Mummy's wild child (Waterloo...

By Carolineeexx

751 24 23

Kenzie Mason is the youngest daughter of Rachel mason. She is wild and out of control and has a reputation wi... More



51 1 1
By Carolineeexx

Alyssa frowned as she looked to kenzie as she lay hungover on the sofa and sighed. She was worried over her sister. She knew that kenzie was acting out of control and she knew it was over what she went through. Rachel walked into the room and rolled her eyes "She's hungover again" Rachel said as Alyssa looked to her "she's going through a lot leave her alone" Alyssa said. Alyssa knew what she had done for kenzie and she knew that she would do it again in a heartbeat. Kenzie was her baby sister and she would do anything that she could to protect her. Especially after what their father did to her. "Don't tell me what to do I am her mother" "your not mother, you have no idea what she has been through" "what does that mean?" Rachel asked as Alyssa rolled her eyes "that kenzie has been through a lot and that she and I always come last especially to your job, just go to work and I'll deal with kenzie like i always do" Alyssa spat

Alyssa watched as Rachel walked out and smiled as she walked over and sat next to Kenzie as she woke up. Kenzie looked to her and smiled as Alyssa brushed the hair out of her face and smiled "we need to talk, I'm worried over you" "I'm fine" kenzie said as Alyssa looked to her and sighed "no, your not. I know what you went through, it broke My heart and I would do what I did again to protect you in a heart beat but you and I need to find a way to get past this, we have to move on with our life's or I will loose Esme and I will go to jail for what I did and I couldn't cope" Alyssa said as kenzie looked to her and nodded knowing alyssa was right


Kenzie sighed to herself as she got to school. She looked to see tom and sighed to herself as she went to walk off. He walked over to her and grabbed her arm "we needed to talk" he said as he pulled her into an empty classroom. Kenzie looked to him and sighed as she ran her hands through her hair "I know that there is something going on with you, talk to me" he said "I can't" "you can" he said as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her cheek and smiled as she looked to him with tears in her eyes "my dad, he...he abused me. He sexually abused me" kenzie said as Tom looked to her and sighed "it's okay. I promise" he said as he wiped the tears away from her eyes as he leant in and kissed her


Rachel frowned as she walked towards the office and frowned as she leads Alyssa and max who were talking "you can't keep this secret forever alyssa, your mum needs to know why happened to Kenzie" max said "no, she doesn't. Kenzie doesn't want that and I won't betray her" alyssa said as Rachel frowned to herself feeling worried

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