And I'd Do It Again

By NeneJPhilly

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Mercedes Jones is a college freshman just trying to survive her first year of university but when her childho... More

In the Beginning
Thanks Shall Be Givin
It Feels a Lot Like Slapsgiving
Going Back to the Beginning
Lust is Your New Best Friend
What's Your Truth?
Laying Foundation
First Date Jitters
Operation: Quick Part I
Operation: Quick Part II
Cheater, Cheater, Pumpkin Eater
The Prodigal Child Returns
Backpacking Across Europe but Not Really
Shop Around
Graduates Please Stand Up
Shh! We're Hunting Apartments
This is Our Breakup Song
Mi Familia
Dance Party
Days are Just Pages on a Calendar
Kung Fu Fighting
Smashing Glasses
Lake Day Part I
Lake Day Part II
Not Interchangeable
Double Dating
Everybody Talks
Martie: Boo Thang and RT
Love is for Suckas Part I
Love is for Suckas Part II
Birthday Song
The Storm & the Aftermath
Can We Talk?
Friday is Funday
The Magic's All Run Out
Try, Try Again
Picture Day
We're Moving On Up
In Your Darkest Nights
We Can't Stop
About Last Friday Night
Family Togetherness
Maddie Day
We Bought a Zoo
Camera Ready
She Knows
Goldfish Part I
Goldfish Part II
Hang On, We're Going Home
In the End

Trial Separation

55 2 0
By NeneJPhilly

"It was nice of Ms. Judy to babysit last minute." Mercedes said as she, Marc, Marcy and the twins came into the house.

"I'm thankful she came home just to be with them." Marcy walked the kids to the den and turned on the TV for them to watch a baby show on Netflix.

"I'm just glad we avoided Laura." Marc leaned against the wall.

"Nice to know that grudge is strong."

"Zip it, Sis. I'm not holding a grudge. What's done is done."

"And you're still angry and hurt." Mercedes accused.

"No way. I get laid on an average of every other night. I'm great."

"That's sad. He actually believes that." Marcy mocked to their sister cruelly.

Mercedes giggled at his scowl. "Are you hungry? We haven't eaten since lunch."

"I'm thirsty."

"You should get that checked out." Marc finally spoke.

"I might be dehydrated." They walked from the den to the kitchen and saw their mother putting away a few bags of groceries.

"Hey, Momma." Mercedes said slowly.

"Hi, sweetie. How are my beautiful children today?"

"Uh... um- good." Mercedes was freaked out. Their mother was naturally a happy person but this was weird. Even for her.

"What are you doing?" Marc asked.

"Putting away some stuff. I went shopping." Rose missed his meaning entirely.

"Where's Daddy?" Mercedes was slightly afraid of this chipper Rose.

"In the office. He'll be out in a minute. Would you like a snack?"

"Um... sure." Marc could eat.

"Yes?" Mercedes waffled.

"No thank you." Marcy went to the fridge for a bottle of juice. She went to leave the room when Rose stopped her.

"Wait! I bought some stuff for you! I know how you like those Outshine bars. I got you apple juice. And pita chips. Your favorite, cinnamon sugar. I got a bunch of things."

Marcy sighed. "Why?"

"I thought you might want to try new things. I even got Doritos."

"I've never had Doritos."

"I bought a bunch. I figured we could try them as a family. You know? bonding?"

"And you think I want to bond? With you?"

"I know you're probably still mad-"

Marcy whipped around so fast, Rose took a step back. "Mad? You think I'm mad?"

"I would be, too."

"I'm going to watch television." Marcy's stone face didn't show her thoughts as she walked out.

"So that snack?" Marc raised a finger.

Mercedes sighed heavily.


Marcus cleared his throat as he stood in front of his children on the couch in the living room. "We have an announcement. Your mother and I are going through a trial separation."

"What?!" Marc and Mercedes were surprised. Marcy merely raised an eyebrow.

"We don't see eye to eye anymore and we need to be apart."

"We are by no means getting a divorce." Rose insisted.

"Where will you be?" Mercedes asked her father.

"Here. We decided that the sleeping arrangements are fine so we can coexist with no problem." Rose bowed her head.

"And we're still going to be your parents." Marcus said. "You'll always have me."

"I'm going to do everything I can to get you to forgive me, Marcy." Rose promised. "All of you. I'm going to do everything in my power to keep this family together. I swear."

"Isn't that a big promise, Momma? You made us afraid to come to you and we needed help. And you punished Marcy for something she had no control over." Mercedes didn't see forgiveness in her future. "How can you make that up?"

"I can. I'll find a way. We're going to spend all the time we can together and be happy."

