspicious look while she adjusts herself " you're home early"

"Yeah mum. I don't have after school activities today"


"Whose car is parked outside?" I ask remembering there was a G wagon parked in my front porch

"I... I don't know. Must be for a neighbour or someone visiting the neighbours"

Why do I feel that she's hiding something from me.
"What about the shirt you're wearing, who's is it?"

"Uhm.. Too many questions honey. Common, there's food in the kitchen. You look hungry, come eat" she says leading me to the kitchen. And it's confirmed that mum is also hiding something from me. OMG. Is she seeing someone behind my back?

Why is everybody just hiding secrets from me?
First Hailey and now mum too.

"I'm not hungry. I'm going to my room" I say walking out of the kitchen. Today is so not my day.

I think I need a bubble bath. So I slowly undress after setting my bubble bath and then I enter the bath tub.
I stay like that for about 30 minutes. Then I get dressed in a cozy sweater and my favourite sweat pants. I'm set to go to Jake's house.


"So you get the Pythagoras theory now?" Jake asks me patiently

"I think I do" I say trying to hide my smile but he just smirks triumphantly

"I'm tired of all these formulas" Damien says dropping his pen in defeat

"You took the words right outta my mouth" I say doing the same

"How do people actually understand this shitty subject without loosing their mind?"

"Its not that hard if you actually attempt a question" Jake answers and I suddenly remember Hailey, cause she also said something similar when I complained about calculus to her. And I think both Jake and Damien notice my facial expression changes

"What's wrong" Jake asks


"Hey, you know you can talk to us" Damien says, and I'm taken aback. Did he just say I can confide in him? Wow
I didn't expect this from the schools bad boy.

But why does he have the bad boy reputation when he isn't so bad?

I'd actually like to share my feelings right now but, Jake is here and I can't risk saying anything right now

"I'm okay. Just a little tired" I say putting on a weak smile

"If you say so" Jake shrugs. "Now let's attempt a few questions before calling it a day"

"Ughhhhh" Damien and I sigh at the same time

"Common guys" Jake says opening his text book


"Cheri did you drive?" Jake asks closing his textbook and I just glare at him. I'll ignore him until he stops calling me cheri

"Why do you call her cheri?" Damien asks Jake

"No reason though, the name suites her"

"Well I don't like it. Please stop calling me cheri. We're no longer dating idiot"

"Whoa" Damien says looking at the two of us "well its pretty late already. Che... Ariana, do you need a ride?"


"Uhm, yeah I do" I say packing my bag

"Alright. I'll drop you"

"Are you sure? Don't wanna bother you"

"Its okay. I'll pass there home"


**why is everyone keeping secrets from sweet Ariana?


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