The Twins| IT CHAPTER 1|

By Dana_Hates_You

4.7K 105 11

"Eddie pinch me if this is a dream, but I believe I'm seeing double. It's not possible to see two doll faced... More

Moving is like swapping lifes
She likes Pies, and You Dana
The definition of not leaving
The heavy weight that stays with us
The last day of school
Swimming in greywater
The redhead and the tampons
'Drowning' in self doubt
A bigger Flirt than Leo
Water fun
Eddie Spaghetti and the Dana Dear- the start of something beautiful
Dollface's Frist Encounter
Diana's Best and Worse Day ever
Stan hangs out and Bill's call

The Beverly Blood Spill

116 5 2
By Dana_Hates_You

Chapter 15: The Beverly Blood Spill
"Do I make you cringe?"

Diana's POV

I bit at my dry lips , glancing around at Stan and Dana. "So did they say what the emergency was?" I asked nervously - worried for our new found friend.

"No.. he just said Beverly needed us"

Stan shook his head and groaned " I swear if this is a pran-" he was interrupted by distant voices

"Hey- they are there", "c-come -o-o-n", "so what is this for again?"

The gang arrived on their own bikes and stopped around us . I looked up and made eye contact with Richie . We both blushed but he smirked and I looked away embarrassed, before clearing my throat "so uh. Like Eddie said - whats all of this about ?" I suggested at Beverly who looked like she hasn't slept in days

"I-I have to show y'all, y'all won't believe me if I told you .." her eyes held fear , and the way her diameter from the past week changed had me on the edge of my seat .. whatever is bothering her - it's not good .. I gulped and clinched my hands around the handle bars of my bike - instantly recalling the deformed child and walls . My vision blurred and my breath hitched.

"Di-Ana?", "Diana?!,"D? Are you okay?"

Voices called out to me , snapping me back to reality , I jumped and looked at Bill, Richie , and Dana who were close to my face . "Yeah ! I'm good , sorry spaced out " I smiled , ignoring the tightness that flooded my chest.
I have to forget .. it wasn't real.. it WASNT real..

"Well..." stan trailed off "let's get going - gotta see that mysterious thing ?" He stated making their worried faces turn away from me ..

"Y-Yeah.. y-yo-our r-right " Bill stuttered "l-le-lets g-go-go t-then ?" He questioned looking back at me , I only nodded before the gang started riding off , I stayed towards the back of the group and I nearly swerved off the road when Richie's pace dropped and he rode along side me.

"Hey sexy , are you ugh are you sure your okay?" He asked looking at me before looking back at the front testing to see if anyone else could hear us .

"Yeah I'm just tired" I lied , guilt settling in before I continued " s-so .."

"So.. you dream about me cause I've definitely seen you in my wet dreams " he joked laughing and poking my side " my unofficial official girlfriend "

" aye so I don't get an opinion on the matter huh?"

"Nope" he smiled patting my shoulder before speeding up " now come on granny. PUT YOUR LEGS INTO IT!" He mimicked a deeper voice at the end , my chest was unrestricted..
God thank you Richie ..
The gang arrived outside the dark apartments , as everyone dropped their bikes Beverly walked out with a thankful glint in her eyes
" I'm glad you all came.." just as everyone walked forward she stopped " um eh what do we do if my dad comes back , it wouldn't look good if a bunch of boys are just roaming my house.." a thoughtful look crossed everyone's faces.

"We can have someone stand guard or something" Ben spoke poking the ends of his thumbs together nervously

"Good idea , I vote Richie" Diana called our pressing her finger up to her nose , quickly followed by everyone besides myself and Richie. " ha nose goes losers"

"W-what wait ! What do we say if her dad comes back" They all walked inside

"I-I- J-just k-k-eep talking " bill called out before slamming the door it. I rolled my brown eyes turning to look into his equally dark ones

"Looks like we are all alone .." I purred  leaning close to his face making it turn maroon.

"Damn" he whispered leaning into me , I quickly jumped back

"SHOULDVE seen your face" I shouted , sitting down besides the little grass hill , I quickly plopped back

"Ya know it's not nice to tease a raging hormonal boy Cutie " Richie replied Cooley before taking a seat beside me and leaning his head on my shoulder. We stared out at the cars passing , "wanna makeout untill they come out , we can hide in that ditch " he smirked he's gesturing towards the deep grass filled void .

"I thought you'd never ask"

Dana's POV

The gang and I -excluding my sister and Richie- walked into Beverly's apartment. The atmosphere was heavy and dark. The air smelled like a pouched animal and I could visibly see how shaken Beverly was when she stopped us outside of the bathroom door.

"It reeks of death in here," Ed said covering his face with his bare hand making a disgusted face

"S-shut up" Bill barked yanking his head around to look towards us

"No, he's right" The red head breathed " what I'm about to show y'all is shocking.. but I didn't know what to do.. a-and if I told you guys without showing you first- I mean hell I wouldn't have even believed me..." I gulped as she slowly stepped aside turning the door knob before flinging the door open.

"Jesus Christ"


"I think I'm going to puke" Eddie ran behind me beginning to bend over gagging. I blinked away my tears as the shock left my body feeling tingly. The room was covered- I mean completely covered in blood.

"It's a literal bloody mess" I stated patting eddie's back

"P-please you have to help me clean it.. My dad- he he couldn't even see it.. I'll explain everything while we pick up" Beverly whispered with crystal clear fear in her eyes.

"F-fuck" I let slip out "where's your mop bucket?" Pushing my feelings of disgust aside

Chapter 15: end
Words: 982
"Dude there is no way that happened??"

"How could you not tell us!"

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