Luna? No sir i'm a Marine

De NotJustAGirlWithWifi

11.2M 352K 65.3K

They say i'm the Beauty and he's the Beast, but my life is far from a fairy tale. I thought I had everything... Mais

And the adventure begins
The wolf whisperer
My Angel
Questions but no answers
Shopping trip
Were what?
War, What is it good for
Formal Event
Blast from the past
Not quite a happy ending
Back to my roots
Training begins
Birthday bash
Turning my world upside down
Not exactly love letters
Eyes wide shut
Sink or swim
Meeting the parents
Story time
Surprise after surprise
Trick or treat
New Ink
Marine corp style
Pups gone wild
Something that can wash off the pain
Did I forget to mention?
The rescue
Bumps and Bruises
Merry christmas
A little white church
Picture perfect
Suspicious behavior
Proving myself
Is this my happy ever after?
Happy New Year
To sequel or not to sequel

Meeting Damien

381K 10.5K 2.5K
De NotJustAGirlWithWifi

Bonnie just finished on the phone with Domino's for the second time. She had stopped me smashing the phone off the wall after I had rang them. Apparently they couldn't understand my accent. Idiots.

On the plus side the food would be here in 30 minutes.

I put on some movie while Bonnie got the plates. A loud clatter made me run to the kitchen. There's Bonnie trying to balance 5 plates, 5 cups, 5 sets of knives and forks. Doesn't she know we're eating pizza? I'll just eat it straight out of the box. I better help her.

We've just put the plates down and I was about to get comfy before a blood curdling scream rippled through the house. Before I could ask Bonnie what was going on Aaron flew down the stairs. I'm not joking it's like he just levitated over the steps.
I was barely able to make out his words, he was out of breath and panicked. It was a mush of syllables.
"Aaron, Aaron Calm down."
"No there's no time it's killing him. When we were in the forest we were attacked by rogues. Luke got hurt but he was more focused on making sure you were safe. When we got back here we insisted on checking it out. He has a silver claw stuck in his side and it's killing him."
What's the big deal about silver?
"Pure Silver is fatal to werewolves, we can't explain why it just is."

Aaron grabbed my hand and ran up the steps. I could barely keep his pace and i'm almost certain my arm is about to fall off any second. He dragged me into Luke's room. The room I woke up in on my first day, oh the memories.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Luke's white shirt was covered in blood. He was leaning against the wall while Zach was cleaning a rag and shouting at him to sit down.
"You have to get him to sit down and get the silver claw out of his side."
"Yes you, we can't get close enough without him trying to kill us."

It's not like it's my first time dealing with blood. I once had to stitch up my own wound but for some reason I was nervous. This time was different.

I slowly approached him, trying not to make any sudden movements. I knew all eyes are on me and i'm just praying that this works. I stood right in front of him and whispered his name. His eyes shot open. He pushed off the wall and was now standing at his full height.
"Hey princess what's up." I know he's in pain, his face gives him away.
"You know you can't hide anything from me. For some reason I can see straight through your lies. Now stop being a proud Alpha and show me the wound. I can help." He made no attempt to move. So I guess we're going to do this the hard way then.

I lifted his shirt but before I could see anything his hand flew up to stop me.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you princess." His voice was husky. I could sense there was a double meaning. I just ignored him like he had done to me a few seconds ago.

I lifted his shirt further. It was a big gash. Lucky for me the silver claw wasn't buried in his abdomen. That would've made my job a lot harder. I already had a plan forming in my head but there was no way I could do this if he was standing up.
"Lie down on the bed." He looked shocked but it soon turned into a smirk.
Dirty Fucker.

He didn't object and did just what I told him. I grabbed the wet cloth from Zach. I lifted Luke's shirt up again. Exposing part of his 6 pack and a few tattoo's, I swear I'm probably drooling. I cleaned the blood from around his wound. Ok now for the final part of my plan. I swung my leg over so I was straddling him.
"Whoa Princess not that i'm not enjoying this but what's gotten into you?"
"Shut up and put your hands on my hips." He was wary so I grabbed his hands and latched them on my hips. His hands are HUGE. They engulfed my hips completely.

"Ok this is going to hurt but instead of lashing out or trying to push me off tighten your grip on my hips."
"I don't think that's a go-"
"trust me" I knew that he could crush my pelvis with his strength but I have something up my sleeve.
I lean down and kiss him. I can't believe i'm doing this. Actually it's thanks to Bonnie. She got me thinking earlier.