"I don't know, Momma." Marc shook his head. "It seems your love is conditional."

"It's not! I was just scared!"

"It's nice to know you were scared." Marcy said.

"I guess I never thought about you being afraid. You've always been my little rock. I didn't know you could get scared."


Rose flinched.

"I'm a human being! Of course I get scared! That is the most selfish thing I've ever heard of!"

"Don't yell at me. I'm still your mother."

"Not in my eyes." Marcy stood and started to leave.

"You can't leave! We're not done talking."

"There is nothing you're going to say that I want to listen to."

"I think I have something you're going to want to listen to." Marcus crossed his arms across his chest.

Marcy sighed and turned back around. "Yes, Daddy?"

"It's about your inheritance."

"I'm not expecting-"

"You're getting it." Marcus interrupted. "I'm also getting you all the cards Marcus and Princess have."


"Credit cards. I've never stopped putting money in your account so there's that. I also bought you a watch."

"A watch? Why?"

"I thought you'd need one to be on time for whatever you need to do. Also, I want to get you in to check out your teeth. Do you have a dentist? Do the kids?"

"Daddy, I have a dentist. My teeth are fine."

"What about a pediatrician?"

"Yes, I still see a pediatrician. We see the same one."

"I'd like for you to be checked over by Dr. John. Just to be sure."

She sighed again. "Fine. We're healthy but fine."

Marcus held out six cards. "Do you still have your bank card?"

"Yes." She made no move to take the cards.

"I'm going to start dinner." Rose gave a small breath as she tried to stay upbeat. "We're having Mexican!"

"Cool." Marc stood. "Well if that's all, I have some news. I'm moving to London. I'm going to stay in Joey's flat with him once his flatmate moves out."

"You're moving?! All the way to England?!" Rose couldn't believe it.

"Yeah. I figured I'd find more work there and it'd be cool to live with Joe." He shrugged.

"You never visit!" Rose wailed.

"Ma! I'll visit! I swear!" His eyes widened.

She tried to get herself together but it was hard. One child lived in Italy now another one was moving to England! What's next?! Mercedes moving to China?!

"I'm moving, too." Mercedes figured she'd get it out of the way.

Rose nearly fainted. "Are you kidding me?!"

"I can't be away from my sister. We've missed out on so much. I'm going to be moving into her condo as soon as possible. Before the owner sells to someone else."

"The owner?" Marcus asked.

Mercedes explained about the building. "I think I want to live on the bottom floor. I'll have to ask Quinn though."

"I can't believe you're all leaving." Rose sighed. "I have to go."

"Momma." Marc didn't want her to be upset but didn't know what to say to make her feel better.

"No. No. It's fine." She sniffled. "I have to start dinner." She left the room.

Marcus sighed deeply. "When are you both leaving?"

"Not until after the festival." Marc said. "The one in June."

"Okay." Marcus was going to miss his children but didn't know how to say it. "I have work to do. Here, Sweetpea." He handed Marcy the credit cards and watch box before leaving.

"Who feels good about themselves?" Marcy quipped.

"I feel like I just told her I didn't love her." Marc frowned.

"I feel bad, too." Mercedes said. "I gotta call Mikey."

"Mal's upstairs. Guess I should go talk to him. Or pack. I like packing better." Marcy put the credit cards in her back pocket.

"At least you have money now." Mercedes tried to cheer her up.

"I don't need his money. I've been taking care of myself for this long. I don't need anybody."

"Well too bad! You got us!"

Marcy rolled her eyes. "I'm going to check on my children then I'm going upstairs to pack."

"You're going to be prickly the whole time we're here?"

"Are you saying you don't want to move anymore?"

"Why is everything zero or 100% with you?!"

"I'm just asking! I'm not prickly!"

"You're so prickly! Can you give her a chance?!"

"Why does it matter to you what I do?!"

"Because I don't want our family torn apart."

"Your family will be fine."

"Our family! You're in this family, too!"

"Says you! My family is in the den. I don't even know why I'm talking to you. You don't understand."

"Yes, I do!"

"No, you don't!"

"Okay, I don't but I can if you open up!"

"Who said I wanted to open up?!"

Mercedes groaned and stamped a foot. "I don't want things to change!"

"Well get over it! Life is about change. It's also about things not going your way."

"That's not fair!"

"Life's not fair!"

"That's- that's!"

"Life!" Marcy snapped. "How in the world can you open your mouth and judge me on how I'm acting in a relationship you're not in when you have no idea what I've gone through and it's none of your business?! All because you don't want things to "change"?!"

"Hold on, Marce. Just calm down. No one is saying you don't have the right to be upset." Marc soothed. "We get it. She was wrong. We know that. She knows that. But you know Mercy is scared of conflict."

