Brothers in Arms

By ShadowAceSonic

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Eclipse the Darkling has had a rough life, and it's about to get harder--due to his own choice. When constant... More

Eclipse the Darkling: Guiding Stars
Shadow: Guarded Encounter
Shadow: Initial Interactions
Eclipse: Elucidating Argument
Shadow: Alarming Revelation
Shadow: Careless Conjecture
Eclipse: Awkward, yet Emboldening
Shadow: A Sagacious Spy
Eclipse: Scalpels and Slip-Ups
Shadow: A Talk with Tower
Eclipse: Humor over Heartache
Eclipse: Terror and Tribulations
Shadow: Fights and Forbearance
Eclipse: Trial By Force
Eclipse: Emergency
Eclipse: Anxiety, Anger, and Andrews
Eclipse: Ally or Agent?
Shadow: Return to Reality
Eclipse: Talking Shouldn't be This Hard
Shadow: The Dumb, the Dumber, and the Angry Bat
Eclipse: What do You Mean I Almost Burnt Down a Sublevel?
Eclipse: But Taunting You is So Fun!
Shadow: You Only Have One Bed
Eclipse: A Simple Quest for a Good Conversation
Shadow: The Calm and the Storm
Eclipse: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire
Eclipse: When Past and Present Collide
Eclipse: Not the Same
Eclipse: To Blankets and Back Again
Eclipse/Topaz: Stand Up Comedy Isn't a Joke!
Eclipse/Andrews: I'm Here, Little Ones!
Sally: Who's Andrews, and Why is He a Chaos Wielder?
Shadow/Rouge: Even Heroes Need Help Sometimes
Shadow/Eclipse: This Car Trip is Ruining My Reputation
Sonic: The Gang's All Here
Amy/Tower: You Weren't There
Tails/Sonic: Enemies to Rivals
Sonic: Brawling to Bromance

Eclipse: Right Here; Right Now

288 11 27
By ShadowAceSonic

"What I can't believe is that they thought they'd get away with that," Agatha states, shaking her head without removing her chin from her supporting hand. She looks around the table, glancing over the Commander, Andrews, Rouge, Shadow, and I. The two regional Commanders who also knew about the mission had commed for the overview, but it's just the six of us left now, discussing the events of the past two months. "How many times has some villainous organization tried to conquer the world with an army? I'm losing count."

"Not an original plan, to say the least. But, it could have caused a lot more harm than the Doctor's half-baked schemes if it had festered a little while longer," Shadow replies from next to me, looking grave. Around him, everyone's faces show similar sentiments, the late night meeting bringing out our darker thoughts.

"Well, aren't you a ray of sunshine?" Andrews raises his eyebrow, having to comment on Shadow like always, and I wince as my head throbs for the enth time. My headache began forming off and on after we left the mission scene this morning, and it's been steadily progressing ever since I left my room.

"What surprises me is the apparent lack of planning to that end," Commander Tower remarks, reviewing the paper files again. "We've heard from several people now that the plan was simply to create as many soldiers as possible and control them using an artificial hivemind, but no course of action was set beyond that."

"Waste of resources, paying for all that when they didn't even know if it would work," Rouge replies, snorting with amusement. "Are you sure there wasn't a plan?"

"Apparently, it was projected the development of the soldiers had several years still to run, so any finer logistics were going to be taken care of once the soldiers neared full development."

"Still dumb," Rouge mutters, and Shadow nods, agreeing.

"Let's be grateful they weren't better at planning this," my half-brother suggests, folding his arms as he leans back in his chair. His feet are on the table, a gesture I figure would be disrespectful were it not for the fact he'd be dwarfed by the chair otherwise. Rouge does the same, but I simply sit, resting my chin on the table in an exhausted acceptance of my size.

"The creations you found--they're not intelligent, right?" Andrews asks, looking at Shadow and I for clarification. As if on cue, Shadow launches into a brief explanation, trying to describe them to the human, and I shift to let my forehead touch the table's cool surface, staring down at my lap with unfocused eyes.

I can't tell what exactly I'm feeling right now, honestly. I feel hollow and exhausted, which I suppose is justified, but I don't know whether I'm suffering from sadness, despair, regret, or something else entirely. And, worst of all, I'm becoming too tired to care.

