Mute (BoyXBoy)

By DavidBeck

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Mute (BoyXBoy)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Epilogue/Thank You

Chapter 23

5.4K 216 30
By DavidBeck

I made sure to limit myself to three drinks, didn't want to risk getting overly intoxicated on our first actual date. It was a good thing I had actually eaten earlier too, otherwise my relaxed buzz would probably be a whole lot worse, as it was, I had already almost knocked over two different bottles, but I wasn't sure if the alcohol was to blame, or my outright clumsiness was. We had moved out from behind the bar, and now stood in the center of the dance floor completely alone, held tightly in each other's arms, slowly swaying in a slight attempt to keep rhythm with the soft music playing overhead.

"I think this is my favorite first date I've ever had." He stated softly.

I could feel his chest vibrate against mine with each word he spoke, sending another wave of chills down my body. We had to have been dancing for over twenty minutes, exchanging small facts and details about our life the entire time. He had so many stories to tell, how different things were here versus being in California, what his favorite books were, tv shows, just about any casual conversation filler you could imagine.

"I don't really have anything to compare it to." I joked, smiling upwards towards him.

"You've never been on a date before?" He asked, his voice heavy with skepticism, raising his trademark eyebrow. "Someone who looks like YOU, has never been on a date, not even with a girl?"

I found myself chuckling pretty hard at his disbelief. I mean, I definitely had offers thrown my way, quite often to be honest, but I just wasn't interested. It's not as if the men and woman that asked weren't attractive or anything, I just never really considered it an option.

"Nope, never have been. I just never really wanted too. I figured all I needed were my books, until I met you, I mean."

"Was that your way of saying you need me?" he asked, chuckling at his own question to let me know he wasn't serious.

"Don't look to deeply into it." I responded, joining him in laughter.

I was glad he had a sense of humor, and a solid understanding of sarcasm, making it to where I wouldn't have to worry about curbing my jokes to heavily. Waiting till the current song ended, he took a step back from me, but made sure to keep eye contact.

"So, if you've never been on a date, that means you've never..." he asked, drawing out the last word.

I knew what it was he was asking, if I had ever had sex before or not. Being a virgin wasn't something I was ashamed of at all. I never understood the pressure people put on you to actively seek out someone to sleep with, and with the amount of pregnant fifteen and sixteen-year-old students I've seen at school and on tv, I decided that I would wait until I was ready, despite what anyone else thought.

"I don't ever want to pressure you, Leo. If at any at any time I go further than you are ready for, just tell me. I will stop immediately."

He was stern, choosing his words carefully to make sure I completely understood. I couldn't appreciate his patience more than I did now. He respected my choices, respected that I didn't want to rush things, that I wanted to take my time.

Smiling and thanking him for his words, I walked slightly out of his range to the table where I had set my last drink of the night, still almost full and cold from the ice melting inside of it. Taking a rather large portion of it into my mouth, I still marveled at the taste, savoring the different spices that seemed to blend perfectly to the drink it was mixed with, before swallowing it down and turning back to Kavaar.

I watched as he pulled his phone out and sighed deeply before putting it back into his pocket, then looked to me, with a somewhat disappointed look on his face. I was worried I had done something wrong within the last few seconds, but my fears were quickly replaced with a slight relief, followed by disappointment as well.

"It's almost midnight, I need to go out there and make sure everyone underage is getting ready to leave. Do you want to wait back here for me?"

I thought about his question for a moment before deciding it would probably be best if I went home myself, otherwise I would be tempted to drink more, then possibly make bad decisions, and I didn't want to be driving drunk back to my house. Though a little disappointed, he only let it show for a moment before telling me he understood and pulling me into his arms for another embrace, then kissed me softly once again, telling me he would text as soon as he got some free time.

Calling his security in and asking them to escort me out, he gave me a small wink before letting them know to wait about five minutes after he left the room before following suit.

The music was still incredibly loud, lights still blinding with each flash, and the area still full of people, drinking, smoking, laughing, and dancing.

We had almost made it to the door before a security guard fell into me, causing my body to tumble backwards, allowing my head to quickly catch against a chair from behind. I felt a rush of pain shoot down my neck as the metal leg skid backwards due to the sudden force of my head thrown against it. Quickly helping me to my feet the guard apologized on repeat, mentioning some drunk person falling over into him, causing the ripple effect resulting in a sudden, but almost immediate headache.

