The Transformation

By seokjinsgoodchild

125K 3.3K 1.9K

Jungkook has been really disrespectful to his hyungs lately, especially Yoongi and Jimin. After an argument o... More



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By seokjinsgoodchild

Apparently, whichever demons had forced Jungkook into the awkward situation he was in didn't even give him even a few hours to try and settle into his new lifestyle. It was bad enough with Jimin and Yoongi acting like his parents.

Now, however, he was facing a dilemma much worse.

It wasn't like Seokjin, Namjoon, Hoseok and Taehyung had just disappeared in this alternate reality was stuck in. Oh no, they were there alright. Jimin had been talking to them on the phone while Jungkook was laid in a portable bassinet for a morning nap. And Jungkook had heard every word.

"Oh, it was terrible, hyung. He woke us both up and wouldn't stop screaming until I gave him a bottle. And then he woke us up not even three hours later again, but there was nothing even wrong with him that time! He's very demanding," Jimin sighed down the phone, peeking from behind his laptop to check if his baby was okay.

Jungkook wasn't kicking and screaming this time. Nope, this time, he was quiet. He needed to listen to what Jimin was saying about him after all.

The person on the other line sounded a lot like Jin, and Jungkook could only cringe thinking about the man laying eyes on him in his babified state. Sure, Jimin was pretty sappy and disgusting when it came to little kids, but Jin was a whole other kettle of fish.

Memories of his eldest hyung being a twenty-year-old while Jungkook was a tiny fifteen-year-old made the maknae shudder. How the man would coo at every single thing Jungkook did, even if he dropped his Tupperware on the floor; how he asked Jungkook every single night if he wanted a bedtime story, and Taehyung and Jimin, the other maknaes, would laugh behind their hands.

The worst was when all the boys had stayed up late last night watching movies and eating snacks and drinking sodas. Jungkook had only been on his third cola when Jin had said, very loudly, "Don't drink too much, Kookie. Wouldn't want you having an accident, now."

It had all been with good intentions, but Jungkook's ears flushed a bright red and he couldn't help but yell at his hyung, telling Jin to shut the hell up. And boy, did Jungkook feel it when Namjoon smacked him one upside the head. His vision had gone blurry for a second as their leader all but yelled at the maknae to apologise.

Namjoon was the one apologising profusely the next day when Jungkook flinched away from him when he went to grab his water bottle. It had only been a small flinch, but everyone had saw it. And so came the sympathy, the petting...

Jungkook didn't want any of it. He was a man. Men didn't show their feelings.

"I mean, I know that he's a baby, and that's what babies do, but surely he must be hurting his throat by screaming so much," Jimin fretted, and if Jungkook could, he would have rolled his eyes. Trust Jimin to worry about the stupidest things. "Hold on one second."

Suddenly, a shadow loomed over Jungkook, and the baby jumped slightly when Jimin's smiling face came into view. The man cooed, whispering a "cheeky little munchkin", before lifting Jungkook out of the bassinet and sitting down on the couch again, Jungkook cradled in his lap.

The phone which Jimin had been speaking to was held in-front of his face, and Jungkook's eyes widened as Jin's face illuminated the screen.

His hyung looked pretty much the same. Blonde, shiny hair; glowy skin, and, for extra effect, a pair of owlish glasses perched on his nose. He was grinning happily, eyes crinkling, and Jungkook gasped because of the familiar face. He felt both relieved and terrified at the same time.

"Hello, Kookie! Hi!" Jin said excitedly, waving his hand for the camera.

Jungkook made a little noise in acknowledgement, and Jin preened. "Oh my gosh, Jimin, he remembers me!" the man squealed, face lit up now.

Jimin just cocked an eyebrow up. "Yeah, well, he doesn't smile at you like he does at me," he said jokingly. Or at least, he tried to make it seem like he was joking.

As an adult, Jungkook was no stranger to jealousy. He knew how to mask it, and he knew when other people were masking their jealousy. And boy, was Jimin masking it.

