Road Trip

By hannahelizabeth19XX

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All it takes in a road trip; to find yourself, make the best memories of your life, or simply get away and tr... More



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By hannahelizabeth19XX

 Since getting back into the car from the last snack stop I've been freezing. The thought crossed my mind a couple times that Jensen may be sweating to death a little more as I gradually kept upping the heat. 

 The two of us were fairly quiet throughout the drive again with the exception of my humming along to a song here and there. By chance, 'Brother' by NEEDTOBREATHE began laying through speakers quietly which made me have to lean forward for a moment to turn up the volume. 

 Jensen glanced away from the road as he saw me sit forward, turning the volume up and smiled a bit as if internally chuckling at me. I sat back against the seat, whispering along to the lyrics. 

 I handy noticed but as the song went on and with each passing of the chorus, my own volume had risen slightly each time. I caught Jensen looking over at my momentarily over and over again, a smile growing across his lips each time. 

 About two and a half minutes into the song, as my favourite part came up, he glanced over again and I turned to him. "What?" I asked with a little laugh

 He shook his head slightly as he shrugged his shoulders, "Nothing, I didn't say anything." 

 "Yeah but you keep looking at me!" 

 Jensens view was fixated back on the slightly winding road, "You're just really good at the song, that's all. It was nice to listen to." 

 A small blush crept up onto my cheeks, "Thanks.." I mumbled and trialed off. 

There were a few other songs I quietly sung along to or hummed the rhythm to but there were no more little mentions of my slight singing which I was pretty thankful for honestly. 


 The next snack stop took a little longer than expected. We both needed the bathroom -badly-  after the countless variations of beverages we'd had. The bathrooms were atrocious to say the very least. 

 As for the snacks though, we'd absolutely loaded up. We knew there was going to be a large gap in between stops for a while so we got a fair amount more than we'd needed. Chips, M&M's, fuzzy peaches, and drinks; hot chocolate and vitamin water for me, coffee and Pepsi for Jensen. 

 The man up at the counter looked at us like we were crazy for getting so much junk food but we'd disregard the almost glare, paid, and left. 

 We climbed into the small silver vehicle and began opening snacks before we'd even left the parking lot of the little convenience store. M&M's and all dressed chips first, then we took off, back down the long highway stretch. 

 Bags crinkled and tore for the next hour whether it was from digging into a bag for more junk food or crushing a bag into ball to throw to the back seat. To kill time as we drove, we begun playing a rather dangerous game of throwing little peach candies into Jensens mouth, yes, while he continued to drive. If he didn't catch them in his mouth, they more than likely dropped to his lap and we'd go at it again. 

 I think we both knew that we shouldn't but decided to chance it anyways. There was no one around on the dead road so the only concern was not to veer off into a ditch or something. 

 Our mini candy tossing game didn't last very long, we'd swerved one too many times that we figured not to chance it anymore. And we were almost out of peaches. 

 "Oh! I totally forgot about these!" My voice was laced with excitement as I dug through my purse. Jensen looked over quickly with a puzzled expression. 

 I pulled out two large chocolate bars after rummaging through my bag. Jensen laughed at me but I was ecstatic. "Don't laugh at me, finding these in the bottom of my bag is 'thrilly'!" 

 " 'Thrilly'?" He questioned and I nodded, already opening one of the bars. 

 "Here." I said, bringing a piece of chocolate up to his mouth. He opened without hesitation and took the chocolate. 

 The excitement level in the vehicle began to gradually rise as we got closer to home. I began recognizing stops and landmarks as we neared closer and I couldn't wait to be back. Of course I loved the trip, I don't regret a single moment but it's always nice to be home. 

 I think we both knew that neither of us needed any more junk food and snacks and sugary drinks but just because we could, we made one more quick stop and loaded up before really being home. We were maybe forty-five minutes away from officially being back but we figured that in the odd chance that we don't finish everything, it would make for a great snack later that day. 

 I swear though, Jensen and I both probably gained ten pounds since leaving for this trip. 


 "T-minus five minutes." 

 I chuckled to myself as Jensen stated how much longer we had. Again. He'd been doing that since about the half an hour mark, every five minutes. 

 I'd messaged my mom earlier, stating that Jensen was going to stay a bit rather than just drop me off which turned out to be no problem sees to how she replied back saying that they weren't going to be home for another two days. 

 We pulled up to my place and I almost didn't get out of the car. A strange wave of exhaustion seemed to wash over me but I pushed the car door open anyways, moments after Jensen had his open. 

 I began piling all my think into my arms, balancing my keys on my fingers to be able to unlock the door without having to make two trips to the car. If I can do everything in one go, I will. Especially with groceries. 

 Jensen seemed to have the same idea since he looked like he was carrying just as much as me. 

 I carried all my belongings, new bought items, and unopened snacks down to my room and dropped everything onto my bed, Jensen following close behind. 

 I quickly changed after getting everything put away and finding new homes for everything I had bought during the trip. Jensen was at my place so frequently which meant he had a place for everything for the time being. 

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