Telling him it was fine and that I knew he didn't do it on purpose, I struggled to regain my balance for a moment, legs a little shaky from what I assumed was not only the sudden impact, but also the alcohol I had imbibed not long ago. Glancing around the guard to see who it was that caused this, I felt my eyes shoot open wide as I stared at the person they were attempting to help to his feet.

His pupils were heavily dilated, causing the iris to become almost completely hidden, surrounded by bloodshot veins as he struggled to maintain his balance. He was high. Very, very high, and quite drunk as well it seemed. I couldn't believe it. I wanted to ask why he was here. Who gave him alcohol, if he was drugged, if he took them himself. I didn't even know what type of drug he could be on.

His newly short hair was scattered, messy, and just thrown about all over his head. I watched in horror as his eyes twitched all over, seemingly looking in every direction at once before leaning forward and throwing up everything he had taken in within the last few hours, before losing all control of his body and falling forward, landing directly into a pool of his own vomit.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Mute never seemed the type to do drugs, to drink like this, anything. He was always so soft, shy, and reserved, yet now, I was seeing a completely different version of him. Rushing over to his side and helping the guards get him to his feet, I caught a glimpse of Kavaar rushing towards us, first checking on me, making sure I wasn't hurt, then turning to Mute, asking the guards if they knew what happened.

After they recounted the details he tried to casually check on me once again, making sure my head was okay though I could see the concern in his eyes.

"I'm alright, Kav-" I started, before quickly correcting myself and addressing him as Mr. Porter.

"He's in my fourth period class." Kavaar stated, rather angrily. Turning to his guards once again he asked that they bring him into the back office so that they could find a way to contact his parents, but I asked them to stop and turned to face Kavaar.

"I know who he is, and I know who is father is. If you call him, things will only go from bad to worse. I can take him to my house, let him sleep this off there. Please."

The last word came out a little more desperate than I intended. It wasn't a lie, though. His dad really was a mean person. Looking at me confused, and overly concerned, Kavaar asked how I knew them. Breaking down the situation with the car accident, I saw his eyes widen slightly before forcing himself to regain his composure.

"I know you just want to take care of your friend, but I can't exactly ignore that he's high, drun-" he started before I cut off his words.

"Think, Mr. Porter. If you call his father, you could lose your bar for serving alcohol to a minor, even if it wasn't your staff directly providing it. His dad will try to spin this back on you, on your guards for not watching him, anything and everything he could do, he would try."

I was beginning to sound more and more desperate with each word that left my mouth. I wanted to take care of Mute, to get some answers from him when he sobered up, but I also didn't want Kavaar to get screwed over because of him. Sighing and telling his guards to escort us directly to my car, I thanked him on repeat before turning around and heading for the doors, but stopped short for a brief moment.

I could see Axel standing off to the side, observing the entire thing, before saying what looked to be "shit" and disappearing into the crowd. I felt a surge of anger reach new heights in my body, unlike anything I have ever experienced. Was he the reason Mute was like this? Did he drug him and just leave him? I didn't get a chance to call him out, I needed to get Mute to a more stable environment.

Allowing the guards to carry him, they loaded his body into the back seat of my car, and was thankfully kind enough to bring a bucket and placed it in front of him, in case he decided to throw up anything else out of his system. By the time I had put my keys in the ignition my phone had gone off, sounding a text message came through.

"I don't like this, L. I don't want anything to happen to you."

I couldn't stop the smile even if I wanted too, but what would normally cause me to relax, only seemed to heighten my anxiety at the moment.

"I don't feel right about sending you home with someone drugged up, even if you do know them."

"Everything is going to be fine, K. I will let you know the second I get home."

Setting my phone down and putting my car in drive, I set off down the road, trying to collect any and all thoughts from my unusually cluttered mind. Why was he high? Did Axel do this? Was he the reason behind it? I had so many questions but knew I wasn't going to get the answers any time soon. Finally pulling up to my house, I heard my phone go off on repeat as I set it in my pocket, made my way to the back side of my car, and lifted Mute over my shoulder, carrying him inside the house and taking him to the guest bedroom.

I had to take off his clothes so that his projectile from earlier didn't get all over the bed, rushed upstairs and grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a simple shirt, then returned and dressed him back up and set him on the bed. Realizing a bunch of his vomit transferred from his clothes to mine from carrying him inside, I quickly went back upstairs to change and shower, but made sure to open my phone and text Kavaar, letting him know we made it safely.