No one has tried to cheer me up or offer condolences; for once, I'm appreciative, finding I need space to think about and accept all of this. I'd rather do that tomorrow, though--be it selfish or not, I just want this long, awful day to end, even if it means not grieving properly.

"How did they create them, anyways?" Rouge questions, and I hear Agatha shift in her seat, likely switching arms to lean on.

"DNA," Shadow replies, and Tower's collar scratches on his close-cropped hair as he nods an affirmative. "From what we found, they'd collected samples during the first invasion, and they were planning to incorporate Eclipse's blood into the creations to make them more powerful. They got some when he was shot, apparently."

"So, capturing Eclipse was an opportunistic thing?" Andrews queries, tiredness making his voice sound stale and disinterested despite his evident curiosity.

"From what we can tell, yes," the Commander answers, shuffling his papers again.

"I guess we should give the bastards some credit, then," Andrews mutters. "They rallied on the spot when Eclipse made that truce. What was it, like, a few minutes difference between them capturing him and you all arriving? It's lucky Eclipse jumped out of that copter--they would have gotten away with him, otherwise."

"They beat Chaos Control," Shadow replies, sounding like he's shaking his head in dismay--I'm still staring listlessly downwards. "It wasn't twenty minutes from first contact for us to get to the plains, and they still managed to do it. Makes sense, though, since their base wasn't far."

"It was their stealth that was most impressive," Rouge points out, and I can hear her wings flutter slightly. "They scattered our radar and stayed nearly unnoticeable, never giving us any warning even when they were right under our nose. We would have lost you that one time if Eclipse hadn't rescued you." There's a pause, and I can feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Is he asleep?" Andrews asks, voice less gruff than usual.

"No, he's just tired," Shadow explains, and I hear Tower's specific 'ahem' as he clears his throat.

"Eclipse, you may be excused, if you wish," he offers, a surprisingly considerate gesture. I consider it as I raise my head slowly, feeling very woozy. "I'm sure Shadow will be happy to inform you of anything you miss."

"You look like you could use some sleep, hun," Rouge adds, and Agatha nods in agreement.

"It's been a long day," my human friend sighs, looking as exhausted as I feel. Her lavender eyes look at me worriedly with their dark circles, searching my face to see if something's wrong. I force a smile back, sitting up slightly.

"No, thank you, Commander," I say, voice coming out hoarse from all the times I've strained it today. "I'll stay."

"If you're sure," he acknowledges, hands clasped in front of his chin.

"About as sure as I am of anything at the moment," I reply quietly, and I know I'm tired when it takes me a moment to realize I said that audibly. No one comments, though, which I again appreciate. As far as I can tell, I'm going to recover from this ordeal, but I need time. Nothing hurts like reopening old scars.

I rest my chin in my left palm, watching the people around the table and letting my thoughts stop. No ideas, no justifications, no hopes, laments, or problems. Just sensations from the five people around me.

"Wait..." Rouge suddenly begins, chair shifting as she moves to sit up. Her crystal blue eyes are alert, more so than mine, and I try to pay attention to her through my exhaustion. "Wait a second. What were the Chaos signals? That still hasn't been answered."

"You mean, beyond my most avoidable embarrassment?" Shadow says with a small tinge of humor, raising one of his eye ridges slightly. I blink slowly in surprise; maybe he's finally starting to look at his mistakes in a better light. It's about time--his self doubt is so much more frustrating than his arrogance. I wonder, did it help when I waved away his guilt about accusing me?

"From what we can tell, the four Chaos signals were four creations that were being transported at the same time as your mission," Tower responds, and I notice for the first time that his normally combed hair is somewhat mussed. I smirk slightly, finding it amusing to see the silvery white strands poking up haphazardly on the serious man.

"Transported?" Andrews queries, surprised. I study him, too, noting how his orangish red hair and clear blue eyes clash. The juxtaposition of the colors is almost like a physical representation of his intelligence colliding with his hotheadedness--or am I reading too much into random genetics? Sometimes it's odd to remember that humans are not purposefully designed.