"Not my problem. I'm forced to be here until my birthday and the easiest way to get through it is to leave me alone. That goes for everyone. I don't want to be here."

"And that hurts!" Mercedes yelled. "It's like you've been missing from our lives for years and you're still running away!"

"It's not my fault I've been gone! So what if I am "running"?! I deserve to have some peace!"

"We're not knockin that." Marc jumped in. "But could you not run from us? We're not going to hurt you."

"Why should I believe that?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "Because we're "family"?! Since when has that meant anything?!"

"Yes! Because we're family! I would never hurt you!" Mercedes stomped a foot.

"Who said I was worried about you?"

Mercedes' lips twitched. "Stop joking. I'm being serious. I would never hurt you."

"Me either." Marc bumped Marcy's arm. "You know I have to look after my little sisters."

"We'll protect each other through anything. Know why? Because we are the only people on the planet that understand what it's like to be us."

"We're not that special." Marcy snorted.

"You're not getting out of this sappy moment!" Mercedes wrapped her arms around Marcy's neck.

"Let me go." Marcy deadpanned.

"Nope! You know I give real hugs! Take it!"

Marcy simply stood there. "You know Mal's waiting on me."

"Your boyfriend can wait a minute! I'm givin a hug!"

Marcy's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. She tried to get air into her mouth but it seemed to stop.

"Marce? What's wrong?" Mercedes loosened her grip.

"I- I- he- I- oh no- he's- him- and I- oh crap!"

Marc raised a brow. "What's the matter with you?"

Mercedes let go completely and put her hands on Marcy's shoulders. "Take deep breaths."

"I've got a boyfriend!" Marcy yelled, panicked.

"You sound real thrilled, too." Marc joked.

"No! Not Mal!" She hissed.

"Uh oh." Mercedes uttered.

"Yes "uh oh"!"

Mercedes gulped. "Well it's not like you had- you totally had sex last night, didn't you?"

Marcy nodded frantically. "Yes!"

Marc burst into laughter.

Mercedes swatted him. "It was just once-"

"It was three times!" Marcy pressed her hands to her forehead.

"Wow. Okay, it was one sitting. No one has to know." Mercedes tried to make her feel better.

"I think people are going to know." Mal said from the doorway.

Marc held his stomach. "Bwhaha!"

"How much of that did you hear?" Mercedes demanded.

"I've been sitting on the stairs for a while now. The kids are alright if you want to know." Mal crossed his arms across his chest.

"Are you mad?"

"A little but the chances of her being single was low anyway. It doesn't matter."

"Really?" Marcy couldn't believe it.

"Really. You're going to break up with him as soon as possible and we'll live out our years in peace."

She could believe that. "You want me to break up with him?"

"You can't string him along."


He held out his hand for her to take. "Come on. You wanted to pack some more."

Marcy took his hand and looked over her shoulder at Mercedes as he led her away. Her face clearly said something but her sister couldn't decipher it.

Mercedes made a face as she tried to think of why this seemed so odd. As she ignored Marc laughing. "You're so immature."


"What are you doing?" Mercedes knocked on her sister's door after dinner.

"Making a list of the types of storage I need." The blonde was sitting at her desk. "Since Daddy gave me the keys to Travis, I'll have a way to get the things I need without relying on Marc."

Mercedes came in fully and sat on the couch. "Are you packing everything?"

"Yeah. When the twins are down for an N-A-P tomorrow, I'm going to pack up things from the attic."

"You seriously have to spell that?"

"They know it in all languages."

Mercedes laughed as she looked over the two, who were on the bed playing. "Do you have to trick them into doing it?"

"I have to threaten. They don't like them at all."

"I remember us being like that."

"Who lied to you?! I've always loved my sleep!"

Mercedes laughed. "I remember you sharing your pallet with Mal."

"I shared everything with that boy."

"He's a man now."

Marcy stopped then turned to look at her sister. "You just said that."

She giggled. "You know what I mean! Though he is cute, isn't he?"

"He's something." Marcy turned back around and continued writing.

"You've never paid that boy a single compliment ever!"

"Let's be honest; I've never paid anyone a single compliment ever."

"True." Mercedes acknowledged.

Marcy slapped the tablet against the desk and stood. "I'm thinking of going to the Apple store tomorrow. I need a computer."

"A computer?"

"Yeah. I did all my schoolwork on the library's computer and that was always a giant pain. This saves me a trip to the library and I can use it for different stuff, too."

"I'll go with you."

"We'll need somebody to stay here with the twins. I need two car-seats for them quickly."

"Make another list. For the things we must get."