Getting in and cleaning myself thoroughly and grabbing another pair of pajama pants. I didn't bother wearing a shirt since I was practically home alone, due to Mute being passed out in another room. Grabbing my phone once more, I picked it up right as it started to ring, with simply the letter "K" showing up on the home screen. Answering it quickly, I was suddenly barraged with a million questions, all of them ranging from if I was okay, to if he was asleep, if I locked the door so he couldn't get out, and just about every other thing he could think of.

"He's passed out in a guest bedroom, I had to change his clothes so that vomit didn't get all over the bed."

"I don't like this Leo, I'm still angry I even let you leave with someone else from the bar, let alone someone who is clearly high and very drunk. You said you knew him, but how well? He could be a drug addict, a killer, anything."

I could hear the concern in his voice. I know he was only looking out for my well being, something that made me feel at ease, but I didn't like that he was making these assumptions about Mute.

"He's not a killer, Kavaar. I don't even think he personally did the drugs himself. I'll know more after I talk to him tomorrow."

"You're letting him spend the night there?!?" He asked, clearly taken back by my words. "Leo, I know you're just trying to help a friend, but please let me call his father. I'll handle the consequences myself, I don't want you possibly get hurt."

"I can't let you call him. If he stays the night here this whole thing will blow over and I'll get some answers tomorrow."

"Leo, I'm begging you. Please let me call him, I can't in good conscious just let you be there by yourself with him the whole night."

I could feel myself getting a little annoyed, pacing back and forth down the hallway towards the bathroom then back to my bedroom on repeat. I knew he was only concerned for my well being, but I just couldn't see Mute as the monster he was making him out to be.

"Leo, pleas-" He started before I cut him off.

"Come stay the night here too."

There was a brief silence between us as he took in my words. I meant them, though. I wanted him to feel at ease, but I couldn't let him call Mute's father and possibly lose his bar. If this was the only other option to help him relax, then he could stay here with me too.

"I'm serious, Kavaar. If it will help alleviate your concerns, then stay the night here with me."

Confirming that I was completely sure this is what I wanted, he told me he would be here as quickly as he possibly could, before ending the call. It didn't take him long to get to my house, rushing through the already unlocked door and fully examining my head to make sure there was no major damage from my fall, he asked where I put Mute before letting out a sigh of relief after observing that he was indeed passed out and not searching for a weapon to attack me, before suddenly stopping directly in my line of sight.

I caught him staring at me, observing my completely shirtless frame, and smiling once again. Letting out a sigh as his smile pulled a wave of relaxation over me, I stood there kind of sheepishly, a little annoyed I forgot to put a shirt on.

"You look magnificent, Leo." He breathed out. "Like someone took you directly out of a swimsuit model magazine."

Smiling and looking away slightly, I began to feel a little awkward before realizing that this is the first time he has actually seen me without a shirt on. I mean, I had shown him the bruises on my chest, but didn't actually remove it completely, but even if I had, the lighting in the room was fairly dim which would have prevented him for getting a full view in the first place.

Sensing that I was feeling awkward and a little out of place, he quickly removed his shirt as well in an attempt to make me feel a little more comfortable, but if anything it made it worse. He looked incredible. A soft layer of hair covered his chest that almost glistened in the lights above. His stomach pushed out just slightly over the button of his jean.

Reaching over and pulling me into an embrace, I could quickly feel my legs get weak, struggling to hold my weight. He felt incredible. Soft, warm, inviting. I buried my head into his chest, taking him in completely. My breathes were short, almost labored as I inhaled his scent. Pulling himself from me and smiling, he asked if that helped me feel at ease, but I couldn't speak. Words sputtered out of me, but not one of them made sense.

"So, where am I sleeping?" He asked casually, giving me plenty of time to collect myself and thoughts.

"Well...I can take the couch and you can have my room. The other ones don't have a bed in them yet and I want you to be comfortable..."

"Leo, I'm not taking your bed from you. That's not an option. I'll sleep on the couch, you can have your room."

"No, honestly, it's okay. You can have my-" I started before he cut me off.

"Why don't we share it?" He asked, half laughing.

I found myself chuckling at him once again. Looking up I could see him laughing a bit too, before he carried on the joke, rubbing his hands against his stomach in an almost mocking tone.

"Unless you think you can't resist all this."

We both burst into laughter as he finished his motion, I liked seeing him like this, being silly, going out of his way to make me laugh.

