The Elemental: My Burning Leg...

By Musics4lifes

500 130 41

Lilith Moonlight, seventeen year old human girl blinded by her true self not knowing what she really is. Disc... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 9

20 3 0
By Musics4lifes

Stefan and I met up with Calico and Kyle. We were ready to start our mission, I will still bit anxious but far less nervous than I was. I couldn't believe that I am going to England. I'll be honest, I always wanted to see England, I just never expected to be going on a mission to hunt down vampires. If my present self went back in time to my younger self and told me this was going to happen, I would think I was crazy and need to be locked up in a mental institute. Yet, here I am. Going to England to hunt down some vampires.

"Before we go," Calico started out, "Lilith, I have something for you."

I looked at him and wondered what it could be. He gave me a box and was eager for me to see it. I opened up the box and inside it was a black pure leather jacket. I was awed. I put it on and it was a perfect fit. "Thank you Calico!" I surprised him with a hug.

"It used to be your mothers," my uncle said. "I went to your old home and I found this jacket still in pristine condition. I thought that you may of wanted this."

I was awed and shocked at the same time. I finally have something to remind me of my mother and it was this exact jacket. I remember how she would wear this for work and how much I loved her jacket. At times I would put it on and loved the feeling it gave me. I remember my mother telling me that when I get older, she would give me this jacket. "Thank you Calico, I love it." He gave me a nod and went into transporting us to England.

"Alright kids, here we are. Welcome to England. Fun fact, known to history, this was where the first vampire originally came from. To your left, there are some food tours and on your right is a book store. Thanks for choosing me as your tour guide, tips are appreciated," Calico said acting like one of those tour guides.

"Where exactly are we?" I questioned Calico. "How are we supposed to know exactly where the council is?"

"This city is known as Eripmav, ironically it is vampire spelt backwards. Not much of a clever name if you ask me but hey, I didn't find this place so not my problem. As to where the council would be located, all I know is that it is in the heart of this city." Calico explained.

"Will you be joining us or heading back?" I asked him. I kind of hope that he will stick with us, never know when we may need backup. Now to think of it, Stefan is the only one besides Calico that understands the supernatural world as Kyle and I are still new to all of this.

"I think I will stay with you guys. It is your guys first mission, besides for Stefan, of course. Plus, I have never seen the council members all together, especially in one setting," Calico stated.

"You mean they don't always stick together?" I was a bit shocked. Since this is the original area where Vampires came from, I figured the councils always stick together.

"Only recently have they been grouped. You see, each of the council members are scattered around the world. Due to the rogue vampires and the increase of deaths, they fear a takeover will happen." Calico lectured. "This does not happen often so for them to be together makes it much more significant."

After taking everything in, we head off to explore what the 'heart of the city' would be. Scanning around the area, I realized this city is abandoned. Shops closed up, buildings partially destroyed or have sufficient damage. Looking at the buildings, they don't even look modern, more ancient if even. I can see why they chose this city, less humans, less attraction to them.

It's been about a couple of hours and we still came up blank. We still had no clue where we were exactly besides somewhere in this city. At times we would see someone lingering in the alley which I would assume would be a vampire. I was starting to get tired and really bored. As I was about to say something, I heard a scream.

"Over there!" Stefan pointed to a dark alley. "The scream came from over there."

We rushed towards the dark alley and inside was four vampires surrounding someone who looked about my age. "Stay away from me," the stranger said to the vampires. "The council will not tolerate this!" He continued to shriek. In his hand was a silver and black dagger to use in his defense.

"Fuck the council, they can burn to hell for all I care," one of the vampires snarled. "A new era is coming and we will take down that council and anyone who stands with. Vampires, true blood ones will rise and feast on the human souls as we were meant to be! Anyone who dares to stand in our way will be punished by death, starting with you!"

I couldn't let the poor guy get killed. As I got closer, I realized he was just as much of a vampire as the attackers. Looking at the attackers, I could see they were one of the rogue ones. Something told me that I had to save him and saving him I must.

"Let him go you fucking blood suckers!" Running up to one, I tackled him to the ground. I got shoved off and quickly stood back up. I got the attention off the teenager and onto me. As the vampires were circling around me, I started to panic. Quickly realizing I had my dagger stored in my boot, I took it out and watched out for the attackers.

"Lilith!" Stefan and the gang ran over to me.

"Ah, more food. How delightful," a female vampire said. "Now we have not just one meal, but five meals," she chuckled. "I think I will start with you," she scanned Stefan up and down and proceeded to lick her lips. "Dirty things I would love to do to you."

A burning sensation got to me and could feel my body heating up. It felt like my organs were on fire. Her threatening Stefan was something I would not tolerate. Before I could think, my left arm raised to the female vampire chest, palm opened and a fireball sprew out of my palm to the female vampire's chest right where her heart went. Shock expression she wore and in a quick second, she turned into dust. The other vampires snarled and went into attack mode, the fight was on.

There were five rogue vampires left and four of us. I caught one of the blood sucker's attention and he sent our a smirk. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A strange creature with fire abilities and a sexy one. I would love to take a bite from you." He gave me a wink which sent shivers down my body.