"The base we raided was very new. It was finished only days before Eclipse made contact with us, and creations and supplies were still being moved."

"There, you see, Shadow?" Rouge points out, obviously pleased. "It wasn't just your mistake--the universe conspired against you to make everything seem like the Dark Arms were there."

"Speaking of the Dark Arms," Commander Tower notes in an obvious interjection, and I straighten immediately in my seat, suddenly feeling some semblance of awake. "I'd like to retrieve them soon, so as to avoid a similar situation to what we just solved. If you could tell us where you last left them, that would be a good place to start," he continues, addressing me.

"I left them in a forested area a week's travel from where I crashed Team Dark's ship," I answer, feeling a slight touch of embarrassment at admitting that, but Tower doesn't seem to have any reaction to the mention of my past.

"Do you know that forest's name?" He questions, and I shake my head.

"I probably do," Shadow says in an obvious offer, and I nod. I let him touch my mind, retrieving my memories of the forest for him; he acts considerately as he reviews them, not intruding on my emotions. "Looks like Rainleaf Forest to me."

"Good, we'll start looking there. That brings me to something else I wanted to mention." He turns to me with a heavy shift of attention, and I feel as if Tower's mismatched eyes are scanning my soul. The sensation clears my mind as if a brisk wind has suddenly rushed through my ears, blowing away the cobwebs of my mind.

"Eclipse," the Commander continues, looking formal and imposing despite the fact he must be as exhausted as the rest of us. "You can now be declassified. In addition, while it will take a while to process the necessary paperwork, I think you've shown sufficient performance this past month. I'd like to offer you the position of Special Agent here, with its standard freedoms and pay."

I stare at him, taking a moment to process that.

Then, a smile forms on my lips, almost of its own accord.

"I'm honored to accept your offer, Commander," I say, suddenly feeling a little bit more optimistic about tomorrow.

"Good. I'll have some basic supplies delivered to your room. As for the rest of you--" He turns to address the rest of the table again, and five pairs of bloodshot eyes look owlishly back at him. "Excellent work today. Things went as smoothly as could have been hoped, and I appreciate your hard work."

Around me, everyone looks mildly stunned at the uncharacteristic praise, but, through my own gratitude, I can tell it was a good move on Tower's part. For all I'd learned of loyalty through strict control, it seems a positive bond can work similar wonders, perhaps even greater ones.

"Now that we've finished our review, I propose we all turn in. A good rest would help us all, I'm sure," the Commander finishes, and everyone lets out a simultaneous sigh of relief, smiling at each other. I blink at him, amazed.

I guess he really does sleep.

I clamber out of my chair, doing my best not to stumble from exhaustion, and Shadow helps Rouge down from hers in a rather gentlemanly way--he tends to be concerned for his friends in times of stress, I've noticed. As if confirming my observation, he pats me on the shoulder as I make to leave, and I weakly return his smile.

"Sleep well," he says with a hint of affection, and I sigh.

"I'll try," I reply, unsure if I should promise something I likely can't keep. "You, too." Everyone leaves the room, standing outside the door through some unspoken consensus as we all stretch our stiff muscles. Shadow is the first to head off, and I watch him walk down the hallway with heavy steps, obviously exhausted.


I squint my tired eyes, studying his shoulders as a suspicion forms in my gut.

Oh no.

I straighten, hurriedly weighing my options, but one thought overrides the rest to come to the forefront of my mind.

I know that guilty posture.

I turn around from where I was pretending to look the other way and run after him. He hasn't gotten too far, and I catch up quickly, standing as tall as I can as he looks at me in surprise.

"Wait, Shadow," I begin, fumbling for a way to communicate properly. "Don't--Don't worry about what happened today."

He stares back at me, crimson eyes flat in the fluorescent light; I can still see the remorse in them.

"It's not your fault," I continue, conveying this as sincerely as I can. "And, actually--"

The thought has come suddenly, from the deepest corner of my soul, and I take a breath to prepare for it as my half-brother looks on. I nearly laugh at the sight of his questioning expression, chest chuckling weakly, silently.

So, this is it, then.

I can give him this kindness. I can make peace with everything.

Right here.

Right now.

