Ben 10 the Justice Leaguer

By Treespring

398K 8.7K 1.1K

Ben tennyson, saviour of the universe billions of times, stopped the universe from getting destroyed, and sta... More

Woopie for dimensional portals
Should I Get you guys therapists?
Hero time!
Dang it! I Had One Job!
Batman is soooo close
Darkseids Invasion
Justice League Members Confuse Me
Fighting out front
Batman is always right
Decisions one must make
Gorilla Godd Meets Ben...Breifly
Gotta Be Sneaky
Ben is Sneaky
An Ally in Need
Visiting a Hero
When One Has to Multiply
Killing People Ain't Cool
Stake Outs Never Go as Planned
Alfred's God Level Cookies
A Robin and A Teen
Unexpected Visitor
Where Theres Trouble, Theres Ben
The Injustice League Arrives at Last or Not
The Injustice League Part 1
The Injustice League Part 2
The Injustice League Part 3
The Injustice League Part 4
Then There Was One
Surprise Attack
Dire Situations
Green Lantern Corps meet Ben
Evil Never Rests
Something Familiar
No Way Out
Things Get Messier
Always Trust Ben
A New Buddy
A New Buddy - part 2
A New Buddy - part 3
the Beggining of Chaos
Joining the Fun
This was NOT a Vacation
A Promise Kept
Gwen, Kevin, and Rook's Days

This is SO FUN

26.1K 433 154
By Treespring

       On a world ravaged by winged humans, that look like human chicken strangely. A blue vortex-like portal opens in a random alley in Metropolis, where a boy -wearing a white hoodie with green stripes on the side, brown pants and sneakers, while on his left hand holds a watch like device that can't seem to tell time- exits the portal and looks around with curious eyes at his new surroundings.

       " This. Is. So. Cool. " Ben states excited at his new discovery. " I am so going to rub it in Kevin's face when I get back home. " he speaks again as a strolls out of the alleyway and onto the street. Only to see chicken like humans carrying blasters that look like guns, roaming the area in large numbers while the humans cower and hide in fear of them. " Nevermind. I take that back. " he says the moment he observes his surroundings once more for a better hold of the situation.

        Slowly backtracking into the alley he left, he turns his attention to his omnitrix and activates it, scrolling through his aliens to see what to use.

        Out of nowhere, a hologram of Azmuth appears, giving the young hero a fright. " Azmuth?! What are you doing here?! " The hologram of Azmuth, rolls his eyes and speaks to the boy, " Relax young Tennyson, I am but a mere AI of the original here to aid you on your adventures in this new dimension. " Nodding his head as an indication that he understood what the AI had just said, he speaks once more. " So, any idea on where the good guys are? Considering the fact that there are evil humans with wings strolling through the city with lethal weapons, I'm guessing the good guys are down for the count, or they dont exist. " The boy states while the AI begins its search.

       " I'd suggest you take a look at the biggest ship. It is possible for prisoners to be on board and held against their will while the bad guys take over the world. " Eyes widening, the boy looks up into the sky, and back to his watch again scrolling through his aliens to find the right alien to do the job. " It's Hero Time! " he exclaims as his hand slams onto the watch.

        A bright flash of green lights envelops the dark alleyway and disappears a moment later, where the boy stands is now a blue moth like alien, colder than ice floating from the floor. " Big Chill! " it whisper shouts as it turns intangible and flies up to the mothership.

        On board the mothership, in the dungeon basement level. Holds cells of varying degrees, as a group of heroes are held against their will.

       As Big Chill enters the ship, he starts to explore the vast alien contraption curious of what it has. After all, the closest he has been to a alien ship hell bent on destroying the world was vilgax. Though his decor was more on the ' I'll abduct you and plant eggs Into you ' kind of thing.

      " This is soooooo cooooool.. " The alien whispers out as he explores the ship even more. However, he stops In his tracks the moment he stumbles upon a group of people in cell like cages. " At least I found the heroes, or not. " he reassures himself by floating up to one of the prisoners to get a closer look. Upon a closer look, he sees a man in all black, looking like a bat, chained to the wall moving around as if he was attempting to break free of his confines. 

       Curious at what the bat-dressed man was doing, he flies up to the man and speaks once he becomes tangible again. " Watcha doing? " He asks to creepily for his liking. The man turns his head to look at the blue alien, white eyes slightly widened before going back to their normal sizes again, speaks warily " Escaping. "

       " Want me to help? " The hero asks. Slightly confused as to why the blue moth alien is offering help to him, he still accepts it nonetheless. " Get ready then " Big chill states as he flies back a bit to fire at the chains.

        Taking a breath, he blows onto the chains, freezing them into solid ice which makes it easier to break. Once frozen, Big Chill kicks at the chains and in doing so, successfully breaks them. Now free of his containment, the man stands up from the floor he dropped on and walks out his cell and heads to the others to free them.

        " What are you? " The woman tied by a golden glowing lasso asks Big chill. Shrugging his shoulders he states in his whisper-like voice, " An adventurer of sorts. " Though it did not help ease the tension of the heroes one bit.

         Once all the heroes were free, they regrouped, about to start their jailbreak only to be stopped by Flash turning around and staring at the ice alien, " Are you going to join us? " Replying back Big chill states, " I'm cool, I'll meet you guys down there. " As said, he becomes intangible and flies down back to the ground. " Oopssss almosst forgot. " He pauses, flying back up to the mothership again, but this time heading to the control room.

