Last July

By AriHaruno8

959 265 201

"Listen Kenzy, I know I've been an ass and truthfully maybe you shouldn't even bother returning my calls. You... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three 🍷
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two.
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty four
Chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty one
Chapter forty two
Chapter forty three
Chapter forty four
Chapter forty five
Chapter forty six
Chapter forty seven
Chapter Forty eight
Chapter Forty nine
Chapter fifty
Chapter fifty one
Chapter fifty two
Chapter fifty three
Chapter fifty four
Chapter fifty five
Chapter fifty six
Chapter fifty seven
chapter fifty eight
Chapter fifty nine
Chapter sixty
Chapter Sixty one
Chapter sixty two
Chapter Sixty three
Chapter Sixty four
Chapter sixty five
Chapter sixty six
Chapter sixty eight
Chapter sixty nine
Chapter seventy
Chapter seventy one
chapter Seventy two
Chapter seventy three
Chapter seventy four
Chapter seventy five
Chapter Seventy Six

Chapter eighteen

18 4 7
By AriHaruno8

Spark:// a latent particle capable of growth or developing

After sitting at my window bed all day staring out my window watching the grass all day, I opted for a change in scenery and ended up taking a bath. Night had fallen sending an eerie gloom over the house as lady moon ascended to take her place and from my window I could see the first sparks of fireworks indicating the start of the festival. Turning from the window I headed upstairs only to pause half way up hearing a car outside. Philly had been out all day and I knew by the time she got back in this morning there was no way she'd be back this early. I walked slowly to the door yawing. Peter might have wanted me to create magic and I might have wanted to finally finish my script but after three pages of rubbish I called it a night. I knew when my work wasn't up to par. If I found it as trash everyone else would find it as trash. I just couldn't fathom where all my energy and thoughts drained to. I opened the door and glanced outside. It was Andrew. I looked him over, relaxing he had his three day old beard just the same with his faded hair and frowning demeanor. Either he didn't like shaving or he obviously didn't have the time. He was in his usual blue denim pants black boots and today a navy blue shirt different from the usual white he wears. That's a change. Mr. Grimm leaned against his car submerged in his world and after glancing up stood straight folding his arms, his frown deepening.

"Are you sure you want to go to the lake in that?"

Lake? Oh shit, I forgot he volunteered to take me tonight!

"What's wrong with my....." I started to say before my eyes fell to my towel wrapped body.

I stiffened, my eyes glued to my attire and I could feel my entire body change to spring's fresh tomatoes. Blood red from embarrassment.

"Yeah, I didn't think so either"

I slammed the door and dashed up the stairs trying to come up with a decent enough apology. I wasn't trying to seduce him or anything, I just completely forgot about the towel! Shit! My mind wasn't working today.

I walked on ahead when we arrive as if I had a clue where I was headed. I noticed that the forest of pines had managed to stretch this far and though the moon shone in her brightest glory there wasn't much to be made out from inside from where I stood. I half anticipated a werewolf at this point, I just hoped Andrew had something silver in his car to ward it off. That is if we made it back to the car. The view however that came after I climbed the stairs of what I supposed was as small boat/warehouse was not what I expected. My eyes and mouth widened simultaneously as untouched nature revealed its mystery. I could definitely write about this, that's all that floated around in my head. Only it'd be better if I could paint it. The water was a mixture of meteorite black with sliver parting it in half. Something slashed around a few times and I faintly heard Andrew mumble something about trout. Great it also contained life. Other from the splashes every now and again everything was still. The window was slightly chilly and my arms felt the creep of cold from being so close to the water but it didn't distract me from what laid before. Without warning something flipped from the water causing me to stumble back ward from fright. I sat on my ass heaving unable to make a sound.

"I think their telling you to step back" said Andrew giving me a hand.

"Are they vicious?" I asked still in shock.

" Their trout" he replied looking out at the lake.

I blinked trying to understand. Was that a yes?

He glanced down at me realising I was lost to his conversation and he rolled his eyes.

"Their fish Ziploc, you do more harm to them than they do to you"

"That doesn't explain what that was for a while back though"

"I'm not a fish. But it doesn't take a genius to get that they were only playing" Andrew said walking back towards the house.

He just called me an idiot didn't he? After a final glance at the water I followed him to the car. I stood just busying myself kicking at the gravel beneath my feet while he stared up at the moon like some creature of the night. As if he was half expecting he'd change forms or something. I maybe should have told him thanks for taking me to see the lake but he was being so much of an ass, it made it hard. The awkward silence persisted because he, just like maverick was a man of very few words.

"Didn't you want to go to the festival instead of coming out to a lonely camp lake?" I asked trying to make conversation .

"When you grow up in a large family with people constantly around, after awhile you start to prefer time on your own"

"Oh, well thanks for taking me" I said looking around since this was the only way to keep myself entertained. "I think I might like it here"

"I'm just saving my ass from having you around the shop. No need to be thankful"

I grimaced. What was his problem?

"What you're not into women?"

When the words fell from my mouth I was more than taken aback by my lack of tact and his hard jawline grew taunt for a while before it relaxed again.

"I am. I just don't like distractions"

A smile crept to my lips at his confession and I leaned over towards where he stood against the car.

"So you're saying I'm a distraction?" I asked in a teasing voice.

" I'm saying you're an annoyance "

"Well despite what I am, thank you. I think this might actually help"

"You're actually serious about trying to write out here?"

" Yeah I mean it's vastly different than what I'm use to. Okay I honestly don't do quiet and you could literally hear a pin drop out here but I'm sure the scenery will be better in the morning "

"Everywhere is always different during the morning"

"Can't you just be supportive for once? " I asked slightly annoyed.

He scratched his head. "I could but then you'd just get more annoying"

I sighed giving up at the realization of his hopelessness.

"What time would you come anyway?"

"A little before noon" I replied. "Oh, I haven't even thought about how I'd get here"

"Walking from town isn't a problem, if you're nice enough someone will give you a ride. The folks are kind enough"

"You're saying I should hitch a ride every morning?" I asked in disbelief.

"I'm saying if you plan to stay here, you can't be antisocial"

" someone could kidnap me, you're crazy I can't do that! "

His light laughter was only a pitch lower than what I'd heard only recently and for a moment I tried to understand why he felt frowning was a more appropriate reaction than smiling, though he was still rather alluring while grimacing.

"Trust me anyone that was crazy enough to kidnap you, even if they were a long way off, they'd take you back".

I rolled my eyes at his ugly wittiness walking in the opposite direction to my side of the vehicle before a small smile formed on my lips. I knew I was going to hate our small friendship but it was a welcome change none the less.

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