"I'm definitely way ahead of Namjoon when it comes to the 'favourite uncle' title," Jin continued, clearly not fazed by Jimin's petty remark. "Gosh, you should have heard him with Hana before. Little thing didn't want to get out of bed, so he brings her up her breakfast just so she doesn't throw a fit. He needs to learn that you've got to be strict with them."

Jimin laughed. "I dunno, hyung. If one of my parents brought me some breakfast in bed when I didn't want to get up, I'm pretty sure they'd be my favourite parent for the rest of the year. He's been pretty smart, if you ask me."

Shaking his head, Seokjin said, "Nope. She'll just remember that he's the daddy that always let her get away with things, and always act up when he's around because she'll get away with it. Hana's already a little missus as it is - if it gets worse I don't know how I'll cope."

"Oh, tell me about it," Jimin chuckled. "Jungkook gives me and Yoongi hell from morning 'til night. I swear he's only being quiet because he wants to look like an angel around you. Usually, he's busy trying to roar his lungs out and give me a migraine."

Jungkook let out a sound that sounded strangely similar to a grumble. Jin laughed. "Is Appa being a meanie, sweetheart?  You'll have to come 'round with him again sometime soon. I've been missing him so much," he cooed.

Yep, Jin was still that baby-loving maniac Jungkook always took him for. "Hyung, we literally just came at the weekend. You're seeing him this weekend too," Jimin smiled, beginning to absentmindedly pat Jungkook's backside. The baby huffed, beginning to squirm.

Jin pouted. "Am I not allowed to see my favourite nephew more than once a week? He's the only person in the world who shows me some respect out of all of you. Even Hana's started thinking she's allowed to speak to her appa however she wants," he sighed. "Well, the offer's always there. I'll even cook you dinner, since that's obviously the only reason you and Yoongi come down to my house at all."

Jimin shrugged. "Well, hyung's cooking is the best," he smirked.

Raising his eyebrows, Jin directed his attention to a very squirmy Jungkook. "Kookie, if you ever become as disrespectful as your parents, I will personally put you over my knee and teach you some proper respect once you're old enough, young man," he warned.

Jungkook's face crinkled up at the threat. Although Jin was only joking, Jungkook had no qualms in believing that if he ever did misbehave in the future for his 'uncle', his backside might just meet the palm of hyung's hand. It certainly had when he was an adult.

Okay, so it was before he was an adult. A new member of BTS, only just turned fifteen. He'd been very stroppy (a side effect of puberty, of course), and had been arguing with his hyungs all day. They allowed him some leniency, of course, but after Jungkook threw a literal tantrum (a word that Jungkook would never use in correspondence with his 'episode') after Taehyung took some egg out of his noodles, they knew they needed to calm the situation down.

Only, it didn't calm down at all. It just escalated. And resulted in poor Jimin getting shoved into a wall after he'd tried to grab the maknae's hand to walk him to their bedroom.

Jin had promptly removed him from the situation, telling Hoseok to make Jimin something to eat, before coaxing Jungkook into the bedroom for a 'chat'. Only, it didn't end up being such a chat after all. Nope - Jin had spanked him.

Granted, it was only over his trousers, and wasn't too painful, however Jungkook had felt beyond humiliated, especially as he knew his other hyungs could hear everything from the other room. Everything had happened too fast for him to run - one minute, he was yelling at Jin and warning him to get lost (or words to that effect), and the next he was upended over his hyung's lap, begging to be let down as he was smacked again and again over the seat of his bottoms.

Thankfully, Jin managed to calm him down afterwards, keeping Jungkook in his lap for as long as the maknae needed, however he wouldn't allow him to hide in their bedroom for the rest of the night. He told him that he owed everyone an apology, and with one final pat to the maknae's rear, he had gestured for Jungkook to follow him back to the living area.

His other hyungs were kind enough not to point out the boy's red-rimmed eyes, or the fact that Jungkook wouldn't stop fussing whenever he sat down. They didn't mention anything to do with punishment, and Jungkook was grateful for that.

