The Hidden Truth (DROP)

By CIR_2407

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"Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. B... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Extrication
Not an Update
Chapter 3: Diagon Alley
Chapter 4: A New Family
Chapter 5: A Strange Incident
Chapter 6: Dream
On Hold
Chapter 7: The Accidental Encounter
Chapter 8: Trapped
Chapter 9: Mémoires
Chapter 10: New Identity
Chapter 11: Down Memory Lane
Chapter 12: Dawn
Chapter 14: Some Little Things
1K Votes
Chapter 15: The First Fight
Chapter 16: The Sorting
New Work

Chapter 13: To Hogwarts

7.7K 230 120
By CIR_2407

After a considerable amount of eventful events, it was finally time for Hadrian and Draco to attend Hogwarts. All of their luggage had been transported to the station by the house-elves and they were having their final breakfast at the Manor. It would be a long time before they could eat here again. During the meal, the adults gave them their advices:

- Study well, children. - Narcissa said, - The subjects you are taking are very important to you. Although both of you had read through all of them, you must not be distracted. There are still many things that you don't know.

- Remember, if you have any problems, just go to me. - Severus said. - I will readily help you.

- And don't forget, you can always floo me if anyone gets in your nerves. - Lucius laughed, and immediately yelped in pain when Narcissa slapped him in the back.

- Don't be a bad example to the kids, Luc. You are not a child.

Hadrian laughed merrily. He had never been this happy before, all he had ever felt was humiliation when he was called "freak", "pipsqueak", or whatever name they could think of. Not to mention pain, physically and mentally. Those relatives of his had hurt him, a lot, but he tried not to think of those bad memories when he was having such a great time with people who truly cared for him. He sighed contentedly, oh how he loved his family. Yes, he had considered Severus and the Malfoys his family for quite some time. They treated him like family, so it was fair to treat them the same. He didn't mind, really. Could somebody mind when he was surrounded in love and care? I didn't think so.

After they finished breakfast, Narcissa gave the boys a hug:

- Safe travels, my dears. And don't get into trouble.

- We won't, mother. - Draco answered, but Hadrian wasn't sure if the blonde would keep his promise.

- Come now, we will apparate you to the station. - Severus said quietly while taking hold of Hadrian. - Don't worry, the feeling will go away soon enough.

Hadrian nodded his head and tightened his grip on Severus' arm. The man securely wrapped his hands around the boy's shoulders and they disappeared with a snap.


The sensation of being pulled and squeezed was still there, but Hadrian had apparated once, so it wasn't that bad anymore, although he still felt a little light-headed. He stumbled a bit after they arrived at the station, head spinning like a spinning wheel. Luckily, he didn't want to throw up like last time.

- Are you alright, Hadrian? - Severus asked, his hand rubbing gently on the boy's stomach. They had apparated to a dark corner of the station, so they were not in the spotlight. "Lucky me", thought Severus sarcastically. He wouldn't dare to imagine Potter or Weasley catching him being this close to a "Potter". They had agreed to cast a powerful glamour spell on Hadrian so he would look like "Harry Potter". They didn't want to risk blowing Severus' cover. What a shame, he would love to see their reactions upon seeing Hadrian's appearance.

Hadrian shook his head:

- Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy.

- Do you want something to ease it down? - Severus asked.

- That would be marvelous.

Severus pulled out a chocolate bar from his cloak:

- Eat this.

Hadrian carefully eyed the bar as he ripped the covers. "Dark chocolate and almonds...", he thought, "Must be his favourite sweet." He had never seen Severus keeping any sweets near him, except for this. He took a bite, and immediately felt much better. The bitterness of the chocolate did wonders to his system.

- Thanks Sev. - He smiled gratefully.

- No problem. Now, go and find Lucius and Draco. I will put an invisible charm on you and it will wear off when you get near them. Remember, when you study at Hogwarts, I am expected to hate you, so don't be angry when you hear me speak ill of you. It is not me.

- I won't, Sev. I know who you are, and I won't let any rumours ruin our relationship.

Hadrian smiled brightly. The last few weeks had brought him closer to Sev, and he was grateful that he had taken some time to get to know the seemingly cold man in front of him. They would misunderstood him, Hadrian knew, but he did not care.