I clear my throat, wanting a steady voice for this. Sensing the gravitas, Shadow doesn't interrupt, instead giving me his full, undivided attention.

"I understand now," I tell him, and I can see the realization wash over him like a tangible wave. "I get it. I understand how hard it is to make a decision with the lives of your family weighed against those of your friends. Before, I didn't realize how difficult it is to choose your own future over those of your blood. I underestimated how truly different your definition of a person becomes after knowing everyone here, and I apologize for the grief I've caused you over your decision. It's been a lot, I know," I admit, looking down. "And, well..."

Everyone is silent, the others shamelessly listening in on my words, but my attention is solely for the formerly estranged half-brother in front of me. I raise my gaze to meet Shadow's again, swallowing as an old feeling blossoms in my heart. For the first time in over half a year, I can see him as my younger self once did. A strong, admirable warrior standing tall in the face of hardship. An idol, a teacher, a rival, a friend.

A brother.

"What I'm trying to say is, I'm sorry," I say a bit self-consciously, rubbing my hand over the crease of my elbow. It's almost embarrassing, remembering how I used to look up to him, but I can truly say I'm starting to again, if not with the same rose lenses as before. "When it came down to it, I made the same decision. And, because I understand it, because I've lived it..."

I smile, proud that my eyes only water slightly.

"I forgive you."

For a moment, all is still.

Then, I stiffen in shock as Shadow embraces me without a word, wrapping his arms around me in a protective, reassuring hold that I awkwardly return. He didn't stop to think about what everyone else must think of this; he simply let his emotions carry him. He's thrown all worries beyond this moment out the window, and the openness of it touches me.

My relationship with Shadow has been a rough road, and it's not without bumps yet. But, I'm glad I've finally mended our bridge. I've lost a family twice now; I've learned to let go of what I can't have. What kind of brother would I be if I didn't hold tight to the one person still left?

"All I've ever wanted was to see you smile."

I blink in shock, not having expected Shadow to speak, and he gives me a hesitant smile of his own, holding me at arm's length.

"And, it means more to me than you could ever know to be the reason behind it."

"You're welcome?" I say, unsure how to react to such a heartfelt sentiment. He half rolls his eyes, but he gives me another embrace, clapping me on the back.

"Serious as always, I see," he sighs, then takes a breath. "Eclipse, I know I'm not always the best person to guide you, but I'll keep trying, okay?"

"Oh, Chaos, not emotional guidance," I reply with mock horror, and he gives me a deadpan expression, not impressed that I've ruined his moment. I grin unabashedly back, considering it an accomplishment when his lips twitch upwards.

"Eclipse? Anyone who tells you to never change is a bloody moron."

"Oi, I can't help my incredible personality," I say, pretending to be offended. "Just because you have a Chaos Spear up your butt--"

"If you don't like it, you should have blocked my powers," Shadow responds, smirking as my lips purse.

"Ooh, clever. Now, let's pretend for a moment that we're on even remotely the same intellectual playing field--" I begin, and Shadow's quick to counter.

"Oh, so that thick skull of yours does contain something."

"Glass houses, brother," I drawl, grinning at him.

"At least mine has plumbing," he retorts, and we both pause for a moment before snorting with laughter.

"Well, at least--actually, that doesn't merit a reply," I say, guffawing.

"I was reaching," Shadow chuckles, and I give him a quirked eye ridge.

"No, really?"

"Shut up," he chortles, crossing his arms in a typical Shadow fashion, all the while smiling in a very atypical Shadow fashion. "Goodnight, Mr. Can't Take a Compliment."

"Compliment? The last I checked, you were insulting my lack of a sanitary system," I point out, grinning.

"I meant about the smile, but whatever, Plexiglass Apartment," Shadow grumbles, nevertheless snorting with amusement.

"Then you should have been more specific, Safety Glass Cabin," I respond, mockingly serious.

"Windshield Winnebago."

"Tempered Glass Trailer Park."

"Plate Glass Penthouse."

"Oh, so I'm living the high life?" I question gleefully, searching my mind for another term to throw at him. "Crystal Cottage."