He was in shock but soon started kissing back. I moved my hand up and felt something cold. Exactly what i'm looking for. I quickly yanked on the Silver claw. He bit down on my lip.
I pulled away before it got too heated and because Zach, Aaron and Bonnie were in the same room. I held the claw up
"see it wasn't that hard."
I turned as much as I could with Luke's hulk grip on my waist.
"See never send a boy to do a woman's job." Bonnie laughed and so did I. I tried to get off Luke but he's wasn't letting go.

That's when Zach cleared his throat
"let's leave the love birds alone shall we."
Just before they closed the door I heard Bonnie shout
"use protection"

I was bright red. "You just kissed me princess."
Oh God. Please don't do this to me.
"Yeah to sav-"
Luke pulled the front of my shirt and shut me up in the best way possible. The kiss was soft and gentle. I think he's afraid of hurting me. I threaded my fingers through his hair and tugged a little. Earning a groan from Luke. He liked my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I'll admit it, i'm completely inexperienced and clueless when it comes to kissing, guys and the whole sex department. I was focused on my career and it's hard to go out with a guy when all the senior ranks are watching you and reporting to your parents. Also all the boys knew that if they got too close my parents had the ability to make their lives hell. Yes my father is the kind that wouldn't think twice about it if he thought they were getting too close. Plus I kissed one guy when I was 15 and it was horrible. Everything inside me was telling me it was wrong.

I pulled back because I was running out of oxygen. My heart's racing and i'm feeling a bit light headed. I don't know if it's from the kiss or from the lack of Oxygen.

"You know you just accepted me as your mate right. You're mine now princess." I was about to object when he kissed me again. Damn I can see him using his against me in the future.

"You know I could get used to this. You straddling me panting and breathless, yeah definitely." I slapped his chest. The sound of the doorbell stopped me from retaliating.

I caught Luke off guard and escaped his grip. I nearly fell down the stairs and broke my neck....again. I pushed Zach out of the way and got the door. The pizza was handed to me. My precious. I looked up at the delivery guy. He was about 17, was my height and cocky. "How much?"
"No, charging a pretty girl like you would be wrong but I will take your number."
"Sorry babysitting isn't part of my job description. Now how much?"
"Come on sweet cheeks don't play hard to get." I think i'm going to be sick.

I felt the all too familiar tingles. I leaned into Luke's hold. His body was tense obviously after hearing the boy trying to hit on me. I felt feather like touches on my neck. I tilted my head to the side allowing him more access. I don't know why I did that but my body had a mind of it's own. Luke trailed open soft mouthed kisses along my neck. He tugged a bit on the last one, not enough to leave a mark but enough to make me muffle a moan.

"She's not interested, she's taken and she asked how much." His voice was stone cold. The poor boy looked like he was going to shit himself. Luke handed him the money as I walked into the front room.

Luke and I had just had our first kiss.
I accepted Luke as my mate.
I faced rogues.

Well today was eventful.


As I walked into the living room I could see all three of them on the couch. Bonnie was in the middle but Aaron had a protective arm around her. Is this what all mates are like? It's only Zach. To think of it anytime any male gets close to her Aaron always holds her close. Is that why Luke felt the need to not only tell but show the pizza boy that "i'm his" ?

I think I think too much.

Bonnie gave me a cheeky smile as I put the pizza down on the table and Zach was foaming at the mouth. I knew I had to put as much as I could on my plate because these wild animals don't take prisoners.

I was just about to sit down when Bonnie grabbed my waist and pushed me out of the room. "You guys stay in here. Relax, eat pizza, watch the TV. Enjoy yourselves. We're going to talk in the kitchen. ALONE."

I walk over to the the counter and jump on it. Starting to eat my pizza. Oh come to mamma.
"Alex and Luke sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I choked on my pizza.
"Wh-what are you talking about?"
"Don't play dumb with me sister. We were in the bedroom when you straddled him and locked lips. And let's not talk about what happened at the front door. Luke looked like he was going to kill that poor boy but then smirked when you didn't even entertain the idea of flirting back. And those neck kisses. Girl it was steamy. Now spill."

Oh my god she had seen everything. So that means the boys did too. Oh god they're probably talking about it now. Oh god please save me.

"You seem to have a handle on everything. There's nothing to say."
"Did he mark you?" Mark? Is she implying that Luke peed on me? Like dogs mark their territory.
"You have no clue what i'm on about do you?" I shoved the last of my pizza in my mouth as I shook my head.