"Storage. More regular boxes. Car-seats. A laptop."

"A tablet." Mercedes broke in.

"Tablet?" Marcy looked down at the writing pad on her desk.

"An electronic tablet. They're the newest craze. I want to buy one, too."

"Okay then. Tablet." Marcy wrote it down. There was a knock at the door. "Yes?"

The door opened to admit Rose. "I have something for you."

"No thank you." Marcy wasn't even looking at her.

"It's more for the twins." Rose smiled at them. They beamed back.

"You don't have to spend your money on us."

"That's my job." Rose brought up a big box. "It's super cute."

"As long as this is the last." Marcy took the present and opened it.

"Of course not." Rose refused to tell such a lie.

Marcy sighed as she pulled out a bag. "What is this?"

"It's a diaper bag! I saw it and I thought it was so cute that you had to have it!"

"But I have a diaper bag. And this looks like a purse."

"That diaper bag is ugly and cheap-"


"This one is cute and fashionable."

"I kinda wanna get pregnant so I can have it!" Mercedes took the expensive diaper bag from Marcy.

"You'll have your time." Rose pushed her daughter's hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. "Did you bring many toys with you?"

"No. I only wanted to bring two bags." Marcy took the designer bag back.

"We have to fix that."

"Right. Well I have packing to do so..."

"Yes. I understand. So you like the bag?"

"It's functional."

"Okay." Rose took a stabilizing breath before walking out.

"Do you want me to go, too?" Mercedes asked, trying to avoid a fight.

"If you want. I want to pack up all my books by tonight." Marcy set the diaper bag on the bed before going to a bookcase.

"We're going to call the owner of your building in the morning, right?"

"Right. He'll most definitely sell to you."

"Good." Mercedes went to the bed and tickled Mally then Mickey. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes!" Marcy smirked. "He wants to sell."

"No. I meant living so far from home. I barely kept up when I was living in California."

"You just gotta want it and make time. Oh! Oh!" Marcy waved her hands in the air, wildly.

"What's wrong?"

"I just realized I have address books and I have to call some people!"

"Like who?"

"Karou for one!"

Mercedes laughed. "Your memory sucks but when you do remember people, it's funny."

"Oh suck it!" Marcy went to her desk and unlocked a drawer. She pulled out a few books and chose one. "Aha!"

"I'll leave you to it." Mercedes gave the twins a kiss on the forehead before going to her room and shutting the door. She brought out her own phone and called Quinn. "What are you doing right now?"

"Trying to decide what I'm going to take and what I want in storage. You'll never believe what happened at dinner!"

"What?" Mercedes went to her own bookcases and looked through her collection.

"Laura's moving to England!"

Mercedes gasped and stopped what she was doing. "No way!"


"Did you tell her about Marc?"

"No. I thought it'd be funny if they were to bump into one another on the street."

Mercedes struggled to keep the smile off her face. "Who are you?! Marcy?!"

"You gotta admit; this is something she'd do." Quinn giggled.

"Yeah, it is. I can't believe she's moving to England. What about Robert?"

"She said she was calling a family meeting about it. She wanted everyone to know at once."

"Do you think she's pregnant?"

Quinn made coughing sounds. "I hope not!"

"Why? Laura would be a good mom."


"Because if the baby isn't half Marc's, what's the point?"

"So you see my dilemma."

Mercedes laughed. "You're so Larc it's crazy!"


"L-A for Laura and R-C for Marc. Larc. Don't act like I can't make up names! You were the one who came up with Samcedes!"

"And you came up with Quick!"

"It's the best name there is."

"I like Mikecedes."

"I wish we had different names, it's so bad."

"What about Patoria?"


"Patrick and Victoria."

"Oh goodness no!"

Quinn laughed. "What about PV? Nice and short."

"Sounds like a disease."

Mercedes jumped. "Marcy! Why'd you do that?"

Marcy smirked from behind her sister. "What I do?"

"Scared the life outta me! How'd you hear Quinn anyway?!"

"I'm not deaf. I've been standing behind you since that Patoria monstrosity."

"Hey!" Quinn snapped.

"Why didn't you make any noise?! You scared ten years off my life!" Mercedes argued.

"How should I know you can't hear me?!" Marcy defended. "I was just coming to tell you that I talked to Laura and she wants to babysit tomorrow."

Mercedes pressed a hand to her chest. Her heart was just now calming down. "I think I had a heart-attack."

Marcy rolled her eyes. "You're alright."

Mercedes glared at her. "I'm telling Mikey!"

"Who do I look like? Laura? I'm not scared of him."

"He'll get you!"

"Ooh! I'm so scared of your Dudley Do Right boyfriend!" She walked out.

