The Meet (✅ #2 EDITING) (6/12...

By ercawivi

134K 8.2K 1.3K

Description in Chap. 1 More

📜 Copyright & Introduction to The Meet🌷
1. The Meet
2. Secrets
3. Confession part 1
4. Confession part 2
5. Conversation
6. London
7. Dinner
8. explosion
9. Chaos
10. The explanation part 1
11. The explanation part 2
12. The past
13. Talking to Huma
(Author's note)
14. Author's note- New characters
15. Clarification
Author's note
16. (🙈Sneak Peek 🙈)
17. Memory
18. Author's note: more characters
19. Girls talk
20. News
21. Frustration
Author's note
22. Gay or not gay?
23. I'm not gay!
24. (🙈Sneak Peek 🙈)
25. I won't give up
26. Surprise!
Author's note
27. "I'll make it up to you."
28. "Your going to be the death of me"
Author's note
author's note-2
29. "I can't do this anymore!"
30. The best is yet to come (The end)
One last❓to my readers (4/5/20)

(Author's note part 2)

2.4K 134 32
By ercawivi

Hello everyone, first I want to apologise because I said I was going to post everything by Sunday. It was almost impossible for me to update all my stores by Sunday. I was only able to do 1 and than on Monday I updated 2 more. But I just haven't had a change to edit the rest. 😵

My daughter is asthmatic and she ended up with a really bad asthma attack 😬 on Friday, I had to call 911 and we had to stay in the hospital till Saturday afternoon.

My oldest son is Autistic, his completely non verbal and it's hard when he has a meltdown, so this weekend he had a few. My idea was to get the kids ready for bed and edit the stories, but every night my son had meltdowns and he wasn't going to sleep around 12 or 1 am, 😞 and I had to wake up at 6 to get him ready for school, get my daughter ready for school and get myself ready for the day. 😊

My husband who is in the military is not home at the moment. Even though he almost came home because of our daughter, but since the doctor's said she was going to be ok, he had to stay where he is at.

And last but not least I have to work. 😵

I will try to edit everything that I have left, and do posting by this weekend. But I am so sorry if I don't. I am trying, life was easier during the summer, but than school started and work got harder, and my husband had to leave. 😵🙈😬

💖Thank you everyone, I appreciate it! 💖

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