"And I would love to turn you into dust. Guess we will see which will happen first." I raised my dagger and stood in my fighting chance. As I locked eyes with the enemy, I waited for him to attack first. Just as when he threw the first punch, I duck and countered it with a punch to his face. As he snarled, I kicked him in the gut which knocked him down.

I quickly proceeded on top of him ready to stab him in his heart when he said, "You won't be able to stop us all bitch, the prophecy will come true and we will prevail."

"Over my dead body, oh wait, I mean yours," I stabbed him in his heart and watched him turn to dust. As I glanced behind me, I could see my friends and uncle taking on the vampires. I see a vampire sneaking up behind Stefan and before I could warn him, he sank his teeth right into Stefan's neck. "No!" I ran over to him, grabbed the vampire from the neck and yanked him off. Scared and angered, I could feel my hand on fire and before I knew it, the vampire I have clutched in my hand burst into flames. I could hear screaming in pain and before I knew it, turned into dust.

I kneeled down to Stefan and could feel my water works coming on. "No, Stefan." I grabbed his hand and it felt cold. I put my index and middle finger to his neck and felt a faint pulse. "Come on Stefan, wake up. It's just a bite, just wake the fuck up." Tears were coming faster and I could see my friends coming to check on Stefan. Within moments, Stefan's eyes opened and within a second I connected my lips to his. His eyes bulged opened and once he realized what was going on, he took full control and more heat happened. Our lips were locked and a moan or two slipped. Talk about a passionate kiss. We were than interrupted when Kyle gave a cough and killed our mood.

"Guys, now is not the time to be locking lips," Kyle said.

I then realized what I did and felt my cheeks turning red. I stood back up and stood next to Kyle. I can't lie and say I didn't enjoy that, because damn can they pucker up. If we were alone, I would of probably ripped his clothes off and took him right there, right now. Damn it Lilith, now is not the time to get a guy naked and receive the pleasurement you want. We got a mission to do.

Realizing we had the stranger in our group, I walked over to him, "Are you alright?" Scanning him, I didn't see any injuries.

"I'm alright, thank you for rescuing me." The teen said. He seemed to be about my age, about five feet nine inches, black hair that had a flip, his black shirt tightened to his abs which could easily be seen, black skinny jeans, scarlet eyes, and his skin pale as it can be. He seemed to have a boyish charm that could attract any woman that would come across him. He seemed to pause and became enlightened with a thought, "Wait a minute, you guys are definitely not vampires. Yet you saved me. Why?"

"We just happened to be in the right area at the right time and heard a scream. Saw you in danger and decided to help you. You aren't one of the rogues, are you?" I questioned him.

"Me? One of them? Fuck no," he started laughing. "I would rather live in peace regardless of following laws than become a rogue vampire for power," he said truthfully.

"Why did they target you?" Kyle wondered.

"Because I'm different," the teen lowered his head in shame. "I'm not like an ordinary vampire."

"What makes you different from the others?" I wondered how he could be different, he didn't look different.

"I have the ability to camouflage. I don't know why or how I was able to possess such ability, but all I do know is that I am just some freak," he looked down in shame.

"Well I find that to be pretty cool. I mean, camouflage? If anything, they should be jealous of you. I know I am."

"Really?" He looked up in shock.

"Sure, think about it. You can do whatever you want while using it and no one would even know it. What's your name by the way?" I asked him.

"Drake Thornes." He gave me a smile.

"The Thornes?" Calico said in a shock tone. "Like Lazarus Thornes? You're his son?"

Looking at Calico, Stefan, and Kyle, it seems Kyle and I were the only confuse ones. "Did I miss something?"

"Drake here is the son of the council member of Lazarus Thornes who is in charge of the vampires in England."

"Ah shit, you mean he's the prince?" I said bewilderment. I was shocked yet fascinated to meet someone in high status, also nervous.

"Yeah, that's my father." Drake said in a less enthused tone. He gave a shrug as if he didn't find it to be a big deal.

"You don't seem to be proud of having such a high member in your family," Calico guessed. "You do understand, one day you will take your father's steps into becoming a high council member yourself."

"Doesn't mean I want to! My brother is the one who wants to be. He is only a few months younger. I on the other hand have no interest. I would rather go on an adventure, see the world more, do more things. Not sit on some throne all day having to babysit my kind. I want to leave this place," Calico frowned and glanced at the floor.

"Your brother, is he going through the same training as you are?" I was starting to come up with an idea that would suit us both.

"Of course, in case something happens to me, he would be the one to sit on the throne," Drake shrugged.

"How about this, our team could use another member." Kyle and Stefan didn't seem enthused about where I was going with this but Calico was smiling on the other hand. "If you were to take us to meet with the council, I could try to talk to your father in letting you come with us and your brother can take the throne instead." I don't know how that would work out honestly, but better than nothing.

"You got yourself a deal," Drake smiled. "Follow me, it is a bit of a walk but we will get there in no time."