Mercedes frowned. "Mikey's not Dudley Do Right. Is he?"

"Yes." Quinn said instantly.

Mercedes groaned. "Whatever."


Mercedes barged into her brother's room. "Wake up!"

Marc laid still (because he heard nothing).

She went over to his bed and jumped on it. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Are you trying to get him up?" Marcy asked from the door.

"Yeah. You know Marc. He wakes up when he wakes up."

"No noise, nothing can wake up Sleeping Beauty." Marcy agreed as she walked in and jumped on the bed. Whereas Mercedes was sitting, Marcy was on her feet and continued to jump.

"What time did Jr. go home last night?" Mercedes asked as she pushed Marc's shoulder.

"This morning. Around three." Marcy said between jumps.

"Why'd he stay so long? I'm sure the twins were asleep by then."

"Yes, they were."

Mercedes looked back at her. "You were together."

"He likes to touch." Marcy shrugged.

"You like to let him."

Marcy tucked her legs under her and soared. She fell on Marc's back.

"Ugh!" Marc woke up.

"Oh. You're up."

"Rise and shine." Mercedes poked his face.

Marc glared at her. "Get off me."

"I'm not on you. Marcy is."

"Get off me, Monster!"

Marcy fell to the side. "I'm telling you called me a monster!"

"You're not even talking to Momma." He turned over and sat up gingerly.

"But I am talking to Laura."

Marc raised an eyebrow. He grunted at her.

Marcy grinned.

"Get out."

"Well my job is done." Marcy climbed out of the bed and ran out.

Marc slowly turned his glare to Mercedes, who waved before fleeing as well.

Marc fell back. "Sisters!"


Rose smiled as her children came into the kitchen. "I'm making your favorite breakfast foods."

Marcy made a strange face. "Why?"

"This is our first breakfast together as a family in over a year." Rose poured batter onto the griddle.

"Oh-kay." Marcy helped Mally and Mickey into chairs.

Rose was happy this didn't turn into a fight or her feelings getting hurt. "Okay."

"Shouldn't you put on a shirt? It's too early in the morning to throw up." Laura said from the door.

Marc, who was just wearing pajama bottoms, groaned. "Why are you here?!"

"Marcus." Marcus ruffled his paper warningly.

Marc pursed his lips in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "I mean good morning, Laura."

Laura smirked and went to give Marcus a hug. "Good morning, Pop. Marcus Donald."

"There they go." Marcy whispered to Mercedes.

Mercedes rolled her eyes as Laura hugged her. "Be nice, guys. It's too early."

"I'm always nice." Laura went to Marcy.

"Of course you are." Rose said. "You're a good girl."

Laura beamed as she kissed the twins. "Thank you, Momma Rose. I'm sure MarcD can behave as a gentleman."

If looks could kill... Mercedes and Marcy caught the giggles as Marc glared at Laura.

Laura went to Rose and kissed her cheek. "What are you making?"

"Marcy's favorite. Pancakes." Rose flipped said pancakes.

Laura wrinkled her nose. "Marcy doesn't like pancakes."

"What? Of course she does. Pancakes and French toast."

"No, she likes waffles and crêpes."

Rose looked at Marcy, who was filling her glass with apple juice. "Marcy? Don't you like pancakes?"

"I hate pancakes." She shook her head.

"I like pancakes." Mercedes said.

"Oh that's right!" Rose tapped her forehead. "Because you like chocolate chip pancakes!"

"Yes." Laura confirmed.

"And Marc likes toast."

"Hey, Marce? Want me to make you blueberry waffles?" Laura called out.

"Yes, please!" Marcy poured orange juice for the twins.

Rose took the pancakes off the griddle. "I can make them. Just give me a minute."

"It's okay." Laura said. "She likes my recipe." She began assembling the ingredients.

Rose nearly pouted. "I made sausage links. Is that good?"

"That's Q." Laura began mixing things together. "She can eat six links in a row."

"Only Quinnie eats sausage?" That didn't sound right to Rose.

"Only Marcy doesn't. It hurts her stomach." Laura poured in blueberries. "I think it's the pork."

Rose ran down the list of things all her children were allergic to. It dawned on her that she assumed Marcy liked the things they liked because they were so close. "You might be right."

Laura poured the batter in the waffle maker. "She likes chicken sausage though."

"At least there's panchetta in the frittatas."

"That's me. I love frittatas."

Rose facepalmed. "She likes scrambled?"

"She does but she likes omelettes more. Because Pop showed her how to make them."

Rose remembered that. Marcy had been four and it was one of the few dishes Marcus knew how to make without burning. "I cannot make an omelette."

