Searching for you - Destiel

By Fainted_Angel

664 35 200

Dean is desperately trying to find his brother, Sam, who vanished into thin air a week ago. He has no idea wh... More

Amen, or Whatever
Best Damn Burger
If You're an Angel, Where Are Your Wings?
Stupid Freakin' Aliens
Okay? Okay.
I'll Help You
Something strong
I walked through a desert
Rain check on that kiss?
We've got company
Son of a-


41 2 20
By Fainted_Angel

Cas P.O.V

It doesn't take us to long to find the crime scene, Dean got the address almost as soon as we got in the impala and it was a quick dive from there. The gravel crunches beneath the tires when we pull in behind the warehouse. After grabbing some guns and knives from the trunk, I follow Dean into the warehouse and look around the grotty area.

There are shelves packed with boxes of all sizes going all the way up to the ceiling, leaving little space for people to walk between them. The yellow lights are dim and the whole place lets off a demonic vibe. From the tall roof to the dirty floor.

It's also incredibly cold I notice, although the temperature doesn't affect me in the same way as humans. Dean, however has been shivering since we entered the building.

"Are you cold?"


"Dean, you are a terrible liar." I take his hand and between mine and use my 'angel mojo' as he calls it, to warm him up. His green eyes look questioningly into mine but he doesn't say anything. We stand there, lost in each others eyes and holding hands until-

"Agents." A woman's voice calls to us. I look to my right and see a young woman with brown hair tied in a bun coming our way. "I'm Officer Freely, the one who called you on the phone. The vics are this way."

Dean slips his hand out of mine as she turns abruptly on her heels. We follow her down the narrow isles into a back corner. The lights are out and there is yellow police tape around two bodies. Tessa's has two bullet holes ripped through her torso and Rob's has three in his.

As we get closer I wrinkle my nose at the smell of sulfur that surrounds the scene. It is incredibly strong.

"Do you know what happened?" Dean asks her.

"Not really. The boys and I are thinkin' a robbery gone wrong, but neither of them worked here and the security tape is... weird."

"Can we see it?"

"Yeah, sure. GARTH!!! THE FEDS WANT TO SEE THE FOOTAGE!" She hollers to a lanky kid in the corner. He's wearing a police uniform a couple sizes too big for him and ginormous boots. He stands up, catching the hat that threatens to slip off his head and brings over an iPad.

"It's pretty spooky if you ask me." He says, his voice cracking. "If you look closely I swear the dude has black eyes."

"Really." Says Dean looking over at me.

"Yeah. Here." He thrusts the tablet at us. "Take a look."

The tape is grainy and dark but you can tell it's Rob and Tessa. Well, their vessels at least. The two are both dressed in the reflective vests that construction workers wear as they enter the screen. Rob sets the box he is carrying on the shelf and turns to Tessa.

They talk for about a minute, then Tessa takes out a gun from the back of her jeans and shoots Rob three times in the chest. Instead of bucking and collapsing to the ground, he barley flinches. She hands him the weapon and he shoots her body twice without hesitation. She remains standing as well, grinning at the camera before Rob shoots out the lens. Just before the lens is cracked by the bullets, Rob's eyes turn black.

The recording finishes and both Garth and Officer Freely look at us for a reaction.


"Interesting." I say. "Can we take a look around the scene?"

"Be my guest. Just don't touch anything, Lestrade would kill me if the forensics get here and the evidence is unclear."

"You got it." Dean gives a small salute to Garth before ducking under the police tape. He holds it up for me to step under.

"Sulfur?" I whisper.

"Loads of it, demons for sure." He says in a deep voice that makes me shiver.

"You cold?" He smirks.

"Yes." I turn and crouch beside Tessa's lifeless body.

"Castiel, you are a terrible liar." He quotes my words from earlier. I shake my head and grin as Dean bends down beside me and tilts the woman's head to the side. "What do you think?"

"What do I think?"

"Yeah. What's your theory. I know you've got one."

"I do. Seven so far, actually. I'm thinking they may or may not be the demons who took Sam. If they were they'd want you to know it. Demons are cocky like that. But if they're bounty hunter demons like I said, they would be more careful."

"Awesome." He mutters. "Basically all we know is that they're demons, maybe not even the ones were looking for and now their vessels are empty. Dead. There is still nothing about Sam and I'm beginning to think maybe I won't find him at all, and that scares me to death."

"Dean." I take him by the shoulders. "Look at me. We will find your brother. We can contact Crowley and see if he can identify the demons in the video, I can send something across angel radio. We'll find him, you just have to have faith."

His eyes are sad as he nods, and I can sense his sudden discomfort with the scene. I can tell he wants to get out of here.

"I think we've seen everything we need to. Let's take a drive."


Dean P.O.V

I let Cas lead me out to Baby. I am starting to believe I wont see my brother again, It's just been so long since he was taken and we've had no leads. The thought of hunting without him hurts. A lot. The angel takes the keys from my pocket and unlocks the trunk. I hear a heavy thump as he drops my bag in the back.

I lean on car, staring out at the river behind the warehouse until I feel a hand on my arm.

"Dean?" I look over at Cas. "Drive. Anywhere, as long as you want. Until you feel better."

I nod, taking back the keys.

"Thank you. I just, I don't know."

He gives a small smile.

"I understand."

The doors of the impala creak as we get in. Her engine growls under the hood and I run my hands over the steering wheel. The sound alone eases some of my stress. We take off in the gravel parking lot and I swing out onto the deserted road.

I lose track of time as we drive, even without my classic rock tapes blaring my mind eventually clears, and my thoughts come back from that dark place. After about an hour of silence between us I turn to Cas.

"How are your wings?"

"Oh, they're fine. Just a little cramped but I'll be okay."

"There's a field just up ahead, do you want to stop to stretch?"

"If you don't mind." He looks down at his hands.

"Of course I don't mind. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"Thank you, Dean." He says in his low, gravely voice.

"No problem."

I pull off the road we ended up on and we get out of the car. It's warm, but there are grey clouds gathering that look suspiciously like rain. Hopefully we can get out of here before that, I really hate the rain. Cas unbuttons his shirt and stands there for a moment, to shy to ask me to hold his clothes again. He tosses them through the cars window and takes my hand.

He starts pulling me into the field.

"Uh, Cas? I don't really do long grass... There could be aliens here."

"There could be ghosts in our motel room and that doesn't seem to bother you."

I almost argue back by saying ghosts can't hurt you, but...

"I hate fields."

"I heard you the first time."

I look back to Baby, but we're in the middle of the grasslands.

"If it makes you feel any better, there aren't any aliens here. We are the only ones. Now turn around."

"Why did you bring me all the way out here with y-"

"Turn around."

"Alright." I say.

I turn to face the road where the impala is parked, the greying sky reflecting off the hood.

"Keep your eyes closed, okay?"

I take a deep breath, really hoping Cas is right about there being no little green men around. I shut my eyes and his wings unfurl.

A/N: Sorry about the last chapter, it could have been much better than I made it, but it was kind of a filler chapter and I am not a fan of filler chapters. I was thinking of rewriting it, but at the moment I'm to lazy. Meh. Maybe once I'm done the book I'll re-write it, we'll see.

Speaking of finishing up, I've actually never written the ending for anything (other than my crappy johnlock on my old account which I deleted it was so bad) but I am going to do my best with this one.

I know 70 reads isn't a lot compared to other stories but it's 70 more than I expected, so thanks for the votes and comments guys :)

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