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anastasia davis gets one of the biggest opportunities of her life as she gets to work at anoa'i incorporated... More



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as soon as the trial was over for the day, I went straight home to pack for japan. I was leaving tonight and I needed to go to osaka, where the goons were located. I was a bit nervous yet adventurous and excited to not only explore japan, but get the real evidence that I truly needed.

"this flight is about to be long as hell... my back is gonna be done by the time I land" I said.

"lucky for you, joe's private jet has reclining seats" jonathan told me.

"ugh I love him" I sighed in relief.

we were at the private airport that joe kept his private jet at. I was pretty much going to japan alone and as nerve wracking and lowkey dangerous that may sound, i'll be fine. the twins were showing me the way and giving me my information.

when I walked onto the jet, I was in such awe. joe really has bank cause this jet was beautiful.

"he has a couch too?!" I said in happiness.

"and a bed, although I don't think you wanna lay on it. the last time it was used joe and alana were fuck-" josh said.

"okay whatever I don't need or care to know" I quickly said.

"if you get hungry there's some snacks in the back" jonathan told me.

"i'm sending my ass to sleep" I told them.

"here's the envelope with all of the information for japan. it's the info on the goons alipate fucks with and what they doing this weekend" josh told me as he handed me the envelope.

it felt pretty thick so whatever was in there, it was some concrete shit.

"how did y'all get it?" I wondered.

"you ain't the only one being a detective around here" josh said. "but seriously, alipate was dumb enough to link his japan info on his work computer and phone. which are owned by anoa'i incorporated".

"good luck ana, it's a big risk going out there depending on who they fucking with" jonathan told me.

"I think I can handle it" I said.

"the time difference is gonna be crazy but just call or text if you need anything" he said.

"and if any shit goes down, let us know. we'll have our people get them, they got you. we got you" josh added.

"the way y'all and joe be talking... I be thinking that y'all in some gang or something" I chuckled.

"it's the bloodline thing ana" jonathan said.

"well thank you so much guys, and i'll call when I land" I told them.

"have a safe flight anastasia" josh said to me as he gave me a hug.

I gave one also to jonathan and they walked off the plane. once they were officially gone and out of the way, the plane flew off and now I was on the way to japan.

hours into the flight

after waking up from what was my sleep, I opened up the envelope with the information and started to read it.

so this fale guy, who also goes by "bad luck fale" is one of the most powerful men in japan. he is the ring leader of the group "bullet club", who are a powerful unite in japan. apparently alipate and tavita are apart of it too, whenever they get the chance to come to japan. the bullet club people run japan and they are so involved in counterfeit money. they even host parties where they scam out the rich and scam out their money even more. the rich just wants the pretty girls that go to the parties anyways, that they sell off.

apparently fale is a bad ass muthafucka and no one ever really fucks with him, because if you do, you will get fucked up, and then his people will fuck you up. so it just made me highly think to myself that I needed to really be careful.

tomorrow that bullet club group is gonna host a huge party at a casino that their main associate tanahashi owns. the twins were able to sneak me and get me invited on the system. I have to keep my cover though, so my cover name is supposed to be "sofia reigns".

sofia reigns, that got a cute ring to it. I have such a big task to do in japan woah. that casino party is gonna be something interesting.

I FINALLY landed in osaka and I couldn't be happier. mainly because now I can go to sleep, my jet lag is on some other shit. it was almost the next day in japan and I had no idea what time it was in florida.

so after checking the world clock on my iphone, I saw that it still the afternoon in florida so I decided to call the twins up.

"hello?" jonathan said on the phone.

"hey y'all, I just landed in japan. i'm on my way to the hotel" I told him.

"good how was the flight?" he asked me.

"i'm so tired. like I slept on the flight but I need to sleep on a real bed" I said. "y'all know that it's already about to be saturday over here? it's 11:43".

"damn you ain't even gonna have time in japan to do anything" josh added.

"well since you practically about to go to sleep, get to the hotel and call us back tomorrow.... over there" jonathan told me.

"it'll probably be so early over there though" I said.