"She'll make her own. She likes to. She likes to show off that she and Sonny are the only ones who can do it." Laura checked to make sure the waffles were cooking.

Rose realized she'd forgotten her own daughter. She was unused to her and therefore had forgotten her likes and dislikes, her wants and desires. That was unacceptable! Starting from that moment on, she would pay attention. "Marcy? What do the twins like for breakfast?"

Marcy shrugged. "I usually give them cereal. Except Saturdays when I made crêpes and omelettes."

Rose could have facepalmed again. "So they like that?"

"I make it for me but yeah, they seem to like it. They eat it."

Marcus' lips twitched behind his paper. "You sound like your grandmother."

Marcy grinned. "I miss them."

"Oh. Well that's good because I was thinking of having a family get together next week. Everyone will be out of school almost and it will be good to see everyone." Rose made up on the spot.

"Yes! A party!" Mercedes high-fived Marcy.

"I called Rou last night and she was buggin!" Marcy told the room. "She found a girlfriend who is über jealous. The girl won't even let her do things on her own!"

"I bet I know the advice you gave her." Marc snickered before going up a few octaves. "Run! Far and fast!"

"I wish I could tell you you're wrong."

"But I'm not."

"You don't believe in staying power, do you?" Laura took the waffle out and put it on a plate.

"She has a boyfriend." Mercedes snitched.

Marcy pushed her. "Hey!"

"Yeah. Jr." Laura poured the remaining batter in the waffle maker.

"Not just Jr.!" Mercedes fought her sister off.

"What is wrong with you?!" Marcy snapped.

"It's true. She's got an Italian lover waiting for her." Marc chuckled.

"He's French for your information!"

Marcus and Rose looked at her with open mouths. "Really?!"

Marcy sighed. "He's French. He works in Italy so that's how we met. He came to one of my shows and we became friends. I just accepted his date proposal."

"Does Jr. know?" Laura was captivated.


"And he hasn't lost his mind?"

"He told her it would be a good idea for her to dump him." Marc laughed.

"Do you want to?" Rose asked.

"He's the father of my children." Marcy shrugged.

"Your waffles are done." Laura said.

"Is there any whipped cream?"

"For breakfast?!" Rose switched gears.

"It's good." Mercedes insisted.

"Is it at least sugar free? You don't need cavities at breakfast." Marcus lectured.

Laura checked the refrigerator. "Yes, it is." She brought the plate and can to the table and set them in front of Marcy. "You're going to have to make your own omelette."

"Still can't make one?" Marcy said innocently.

"I just made you waffles, devil! Don't start with me!"

Marcy grinned as Marc cracked up. "Where's Quinn? She's nicer than you."

Laura glared at her. "She's at home eating whatever Mom made."

"That poor girl." Marcus muttered.

The kids snickered.

"Marcus! She's not that bad a cook!" Rose set her hands on her hips.

"Compared to who?!"


The kids laughed harder. Marc clapped his father on the back. "You gotta admit, Dad, you're pretty bad. The last time you made breakfast, you burned the juice."

Marcus was completely offended. "Forgive me for going to medical school and not culinary!"

"We still care about you, Daddy." Marcy promised as she got up to make her omelette.

Marcus sniffed. "That's all I can ask for, I suppose."

"Don't worry, Daddy." Mercedes assured him. "You're good at a lot of other things."

"Thank you, Princess."

"Breakfast is ready." Rose set platters on the table.

"Is there any raspberries?" Marcy asked.

"There should be."

Marcy slid her omelette onto her plate before going to the refrigerator for the red fruit. She washed off a few and put them on her waffles.

"Mommy!" Mickey piped up.

"Mickey!" Marcy came back to the table and kissed her cheek.

Mally lifted his fork and free hand. "Mommy!"

Marcy put her plate down so she could give him kisses. "Mally!"

Mickey pulled at Marcy's arm. "Mommy!"

Marcy switched to Mickey. "Mickey!"

Mally glared and pulled her back. "Mommy!"

"Alright! I'm tired of this." She pinched his cheek.

"Do they fight often?" Marcus asked.

Marcy sat down. "Not really. She's younger than him and he seems to know it. He's really protective over her and they share all the time. It's cute."

"That's what siblings are supposed to do." He folded his paper.

"It's adorable." Rose smiled. "You were like that when you were little. Marc would hold your hands when we walked down the street and when you were put down for naps, he would make sure you had your covers over you and your pacifiers in your mouths."

"Aww! How cute! He used to be helpful." Laura batted her lashes.

Marc stuck his tongue out. "I'm still helpful!"

"You threatened us earlier." Mercedes teased.