"It's part of the whole mating process. First you accept. Which you have already checked. Then he marks you. It starts off as a hickey at the base of your neck. Then using his canines he bites you. This mixes your scents and warns other males that you belong to him. It hurts for a second and the rest of it is pure ecstasy."
Bonnie tugged at the collar of her blouse to reveal a gorgeous cursive design. It's quite pretty.
"Yeah no that's not happening. He doesn't own me. I'm not his." Her face fell and tears welled up in her eyes.
"Do you hate us that much?"
"Whoa Bonnie what are you on about?"
"Well i've seen the way you look at him and he doesn't make any attempt to hide his affection for you. So it must be us. We must be the reason you don't want to be his mate or our Luna."

For some reason this broke my heart. I want to go comfort her and make everything ok. So that's exactly what I did.
"Hun it's not you, or the pack. It's just. Ok we're mates. I'm human. In the human world that means nothing. I'm just confused as to where we stand. If I want to know where we stan-"
"I get you. I refused to kiss Aaron until he asked me on a date and made it official."

Is that what I wanted. At least they know where they stand. At least she can say "sorry I have a boyfriend." At least she knows that they're going somewhere.

I jumped back onto the counter. Bonnie's telling me about her relationship. Some really awkward moments and some adorable things that make me want to gag.

I thought I saw something while Bonnie was talking but I just brushed it off. Bonnie's scream confirmed my suspicions there was something moving on the floor. She jumped onto the kitchen chair. At this stage the two of us were screaming. Luke, Aaron and Zach rushed into the room. Luke's body's tense as they check the room for any danger. He walks towards me. His eyes dark and cold. I know he's not going to settle for standing next to me so I open my legs a small bit, so as he gets closer he'll push them open.

He placed his hands on the counter either side of me. He leans in and kisses my neck like he had done earlier.
"You need to calm down and tell me what happened." I can't think. I wrapped my hands around his shoulders and whispered
"I c-can't th-think." My voice had failed me. He knows very well the impact he has on me.

"I found her." Zach calls out.
"Sorry it's my fault. I'm looking after him for a friend. He would kill me if I lost her." Luke never broke eye contact. Not even to check what Zach had found. It made my heart skip a beat, he's more worried about me.
"Snake" I breathed out. Yes a fucking SNAKE. Slithering around there kitchen.
"You ok?"
"Yeah i'm fine now thanks." I'm guessing this isn't the first time Zach has let this happen.

I let my hands slide down his shoulders and rest on his biceps.
"You can stop tensing your muscles now. There's no danger. We're fine and we get that you're a big bad Alpha."
He looks so confused, so I squeeze his biceps trying to convey my message. He just gave me that stupid smirk again.
"I'm not tensing my muscles." My jaw dropped. Literally.
"This is tensing." I nearly fainted.
Holy crap he's ripped. Not body builder or sickly ripped but just enough to classify him as a sex god.

"Come on i've got something planned." He just flung me over his shoulder like I was a rag doll. He walked us to the edge of the forest and put me down.
"My wolf is driving me crazy and I don't know how much longer I can control him."
"Let him have control then." I always open my big mouth without thinking but i'm curious. I think my expression said it all because within seconds I was pinned to a tree. Luke's warm lips were pressed to mine. This kiss was different to the first one we shared. It's full of hunger and lust. This isn't Luke.

I pulled back for air. His eye's are pure black. I know that i'm looking at his wolf.
"What's your name?" I ran my hand across his jaw. This is the first time i've encountered this wolf and he's been able to talk back.
"Damien. You truly are beautiful. You know i've spent my life looking for you since I saw you 8 years ago. I will protect you with everything I have and promise never to hurt you princess."

He sniffed my neck and Kissed where Bonnie pointed out my mark would go. It sent shivers down my spine.
"I'm going to shift and I want you to jump on my back. Luke has a surprise for you." I kiss him on the cheek and thank him. He looks like he just won the lottery.

He shifted into his huge black wolf. His blue eyes still as blue as I last saw them. He lay down so I can climb onto his back. I held onto his fur tight. He took off.

The adrenaline rush was something else. He jumps over logs and dodges trees with such grace. He doesn't even bat an eyelid.

We came to a stop. Well Luke/Damien did. I just didn't fall off.


We're outside a park.

It's a normal children's park. There's swings, slides and seesaws. It's around 9pm why are we here? I inspected the park as Luke shifted and got dressed. I can't really see much, it's pitch black.

Luke just pulled back a section of broken fence and signalled me to walk through it. I ran up to the swings. I love swings. Luke caught me before I sat down and sat me in his lap. So I was straddling him while we swung. We sat in silence for a few minutes. I took in his features that were highlighted by the reflection of the moon on his face.