"Oh, Chaos, we're getting this, right?" Rouge laughs suddenly from behind, making me turn around as Shadow also switches his attention. We both apparently forgot the others were even there, and my older brother exchanges a glance with me, similarly confused.

"What?" He queries, and Rouge giggles knowingly.

Something about that giggle makes my face flush.

"What did you do?" Shadow asks, suddenly wary, and she waves her hand.

"Hey, hun, I didn't do it. I just profit from it."

"She's referring to the microscopic cameras assigned to each of you," Tower informs us, beginning an awkward pause.

"The what?" Shadow eventually asks, ears starting to fold down as he comprehends that statement.

"How do you think we always knew when you were arguing?" Rouge questions gleefully, and I suddenly feel quite exposed before her smug aquamarine eyes. "It's alright, hun, all the footage is classified. But, yeah, every moment of every day since Eclipse got here, we've got it all."

"I thought you used the security cameras," my half-brother says numbly, and I not, agreeing with the statement but not sure I trust my voice.

"Each of you was assigned a flight-enabled camera for observation, as a precaution. We actually knew about you being attacked during the near-capture incident before Eclipse informed Captain Topaz, but we were still not able to respond in time," Tower adds, but I barely hear him.

They've been watching everything.


"Dear Chaos, you've seen everything?" I can't help asking, eyes wide with embarrassment as I think of all those times I muttered things under my breath, all those nights I tossed and turned sleeplessly, talking to myself as I tried to work out my darkest thoughts. All those moments I was weak, those times I felt helpless and angry, those humiliating moments I made a fool of myself, they saw it all?

"Everything of importance," Tower answers, and I feel my knees weaken somewhat.

"Yeah, okay, I'm going to go to bed now," I say, turning around in hopes of not learning any more things I don't want to know. "Goodnight."

"I think I'll do that, too," Shadow agrees numbly, the both of us now thoroughly uncomfortable.

"Night, Cased Glass Condos!" Rouge says cheerfully, and we simultaneously groan.

"Please tell me this isn't going to be a thing," I beg, turning back. The white bat just looks smugger, shrugging with pretend indecision.

"Oh, don't worry about it, Mr. 'I Think About Such Things More Than Mortals,'" she answers slyly, and I blanch.

"Oh no--" I start to say, and she grins.

"Oh yes," she cackles, and Shadow looks confusedly at me.

"Think about what things?"

"Nooo!" I frantically say, waving my arms, and Rouge turns to him with an evil smile.

"Oh, you know, young aliens. All about finding that new purpose, living that new life, and getting with single hybrid hotties."

"I didn't mean that!" I exclaim, Shadow's face slowly transforming to give me a very clear, 'the hell?' expression. "I was replying to something else, she's taken it out of context!"

"I can attest to that, it's very out of context," Agatha supports, and I breathe a sigh of relief. "Which reminds me, we're all still out of bed. I'm really happy you two made up--I'm proud of you," she acknowledges, smiling at me, and her praise clears away my embarrassment like water on wax, making me stand straight with pride. "But, I think we all ought to do what Commander Tower suggested, and go to sleep."

"Yes, congratulations in the morning," Tower agrees, looking actually tired for the first time I've ever seen.

"Getting old, Abe?" Rouge teases him, flapping her wings a few times to rise up to human eye level.

"Old, decrepit, and coffee-dependent, thank you. Goodnight," he responds, which is perhaps the most singularly informal thing I have ever heard him say.

I smile, feeling privileged to have seen all of these sides to my new comrades.

"Goodnight," Shadow replies, Agatha and myself echoing the statement. "Sleep well, Eclipse."

"Like a comatose rock," I nod, grinning as I wave to Agatha. A moment later, I teleport, appearing below the surface in my room. Compared to those hours I was here alone earlier, it seems to have gotten friendlier, but that's probably just me.

Not that I mind. I love my new friends.

Author's Note: And so completes Eclipse's main character arc!!! I'm so proud of him. This chapter is one of my favorites, and I hope it's one of yours, now, too! Please tell me what you thought of it, because I'm dying to know! Are you happy for our favorite alien? Were you surprised to see him forgive Shadow, or were you expecting it all along? Tell me what you think of it!

I'll see you all soon with another chapter. Until then--or until you comment! x3

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