His mouth fell open and reached out to pull her hair. "You jumped on me!"

"We were waking you up." She moved. "Don't you pull my hair!"

"My back still hurts!" He pushed her head.

She slapped his arm. "I didn't jump on your back!"

"And it didn't hurt, you big baby." Marcy sprayed whipped cream on her waffles.

"You have bony knees and they stuck me in the back!" Marc accused.

"How can I have bony knees when I'm fat?!"

"You're healthy." Rose corrected.

"You still got bony knees." Marc insisted.

"It just goes to show men can't tolerate a little pain." Laura shook her head.

"I don't think that's true, Cupcake." Marcus denied. "Men have been warriors for years."

"While women have been united through everything." Rose said.

"Is it because I didn't give birth? I can't help that! I don't have the right stuff!"

"We agree."

Marcus nodded before narrowing one eye. "Hey!"

"Aren't you going to pray?"

He pursed his lips before taking the hands of the people closest to him and saying a prayer. "What is everyone doing today?"

"I'm watching the kids today." Laura put two pancakes on her plate.

"What are you going to do?"

"Play here at the house. Maybe take them to the park?"

"You'll have to walk until I get back with the car-seats." Marcy said.

"We can walk. They like to walk, don't they?"

"I don't know about liking it but it's all we do. They stay close to you when you're walking so you don't have to worry about them running away from you."

"Good. We can walk to the park."

"I'll make you a list of stuff they like and don't like."

"Like what?"

"Mickey likes the swings while Mally likes the teeter totter. She likes grape juice while he likes orange. She likes cheese crackers while he likes graham. Stuff like that."

"Yeah. Make a list."

"I'll go to the store and buy what they like. I'll drop it off before you go to the park."


"Son? What about you?" Marcus asked.

Marc swallowed what was in his mouth. "I was thinking of finding some of my friends. Maybe play some basketball?"

"How many of your friends are home from university?" Rose asked.

"I don't know. I know a couple are because I talked to them Monday and yesterday but I haven't called everybody. A few people have been blowing up my phone so I'll see about them first."

"Wanna bet how many of them are girls?" Marcy asked Mercedes.

"I say all of them." Mercedes said without missing a beat.

Laura rolled her eyes. "You're going to catch something one of these days."

"Are you safe?" Rose demanded.

"Ma!" Marc colored.

"Are you?! You could easily catch something from one of these fast little girls!"


Marcus opened and closed his mouth a few times as he tried to find something to say. Finally he sputtered, "Be safe."

Marc rubbed a hand down his face. "I am safe!"

"Having multiple partners increases your chances for a sexually transmitted infection." Marcy said.

"You would know!"

"Hey! I was messing around with nuns! They were all clean!"

"Please, let's change the subject!" Marcus was completely uncomfortable.

"Marcy and I are going to the Apple store." Mercedes said.

Marcus breathed a sigh of relief. "What are you buying?"

"Marce needs a computer for school and we're going to buy tablets."

"Why would you buy a writing pad at Apple?"

Mercedes, Marc and Laura facepalmed. "It's an electronic device, Daddy."

"How do you do that?" Marcus was bewildered.

"It's like a palm pilot, Pop." Laura said. "You know? A personal assistant kind of."

"Except it doesn't talk to you." Mercedes added.

"What's it for?" He questioned.

"It's basically a big i-Pod."

"That thing you got me for Christmas?"

"Yes. It's a cross between that and a computer. You can do work and play games."

"I still haven't figured out how to work that thing!"

Marc rolled his eyes skyward as if praying. "Come on, Dad. Step into the twenty first century."

"I don't know why I need that newfangled thing in the first place." Electronics weren't Marcus' thing.

"To listen to music. I put music on it for you. You can listen to it in the car, at the office, at the gym." Mercedes explained. "You can even get ereader and listen to books on tape."

"Really?" Marcus loved crime novels but didn't have much time to read.

"Like it now?"

"I'll give it another try."

"Maybe I'll get one?" Rose said. "I see people on them all the time but I don't know how to work them."

"They're great, Momma Rose." Laura exclaimed. "You can get on the Internet and watch your favorite shows or look up recipes."

"I like it already."

"Apple's going to make a tidy sum." Marc said. "Know what kind you're going to get?"

Mercedes shrugged. "I know what I want the cover to be though."

"I just found out about it eight hours ago." Marcy licked the corner of her mouth.

"You didn't know what a tablet was either?! What kind of computer engineer am I?!" Marc fussed.

"You're good. She's just..."

"Been under a rock?" Marcy supplied, cutting off Mercedes.

"Off the grid." Mercedes finished.