Finally Luke began talking.
"You know we're mates."
"No shit sherlock." He just let out a playful growl as I laughed.
"Well to us it's a big deal but I overheard you talking to Bo-"
"you spied on us?"
"No just happen to over hear. Anyway as I was saying you're human so I want to make it official the human way." He leaned in and kissed my neck starting at the base he travelled up.
"Will you go out with me?"
His voice barely above a whisper. He's going to all this effort for me? I did the only thing I could think of. I kissed him. I was never good with words when it came to feelings or anything other than interrogating/threatening people. So I let the kiss do all my talking.

Luke swiped his tongue against my bottom lip. Definitely asking for entrance this time. My hands were shaking so I threaded them through his hair like I had done the other times we kissed. I opened my mouth granting him access. I just went with it.

After a full on make out session, in the park, on a swing, I had to pull away for a breath. I leaned my forehead against his.
"You know when you kidnapped me I had plans to kill you. I had plans to escape. But after spending time with you for some reason I never want to leave. The thought of it makes me sick to the stomach. Also I can't leave Bonnie and the others. This isn't natural. You're my kidnapper for god sake. You shouldn't fall in love with your kidnapper but I think I am." He growled a bit at the mention of me trying to escape and leave him.

"Now who's sounding like a girl?" I glared at him as he laughed at his own joke. I wonder how long he's been waiting to use that on me.
"But if you haven't noticed there is nothing normal about me. About any of us. We turn into wolves. I don't want to rush you, I won't force you into anything. Just having you in my arms, saying you'll be my girlfriend is all I can ask for. You know now that you're my girlfriend I can kiss you whenever I want and hold you. Princess you're mine." I just punched his shoulder but I know it's true. Well to a certain extent.

I rested my head on his shoulder and just enjoyed being in his arms. I know what am I thinking I barely know him but it's just ahh I can't explain it. It hurts to be away from him, with a simple touch all my nerves disappear. He's different.

I lifted my head as I remembered what Damien said.
"8 years ago. The puppy...well wolf pup in the forest was you?" He nodded.
"Yes, we were on holidays and i'm so thankful that we went, That's the day I first laid my eyes on you. That's the day that I began my hunt for you. I swear i'm not as creepy as that makes me sound."

A couple of my friends and I went to play in the forest on the base. We were only allowed in a certain area but there was a lovely tree and stream. It was just like any other day summer day. We were bored and sitting by the stream when I saw a dog. Which is what I thought it was at the time. He looked like a full grown Alsatian. He was just sitting there staring at me. I was going to pet him when I was called away. I never thought much about it.

I was shocked. He's been looking for me for 8 years. Wow.
"You know you're my first boyfriend and first kiss...well proper kiss."
"Good. I don't like the idea of guys touching what's mine. Since I saw you I never looked at another girl and it's nice to know your as pure as you look."

Was he the reason I never dated another guy? Was he the reason when I kissed that one guy I wanted to throw up? Was this the whole reason that this feels so right? It then dawned on me that I know all the answers to those questions

A bright light caught my attention. There was an older man standing there shouting at us to get out of the park and to stop 'canoodling'. We ran out of the park laughing.

We made it back to the house eventually. All the lights were off. I guess they all went to bed. Oh that sounds like a good idea.
"I'm going to head to bed."
"Ok princess i'm going to clean up and then i'll be straight up." I guess we're sharing a bed again. He better keep his hands to himself, just because i'm his girlfriend now doesn't me i'm suddenly easy.

I changed into one of his shirts and climbed into the bed. Today's been a good day.

I was walking my usual patrols. The dust beneath my feet and the sun blazing down on top of me. Everything was quiet. There was a slight breeze. A noise broke the silence. It was the unmistakable sound of a gun shot. That's when all hell broke loose. Soldiers dying. Blood everywhere. Innocent people caught in the cross fire.

I woke up in a cold sweat screaming. Luke ran into the room.
"Princess look at me. It's ok. You're ok. It was just a bad dream." He climbed into the bed and held me tight whispering sweet nothings in my ear. Zach, Aaron and Bonnie ran in.
"Is she ok?"
"What was all the screaming about?"
"Were you doing the nasty?"
"Zach shut up. It was just flashbacks. Now everyone back to sleep."

Is this what's going to happen when I don't sleep near next to him?

Luke leaned us back. So I was lying on his chest like I was the first time time I woke up in the same bed as him. He rubbed my back soothingly,
"shhh sleep princess. I promise i'll be here all night."

With that and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat I once again fell back into a deep sleep.
My last thought before sleep consumed me "I think I'm in love........"

Author's Note :


Vote, comment, follow, eat pizza and enjoy

Continue lendo

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