Detroit: Become Human Oneshot...

By spiderwomanxoxo

279K 4.9K 1.3K

These are just a random collection of oneshots and preferences with any character from dbh • Requests can be... More

• connor x reader •
• connor x reader part 2 •
• rk900 x reader •
• connor x reader •
• ralph x reader •
Preference • How You Met
Preference • Your First Date
• markus x reader •
• connor x reader •
Preference • Nicknames
• rk900 x reader •
• rk900 x reader part 2 •
Preference • Spending Quality Time
• markus x reader •
Preference • When They Say They Love You
Preference • Your Wedding Dress
Preference • Your Wedding Venue
Preference • Your Proposal
Request • Connor
Preference • They're Jealous
• connor x reader •
Preference • Honeymoon Place
Preference • You're ill
Preference • Your Kids
• gavin x reader •
Preference • Your First Argument
Preference • TV Shows
Preference • Meeting Your Parents
Preference • Your Relationship Song
Preference • Break Up Song
• connor x reader •
Preference • Where They Kiss You
Request • Connor
Preference • How You Sleep
• connor x reader •
Preference • Halloween Costumes
Preference • Giving Birth
• connor x reader •
Preference • They Know You're Mad When...
Request • Connor
Preference • What They Do For Valentine's Day
• markus x reader •
Preference • When They Realise They Love You
• gavin x reader •
Preference • What They Think
• rk900 x reader •
Preference • What They Do To Show Their Love
• kamski x reader •
Preference • How You Turn Them On
• ralph x reader •
Preference • How They Are Around You
Preference • The Reason You Break Up
Preference • Getting Back Together
Preference • Their Favourite Feature Of Yours
Preference • Their Promise To You
Preference • Your Favourite Movie
Request • Connor Part 1
Request • Connor Part 2
Request • Markus
Request • Ralph
Preference • Who Flirts With You
Preference • You're Jealous
Request • Connor Part 1
Request • Connor Part 2
• connor x reader •
Request • Connor Part 1
Request • Connor Part 2
Request • Connor Part 3
Preference • Christmas day

• rk900 x reader •

3.5K 76 17
By spiderwomanxoxo

I didn't know why but for some reason, Nine's attitude is beginning to irk me. Perhaps it might've been the way he talked to literally everyone with a cold and calculating manner, or the way he wouldn't tell me things because he thought I wasn't smart enough to understand. For some strange reason, Nines acts like he's better than everyone.

The station is almost empty, except for Nines and I, and one or two officers working overtime as well. We were allowed to leave a while ago but I had to stay behind to help Nines in the evidence room.

"I think these two things fit together. The photo along with the bloodied locket gives us a range of reasons why they might've wanted to kill them." I suggest, looking at the evidence. Nines frowns and shakes his head.

"I disagree. I ran a scan on both things and they don't seem to have a connection with each other." Nines mutters, shrugging at me.

"If not that, then what about the other stuff here," I reply, pointing at some other pieces of evidence. "These could give some pretty legitimate answers."

A few minutes go by as he looks over the evidence. In fact, he didn't look at it thoroughly enough as he looks away at something else he is fiddling with. He could've at least ran a quick scan on the evidence I pointed out, rather than look at it for one second.

"Nope. These things together don't make sense." Nines mutters again. I try not to get ticked off by his lack of attention to detail and try to convince myself that maybe he's right about the answers not being in here.

I persist on looking at other bits of evidence. In the same arduous manner, I hold them up at him again.

"Surely these must give us some kind of explanation. If you look deeply enough into it." I suggest. Nines doesn't even look up at me.

"No. It's not in here. You're wrong every time, can't you take a hint? The answer clearly isn't here, Y/N." Nines snaps at me, not even making eye contact.

"Sorry for wasting your time then." I reply sarcastically and I shove the evidence back into the case, not caring about how sloppy it looks.

"Why are you taking that tone with me?" Nines questions, raising an eyebrow. Really? He's asking me, of all people in the world to ask?