      Entering the control room full of bird people, Big chill floats toward the surveillance camera observation area and goes through the circuits freezing the tech in the process and effectively frying it.

       " That's better." The hero says, flying back to the ground while the bird men are in a state of utter panic because of the mysterious cold.

        Reaching the ground, Big Chill looks around expecting to see the colourful group of people he presumed was superheroes. Figuring that being a giant blue ice powered alien was not the best choice for going stealth, he heads into a random alleyway as he awaits the heroes.

        Now hidden from any prying eyes, the hero turns it's head into the direction of the symbol on it's chest and turns the dial on it to switch forms. Sifting through some forms, he's finally satisfied with what he found and slams his hand on the omnitrix symbol again.

        Once more, a flash of bright green covers the dark alley. Now instead of where the blue alien stood, a flaming ball of fire stood where it was. " Great, just what I need right now. Heatblast, a flaming guy which screams ' target ' is the alien I need when I need to go stealth mode. " He says sarcastically, with a raspy like voice.

        Not longer than a minute did the group of colourful heroes finally touch ground. But instead of looking at the ice cold moth like creature, their met face to face with the exact opposite. A flaming hot creature on literal fire. " Hi " he greets to them with a small wave of his hand.

        " Where's the ice guy? " The man in blue and red asks Heatblast. " Oh him? He had something else to do, so he left you guys to my capable hot hands. " Still skeptical the man in black and grey speaks up, " What happened to make your friend go away? " rolling his fire eyes, Heatblast states, " I don't know, his a busy guy alright. " Knowing they wouldn't get anything else out of him, the colourful group of heroes left it at that.

        " Attention humans of earth, the ' Justice League ' has escaped their detaining cells and are now back on ground. For the good of the earth, we suggest you capture them and bring them to us, or face the consequences." The announcement caused the group of ' Justice leaguers ' to turn their attention to the streets outside the alley. Now that the announcement was made, everyone would be searching for them and most likely, kill them.

         Heatblast, sensing the situation to have become dire, speaks " So, you guys got a plan? " the Justice league turns to face him and the man clad in black speaks again, " If their after us, we better get a move on before they catch us. "

         Moving around Metropolis, the group finds cover in an abandoned clothing shop to hide in for the time being. " Okay......Now what? " Heatblast asks again. " Everyone is looking for us. " the woman states, " But not our counterparts. " The alien man states, " Wait, how have I not noticed your were an alien until now? " Heatblast interrupts their thoughts to ask. Everyone looks at him, giving him a questioning look " Nevermind, carry on. " He states as he slowly backtracks to the back of the store away from them.

       " Should I change back into human form Azmuth? " Heatblast speaks to the symbol on his chest the second he's in the clear. " I suggest you don't do it young Tennyson. It is unsafe for that course of action, I reccomend you to just change your form into ghostfreak or feedback " Right, he forgot about the master control function.

       Pressing the dial again he shifts through the aliens, he stops at the alien he wants to change into and slams his hand down on the symbol again.

       In the storeroom, a blinding flash of green appears and feedback now stands in the place of heatblast. " Thank you for giving me feedback omnitrix. " The hero then walks out and heads back to where the group of colours was.

       The Justice league had now replaced their colourful costumes with civilian clothes, and what Ben assumed to be their real identities, except the alien guy.

       The group noticing that heatblast had returned turned to face him. " Okay......mind telling us where the flaming guy went? " The guy with glasses asks, Feedback guessing that the guy with glasses was the blue and red dude replied " He was called for some important business, I'm here to help you guys. By the way, I have no clue what your names are. " Feedback states to them. Realising it was uncalled for he speaks again " Not that I care or anything, but it would be weird for me to call you guys, princess lady, captain brood, ketchup guy, floating green guy, alien man, and red and blue underwear guy. " It was more like he was reassuring himself if not anything. But it did help the group of rainbow coloured heroes now civilian to relax somewhat.

       " Barry Allen, Diana, Clark Kent, Martian, John Stewart and Bruce Wayne. " The now recognised Bruce Wayne states while pointing to the respective people.

       " And you are? " Barry Allen asks as he puts a hand up to feedback as a gesture of a hand shake. " Confidential, no seriously it is. I'm not really allowed to say it. " Feedback mumbles the last part very quietly to himself, Clark Kent however, heard it but decided it best not to say anything about it at least until the war was over.

       Now that they were all ready, they prepared themselves to leave the area and wondered where to meet up. " Meet up and regroup back at my house, we'll have more time there to organise ourselves again. " Bruce says as he looks out the window. " One problem, our friend here won't know how to get in. " John speaks as he points to feedback at the entrance doors. " It's cool, I'll get there by myself. " ' That and I dont really want to be with captain Brood the whole way there. ' " Have fun! " Once said, he pushes the doors open and heads out into the street.

         Feedback was running on top of rooftops of buildings, having a swell time taking in the sites of the city. Minus all the fire and smoke every few blocks, but at least no one was getting hurt. " I am so going to rub it in Kevin's face that I came here. " He says nonchalantly as he jump flips onto the next rooftop.

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