After fifteen minutes of walking, Kyle spoke up, "How come you're not wearing a glamour? Don't you worry a human would come across and see how different you look?"

"If you haven't noticed good looking, this city is deserted. Even if a crowd of humans happen to come across, I can easily blend myself in. Good thing you got looks cause brains ain't your thing," Drake gave Kyle a sexy smirk.

I raised my eyebrows, surprised what came out of Drake despite only knowing him for a small amount of time. As I glanced over to Kyle, I swore I could have seen him blushing just a little bit. I could tell Drake likes guys, but Kyle? That would be news to me. Not that I have anything against it of course, just figured if he was, I would be the person he would of told. Definitely need to have a conversation about it once this is all done.

"So Drake, what should we expect from the council members anyhow?" Stefan wondered.

"They aren't much of a social type, especially with other creatures. Short tempered. It's best you give them respect and don't speak unless spoken to. Speaking of, why are you here anyhow?" Drake looked at me to answer him.

I looked at Stefan to see if I should tell him the whole truth for which he nodded at me for. "We work for the Supernatural Intelligence Agency, you see, my boss has been missing her workers who were sent here to deal with the rogue vampires. They haven't been heard since and more than likely dead. She sent us now to deal with the rogue vamps and vanquish them."

"Ah, SIA, our kind have had dealings with them but we are civil with them to a point. Knowing your here to help us deal with them does score you points. I'm sure my father and the others would be most pleased to hear this." Drake said for certain.

"Now Drake, if your father and the others are the council members, how come they haven't done anything about the rogues? Certainly they would rather have peace than harm." Calico stated making a reasonable point.

"We would but we don't know who is behind all this. Awhile ago, when all of this started, it got to the point where the leader somehow managed to kill one of the council members, he was from Australia. With his death, his son took his place. The council has tried to find the one responsible but could never find the person behind all this. Introducing you guys and why you're here, I am sure they would be more than happy to have you guys here. Though on the contrary, they are normally more annoyed with peasants." Drake seem to chuckle at his own joke that none of us got. "Now they have sent their own people to hunt down the rogues in hopes of unmasking their leader, all its done was shed blood and more death counts. Finally, the council seem to give up as it was just lowering their numbers. Since then, the council got together and have stayed together having meetings of finding that leader."

"Drake, would they still have that body of the decease council member?" I questioned him. Seeing his look, he nor anyone else had any idea where I was going with this. If they were to keep his body, perhaps we could put an end to all of this.

"Yeah, it is in their funeral chamber at the lowest level where they put all of the decease council members. Why do you ask?" Drake gave me an unreadable glance, as if he's trying to read my mind.

"Kyle here has the ability of retrocognition," answering Drake's question. His eyes bulged in shock and looked at Kyle giving him another of his sexy smirks. Okay, does he have a thing for Kyle or am I missing a puzzle piece. Of course he does, just look at his smirk, it answers it for you. Oh great, you're awake. Always have been, now get back to the task. Damn, bossy and rude.

"We haven't met anyone who controls that ability, we figured it was just another tale," Drake said, meaning no other vampire to speak, have heard of someone having such talent. "Is that true, Kyle?" Questioning him for reassurance.

"Yeah, it was inherited by my father, it got passed down to me. I haven't had much practice, especially something as big as this," Kyle stated. "I don't even know if I can actually do it. I have only practiced on small things, nothing near as big as this."

"You have to try," Drake started, "It could finally help us find the enemy behind all this and put an end to it. I know you can do it Kyle," Drake put his hand on Kyle's arm, "I believe in you. Just like your friends here," giving Kyle a reassuring smile.

As Kyle gave Drake a smile, he nodded. "Alright, I will try though it may take us a few tries."

As Drake took the lead, guiding us to where the council members would be at, Kyle stood next to him and indulge some conversations. Calico was on the phone posting updates and Stefan was giving me side glances. I still could not get the image of him and I kissing out of my head. There was passion in that kiss, heat, flames, sexy kiss. Nope, not going there. I have had relationships in the past, did nothing but damage me. I make it seem that I grew up just fine but not even my parents knew the damage that I went through. My last relationship that I was in made me want to never date anyone ever again, the hell he put me through, what he did to me. I know eventually that Stefan and I will have to talk about what took place, but now or any time soon will not be the time. I just have to focus on the task ahead of us. But man did I want to rip off his clothes. Okay Lilith, chill already, keep your hormones in check, it was just a kiss, does not mean anything and it probably didn't mean anything. Ah, fuck this.

"Alright guys, here we are," Drake announced.

Behind him stood a really big, dark and rundown mansion that was in desperate need of maintenance. Windows were blocked up and the walls had cracks in them. There's an iron gate at the entrance that is open. As we walked up to building, I could see what was suppose to be a garden, dead. Couldn't the blood suckers at least make something look decent? Life could look just as good as death makes it. Right about the time we got to the front entrance, the door opened up and the person standing there seems to be a butler of some sort.

"Ah Prince Thornes, your father is expecting you in a few minutes for the council meeting," the butler said in an annoyed tone.

Something told me that this is not going to end well...ah fuck.

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