"yeah this time difference is fucking us up" he chuckled. "just text if it's like 4AM or something".

"okay i'll catch y'all later" I said.


I got in the cab to go to the hotel. good thing I already know what i'm doing in japan.

going to sleep.

the next day

I can't believe that this casino party is really about to start. my nerves were on an all time high, I really had to be a whole secret agent for real. but if anything, if this is gonna get me my information, I have to do what I have to do.

after freshening up, putting on my makeup, and doing my hair, I put on my dress. a black satin mini dress with a nice v slit showing off my goods.

that fale guy won't even know what hit him. this dress honestly might be even better than the dress I wore in miami. it will definitely turn way more heads though.

with the slick back bun in my head and my makeup done, I was ready to go. it was 7:45 over here and this party started at eight. apparently the casino is in a far out location and it's hidden so these bullet club guys really ain't fucking around. but it definitely means that there will be some shit going on.

so the twins got me a ride to get to the party, and apparently this same guy will be there too. his name was nakamura and he's supposed to be picking me up and we're going together.

I went downstairs to see the car, he apparently has a red bugatti so that's what I was trying to look for.

and as I legit said that, a red bugatti pulled up in front of the hotel. I went outside to make sure that it was him, and it was!

he had on a red and black attire and rock music was blasting from his car. not even gonna lie, this dude looks like a japanese terrence howard.

"nakamura right?" I asked him.

he nodded his head yes and I sat in the passenger seat and he drove off.

the car ride was in silence for the most part. this nakamura guy had the music up pretty loud, although "are you ready" by ac/dc was blasting, and I liked the song.

"so.... how long have you known jonathan and joshua?" I asked him, trying to spark up a convo.

"two years" he simply said in a thick japanese accent.

i'm glad that he understands me.

"that's cool" I said back.

"nice dress" he said back.

"thank you" I smiled.

as I looked onto the cars' gps, I saw that we were getting closer and closer to the location. my heart was racing at this point, I can't believe I was really about to do this. 

in my mind, I was remembering that my undercover alias will be "sofia reigns". I had to truly be on my bad bitch shit to get what I need.

time to truly let "sofia" become my bad bitch alter ego.

we finally arrived at the secret location casino and suddenly, all the nerves and feelings that I was having before went away.

nakamura let me out of the car first and I headed in. the "secret location" of the casino took place under an abandoned office building. these men in black were at the door, guarding that shit like crazy.

they took a look at me, looked at me up and down and let me in. the boobs letting me through it seems.

walking into the casino, music was playing softly throughout and I saw multiple people everywhere. whether they were playing games, drinking, smoking cigars, the vibe just seemed so high.

looking around, I was trying to look for these bullet club people. so I walked down to the main floor to look around more. I could already tell that eyes were on me. they were probably all wondering who I was or just looking at my outfit. regardless, I kept my confidence on a high.

I found a bar in the casino so I went to get myself a drink.

but something that I should've done that I didn't do when I was coming here was learn how to speak japanese, cause now I don't know how to communicate with the bartender.

I found out what I wanted and I called over the bartender.

"um...." I said as I pointed to the cocktail that I wanted on the menu. "this?".

he nodded and started to make the drink. as I was waiting, I continued to look around to see if I was going to find fale and the bullet club. as I was looking around, I saw a bunch of people follow each other somewhere.

so I decided to be noisy and also follow.

the people lead me to this big casino table and it was a huge crowd of people. and that's when I saw him.

there he was. fale. he was sitting up in this chair, with a cigar in his mouth, a glass of burbon in his hand, and women all around him. this man truly looked like he was the baddest man around, especially with the way that he was able to summon half of the casino to come his way.

it looked like he was playing a classic game of blackjack with this one guy. the last couple chips were on the table and the tension between the two was high. this one was gonna be for all the marbles.

the man put down his cards, a ten diamond and.... a king. in total, he has twenty. then fale went, he put down his cards, and  had a A clover and a ten diamond, which is what you needed to win.