"Oh I'll resist you alright." I responded in a half laughing tone. "I'll resist you so hard you'll think you've been rejected."

Laughing together once more he asked if I was challenging him, winking as he finished his sentence.

"Maybe I am."

"Then show me to your room, I accept your challenge."

Chuckling together once again, I made sure to set the house alarm, this way if Mute tried to leave when he woke up, we would know, then proceeded to lead Kavaar up the stairs to the bathroom for him shower, then pointed directly to my bedroom, letting him know where I would be.

Smiling and kissing my forehead, he let me know that he wasn't going to try anything, if I wanted we could sleep with something in between us if it made me more comfortable. Smiling and letting him know that I trusted him, I said it wouldn't be necessary, then made way to my room. I was glad he was going to shower first, this allowed me to grab out a pair of underwear and throw them on quickly. Nothing crazy, just a pair of boxer briefs.

Usually I slept completely naked, so I wasn't in the habit of putting them on after my nightly shower. Throwing back on my pajama pants, I waited for him to step out of the shower and walk towards my bed before asking which side he would prefer to sleep on. Letting me know he usually went to the left side, I let out a small sigh of relief, due to me being the most comfortable on the right side.

We waited for a moment, staring at one another, each waiting for the other one to make the first move, before he took initiative and started undoing his button, preparing to remove his pants.

"I usually sleep in the nude, but I don't want to make you uncomfortable so I'll leave on my underwear, if that's okay with you."

"It's actually the same here." I stated, thankful he was leaving them on. I was happy he wanted to leave something to the imagination, not let me see everything all at once. We agreed to turn our backs to one another, removed our clothes, then carefully climbed into bed, allowing for neither of us to see what we looked like without all but a single garment covering our lower half's.

Sliding my body over to his, I buried my head into the side of his chest, while wrapping my legs around his right one, as he pulled me into closer to him, allowing his arm to cradle my back.

"So much for your attempt at resistance." He laughed, rolling his fingers up and down my spine as I ran mine through his chest hair.

"Discretion is the better part of valor." I joked, before leaning in, kissing his forehead, and relaxing my body. I could feel sleep wanting to overtake me already. Between the alcohol from earlier, the stress with Mute, and the busy day of shopping I had, I wasn't able to fight it off for very long.

I awoke to the sound of something tapping. It was soft at first, but quickly gained in speed and intensity. Opening my eyes and feeling something behind me I moved forward slightly but was stopped in my tracks, then suddenly pulled backwards once again.

"Five more minutes." He asked, voice groggy from sleep.

He pushed his body further against mine, and that's when I felt it, the same thing just about every guy woke up with. He was hard, at full mast and almost throbbing. It felt good against my lower half, warm, and inviting. Leaning my head back and waking him up, I felt his sudden jerk away from me and out of bed, apologizing profusely, and that's when I really saw it. The bulge was enormous, thick and pushed out, angled slightly upwards. Realizing what I could see, he quickly turned around and grabbed his pants, throwing them on so quickly he almost lost his balance a few times.

I couldn't help but chuckle, but was still marveled by what I had seen. I mean, I knew I was a pretty decent size, above average from the videos I had watched via the internet, but holy crap. Realizing I myself was facing the same issue he was, I discretely turned around in the bed and grabbed my pajama pants from the ground and pulled them under the cover so that he wouldn't see.

He was flustered, still apologizing on repeat, despite me telling him it wasn't a problem, that I understood he didn't do it on purpose when he pushed himself close to me. He wasn't awake yet, and I knew he wouldn't force anything I didn't ask for specifically.

The tapping that woke me up no was no longer in the air, instead a simple paper had been slid underneath the door, face down so that we couldn't see it at first. Walking over towards it as Kavaar continued to curse at himself, I turned it over and stared in horror.

Once again the details were immaculate, but that wasn't what caught my attention. Grabbing the door handle, I quickly started cursing at myself as I realized I left it unlocked.

"Shit!" I almost shouted causing Kavaar to jump. "Shit, shit, shit!"

"Leo, what's going on, are you okay?"

I could hear the concern in his voice, but at this point it was directed at the wrong person. He was the one I was worried about. He was the one that could lose everything if this picture got out. Turning around and stretching out my arm, I motioned for him to grab the paper I was holding, and watched his eyes widen in fear as he started to make out what it was. A drawing of us, from last night, each of us asleep, and held tightly in each other's arms.

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