Whenever he misbehaved after the ordeal, he made sure Jin was nowhere in sight.

"Stop it, hyung. You're scaring him, and he doesn't even know what you're saying," Jimin chided playfully, giving Jungkook a big kiss on one of his chubby cheeks.

I really wish I didn't know what he was saying, Jungkook thought angrily. He whined loudly, gaining the attention of both 'appa' and 'uncle'.

"Why are you fussing?" Jimin asked, pouting at Jungkook. Jungkook pouted right back. "I'd better get going, hyung. It looks like it's going to rain and Kookie will go berserk at me if he doesn't get his daily trip round the block," he laughed, bouncing Jungkook slightly. "I have a feeling he'll never want to leave the house. Too bad Yoongi's basically said that he's not going anywhere outside one hundred yards of the house once he's old enough to play out."

Seokjin guffawed. "Oh God, and I thought Namjoon was bad," he said fondly.

Jimin shook his head. "Honestly. And apparently Jungkook's not allowed to date until he's thirty. Not like me and Yoongs started dating before we were even legal or anything," he laughed. "Nope. Everyone thinks that Yoongi's gonna be the lenient one, but I tell you, once Kookie starts walking - no, crawling even - he'll start laying down the law pretty quickly."

Great, that's all Jungkook needs, he thought. Hopefully he'll be out of the situation before it gets to that stage. I mean, they had already changed his diapers (something that Jungkook was trying to erase from his mind), but that didn't mean he wanted the whole thing to get worse. And the thought of Yoongi being truly strict with him - the baby shuddered just thinking about it.

Jin and Jimin spoke for a few more minutes, before Jin told Jimin he'd let him 'get to it' and hung up. Jimin let out a long sigh, giving Jungkook a few kisses on his face, before setting the boy down on a playmat in-front of the couch. "We'll get your jungle gym out when we get back from our walk," Jimin cooed at him, getting up to look around for some things.

Jungkook whined and huffed, smacking his little arms against the mat, however he couldn't do more than gurgle out his displeasure. Jimin responded to him, asking him questions such "oh, really?" and saying "well, that's certainly interesting, baby". It was driving Jungkook insane - Jimin acting like he could understand Jungkook's problems when in reality, he was only agitating him even more.

Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime, Jimin was done. Jungkook inwardly cringed when he saw the large bag slung over the man's shoulder. A changing bag - something that Jungkook didn't want to accept he had. And why did they need it if they were only going on a walk? Scrap that, he didn't want to know.

He was never using his diaper again, he decided.

Jimin picked him up, carrying him away to somewhere. When he was first laid down, Jungkook thought he was being set in the stupid bassinet again and immediately started fussing, however when the thing he was in started moving, he realised that it wasn't the case.

It was when Jimin set the changing bag on a handle in-front of him did Jungkook realise he was in a pram. A big, luscious pram. Trapped.

"Should we go for a walk now that you're in your buggy, baby?" Jimin cooed, tickling up Jungkook's leg.

Jungkook groaned. It wasn't even the afternoon, and he already hated this day.

Yes, it's been over two weeks since I updated this story, but I'm afraid I can't apologise. Personal life does get in the way, believe it or not 😂

Writing is like my freetime which I love, however I won't force myself to update when I'm not inspired, as that would just completely kill my motivation altogether. Plus, I want you guys to be satisfied with what you read (and if you don't like the storyline or whatever, nobody's forcing you to read it ;) ).

In other news, thank you all so much to the people who have supported me. This is only the fifth chapter and I've already got over 130 votes as well as over 2k reads, which I can't thank you all enough for! I'm so glad to see it's had a pretty positive reaction so far 😄😄

If you have any ideas for this story, then please feel free to drop them down here! Make them as fluffy as you want 😊

^^ This can be taken in a smutty or fluffy way. Whatever you prefer, Kookie is always the baby boy 😊😂

Thanks for reading! ❤️❤️❤️

29.09.19 - 11:19 PM

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