"full fucking house" fale said as everyone cheered.

fale slid in his chips and the man sucked in his pride and gave fale the money. I realized that his fellow bullet club members were around him, hyping and gassing him up. he was collecting up his millions.

or should I say "millions", because now I realize that that's what I need to get.

I remembered that I had a drink order on the way so I went back to the bar area to get my drink. I continued to walk around, scoping out any suspicious behavior. besides all of the gambling that was clearly going on.

I had no idea who exactly were the bullet club guys but it was all of these guys in black suits playing at the tables with all these white men. ladies were all around and the amount of money that I saw was crazy. and these "black suit guys" or should I say, men in black were winning.

I guess I found the bullet club.

also that cocktail drink that I had was making my bladder go up, meaning that I have to pee. so I went to the bathroom to handle my business.

"there you are" a voice said as I walked out of the bathroom.

I turned around and saw that it was fale. fale was really speaking to me right now. my heart was racing, at the fact that he was talking to me AND the fact that I was getting closer.

"um.... hi" I said.

"I saw you watching me at the table" he said. "I had to see who you were, don't think i've ever seen you before".

"how did you see me in that huge crowd of people?" I wondered, genuinely.

"you stood out to me the most" he told me. "your presence, elegance, beauty".

"thank you" I said.

god men are such flirts.

"what's your name?" he asked me.

"sofia" I told him. "sofia reigns".

"sofia... beautiful name just like you" he said as he grabbed my hand and rubbed it.

"how about you hang out with me tonight, i'll show you a real party".

".... sure" I said.

joe is really lucky that I love him so much.

fale brought me out to the casino table where all of his bullet club friends were. they were all gawking at me while I was so fixated at the money that was on the table.

"alright muthafuckas, this is sofia. keep it cool and cordial around here eh?" he said to his people.

"she's a pretty one fale...." this one dude said as he walked over to me. "can I have her?".

"no cause she mine fergal" fale smirked as he grabbed my waist. "get your own".

"let's have a great night".

I just looked at him and he continued off his festivities. I spotted nakamura from a mile away and he looked at me and winked. I winked back.

let the games truly begin.

later on in the party

not even gonna lie, these bullet club guys sure know how to party. some of them are actually pretty funny and they were actually nice to me. but besides that point, that truly didn't matter, because I had a job to do.

also... the japanese food here is amazing. besides sushi, everything else was so good.

fale and the guys were still winning more money and anytime they did, some guy in shades would go off somewhere with the money. he would leave for a couple minutes and then come back. so I need to get to wherever he was going.

"hey fale" I said to him. "how about we go into the back".

"you speaking my language mamas" he smirked as he held me tight.

"aye fellas! sofia and I are gonna head into the back.... stay out and run that money".

I felt him softly grab my ass which startled me a bit. I slowly slid his hand to be on my waist rather than my ass.

we made to this back room that had purple lights. there was a chair and a couch in there, and a bunch of drawers. I could sense the vibe from here, and the fact that there was a whole gun on top of the dresser was crazy to me.

fale sat on the couch and I sat on top of him, sitting right on his crotch. his hands landed on my ass yet again and I wrapped my arms around his neck. in order to get some answers out of him, or get to the money, I have to seduce him.

"you're so fucking fine sofia" fale told me as he started to rub on my ass. "the finest woman i've ever seen".

"mhm i've heard that a lot" I said, trying to play with him.

"but you probably heard it from a bunch of broke ass clowns. they ain't got it like me. I got the money and the dick to make you feel good" he said back.

"and I know that's what you want".

"that's a good deal" I smirked.

shit... in real life I am getting that.

fale's hand went from my ass to up the slit in my dress. I felt him rub my inner thigh and it was nearing my clit.

"so... when you gonna let me in that pretty little thing of yours?" he asked me.

"right now" I said, even though I was totally lying.

he had a huge grin on his face and then he started to kiss on my neck. to continue up the games that were being played, I started to grind on him which made him get hard real fast. it was pretty silent. I was just trying to do my job to get this information meanwhile he was really into it.

but before anything could truly happen, like me kissing this dude, this japanese guy barged in the room with a startled look on his face. I wanted to know what was going on, and I was pretty glad that he interrupted us.