"Maybe I should go with you? So you know what you're getting? Do you know what computer you're getting?" Marc worried.

"Nope. But I want a Scooby-Doo cover." Marcy said tongue in cheek.

"I'm going with you." He deadpanned.

"Fine. I need new USBs anyway."

"Just tell me what time you're going."

"We have other things to do first. We're getting more boxes and storage units and I need to call for movers to pick up my stuff."

"When are you thinking of moving?" Marcus asked Marc and Mercedes. "I know you're leaving in June but you must want to have your places set up before then."

"Well we need to get the place first. Marcy's calling her building owner today and we're going to talk to him." Mercedes reported.

"You should call him now. No time like the present and it shows you mean business to do business in the morning."

Mercedes shrugged. "Do you have his number, Marce?"

Marcy picked up her phone and went through her contact list. "Yeah."

"Maybe you should get Quinn on the phone so she'll know what's going on?" Laura suggested.

Marcy exited her contact list and dialed Quinn's number. "Hey, Q?"

"Yeah?" Quinn's voice came over the line.

"I'm calling my building owner right now. Stay on the line so you'll be on the phone. We're going to buy the condo now."

"Oh! Really?! I'm not dressed!"

"I said call him." Marcy had a perplexed look on her face.

They could hear flesh hitting flesh. "I'm still a little frazzled. Go ahead and call him."

Marcy put her on hold to three way her condo owner. She clicked over so Quinn could hear. The phone rang four times before the man picked up. Marcy switched to Italian. "Hello? Mr. Fieri? It's Marceline Anne Jones from your Lémon Ave building."

"Yes! Yes! Ms. Jones! What can I do for you?"

"My sisters are interested in buying a condo at the address."

"Yes?! They are?!"

"Yes. They're here. Mercedes Catherine and Lucille." Both Quinn and Mercedes spoke.

"Would you like to set up a walk through?"

"We've seen the pictures on your website." Mercedes started. "But that would be good. How about this weekend?"

"Does ‪Friday evening‬ sound good to you?" He asked. "I'm showing the place off to a couple people as well."

"‪Friday evening‬?" Mercedes chewed on her top lip as she looked around the table.

Marcy bumped her arm and nodded.

"‪Friday evening‬ would be perfect."

Marcus cleared his throat. "I'm Marcus Jones, their father and my wife and I have some questions for you."

"Yes! Yes! Of course!" Mr. Fieri said.

Marcus and Rose asked plenty of questions and by the time the call wound down, they felt safe about this decision.

"If you have any other questions, feel free to call me back at this number or shoot me an email. I'll see you all Friday at eight."

Marcy hung up before calling Quinn right back. "So what do you think?"

Judy, who'd been on the phone since Quinn also had it on speaker, spoke up. "I like it. Quinn showed me the listing last night and it looks amazing."

"I haven't been through downstairs but I can vouch for my place." Marcy said.

"What place are you thinking of?" Mercedes asked. "I don't know about you but I don't want to live upstairs. It freaks me out to think about living upstairs and there's a fire."

"You do know fire escapes exist, don't you?"

"Don't mock me."

"You know we'll have to call Puck and Mikey." Quinn reminded them.

"Oh right. They'll be there for the open house anyway." Mercedes shrugged. "But I feel like there's something happening on Friday."

"Graduation." Marc and Marcy said in unison.

Everyone (barring two twins) facepalmed. "Graduation!"

"Can we even make both?" Rose fretted.

"Mine's ‪at two o'clock‬." Marc said.

"Mine's at ten." Marcy reported.

"We'll be able to go to Harvard first then take the train to Princeton?" Mercedes tried to do the math. "Then take a flight straight after to Milan?"

"That should work. I'm not staying to talk to these people."

"Why are you so antisocial?" Laura wanted to know.

"Why do people suck?"

"Don't say that in front of them!" Laura hissed as she pointed to the twins, who were hanging off every word.

"They don't know what it means. Yet. I should tell them. They should know from an early age to have a low expectation of the human race. If they can, people will disappoint you."

"Wow." Marc's entire mouth shaped the word. "That was dark and depressing."

Rose hated her daughter felt that way but was unsure if she should feel guilty. Marcy had been born unimpressed with the world. "We should go shopping. More than likely the house will be up to par and you'll need things. It's cheaper to get it here and ship it than to buy it there."

"We have some things from Christmas." Quinn put in.

"Yeah, a fully stocked kitchen." Mercedes quipped.

"And some other things." Laura added. "But we should divide this week up between packing and shopping."

"Joy." Packing was nothing to Marcy but she hated shopping more than going to see her father for a checkup.

"It'll be fun." Judy promised.

Marcy sincerely doubted that.

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