"Why don't you ask yourself that question? I'm done here." I say and walk off.

"Wait just a second, Y/N. What do you mean by that?" He asks. Does he seriously need to be told? For an advanced android prototype, I thought he would've figured out what I was getting at by now.

"What do you mean 'What do I mean.'? Haven't you seen the tone you've been using with people all week? You've been acting like an asshole to everyone, including me, your girlfriend. Tell me why." I demand, standing there with hands on my hips.

"None of your concern." He mutters. Every time Nines mutters, it begins to piss me off more and more.

"Well, yes it is my concern. What's your fucking deal, huh?" I raise my voice exasperatedly. Nines' frown grows deeper; I didn't even know it could go that deep.

"You wouldn't understand. You're just a human. How could you possibly be able to interpret what I'm thinking on a daily basis? Sorry, Y/N but I don't want to discuss this anymore." Nines mutters. Again with the muttering.

"Can you actually stop muttering please? And you kind of started this whole discussion/argument thing in the first place so don't tell me you don't want to talk about it anymore. But whatever, I guess a 'human' like me wouldn't understand. I'm out." I shout and walk out, this time not looking back.

I loved Nines but this whole week, he'd been getting on my nerves. Today is the epitome of it all. I guess they all were right when they said a human and android could never be together as they couldn't understand one another, truly. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.

A part of me wants to stay in that evidence room and talk things out, to keep persisting until I get an answer. Another part of me wants to forget this even happened and give him the silent treatment. Unfortunately, that part of me is the most dominant at the moment and so I proceed to make my way home.

Drenched by the rain, I stumble in to my house. As if today couldn't get any better! To top it off, I see a stack of letters in brown envelopes on the doorstep, meaning I've got a bunch of bills to pay. Then I switch my light on, only to find out the light bulb isn't working and that I've got no more left. Great.

I sulk off to my bedroom and peel off my soaked clothes, slipping into my warmer, drier pyjamas. Luckily the light in my room works. I sit there and decide to scroll through posts on my phone, trying to take my mind off what had happened.

Possibly an hour later, I hear the sound of stones hitting a wall, or some kind of concrete. Maybe it's just the rain getting heavier.

A minute later, I see a rock fly towards my window. I don't know if I'm seeing things or if it was a large raindrop.

Then another rock. And another. Who or what is throwing rocks at my window? Why are they so intent on breaking my window altogether? As if I didn't have enough to think about.

Reluctantly, I get out of bed and peer out my window. I scout out the whole area until I notice a figure down below with a stark white jacket.

Oh, joy.

I open the window and look down at him.

"What? Decided to piss me off even more by breaking my window?" I ask.

"Y/N, I'm sorry. Please let me come up. I'm soaking wet and it hurts my systems. Let me have a chance to explain. Please." Nines says. I sigh and nod at him. He climbs up quite quickly into my room and I make sure he takes his dirty shoes off before stepping on my carpet. With the rain dripping off a few strands of his hair and the puppy dog like expression on his face, I must admit he looks very cute.

"Okay. Proceed." I say, keeping a safe distance in case I suddenly get the urge to hug him.

"I can't really justify why I've been acting like an asshole to you or anyone else all week. I found things out that really annoyed me, things from Amanda and I didn't feel like sharing it with anyone else. I guess bottling those things up turned into aggression. It's not good, is it?" Nines explains.

"Nope. You know you can tell me anything, right? I may not understand but I'll do my best to be by your side. That's the least I can do for you." I reply.

"I know. And I love you for it. I'm deeply sorry for being so rude to you back there. How anyone could shout at someone as precious as you, I have no idea. Please forgive me. I promise I'll actually tell you stuff from now on." Nines says, stepping closer.

"It's alright. These things happen." I reply, walking closer to him. All of a sudden, he envelops me in his long, sturdy arms and I lean against his chest, hearing the quiet thud of his pump regulator.

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