I'm still Badass

By wolfandphoenix

269K 6.7K 584

After walking into a diner, Gabriel once again find his mate. But there is a problem, Sam remembers nothing o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 13

7.7K 215 7
By wolfandphoenix

It was ball time.

Sam stood in front of a floor-length mirror gazing at her outfit, she was mesmerised. The material hugged her skin perfectly at the waist before puffing out all the way to the ground. Even though she had tried it on at the store, it still amazes her. The fact that such an exquisite dress was even in the same room as her, never minds kissing her pale skin.

 Her make-up was perfectly flawless, her eyes shaded white with crystal-like glitter and black eyeliner flicked out. Her cheeks bronzed light and eyebrows shaped with a soft arch. Her full lips painted a rose red with a highlighter powered over the top of her cupid's bow. Her long brown hair had been curled in large loose spirals before being pulled into a half up half down look. A few stray curls fell over her face. Around her neck a necklace made of diamonds that shone brightly under the light of the room. Gleaming diamond earrings dangled from her earlobes matching perfectly with her necklace. Her heeled shoes were coated in a layer of silver glitter.

"Sam," Gabriel called from the door to her room. He walked in and looked up just as Sam turned to face him. His heart stood to a still in his chest when his gaze caught sight of the vision before him. Never had he seen such beauty before until this moment. His words caught in the middle of his throat, unable to push any further. 

"Are you okay?" Sam asked him walking forward towards Gabriel. He blinked several times and cleared his throat. He fixed his black suit jacket and then the collar of his white shirt. 

"Yes, sorry." He spoke deeply still trying to get his vocal cords to work on cue. "You look out of this world. Really, there just are no words even remotely worth using." 

"Gabriel, please," Sam said with a slight blush on her cheeks, it was just visible through her makeup. Gabriel just chuckled softly shaking his head and walking over to her he took her hands and placed a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Let me see," He motioned for her to give him a twirl. Sam followed suit and slowly turned in a circle. Her dress twisted around with her in a graceful liquid movement. But that's not what caught Gabriel's attention. "Stop, turn back around." 

"What?" Sam asked confused at the request. 

"Please just, let me see your back," Gabriel spoke like he was trying to keep calm. Sam followed his request and turned around to show him her back. His hands reached up to her bare shoulders and pushed her curly hair over her shoulder. 

"What is it?" Sam asked as she felt the tips of his fingers brush over certain areas on her shoulder blades. 

"Your tattoo, a cherry blossom tree and sparrows."

"I must have gotten it before my memories were lost," Sam muttered as she tried to control her mind and emotions at his seductive touch. The goosebumps lifted every single hair on her body causing streams of shivers vibrating down her spin. It was then Gabriel's mind flashed back in time to when he and Sam sat talking about tattoos and what they wanted in the future. 

"You also have 'JRRT' on the left ribcage enclosed in an oval." 

"How do you know that?" Sam asked him just seeming to get more and more confused. Gabriel turned her back around to face him before taking both her hands in his again and giving them a tight squeeze. He then manoeuvred her so that her hand was now interlocked through his arm.

"I will explain later. For now," Gabriel spoke as he walked towards the door, "Let's enjoy the ball."

"Alright," Sam whispered before placing her other hand on his bicep. Gabriel took the lead guiding them to a small fleet of black SUVs. Gabriel opened the back door to the back SUV, which was also the largest and helped Sam in. Inside the SUV was cream leather seats, four to be exact facing each other with a space in the middle. Sam's large dress took up quite a bit of the space but left just enough room for Gabriel to fit in the seat next to her.

"Are you ready?" He asked her softly as she nodded and the Car drove off to the ball. "Do you remember everything I told you?"

"Yes, when you do the introductions I put my hand out and the man will go from there. All but the man named Lorenzo, to him a dip a little."

"Yes, I know it sounds strange but he is royalty." Gabriel smiled at Sam, he took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze. Sam returned the gesture.

"It's fine, I understand. I'm more worried about the dancing if I'm being completely honest." Sam laughed fully and Gabriel joined in.

"Don't worry your gorgeous face about that. I will take the lead."

"Good, because if I was allowed to tale the lead we would look like two fish out of water." Sam laughed with him again. The car journey lasted around thirty minutes before they pulled into a large castle-like building. The stone walls were light up by lights shining up from the ground. The gravel driveway crunched under the weight of the cars. When they pulled to a stop, the door to the SUV was opened by a footman. Gabriel disembarked first before waiting for Sam, who was assisted by the footman.

Once they were out, the door was closed and the cars drove off. Gabriel offered Sam his arm, which she took before the walked over the carpeted gravel and towards the stone stairs up to the main door. You could hear the music coming from inside the castle and it filled Sam with nerves. Gabriel and Sam walked behind the group they travelled with to a set of large double doors. When they reached them they opened and the first couple walked in, their names were announced with a title at the beginning but Sam didn't pay attention as her nerves began to get the better of her.

And before she knew it, it was her turn.

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