Severus smiled lightly, grateful that the boy wouldn't be easily swayed by the public's words. He was not afraid of being hated, but if his own son hated him, well, he wouldn't stand it. Severus was a hard man, but he had a heart. It had broken many times before: when his mother died, when he was bullied by Potter and his gang, when Tom died... He shuddered a bit at the thought. He couldn't bear the pain again. Gathering up his feelings, he gently pushed Hadrian:

- Now go, little one. Safe travels.

- See you again, Sev.

Hadrian waved at him and quickly disappeared into the crowd. Severus walked away, his robes flowing elegantly behind him. He was going to investigate Tom's death. He didn't believe that he had died under the Killing Curse. He would have never used it.

With the thought hanging in his mind, he apparated.


For a while there, Hadrian thought he was lost. He had been wandering across the station, looking at every crook and nanny but still, no sign of Lucius or Draco. "What if they get into trouble?", he thought, "But how can they if they only apparate? Surely they can't get lost." He walked around for a moment longer before catching a glimpse of two blonde heads. He hastily ran towards them just to see someone he didn't want to see most.

- Potter... - Hadrian sneered under his breath. Both of them, actually. They were picking a fight with the Malfoys.

- Malfoy, I'm suprised to see you here. Thought you were going to let your son stay at home to become a Death Eater. - James laughed nastily. Juliet was standing beside him, holding her chin so high that it almost faced the roof.

"Ouch, that was harsh", Hadrian flinched at the thought when he got close enough to hear their arguments. James shouldn't have said that, it was stupid of him. He should know that Lucius was very protective of his companions and family, and James had spoken ill about both. But then again, he was stupid, and he was going to pay for what he had said.

"It is going to be ugly", the ravenett thought as he hid behind a pillar next to Draco. He watched the younger blonde grew angry at the offense helplessly, knowing that if he showed up, he would be forced to stay with the "High and Mighty Chosen One", and that would be sickening.

And sure enough, Lucius snapped back coldly:

- Potter, you should know that we Malfoys never risk our youth's education just to make them bear our problems. Look at yourself, hiding behind a young girl eleven years of age and hope that she will defeat the Dark Lord. Her magic core hasn't completely grown and yet you think that she will be the one to save you? How pathetic.

He gave one last cold stare before grabbing his son's hands and lead him to the train. Hadrian quietly followed them, but not before he happily stole one last look at the Potters' shocked faces.


He stalked after them, looking for a right moment to jump out. So when they turned to a less crowded area, he ran forward and tapped on Draco's shoulder. The blonde turned his head and quickly flung his arms around the ravenett when he realized it was Hadrian.

- There you are, Hadrian, we have been looking for you. Where were you, anyway? And why are you here alone? Wasn't godfather with you?

- Hello uncle Luc, hi Dray. Sev had already gone to Hogwarts ahead of us, and I was looking for the two of you when I came across your little...argument.

- You'd been there? Why didn't I see you? - Draco puzzled.

- He was standing next to you, my Dragon. - Lucius smiled. - Behind the pillar you were leaning on.

Hadrian smiled apologetically:

- I'm sorry, Dray, but I can't risk being forced into the same carriage as Juliet. I would be sickened to death by her followers' words.

Draco shook his head:

- It's okay, Hadrian. I would have covered you up if you hadn't hide.

- Okay, boys. - Lucius chuckled, - Let's get on the train. You're getting late.

They stopped before a massive bright red locomotive, white smoke coming out of its chimney. The station was bustling with people coming and going; children sticking their heads out of the carriages, shouting out to their parents; owls hooting, cats meowing and toads croaking. It was quite an interesting view.

Lucius gently patted the boys' back:

- Off you go now, boys. Remember to write to us when you have settled down in your rooms.

- We will, father. - Draco smirked while shaking hands with his father.

- We won't forget, uncle Luc. Thank you for seeing us to the station. - Hadrian smiled. - Goodbye and see you soon.

They both turned away and walked swiftly towards the train. Lucius stood still in his place, looking at them until they were out of his sight.

A new adventure had just begun.


Long time no see, dear readers! What do you think of this new chapter? Is it good? I really hope so.

Sorry I can't update any sooner, the last few weeks had been exhausting for me. I got myself into some trouble and I just had a test yesterday. Phew... So tiring.

Finally, hope you guys all have a brilliant new week, though it won't work for me. :)))


P.S. I just got myself into a drawing craze 😅😁 What do ya think?

P.S.S. Which songs in Frozen 2 do you like? 💙💚❤💛

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