Detroit: Become Human Oneshot...

By spiderwomanxoxo

279K 4.9K 1.3K

These are just a random collection of oneshots and preferences with any character from dbh • Requests can be... More

• connor x reader •
• connor x reader part 2 •
• rk900 x reader •
• connor x reader •
• ralph x reader •
Preference • How You Met
Preference • Your First Date
• markus x reader •
• connor x reader •
Preference • Nicknames
• rk900 x reader •
• rk900 x reader part 2 •
Preference • Spending Quality Time
• markus x reader •
Preference • When They Say They Love You
Preference • Your Wedding Dress
Preference • Your Wedding Venue
Preference • Your Proposal
Request • Connor
Preference • They're Jealous
• connor x reader •
Preference • Honeymoon Place
Preference • You're ill
Preference • Your Kids
• gavin x reader •
• rk900 x reader •
Preference • TV Shows
Preference • Meeting Your Parents
Preference • Your Relationship Song
Preference • Break Up Song
• connor x reader •
Preference • Where They Kiss You
Request • Connor
Preference • How You Sleep
• connor x reader •
Preference • Halloween Costumes
Preference • Giving Birth
• connor x reader •
Preference • They Know You're Mad When...
Request • Connor
Preference • What They Do For Valentine's Day
• markus x reader •
Preference • When They Realise They Love You
• gavin x reader •
Preference • What They Think
• rk900 x reader •
Preference • What They Do To Show Their Love
• kamski x reader •
Preference • How You Turn Them On
• ralph x reader •
Preference • How They Are Around You
Preference • The Reason You Break Up
Preference • Getting Back Together
Preference • Their Favourite Feature Of Yours
Preference • Their Promise To You
Preference • Your Favourite Movie
Request • Connor Part 1
Request • Connor Part 2
Request • Markus
Request • Ralph
Preference • Who Flirts With You
Preference • You're Jealous
Request • Connor Part 1
Request • Connor Part 2
• connor x reader •
Request • Connor Part 1
Request • Connor Part 2
Request • Connor Part 3
Preference • Christmas day

Preference • Your First Argument

4.5K 80 24
By spiderwomanxoxo

Connor - your first argument came as a shock to both of you, especially him because he didn't know how to deal with it. You both argued over his jealousy just because a guy friend of yours started flirting with you. You told Connor it was silly for him to react in such a way and that no one could take him away from you. Most of the day was spent with you both not talking to each other as Connor tried to figure out how to smooth things over.

Markus - both of you argued over the fact that you both didn't see each other much due to him constantly taking care of business at Jericho. He tried to tell your that it was his duty to be the androids' leader and you tried to convince him to take a break for once. Finally, the argument was resolved when he agreed to take a break for a bit.

Kara - the first argument you both had was funny when you both looked back at it. It all started when you were late to pick Alice up from school and Kara was busy elsewhere. Kara wasn't happy that Alice had to wait so long and you weren't happy that Kara wasn't being lenient towards you having a job and having to work overtime periodically. Then Kara's car broke down which led you to flip at her for buying such a rubbish car. But at the end of the day, you both cooled off and got over it.

Gavin - both of you argued over the most littlest of things: the fact that he left his credit card at home. For some reason, he decided to snap at you even though it wasn't your fault. Frustrated at this, you berated him for being irresponsible as to leave his card at home.

North - your argument was over humans. North's dislike for humans began to grate on you and you confronted her about it. You tried to convince her that not all of them were bad, and this pissed her off. She wouldn't listen to you no matter how hard you tried.

Luther - the argument was because you went somewhere unsafe and Luther was worried for you. He told you not to go there and you did anyway. You told him you could do whatever you wanted and he desperately tried to calm you down.

RK900 - his ego began to rub you the wrong way so you told him about it. He said he couldn't help it and that if you were so bothered, you should just leave. You were shocked because he was being quite rude towards you all of a sudden.

Ralph - you two had never argued, due to you both always agreeing on things and always listening to each other. Who could argue with such a soft bean as Ralph?

Kamski - he didn't like the fact that you wouldn't ever tell him what was wrong and you'd bottle everything up.

Simon - like Ralph, Simon would always look for the more calmer way of handling things which meant you two never argued.

Josh - instead of arguing, he would always go for a compromise - the more peaceful way of going about things, as it was known that Josh was a very peaceful person.

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