"what the FUCK do you want tanahashi?!" fale exclaimed as he was pissed off that he interrupted us.


"fale. harris won't give the money up. he's trying to leave" tanahashi said in a thick japanese accent.

"why didn't y'all handle it?! damnit!" fale groaned. "I gotta handle everything for you children I swear".

"sofia just hold on, we'll continue when I get back".

fale and tanahashi left the room and as soon as the door closed, I rushed to the drawers and went through them all. they all had money in japanese AND american currency but the last drawer really caught my eye.

it was a whole bunch of money in it, and there was a whole ass briefcase at the bottom. I opened the briefcase and it was so much money in it. like it looked like millions.

in the inside of the briefcase, I saw a notecard in it that caught me offguard a bit. it read,

"tama tonga
five million dollars
the bullet club".

at first I was confused by who in the hell was tama tonga. but then I remembered that "tama tonga" is alipate's fake name for japan and the bullet club.

tama is alipate. this money is going to alipate.

I had alipate's counterfeit money proof in my hands.

I heard a glass being thrown so I needed to hurry up before he came back in. I took the briefcase out of the drawer but I still needed to get out of the building.

I saw that there was a back door in the back room so as I was trying to make a dash for it, the door opened up again and it was fale and the bullet club members.


"what the fuck are you doing?!" fale yelled out. "put that down!".

I slid over to the drawer slowly to make it seem like I was gonna put it back but as soon as I was close, I grabbed the gun that was on the drawer and put it up at them.

"what the hell fale! this bitch is crazy!" one of the bullet club guys said.

"let me take the money, and nothing will happen" I said as I had the gun pointed at all of them.

"nah bitch hand over the fucking briefcase!" fale shouted out. "you gonna try fuck me and rob me bitch! like you some fucking black widow bitch?!".

"call me a bitch again and imma show you what a real black widow acts like" I said as I was getting closer to shooting him.

"put that goddamn briefcase down" he yelled out again.

I refused.

"look sofia bitch. imma give you three seconds to put down that briefcase. if you don't, i'm taking that gun and shooting your pretty ass up. and pretty girls don't deserve to die, but you will if you keep the bullshit up" fale told me.

I didn't say a word, keeping the gun in my hands and the briefcase on me. not gonna lie, that threat he made was a little tempting but, i'm not letting my guard down. not at all.

"three... two... one".

I didn't do it and fale ran over to me and as soon as he did, I dropped the gun on the floor and it fired out. it startled up everyone and I ran off eight the briefcase through the back door.

when I made it outside, luckily nakamura was outside waiting for me. thank god that he was onto everything.

"drive! drive!" I yelled out.

I saw fale and them coming out with guns in their hands and nakamura sped down the street. they were shooting at the car and even some got in cars. nakamura was speeding as fast as he could meanwhile gunshots were ringing through the streets.

my heart was literally racing. I was in a wild goose chase in japan with gang money laundering members in a red bugatti with a man I just met.

life is fucking crazy.

they were on our tail as nakamura was getting me outta there. I felt like they were getting closer to us and I was getting more nervous for my life.

but we saw that police were coming up on one of the roads and nakamura decided to slow down. I was so nervous cause I thought they were gonna get us, bullet club and the cops. but nakamura calmly turned the corner meanwhile the bullet club were speeding down the streets with guns in their hands.

and the cops stopped them.

I heard the cop car sirens blaring and I was relieved that they were stopped.

"thank you nakamura. so much" I said to him.

"you stay with me in my guest room tonight. just to be safe" nakamura said.

"of course. I need to get my stuff though" I told him.

he nodded and eventually we went back to the hotel to get my stuff and then back to nakamura's house.

I put on my pajamas and immediately went to sleep. I was relieved that I was safe and that I was going home tomorrow to avoid any more life risks.

but most of all, I was going to sleep knowing that I had the key to getting joe out of jail.

and that was the best feeling ever.

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